protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { UserAcc ua = UserAcc.GetObjUser(); hidUserID.Value = ua.nUserID + ""; hidEncryptUserID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hidUserID.Value); SetData(hidUserID.Value.toIntNullToZero()); //txtOldPass.Attributes.Add("type", "password"); //string strID = Request.QueryString["strid"]; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID)) //{ // hidUserID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(strID); // SetData(hidUserID.Value.toIntNullToZero()); // hidEncryptUserID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hidUserID.Value); //} } } }
public void SendEmail_AcceptEditRequestByPTT(List <int> lstSubFacility, int nIndID, int nYear, int nQuarter, string sComment) { string sMsg = @"Dear All, <br />" + " Environmental Report has been accepted request edit by ptt as detailed below.<br />" + "Facility : {0}<br />" + "Group Indicator : {1}<br />" + "Year : {2}<br />" + "Quarter : {3}<br /><br />" + "Comment : {4}<br /><br />" + "Click <a href='{5}' target='_blank'>link</a> to view for further action."; var dataFac = db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.nLevel == 2 && lstSubFacility.Contains(w.ID)).ToList(); string strFacName = String.Join(", ", dataFac.Select(s => s.Name).OrderBy(o => o).ToList()); var dataInd = db.mTIndicator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nIndID); string _sUrl = sUrlWebSite + "AD/loginAD.aspx"; string sFrom = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SystemMail"] + ""; var dataToUser = (from d in db.mTWorkFlow.Where(w => w.IDIndicator == nIndID && lstSubFacility.Contains(w.IDFac)) from u in db.mTUser.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.ID == d.L2) select new { u.Email }).GroupBy(g => g.Email).Select(s => s.Key).ToList(); string strTo = String.Join(",", dataToUser); string sMsgSend = string.Format(sMsg, strFacName, (dataInd != null ? dataInd.Indicator : ""), nYear, nQuarter, sComment, _sUrl); string sSubject = string.Format("Accepted request edit by ptt of {0} of quarter {1} {2} ", (dataInd != null ? dataInd.Indicator : ""), nQuarter, nYear); // 0 = Group Indicator,1=Quater,2=Year Workflow.DataMail_log Log = new Workflow.DataMail_log(); Log = SystemFunction.SendMailAll(sFrom, strTo, "", "", sSubject, sMsgSend, ""); new Workflow().SaveLogMail(Log); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired() && SystemFunction.GetURL(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath.ToString()) != "helper_indicator.aspx") { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { //var DataRole = UserAcc.GetRolePermission(UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID + ""); //dvUSer.Visible = true; //if (DataRole.Count == 1) //{ // liChange.Visible = false; // liChange2.Visible = false; //} string Url = SystemFunction.GetURL(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath); if (SystemFunction.GetURL(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath.ToString()) != "helper_indicator.aspx") { lrtMenu.Text = SystemFunction.HTML_Menubar(Url); lrtNav_menu.Text = SystemFunction.HTML_Navtab(Url); lrtNav_UserMenu.Text = SystemFunction.HTML_NavtabUser(Url); } else { dvUSer.Visible = false; } ltrFullName1.Text = ltrFullName2.Text = UserAcc.GetObjUser().sFullName; ltrActionRole1.Text = ltrActionRole2.Text = UserAcc.GetObjUser().sActionRoleName; } }
private void BindDDL() { SystemFunction.ListYearsDESC(ddlYear, "", "en-US", "th-TH", short.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["startYear"].ToString())); SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null); ddlGroupIndicator.DataSource = db.mTIndicator.OrderBy(o => o.nOrder).ToList(); ddlGroupIndicator.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlGroupIndicator.DataTextField = "Indicator"; ddlGroupIndicator.DataBind(); ddlGroupIndicator.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Select Indicator -", "")); int[] arrWFStatus = new int[] { 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 }; ddlStatus.DataSource = db.TStatus_Workflow.Where(w => arrWFStatus.Contains(w.nStatustID) && w.cTypeUse == "TNF" && w.cActive == "Y").OrderBy(o => o.sShorttStatus).ToList(); ddlStatus.DataValueField = "nStatustID"; ddlStatus.DataTextField = "sShorttStatus"; ddlStatus.DataBind(); ddlStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Select Status -", "")); ddlStatus.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("Waiting Transfer", "0")); ddlFacility.DataSource = (from fptt in db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.nLevel == 0 && w.CompanyID == 1) from fgc in db.mTFacility.Where(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.cActive == "Y" && w.nHeaderID == fptt.ID) select new { fgc.ID, fgc.Name }).OrderBy(o => o.Name).ToList(); ddlFacility.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlFacility.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlFacility.DataBind(); ddlFacility.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("- Select Facility -", "")); }
