protected void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ErrorString = ""; if (!SystemSet.IsNatural_Number(TxSubNum.Text) && TxSubNum.Text == "") { ErrorString += "分包合約編號請填英文+數字!!!!\\n"; } if (TxSubName.Text == "") { ErrorString += "分包合約名稱請填入!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsDate1(TxBookInTime.Text) || TxBookInTime.Text =="") //{ // ErrorString += "預定進場日期請填日期!!!!\\n"; //} // if (DDL_ContractType.SelectedValue=="0") //{ // ErrorString += "合約種類請選擇!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxSubmitPercent.Text) && TxSubmitPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "出廠證明提送請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRequestNum.Text) && TxRequestNum.Text != "") { ErrorString += "請款次數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (TxRequestDate.Text == "" && TxRequestDate.Text != "") { ErrorString += "請款日請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPayDate.Text) && TxPayDate.Text != "") { ErrorString += "付款日請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (RadioButton1.Checked == true) { if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPType1.Text) || TxPType1.Text == "") { ErrorString += "逾罰請填數字!!!!\\n"; } } if (RadioButton2.Checked) { if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPType2.Text) || TxPType2.Text == "") { ErrorString += "逾罰請填數字!!!!\\n"; } } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyYear.Text) && TxWarrantyYear.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固年限請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxTaxPercent.Text) && TxTaxPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "稅額百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayPercent.Text) && TxPrepayPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayCash.Text) && TxPrepayCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayCheckDay.Text) && TxPrepayCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxFundCash.Text) && TxFundCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "工程款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxFundCheckDay.Text) || TxFundCheckDay.Text == "") //{ // ErrorString += "工程款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionPercent.Text) && TxRetentionPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionCash.Text) && TxRetentionCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionCheckDay.Text) && TxRetentionCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyPercent.Text) && TxWarrantyPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyCash.Text) && TxWarrantyCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyCheckDay.Text) && TxWarrantyCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (ErrorString == "") { string database = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString(); bool result = WebModel.EditAction_Anyid(database, "SubContract_Main", "SCID", SCID.Text, GetDataBox()); //bool edit = WebModel.EditAction(database, "SubRFQ_Firm", LbSBID.Text, GetDataBox()); if (result) { Response.Write("<script>alert('已存檔!!');</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('存檔失敗!!');</script>"); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert('" + ErrorString + "');", true); } }
protected void BtnAddSubC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //bool SubNum = SystemSet.IsNumberLetter(TxSubNum.Text); string ErrorString = ""; string Update = ""; if (!SystemSet.IsNatural_Number(TxSubNum.Text) && TxSubNum.Text == "") { ErrorString += "分包合約編號請填英文+數字!!!!\\n"; } if (TxSubName.Text == "") { ErrorString += "分包合約名稱請填入!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsDate1(TxBookInTime.Text) || TxBookInTime.Text =="") //{ // ErrorString += "預定進場日期請填日期!!!!\\n"; //} // if (DDL_ContractType.SelectedValue=="0") //{ // ErrorString += "合約種類請選擇!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxSubmitPercent.Text) && TxSubmitPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "出廠證明提送請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRequestNum.Text) && TxRequestNum.Text != "") { ErrorString += "請款次數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (TxRequestDate.Text == "" && TxRequestDate.Text != "") { ErrorString += "請款日請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPayDate.Text) && TxPayDate.Text != "") { ErrorString += "付款日請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (RadioButton1.Checked == true) { if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPType1.Text) || TxPType1.Text == "") { ErrorString += "逾罰請填數字!!!!\\n"; } } if (RadioButton2.Checked) { if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPType2.Text) || TxPType2.Text == "") { ErrorString += "逾罰請填數字!!!!