public override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); installer = (SystemInstaller)target; systemList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, serializedObject.FindProperty("Systems")) { drawHeaderCallback = ShowSystemHeader, drawElementCallback = ShowSystem, onAddDropdownCallback = OnAddSystemDropdown, onRemoveCallback = OnSystemRemoved }; }
public void Boot() { CommandLine.ColorLog("Welcome to the VirtualOS Boot Manager.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); while (true) { // Prompt User how to start the system var selected = SelectBootMode(); if (selected == BootMode.InstallNew) { SystemInstaller systemInstaller = new SystemInstaller(); try { // After system's installed, restart the boot manager systemInstaller.Install(); CommandLine.GetInput("Press enter to reboot"); CommandLine.ClearScreen(); } catch { CommandLine.Error("System not installed.\nRestarting Boot Manager."); } } else if (selected == BootMode.BootExisting) { // Start existing system with system .vos file and exit after system is shut down var systemPath = SelectSystem(); StartSystem(systemPath); break; } else if (selected == BootMode.ExitManager) { CommandLine.ColorLog("Exiting Boot Manager.", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); break; } } }
public override void InstallBindings() { SystemInstaller.InstallBindingsCore(Container); }