public string GetChildrenFunction(int _nParentId, SystemFunction[] _Functions) { StringBuilder sbJson = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SystemFunction oFunction in _Functions) { if (oFunction.ParentId == _nParentId) { StringBuilder sbChildren = new StringBuilder(); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht["text"] = oFunction.Name; ht["value"] = oFunction.Id; sbChildren.Append(base.Json(ht, false)); string strChildren = GetChildrenFunction(oFunction.Id, _Functions); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strChildren)) { sbChildren.Append(base.JsonKeyValue("childrens", strChildren)); } if (sbJson.Length >= 1) { sbJson.Append(","); } sbJson.Append(base.JsonEnd(sbChildren.ToString())); } } return string.Format("[{0}]", sbJson.ToString()); }
private bool SetUserLogin(string sUserID, string sRoleID) { int nUserID = SystemFunction.ParseInt(sUserID); int nRoleID = SystemFunction.ParseInt(sRoleID); var dataUser = db.mTUser.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nUserID); var dataRole = db.mTUserRole.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nRoleID); var lst_RoleAdmin = db.TMenu_Permission.Where(w => w.nUserID == nUserID && w.nRoleID == nRoleID).ToList(); // Role_Admin var lst_RoleOther = db.mTUser_FacilityPermission.Where(w => w.nUserID == nUserID && w.nRoleID == nRoleID).ToList(); // Role_Other var lstDataRole = db.mTUserRole.ToList(); // Query Role_Name if (dataUser != null && dataRole != null) { string sNameRole = lstDataRole.Any() ? lstDataRole.First(w => w.ID == nRoleID).Name : ""; UserAcc us = new UserAcc(); us.nUserID = dataUser.ID; us.sFullName = dataUser.Firstname + " " + dataUser.Lastname; us.nRoleID = lst_RoleAdmin.Any() ? lst_RoleAdmin.First().nRoleID : lst_RoleOther.Any() ? lst_RoleOther.First().nRoleID : 0; us.sActionRoleName = sNameRole; UserAcc.SetObjUser(us); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
void CollectIconSate(Action <int> action) { switch (this.BuildingLogicData.BuildingIdentity.buildingType) { case BuildingType.GoldMine: m_ResourceIcon.spriteId = m_ResourceIcon.GetSpriteIdByName(ClientSystemConstants.SCENE_RESOURCE_ICON_DICTIONARY[ResourceType.Gold]); if (this.BuildingLogicData.CurrentBuilidngState != BuildingEditorState.Normal || this.BuildingBehavior.IsClick) { action.Invoke(0); } else { action.Invoke(SystemFunction.CheckCollectValidity(this.BuildingLogicData, ResourceType.Gold)); } break; case BuildingType.Farm: m_ResourceIcon.spriteId = m_ResourceIcon.GetSpriteIdByName(ClientSystemConstants.SCENE_RESOURCE_ICON_DICTIONARY[ResourceType.Food]); if (this.BuildingLogicData.CurrentBuilidngState != BuildingEditorState.Normal || this.BuildingBehavior.IsClick) { action.Invoke(0); } else { action.Invoke(SystemFunction.CheckCollectValidity(this.BuildingLogicData, ResourceType.Food)); } break; } //if (this.BuildingLogicData.BuildingType == BuildingType.Farm) //{ // print("name =" + this.BuildingLogicData.Name); // print("prefabName = " + this.gameObject); // print("BuildingLogicData.CurrentStoreFood =" + BuildingLogicData.CurrentStoreFood); //} }
public IList <SystemFunction> GetSystemFunctions(string functionID, string functionName, string description, string pageUrl, string menuName, int toolbarNo, string toolbarName, bool isDefault, string memo, int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, string orderBy) { IList <SystemFunction> systemFunctions = new List <SystemFunction>(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sqlCommand = "USP_SYSTEM_FUNCTION_S"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_start_row_index", DbType.Int32, startRowIndex); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_page_size", DbType.Int32, maximumRows); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_order_by", DbType.String, GetMappingOrderBy(orderBy)); db.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "p_count", DbType.Int32, 4); using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { SystemFunction systemFunction = CreateModelObject(dataReader); systemFunctions.Add(systemFunction); } } _recordCount = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "p_count")); return(systemFunctions); }
