/// <summary>Read standard Git environment variables and configure from those.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Read standard Git environment variables and configure from those.
 /// <p>
 /// This method tries to read the standard Git environment variables, such as
 /// <code>GIT_DIR</code>
 /// and
 /// <code>GIT_WORK_TREE</code>
 /// to configure this builder
 /// instance. If a property is already set in the builder, the environment
 /// variable is not used.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="sr">the SystemReader abstraction to access the environment.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <code>this</code>
 /// (for chaining calls).
 /// </returns>
 public virtual B ReadEnvironment(SystemReader sr)
     if (GetGitDir() == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_DIR_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             SetGitDir(new FilePath(val));
     if (GetObjectDirectory() == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             SetObjectDirectory(new FilePath(val));
     if (GetAlternateObjectDirectories() == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             foreach (string path in val.RegexSplit(FilePath.pathSeparator))
                 AddAlternateObjectDirectory(new FilePath(path));
     if (GetWorkTree() == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_WORK_TREE_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             SetWorkTree(new FilePath(val));
     if (GetIndexFile() == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_INDEX_FILE_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             SetIndexFile(new FilePath(val));
     if (ceilingDirectories == null)
         string val = sr.Getenv(Constants.GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES_KEY);
         if (val != null)
             foreach (string path in val.RegexSplit(FilePath.pathSeparator))
                 AddCeilingDirectory(new FilePath(path));