\\n"; } } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyYear.Text) && TxWarrantyYear.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固年限請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxTaxPercent.Text) && TxTaxPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "稅額百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayPercent.Text) && TxPrepayPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayCash.Text) && TxPrepayCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayCheck.Text) || TxPrepayCheck.Text == "") //{ // ErrorString += "預付款期票百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxPrepayCheckDay.Text) && TxPrepayCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "預付款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxFundCash.Text) && TxFundCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "工程款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxFundCheckDay.Text) || TxFundCheckDay.Text == "") //{ // ErrorString += "工程款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionPercent.Text) && TxRetentionPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionCash.Text) && TxRetentionCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionCheck.Text) || TxRetentionCheck.Text == "") //{ // ErrorString += "保留款期票百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxRetentionCheckDay.Text) && TxRetentionCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保留款期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyPercent.Text) && TxWarrantyPercent.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyCash.Text) && TxWarrantyCash.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金現金百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; } //if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyCheck.Text) || TxWarrantyCheck.Text == "") //{ // ErrorString += "保固金期票百分比請填數字!!!!\\n"; //} if (!SystemSet.IsNumber(TxWarrantyCheckDay.Text) && TxWarrantyCheckDay.Text != "") { ErrorString += "保固金期票天數請填數字!!!!\\n"; } if (ErrorString == "") { string database = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString(); string SQLString = "SCID,ItemName,Unit,BelongEWID,BelongItem,SCNumber,UnitPrice,ComplexPrice,Explan,ClearWay,Note"; DataTable DataTable = new DataTable(); foreach (string DataName in SQLString.Split(',')) { DataTable.Columns.Add(DataName, typeof(string)); } DataRow DataTableDr = DataTable.NewRow(); string SQLSItem = "select * from SubBudget_Item a left join SubRFQ_Material b on a.SBID=b.SBID and a.SB_MID=b.SB_MID where a.SBID=" + LbSBID.Text + " and b.FirmID=" + LbFirmID.Text; DataTable DataTableBox = WebModel.LoadSetContentData(database, SQLSItem); if (DataTableBox != null && DataTableBox.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in DataTableBox.Rows) { //string SB_MID = row["SB_MID"].ToString(); int SCID = WebModel.MaxID(database, "SubContract_Main"); string ItemName = row["ItemName"].ToString(); string Unit = row["Unit"].ToString(); string BelongEWID = row["BelongEWID"].ToString(); string BelongItem = row["BelongItem"].ToString(); string SCNumber = row["SCNumber"].ToString(); string UnitPrice = row["UnitPrice"].ToString(); string ComplexPrice = row["ComplexPrice"].ToString(); string Explan = row["Explan"].ToString(); string Note = row["Note"].ToString(); DataTableDr["SCID"] = SCID; DataTableDr["ItemName"] = ItemName; DataTableDr["Unit"] = Unit; DataTableDr["BelongEWID"] = BelongEWID != ""?int.Parse(BelongEWID):0; DataTableDr["BelongItem"] = BelongItem; DataTableDr["SCNumber"] = SCNumber != "" ? decimal.Parse(SCNumber) : 0; //DataTableDr["LastSCNumber"] = SCNumber != "" ? decimal.Parse(SCNumber) : 0; DataTableDr["UnitPrice"] = UnitPrice != "" ? decimal.Parse(UnitPrice) : 0; DataTableDr["ComplexPrice"] = ComplexPrice != "" ? decimal.Parse(ComplexPrice) : 0; //DataTableDr["LastComplexPrice"] = ComplexPrice != "" ? decimal.Parse(ComplexPrice) : 0; DataTableDr["Explan"] = Explan; DataTableDr["Note"] = Note; DataTable.Rows.Add(DataTableDr); WebModel.SaveAction(database, "SubContract_Item", DataTable); DataTable.Rows.Clear(); Update = "Update SubBudgetList Set SCID='" + SCID + "' where SBID=" + LbSBID.Text; } } bool result1 = WebModel.SQLAction(database, Update); string result = WebModel.SaveAction(database, "SubContract_Main", GetDataBox()); //bool edit = WebModel.EditAction(database, "SubRFQ_Firm", LbSBID.Text, GetDataBox()); if (result == "1") { Response.Write("<script>alert('已存檔!!');</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('存檔失敗!!');</script>"); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert('" + ErrorString + "');", true); } }