public IList <SystemFunction> GetSystemFunctions() { IList <SystemFunction> systemFunctions = new List <SystemFunction>(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sqlCommand = "USP_SYSTEM_FUNCTION_S"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_start_row_index", DbType.Int32, 0); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_page_size", DbType.Int32, 25); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_order_by", DbType.String, GetMappingOrderBy("functionid")); db.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "p_count", DbType.Int32, 4); using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { SystemFunction systemFunction = CreateModelObject(dataReader); systemFunctions.Add(systemFunction); } } _recordCount = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "p_count")); return(systemFunctions); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { string strID = Request.QueryString["strid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strID)) { hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value = STCrypt.Decrypt(strID); SetData(hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value.toIntNullToZero()); hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(hdfEncryptCompanyID.Value); } else { //CR. 06.02.2019 Sync from SAP txtCode.Enabled = false; txtCompanyName.Enabled = false; } } } }
public ENVIClass_Result CloseWFAPI(ENVIClass_ENVI dataENVI) { ENVIClass_Result result = new ENVIClass_Result(); if (new ENVIService().Login(dataENVI.Username, dataENVI.Password, "ALL")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataENVI.CompanyCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataENVI.FacilityCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataENVI.IndicatorCode) && dataENVI.Year > 0 && dataENVI.Quarter > 0) { API_ENVI.ENVIWorkFlow.ENVIWorkFlow API = new API_ENVI.ENVIWorkFlow.ENVIWorkFlow(); result = API.Workflow_PTTApproveL4(dataENVI); SystemFunction.SaveXML_UpdateStatus(dataENVI); SystemFunction.SaveXML_EPIResult(result); } else { result.IsCompleted = false; result.Message = "Invalid Required Parameter: CompanyCode, FacilityCode, IndicatorCode, Year, Quarter"; } } else { result.IsCompleted = false; result.Message = "Login Failed"; } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null); int nRole = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID; if (nRole == 3 || nRole == 4) { hdfPrmsMenu.Value = "2"; } else { hdfPrmsMenu.Value = "0"; } BindDDL(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 充值 /// </summary> public override void WalletDepositMoney() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWal_No.Text)) { //钱包账号为空,充值失败 MessageBoxs.Show(Trans.SD, this.ToString(), MsgHelp.GetMsg(MsgCode.E_0016, new object[] { SystemTableColumnEnums.EWM_Wallet.Name.Wal_No, SystemActionEnum.Name.RECHARGE }), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //待充值的钱包 WalletInfoUIModel walletToDeposit = BLLCom.GetWalletByWalletNo(txtWal_No.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletToDeposit.Wal_ID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(walletToDeposit.Wal_No)) { //没有获取到钱包,充值失败 MessageBoxs.Show(Trans.RIA, ToString(), MsgHelp.GetMsg(MsgCode.W_0024, new object[] { MsgParam.WALLET, SystemActionEnum.Name.RECHARGE }), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } Dictionary <string, object> paramViewParameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { //钱包相关信息 { RIAViewParamKey.WalletInfo.ToString(), walletToDeposit }, }; //跳转到[钱包充值] SystemFunction.ShowViewFromView(MsgParam.WALLET_DEPOSITMONEY, ViewClassFullNameConst.RIA_FrmWalletDepositMoney, true, PageDisplayMode.TabPage, paramViewParameters, null); }
protected virtual void Collect(BuildingIdentity id, ResourceType type, CollectMethod collectMethod = CollectMethod.Button) { if (SceneManager.Instance.SceneMode == SceneMode.SceneVisit || this.m_CurrentState != BuildingEditorState.Normal || !this.BuildingBehavior.CheckBuildingCreateStack()) { return; } if (this.m_CurrentState == BuildingEditorState.Normal) { switch (collectMethod) { case CollectMethod.Building: if (SystemFunction.CheckCollectValidity(this.BuildingLogicData, type) > 0) { SceneManager.Instance.CreateCollectFX(this.BuildingBehavior, type, LogicController.Instance.Collect(id, type), this.BuildingLogicData); } //this.CreateCollectFX(type, LogicController.Instance.Collect(id, type)); break; case CollectMethod.Button: if (SystemFunction.CheckCollectValidityByButton(this.BuildingLogicData, type)) { SceneManager.Instance.CreateCollectFX(this.BuildingBehavior, type, LogicController.Instance.Collect(id, type), this.BuildingLogicData); } //this.CreateCollectFX(type, LogicController.Instance.Collect(id, type)); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 列表Grid_DoubleClickCell /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void gdGrid_DoubleClickCell(object sender, DoubleClickCellEventArgs e) { if (e.Cell.Column.Key == SystemTableColumnEnums.EWM_WalletTrans.Code.WalT_BillNo) { string billNo = e.Cell.Text; if (billNo.Length < 7) { return; } string no = billNo.Substring(4, 2); if (no == "RB") { Dictionary <string, object> paramViewParameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { //收款单 { ComViewParamKey.BillNo.ToString(), billNo }, }; //跳转到[收款单] SystemFunction.ShowViewFromView(MsgParam.RECEIPTBILL_MANAGER, ViewClassFullNameConst.FM_FrmReceiptBillManager, true, PageDisplayMode.TabPage, paramViewParameters, null); } else if (no == "PB") { Dictionary <string, object> parambillNoViewParameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { //付款单 { ComViewParamKey.BillNo.ToString(), billNo }, }; //跳转到[付款单] SystemFunction.ShowViewFromView(MsgParam.PAYBILL_MANGER, ViewClassFullNameConst.FM_FrmPayBillManager, true, PageDisplayMode.TabPage, parambillNoViewParameters, null); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null); GETDDL(); int Prms = SystemFunction.GetPermissionMenu(36); //hdfPrmsMenu.Value = Prms + ""; //bool isView = Prms == 1; //if (isView) //{ // DivCreate_Workflow.Visible = false; // ckbAll.Visible = false; // btnDel.Visible = false; //} } } }
public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod getOperationTypePTT(string sFacilityPTT_ID) { sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod(); PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { int nFacilityPTT_ID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacilityPTT_ID); var item = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacilityPTT_ID); if (item != null) { result.Content = item.OperationTypeID + ""; result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success; } else { result.Msg = "Data operation type not found."; result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed; } } else { result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired; } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { int Prms = SystemFunction.GetPermissionMenu(34); hdfPrmsMenu.Value = Prms + ""; IsView = Prms == 1; if (IsView) { ckbAll.Visible = false; btnDel.Visible = false; btnCreate.Visible = false; } SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null); BlindDDL(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); string str = Request.QueryString["strid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { int nFacID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str)); hdfFacID.Value = str; ltrCreate.Text = "<a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block\" href=\"admin_asset_update.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i> Create Sub-facility</a>"; var itemHeader = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nFacID); if (itemHeader != null) { var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == itemHeader.CompanyID); ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a style='color:white' href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(itemCompany.ID + "")) + "'> " + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemHeader.Name;//กำหนด Header } } SystemFunction.BindDropdownPageSize(ddlPageSize, null); } } }
public static TRetunrLoadData Get_Facility(string operationID) { //if (lst == null) lst = new List<string>(); TRetunrLoadData result = new TRetunrLoadData(); PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); if (UserAcc.UserExpired()) { result.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired; } else { int nRoleID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID; int nUserID = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID; List <sysGlobalClass.T_Facility> lstFacility = new List <sysGlobalClass.T_Facility>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operationID)) { int nID = int.Parse(operationID); lstFacility = SystemFunction.Get_SubFacility(nID, nUserID, nRoleID); } result.lstData_Facility = lstFacility.Distinct().ToList(); } return(result); }
public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ApproveWithEditContent(int FormID) { PTTGC_EPIEntities env = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod r = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod(); int nOperationType = 0; if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { var gData = env.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FormID == FormID); if (gData != null) { r.Msg = SystemFunction.ReturnPath(gData.IDIndicator, gData.OperationTypeID, gData.FacilityID.ToString(), gData.sYear, "27"); r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success; } else { r.Msg = ""; r.