文件: Dungeon.cs 项目: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculate the players FOV. Subsequent accesses to the TCODMap of the player's level will have his FOV
        /// Note that the maps may get hijacked by other creatures
        /// </summary>
        internal void CalculatePlayerFOV()
            //Get TCOD to calculate the player's FOV
            Map currentMap = levels[Player.LocationLevel];

            TCODFov tcodFOV = levelTCODMaps[Player.LocationLevel];

            tcodFOV.CalculateFOV(Player.LocationMap.x, Player.LocationMap.y, Player.SightRadius);

            //Set the FOV flags on the map
            //Process the whole level, which effectively resets out-of-FOV areas

            for (int i = 0; i < currentMap.width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < currentMap.height; j++)
                    MapSquare thisSquare = currentMap.mapSquares[i, j];
                    thisSquare.InPlayerFOV = tcodFOV.CheckTileFOV(i, j);
                    //Set 'has ever been seen flag' if appropriate
                    if (thisSquare.InPlayerFOV == true)
                        thisSquare.SeenByPlayer = true;
        private static void PaintFOVTest(RootConsole console, int x, int y, TCODFov fov)
            fov.CalculateFOV(x, y, 3, false, FovAlgorithm.Basic);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)     //width
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) //height
                    if (room[j, i] == '.')
                        if (fov.CheckTileFOV(i, j))
                            console.PutChar(i, j, '.');
                            console.PutChar(i, j, '~');
                        console.PutChar(i, j, '#');
            console.PutChar(x, y, '@');
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the Simple AI actions
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProcessTurn()
            //If in pursuit state, continue to pursue enemy until it is dead (or creature itself is killed) [no FOV used after initial target selected]

            //If in randomWalk state, look for new enemies in FOV.
            //Closest enemy becomes new target

            //If no targets, move randomly

            Random rand = Game.Random;

            if (AIState == SimpleAIStates.Pursuit)
                //Pursuit state, continue chasing and attacking target

                //Is target yet living?
                if (currentTarget.Alive == false)
                    //If not, go to non-chase state
                    AIState = SimpleAIStates.RandomWalk;
                //Is target on another level (i.e. has escaped down the stairs)
                else if (currentTarget.LocationLevel != this.LocationLevel)
                    AIState = SimpleAIStates.RandomWalk;
                    //Otherwise continue to chase


            if (AIState == SimpleAIStates.RandomWalk)
                //RandomWalk state

                //Search an area of sightRadius on either side for creatures and check they are in the FOV

                Map currentMap = Game.Dungeon.Levels[LocationLevel];

                //Get the FOV from Dungeon (this also updates the map creature FOV state)
                TCODFov currentFOV = Game.Dungeon.CalculateCreatureFOV(this);
                //currentFOV.CalculateFOV(LocationMap.x, LocationMap.y, SightRadius);

                //Check for other creatures within this creature's FOV

                int xl = LocationMap.x - SightRadius;
                int xr = LocationMap.x + SightRadius;

                int yt = LocationMap.y - SightRadius;
                int yb = LocationMap.y + SightRadius;

                //If sight is infinite, check all the map
                if (SightRadius == 0)
                    xl = 0;
                    xr = currentMap.width;
                    yt = 0;
                    yb = currentMap.height;

                if (xl < 0)
                    xl = 0;
                if (xr >= currentMap.width)
                    xr = currentMap.width - 1;
                if (yt < 0)
                    yt = 0;
                if (yb >= currentMap.height)
                    yb = currentMap.height - 1;

                //List will contain monsters & player
                List <Creature> creaturesInFOV = new List <Creature>();

                foreach (Monster monster in Game.Dungeon.Monsters)
                    //Same monster
                    if (monster == this)

                    //Not on the same level
                    if (monster.LocationLevel != this.LocationLevel)

                    //Not in FOV
                    if (!currentFOV.CheckTileFOV(monster.LocationMap.x, monster.LocationMap.y))

                    //Otherwise add to list of possible targets

                    LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug(this.Representation + " spots " + monster.Representation, LogDebugLevel.Medium);

