public WebReply GetWebList(string sql, string sTitle, string sSectionName, string CommentsRow, string SourceTable, object caller, bool bRemoveDiv) { string myClass = caller.GetType().ToString(); StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(); StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); // get method calls (frames) StackFrame callingFrame = stackFrames[1]; MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)callingFrame.GetMethod(); string sMyMethod = method.Name; // CONTEXT MENU AddContextMenuitem(".", "", "."); string htmlCMI = ""; foreach (ContextMenuItem cm1 in listContextMenuItems) { string sRow = ""; sRow = " \"" + cm1.Name + "\": {name: \"" + cm1.Caption + "\", icon: \"" + cm1.Caption + "\"},"; htmlCMI += sRow; } string sContextMenuCssClass = "context-menu-" + CleanName(sSectionName); if (htmlCMI.Length > 0) { htmlCMI = htmlCMI.Substring(0, htmlCMI.Length - 1); } string sContextEvent = " onclick=\"var sUSGDID = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdid');postdiv(this,'contextmenu','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_ContextMenu_'+key,USGDID);\""; sContextEvent = " var sUSGDID = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdid');postdiv(this,'contextmenu','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_ContextMenu_'+key,sUSGDID);"; string sContextMenu = " $(function() { $.contextMenu({ selector: '." + sContextMenuCssClass + "', callback: function(key, options) { " + " " + sContextEvent + " }," + " items: { " + htmlCMI + " } });" + " $('." + sContextMenuCssClass + "').on('click', function(e){ console.log('clicked', this); }) });"; bool Expanded = !(sys.GetObjectValue(sSectionName, "ExpandableSection" + myClass + sMyMethod) == "EXPANDED" ? true : false); string sExpandedClass = Expanded ? "icon-minus" : "icon-plus"; sExpandedClass = Expanded ? "icon-chevron-up" : "icon-chevron-down"; string sAddNewButton = "<span onclick=postdiv(this,'addnew','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_AddNew',''); style='float:right;' class='" + "icon-plus" + "'> </span>"; string sExpandButton = "<span onclick=postdiv(this,'expand','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "',''); style='float:right;' class='" + sExpandedClass + "'> </span>"; // Button for Exporting the Row (CSV printer icon) string sExportButton = "<span onclick=postdiv(this,'export','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_Export',''); style='float:right; cursor:pointer;' class='" + "icon-print" + "'> </span>"; string sButtons = ""; if (bShowRowExport) { sButtons += sExportButton; } sButtons += sExpandButton + sAddNewButton; //These buttons end up going in reverse order. string html = ""; if (!bRemoveDiv) { html += "<div id='" + sSectionName + "' name='" + sSectionName + "'>"; } string sFullTitle = sTitle; if (OptionalHeaderComments != null) { sFullTitle += " " + OptionalHeaderComments; } html += "<table frame=box cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4 width=100% xclass=TFtable style='xmin-eight:1vh'>" + "<tr><th colspan=20 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class='ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all ui-widget-header'>" + "<span class='ui-dialog-title'>" + sFullTitle + "</span>" + sButtons + "</th></tr>"; // Custom Context Sensitive menu and event, and Dispatch Function // Instead of tfTable, background: grey; alternate with this: if (Expanded) { USGDTable dt = null; try { dt = sys.GetUSGDTable(sql, SourceTable); } catch (Exception ex) { string sErr = html + "<tr><td>" + ex.Message + "</td></tr></table></div>"; WebReply wr5 = new WebReply(); wr5.AddWebReply(sErr, "", "Error Dialog", false); return(wr5); } // Column Names string sHeader = "<TR class='Head1'>"; for (int c = 0; c < dt.Cols; c++) { string sCN = dt.ColumnNames[c]; string sKey = SourceTable.ToUpper() + "," + sCN.ToUpper(); string sCaption = sys.GetFieldCaption(SourceTable, sCN); bool bCommentsColumn = false; string sColspan = string.Empty; if (sCaption.ToUpper() == CommentsRow.ToUpper()) { bCommentsColumn = true; } bool bMasked = false; if (bCommentsColumn) { //sHeader += "</TR><TR>"; //sColspan = "colspan='" + dt.Cols.ToString() + "'"; //sCaption = ""; bMasked = true; } // Mask column if its a primary key guid if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "ID" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "CLOAK" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "BATCHID") { bMasked = true; } if (!bMasked) { // Icon OrderBy string sOrderByClass = sys.GetObjectValue(sSectionName, "OrderByClass" + sCN) == "down" ? "icon-chevron-up" : "icon-chevron-down"; string sButtons2 = "<span onclick=postdiv(this,'OrderByClick','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_OrderByClick','" + sCN + "'); style='float:right;' class='" + sOrderByClass + "'> </span>"; sHeader += "<th align=left " + sColspan + "class='ui-dialog-titlebar' style='border-bottom: grey thin solid'>" + sCaption + sButtons2 + "</th>"; } } sHeader += "</TR>"; html += sHeader; // RENDER VALUES for (int y = 0; y < dt.Rows; y++) { string sID = dt.GuidValue(y, "Id").ToString(); string sOnRowClick = "postdiv(this,'rowclick','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_RowClick','" + sID + "');"; // This is where we render each weblist ROW of data bool bRowHighlighted = false; bool bRowCloaked = false; //Prescan row to see if highlighted for (int xCol = 0; xCol < dt.Cols; xCol++) { string sCaption = dt.ColumnNames[xCol]; string sValue = dt.Value(y, xCol).ToString(); if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "USERNAME" && sValue == sys.Username) { bRowHighlighted = true; } } if (bSupportCloaking) { string sValue = (dt.Value(y, "Cloak") ?? "").ToString(); if (clsStaticHelper.GetDouble(sValue) == 1) { bRowCloaked = true; } } string sSpecialCSS = bRowHighlighted && bShowRowHighlightedByUserName ? "Activated" : ""; if (this.CurrentAltRow > this.AlternatingRows) { this.CurrentAltRow = 0; } string sAltCSS = ""; if ((this.AlternatingRows == 1 && this.CurrentAltRow == 0) || (this.AlternatingRows == 3 && this.CurrentAltRow < 2)) { sAltCSS = "Alternated"; } else { sAltCSS = AlternationColor; } this.CurrentAltRow++; string sComments = ""; for (int xx = 0; xx < dt.Cols; xx++) { string sCaption = dt.ColumnNames[xx]; string sValue = dt.Value(y, xx).ToString(); if (sCaption.ToUpper() == CommentsRow.ToUpper()) { int iColCt = dt.Cols - 2; string sColspan = "colspan='" + iColCt.ToString() + "'"; sComments = "<TR class='" + sContextMenuCssClass + " " + sAltCSS + "' >"; sComments += "<TD class='ui-dialog-title' style='float:none;border-top:solid 1px;color:gray' " + sColspan + ">" + sValue + "</TD></TR>"; html += sComments; } } // Add the context sensitive right click menu here: string sRow = "<TR usgdid='" + sID + "' class='" + sContextMenuCssClass + " " + sSpecialCSS + " " + sAltCSS + "' onclick=\"$(this).addClass('Activated').siblings().removeClass('Activated');" + sOnRowClick + "\">"; for (int x = 0; x < dt.Cols; x++) { string sValue = dt.Value(y, x).ToString(); string sCaption = dt.ColumnNames[x]; string sColspan = string.Empty; if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "USERNAME" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "MINERNAME") { if (bRowCloaked) { sValue = "Anonymous"; } } if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "STATS") { if (bRowCloaked) { sValue = "Anonymous"; } } // Mask column if its a guid bool bMasked = false; if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "ID" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "TICKETID" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "TICKET GUID" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "BATCHID" || sCaption.ToUpper() == "CLOAK") { bMasked = true; } if (sCaption.ToUpper() == CommentsRow.ToUpper()) { bMasked = true; } if (!bMasked) { if (URLDefaultValue == null) { URLDefaultValue = "View"; } if (SourceTable == "Proposal" && sCaption.ToUpper() == "NAME") { //string sGobjectid = dt.Value(y, "GObjectID").ToString(); // if (sGobjectid.Length > 0) sValue = sValue + " - " + sGobjectid; } if ((SourceTable == "Links" || SourceTable == "Proposal" || SourceTable == "Expense") && sCaption.ToUpper() == "URL") { string js = "var win ='" + sValue + "', '_blank'); win.focus();"; string sDisplayValue = URLDefaultValue == "Display" ? sValue : URLDefaultValue; sValue = "<a style='text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"" + js + "\" xhref=" + URLDefaultValue + ">" + sDisplayValue + "</a>"; } else if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "URL") { string sGuid = dt.Value((int)y, "id").ToString(); string s1 = "<div id='div" + sGuid + "' name='div" + sGuid + "'><a id='img" + sCaption + "' name='img" + sGuid + "' data-featherlight='" + sValue + "'>" + URLDefaultValue + "</a></div>"; string j1 = "$('#img" + sGuid + "').featherlightGallery();"; sContextMenu += j1; sValue = s1; } if (sCaption.ToUpper() == "NEEDWRITTEN") { string sVal = sValue.ToString() == "1" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; sValue = sVal; } sRow += "<TD class='ui-dialog-title' style='float:none' " + sColspan + ">" + sValue; // Add buttons to view the row if (x == dt.Cols - 1) { //Button for Viewing the row string sButtons2 = "<span align=right onclick=postdiv(this,'handview','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "','" + sID + "'); style='float:right;' class='" + "icon-hand-up" + "'> </span>"; if (bShowRowSelect) { sRow += sButtons2; } // Button for Deleting the Row (Trash Icon) string sButtons3 = "<span align=right onclick=postdiv(this,'handview','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_Delete_Click','" + sID + "'); style='float:right;' class='" + "icon-trash" + "'> </span>"; if (bShowRowTrash) { sRow += sButtons3; } } sRow += "</TD>"; } } sRow += "</TR>"; html += sRow; } } html += "</TABLE><p>"; if (!bRemoveDiv) { html += "</div>"; } string javascript = sContextMenu; WebReply wr = new WebReply(html, javascript, sSectionName, false); return(wr); }