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed; } } else { r.Msg = ""; r.Status = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired; } return(r); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.m_StartTime; if (elapsedTime >= this.m_WaitTotalSeconds) { this.m_StartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; this.m_WaitTotalSeconds = this.m_WaitCount > 1 ? this.m_LastWaitSeconds : CommonHelper.GetRandomNumber(this.m_SecondWaitMinSeconds, this.m_SecondWaitMaxSeconds + 1); this.m_RemainingTimeLable.text = SystemFunction.TimeSpanToString(this.m_WaitTotalSeconds); if (this.m_Progress != null) { this.m_Progress.sliderValue = 0; } this.m_WaitCount++; } else { this.m_RemainingTimeLable.text = SystemFunction.TimeSpanToString(Mathf.CeilToInt(this.m_WaitTotalSeconds - elapsedTime)); if (this.m_Progress != null) { this.m_Progress.sliderValue = elapsedTime / this.m_WaitTotalSeconds; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { if (!IsPostBack) { setCBL(); string sQueryStrIndID = Request.QueryString["in"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sQueryStrIndID)) { hdfIndID.Value = STCrypt.Encrypt(sQueryStrIndID); ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfPRMS = SystemFunction.GetPermissionMenu(15) + ""; ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfCheckRole = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID + ""; } else { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "Intensity_from.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring } } } else { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } }
private StatusCode DispatchControllerMethod( RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle, IList <Variant> inputArguments, List <StatusCode> inputArgumentResults, List <Variant> outputArguments) { SystemFunction data = methodHandle.MethodData as SystemFunction; if (data != null) { this.currentData = "CALL " + data.Function + inputArguments[0].ToString(); GenericEvent e = new GenericEvent(Server.FilterManager); e.Initialize( null, ObjectTypeIds.SystemEventType, ParsedNodeId.Construct(0, "Jemima", DefaultNamespaceIndex), "Jemima", EventSeverity.Medium, "A Jemima is CALL." ); //e.Set(e.ToPath(new QualifiedName("Jackey", DefaultNamespaceIndex)), currentData); ReportEvent(e.SourceNode, e); return(StatusCodes.Good); } return(StatusCodes.BadNotImplemented); }
public string GetUserFunction(int _nUserId) { SystemFunction tree = new SystemFunction(); tree.RootNode = new TreeNode("系统功能", ""); tree.IsDisplayRootNode = true; tree.InitNodes(new List<SystemFunction>(SystemFunction.GetUserFunctin(_nUserId))); return tree.RootNode.ToJSON(); }
private void SETDATA(string sID) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sID)) { int nID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sID); PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; var Query = db.TContactUs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.nContactID == nID); if (Query != null) { if (Query.cStatusAns == null) { Query.cStatusAns = "1"; Query.dUpdate = now; db.SaveChanges(); } if (Query.cStatusAns == "2") { txtDesc.Text = Query.sAnswer; txtDesc.Attributes.Add("disabled", "true"); DivFileContactUS.Visible = false; // lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = Query.sAnsPath + Query.sAnsFile; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query.sAnsFile)) { lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = "<a class='btn btn-primary'href=" + Query.sAnsPath + Query.sAnsSysFile + " target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-search'></i> " + Query.sAnsFile + "</a>"; } else { lbUrlFileAdmin.Text = "-"; } } else { DivShowFileAdmin.Visible = false; } hidsStatus.Value = Query.cStatusAns; lbName.Text = Query.sContactName; lbEmail.Text = Query.sContactEmail; lbSubject.Text = Query.sSubject; lbTel.Text = Query.sContactTel; lbUserDes.Text = Query.sDetail; lbAddDate.Text = Query.dCreate.ToString(); //lbUrlFileUser.Text = Query.sContactPath + Query.sContactFile; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query.sContactFile)) { lbUrlFileUser.Text = "<a class='btn btn-primary'href=" + Query.sContactPath + Query.sContactSysFile + " target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-search'></i> " + Query.sContactFile + "</a>"; } else { lbUrlFileUser.Text = "-"; } lbStatus.Text = Query.cStatusAns == null ? "Wait" : Query.cStatusAns == "1" ? "Read" : "Success"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfPRMS = SystemFunction.GetPermissionMenu(nMenu) + ""; ((_MP_EPI_FORMS)this.Master).hdfCheckRole = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID + ""; hdfsRoleID.Value = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID + ""; } }
void OnUpradeAllWall() { if (SceneManager.Instance.SelectedAllWallList.