                //Check PC
                if (Game.Dungeon.Player.LocationLevel == this.LocationLevel)
                    if (currentFOV.CheckTileFOV(Game.Dungeon.Player.LocationMap.x, Game.Dungeon.Player.LocationMap.y))
                        LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug(this.Representation + " spots " + Game.Dungeon.Player.Representation, LogDebugLevel.Medium);

                //If there are possible targets, find the closest and chase it
                //Otherwise continue to move randomly

                if (creaturesInFOV.Count > 0)
                    //Find the closest creature
                    Creature closestCreature = null;
                    double   closestDistance = Double.MaxValue; //a long way

                    foreach (Creature creature in creaturesInFOV)
                        double distanceSq = Math.Pow(creature.LocationMap.x - this.LocationMap.x, 2) +
                                            Math.Pow(creature.LocationMap.y - this.LocationMap.y, 2);

                        double distance = Math.Sqrt(distanceSq);

                        if (distance < closestDistance)
                            closestDistance = distance;
                            closestCreature = creature;

                    //Start chasing this creature
                    LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug(this.Representation + " chases " + closestCreature.Representation, LogDebugLevel.Medium);
                    //Move randomly. If we walk into something attack it, but it does not become a new target

                    int direction = rand.Next(9);

                    int moveX = 0;
                    int moveY = 0;

                    moveX = direction / 3 - 1;
                    moveY = direction % 3 - 1;

                    //If we're not moving quit at this point, otherwise the target square will be the one we're in
                    if (moveX == 0 && moveY == 0)

                    //Check this is a valid move
                    bool  validMove   = false;
                    Point newLocation = new Point(LocationMap.x + moveX, LocationMap.y + moveY);

                    validMove = Game.Dungeon.MapSquareCanBeEntered(LocationLevel, newLocation);

                    //Give up if this is not a valid move
                    if (!validMove)

                    //Check if the square is occupied by a PC or monster
                    SquareContents contents           = Game.Dungeon.MapSquareContents(LocationLevel, newLocation);
                    bool           okToMoveIntoSquare = false;

                    if (contents.empty)
                        okToMoveIntoSquare = true;

                    if (contents.player != null)
                        //Attack the player
                        CombatResults result = AttackPlayer(contents.player);

                        if (result == CombatResults.DefenderDied)
                            //Bad news for the player here!
                            okToMoveIntoSquare = true;

                    if (contents.monster != null)
                        //Attack the monster
                        CombatResults result = AttackMonster(contents.monster);

                        if (result == CombatResults.DefenderDied)
                            okToMoveIntoSquare = true;

                    //Move if allowed
                    if (okToMoveIntoSquare)
                        LocationMap = newLocation;
文件: Dungeon.cs 项目: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the creature FOV on the map. Note that this clobbers the FOV map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creature"></param>
        public void ShowCreatureFOVOnMap(Creature creature)
            //Only do this if the creature is on a visible level
            if (creature.LocationLevel != Player.LocationLevel)

            Map     currentMap = levels[creature.LocationLevel];
            TCODFov tcodFOV    = levelTCODMaps[creature.LocationLevel];

            //Calculate FOV
            tcodFOV.CalculateFOV(creature.LocationMap.x, creature.LocationMap.y, creature.SightRadius);

            //Only check sightRadius around the creature

            int xl = creature.LocationMap.x - creature.SightRadius;
            int xr = creature.LocationMap.x + creature.SightRadius;

            int yt = creature.LocationMap.y - creature.SightRadius;
            int yb = creature.LocationMap.y + creature.SightRadius;

            //If sight is infinite, check all the map
            if (creature.SightRadius == 0)
                xl = 0;
                xr = currentMap.width;
                yt = 0;
                yb = currentMap.height;

            if (xl < 0)
                xl = 0;
            if (xr >= currentMap.width)
                xr = currentMap.width - 1;
            if (yt < 0)
                yt = 0;
            if (yb >= currentMap.height)
                yb = currentMap.height - 1;

            for (int i = xl; i <= xr; i++)
                for (int j = yt; j <= yb; j++)
                    MapSquare thisSquare = currentMap.mapSquares[i, j];
                    bool      inFOV      = tcodFOV.CheckTileFOV(i, j);
                    if (inFOV)
                        thisSquare.InMonsterFOV = true;