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.Instance.SelectedAllWallList.Count; i++) { if (!SceneManager.Instance.SelectedAllWallList[i].IsBuild || !SceneManager.Instance.SelectedAllWallList[i].EnableCreate) { return; } } this.ResetBuildingArrow(); UIManager.Instance.HidePopuBtnByCurrentSelect(false); List <WallBehavior> wallBehaviorList = SceneManager.Instance.SelectedAllWallList; //wallBehaviorList.Sort(delegate(WallBehavior a, WallBehavior b) { return a.BuildingLogicData.Level - b.BuildingLogicData.Level; }); wallBehaviorList.Sort((WallBehavior a, WallBehavior b) => a.BuildingLogicData.Level - b.BuildingLogicData.Level); int upgradeCount = 0; int upgradeStep = 0; int wallLowLevel = wallBehaviorList[0].BuildingLogicData.Level; for (int i = 0; i < wallBehaviorList.Count; i++) { if (wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData.Level == wallLowLevel && wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData.Level <= LogicController.Instance.CurrentCityHallLevel - wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData.UpgradeStep && LogicController.Instance.IdleBuilderNumber > 0 && SystemFunction.UpgradeCostBalance(wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData).Count == 0) { SceneManager.Instance.CreateUpgradeFX(wallBehaviorList[i]); LogicController.Instance.BuyUpgradeWall(wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData.BuildingIdentity.buildingNO); //SceneManager.Instance.CreateFX(wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingBehavior.BuildingAnchor, FxType.Upgrade1x1, false); wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingCommon.ConstructBuilding(); upgradeStep = wallBehaviorList[i].BuildingLogicData.UpgradeStep; upgradeCount++; } else { wallBehaviorList[i].SetCellVisible(false); wallBehaviorList[i].SetArrowState(false); wallBehaviorList[i].IsClick = false; wallBehaviorList[i].OnActiveBuildingFX(false); } } if (upgradeCount > 0) { UIErrorMessage.Instance.ErrorMessage(string.Format(StringConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE[24], upgradeCount.ToString(), wallLowLevel.ToString(), (wallLowLevel + upgradeStep).ToString()), Color.white); } //UIErrorMessage.Instance.ErrorMessage(24, upgradeCount.ToString(), wallLowLevel.ToString(), (wallLowLevel + upgradeStep).ToString()); else { UIErrorMessage.Instance.ErrorMessage(23); } SceneManager.Instance.ClearAllWallList(); } }
public void TestSystemFunctions() { List <SystemFunction> sysFunctions = AppDb.GetSystemFunctions().ToList(); if (sysFunctions.Any()) { SystemFunction first = sysFunctions.First(); SystemFunction response = AppDb.GetSystemFunction(first.Id); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!UserAcc.UserExpired()) { PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); string str = Request.QueryString["strid"]; string strFacID = Request.QueryString["strFacID"]; int nFacilityID = 0; bool IsNew = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { hdfReturnStr.Value += "&&strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str); int nComID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(str)); hdfComType.Value = nComID == 1 ? "PTT" : "GC"; hdfComID.Value = str; var itemCompany = db.mTCompany.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == nComID && w.cDel == "N"); if (itemCompany != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID)) { IsNew = false; nFacilityID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(STCrypt.Decrypt(strFacID)); hdfFacilityID.Value = strFacID; var itemFacility = db.mTFacility.FirstOrDefault(w => w.cDel == "N" && w.ID == nFacilityID); if (itemFacility != null) { ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > " + itemFacility.Name + " > Edit";//กำหนด Header กรณีเข้ามา EDIT } } else { IsNew = true; ltrHeader.Text = "<a href='admin_company_lst.aspx' style='color:white'>Organization</a> > <a href='admin_facility_lst.aspx?strid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str) + "' style='color:white'>" + itemCompany.Name + "</a> > Facility > Create";//กำหนด Header กรณีเข้ามา ADD } hdfIsNew.Value = IsNew ? "C" : "E"; } setDDL_Cbl(IsNew, nComID); setData(nFacilityID); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacID)) { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.DialogWarningRedirect(SystemFunction.Msg_HeadWarning, "Invalid Data", "admin_company_lst.aspx"));// กรณีเข้ามาด้วย link ที่ไม่มี Querystring } } else { SetBodyEventOnLoad(SystemFunction.PopupLogin()); } } }
public static sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod ForgetPassword(string sEmail, string sUsername) { PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities(); sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod result = new sysGlobalClass.CResutlWebMethod(); sEmail = sEmail.ToLower(); sUsername = sUsername.ToLower(); var lstUser = db.mTUser.Where(w => w.cActive == "Y" && w.cDel == "N" && w.Username.ToLower() == sUsername && w.Email.ToLower() == sEmail).ToList(); if (lstUser.Any()) { var Data = lstUser.First(); string sTitle = ""; string sText = ""; string subject = ""; string message = ""; string sURL = ""; string sFoot = "";// "Should you have any questions about RD&T work process."; // sURL = Applicationpath + "login_forget.aspx?str=" + SystemFunction.Encrypt_UrlEncrypt(nDocID + ""); subject = "Password Confirmation | " + SystemFunction.SystemName + ""; sText += "<p>Your password is " + STCrypt.Decrypt(Data.PasswordEncrypt) + "</p>"; string From = SystemFunction.GetSystemMail; string To = Data.Email; message = string.Format(GET_TemplateEmail(), "Dear " + Data.Firstname + ' ' + Data.Lastname, sText, sURL, sFoot, "", ""); Workflow.DataMail_log log = new Workflow.DataMail_log(); log = SystemFunction.SendMailAll(From, To, "", "", subject, message, ""); log.nDataID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(Data.ID + ""); log.sPageName = "login.aspx"; new Workflow().SaveLogMail(log); if (log.bStatus) { result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Success; } } else { result.Status = SystemFunction.process_Failed; result.Msg = "data not found user"; } return(result); }
public bool Insert(SystemFunction systemfunction) { int autonumber = 0; SystemFunctionDAC systemfunctionComponent = new SystemFunctionDAC(); bool endedSuccessfuly = systemfunctionComponent.InsertNewSystemFunction(ref autonumber, systemfunction.Name, systemfunction.IsActive, systemfunction.IsBackendFunction, Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Now); if (endedSuccessfuly) { systemfunction.SystemFunctionId = autonumber; } return(endedSuccessfuly); }
protected void btnSave_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strName = txt_Name.Value.Trim(); string strKey = txt_Key.Value.Trim(); SystemFunction oFunction = SystemFunction.Get(nId); if (null == oFunction) { oFunction = new SystemFunction(); oFunction.ModuleId = nParentId == -1 ? -1 : SystemFunction.Get(nParentId).ModuleId; oFunction.ParentId = nParentId; oFunction.Level = nParentId == -1 ? 1 : (SystemFunction.Get(nParentId).Level + 1); } PageUtil.PageFillEntity<SystemFunction>(this, oFunction); bool bSuccess = SystemFunction.Save(oFunction) > 0; PageUtil.PageAlert(this.Page, bSuccess ? "保存成功!" : "保存失败!"); }
private SystemFunction[] _GetSon(SystemFunction _parentFunction) { List<SystemFunction> ltSon = new List<SystemFunction>(); foreach (SystemFunction son in AllFunctions) { if (son.ParentId == _parentFunction.Id) { ltSon.Add(son); ltSon.AddRange(_GetSon(son)); } } return ltSon.ToArray(); }
protected void btn_UpdateModule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txt_UpdateResult.Value = ""; string strConfigFullName = file_ModuleConfig.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfigFullName)) { _setMessage("请先选择模块配置文件!", true); return; } string strFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(strConfigFullName); string strFileEx = strFileName.Substring(strFileName.IndexOf(".")); if (strFileEx != ".cfg.xml") { _setMessage("请上传文件后缀名称为“.cfg.xml”的配置文件!", true); return; } string strUploadPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Server.MapPath(SystemUtil.GetVirtualSysUploadPath()), strFileName); try { file_ModuleConfig.PostedFile.SaveAs(strUploadPath); _setMessage("上传配置文件成功!", true); } catch (Exception ee) { _setMessage("上传配置文件失败!", true); _setMessage("程序终止!", true); return; } XmlDocument xmlModuleConfig = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlModuleConfig.Load(strUploadPath); _setMessage("读取配置文件成功!", true); } catch (Exception ee) { _setMessage("读取配置文件失败!", true); _setMessage("程序终止!", true); return; } //模块配置文件有效性验证 if (!_vModuleConfig(xmlModuleConfig)) return; XmlNode moduleNode = xmlModuleConfig.SelectSingleNode("Module"); //if (!_vModuleNode(moduleNode)) // return; Hashtable htFns = new Hashtable(); //该模块下的所有功能 //配置模块基本信息 string strModuleKey = _GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "Key"); SystemModule oModuleExist = SystemModule.Get(strModuleKey); bool bModuleAdd = null == oModuleExist; if (bModuleAdd) { oModuleExist = new SystemModule(); oModuleExist.Key = strModuleKey; } oModuleExist.Name = _GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "Name"); oModuleExist.Description = _GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "Description"); oModuleExist.Controller = _GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "Controller"); oModuleExist.IconName = _GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "IconName"); oModuleExist.OrderId = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(moduleNode, "OrderId"), 1); int nModuleId = SystemModule.Save(oModuleExist); _setMessage("模块信息保存" + (nModuleId <= 0 ? "失败!" : "成功!"), true); if(nModuleId <= 0) return; //检测模块功能根节点是否自动新增 SystemFunction rootFn = SystemFunction.Get(strModuleKey); if (null == rootFn) { _setMessage(string.Format("模块根节点不存在!"), true); return; } //配置模块功能信息 XmlNodeList nlFnsRoot = moduleNode.SelectNodes("Functions/Function"); foreach (XmlNode nodeRootFn in nlFnsRoot) { //if (!_vFnNode(nodeRootFn)) // return; string strFnKey = _GetChildNodeText(nodeRootFn, "Key"); SystemFunction oFnExist = SystemFunction.Get(strFnKey); bool bFnAdd = null == oFnExist; if (bFnAdd) { oFnExist = new SystemFunction(); oFnExist.Key = strFnKey; oFnExist.Level = 2; } oFnExist.ParentId = rootFn.Id; oFnExist.ModuleId = nModuleId; oFnExist.Name = _GetChildNodeText(nodeRootFn, "Name"); oFnExist.Description = _GetChildNodeText(nodeRootFn, "Description"); oFnExist.IconName = _GetChildNodeText(nodeRootFn, "IconName"); oFnExist.OrderId = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeRootFn, "OrderId"), 1); int nFnId = SystemFunction.Save(oFnExist); if (nFnId <= 0) { _setMessage(string.Format("功能“{0}”信息保存失败!", oFnExist.Name), true); continue; } _setMessage(string.Format("功能“{0}”信息保存成功!", oFnExist.Name), true); if (!bModuleAdd) { htFns[strFnKey] = 1; } //功能Action信息保存 Hashtable htActions = new Hashtable(); XmlNodeList nlActions = nodeRootFn.SelectNodes("Actions/Action"); foreach (XmlNode nodeAction in nlActions) { //if (!_vActionNode(nodeAction)) // return; string strActionKey = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Key"); SystemAction oActionExist = SystemAction.Get(strActionKey); bool bActionAdd = null == oActionExist; if (bActionAdd) { oActionExist = new SystemAction(); oActionExist.Key = strActionKey; } oActionExist.FunctionId = nFnId; oActionExist.Name = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Name"); oActionExist.Description = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Description"); oActionExist.ActionType = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "ActionType"); oActionExist.ActionValue = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "ActionValue"); oActionExist.IsDefault = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsDefault"), 2); oActionExist.ControlName = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "ControlName"); oActionExist.Tip = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Tip"); oActionExist.IconName = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IconName"); oActionExist.Target = _GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Target"); oActionExist.EntityCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "EntityCount"), 0); oActionExist.IsPopup = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsPopup"), 2); oActionExist.Width = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Width"), 0); oActionExist.Height = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "Height"), 0); oActionExist.IsResize = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsResize"), 2); oActionExist.IsMove = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsMove"), 2); oActionExist.IsIncludeMinBox = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsIncludeMinBox"), 2); oActionExist.IsIncludeMaxBox = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsIncludeMaxBox"), 2); oActionExist.IsShowInTaskBar = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "IsShowInTaskBar"), 2); oActionExist.OrderId = TypeUtil.ParseInt(_GetChildNodeText(nodeAction, "OrderId"), 1); int nActionId = SystemAction.Save(oActionExist); if (nActionId <= 0) { _setMessage(string.Format("功能“{0}”的动作“{1}”信息保存失败!", oFnExist.Name, oActionExist.Name), true); continue; } if (!bFnAdd) { htActions[strActionKey] = 1; } } //删除该功能下的冗余操作(Action) if (!bFnAdd) { SystemAction[] alAtions = SystemAction.GetFunctionAction(nFnId); foreach (SystemAction action in alAtions) { if (!htActions.ContainsKey(action.Key)) SystemAction.Delete(action.Id); } _setMessage(string.Format("删除功能【{0}】冗余操作(Action)完成!", oFnExist.Name), true); } } ////删除该模块下的冗余功能(Function) if (!bModuleAdd) { SystemFunction moduleRootFn = SystemFunction.Get(strModuleKey); if(null == moduleRootFn) { _setMessage("删除模块冗余功能(Function)失败!", true); return; } SystemFunction[] alFns = SystemFunction.GetFunctions(moduleRootFn.Id, false); foreach (SystemFunction function in alFns) { if (!htFns.ContainsKey(function.Key)) SystemFunction.Delete(function.Id); } _setMessage("删除模块冗余功能(Function)成功!", true); } _setMessage("模块配置完成,请刷新浏览器!", true); }
public static int Save(SystemModule _Entity) { int result; if (null == _Entity) { result = -1; } else { int nModuleId = EntityAccess<SystemModule>.Access.Save(_Entity); if (nModuleId <= 0) { result = -1; } else { SystemFunction rootFn = SystemFunction.Get(_Entity.Key); if (null == rootFn) { rootFn = new SystemFunction(); rootFn.Key = _Entity.Key; rootFn.ModuleId = nModuleId; rootFn.Level = 1; rootFn.ParentId = -1; } rootFn.Name = _Entity.Name; rootFn.IconName = _Entity.IconName; rootFn.Description = _Entity.Description; rootFn.OrderId = _Entity.OrderId; SystemFunction.Save(rootFn); result = nModuleId; } } return result; }
private static string __CreateNode(SystemFunction function) { string strText = function.Name; string strTip = function.Description; Hashtable ht = (Hashtable)SystemFunctionUtil.htIdToProperty[function.Id]; int nFriendsCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(ht["friend"]), 0); int nIndex = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(ht["index"]), 0); int nLevel = function.Level; StringBuilder sbNode = new StringBuilder(); int nParentId = function.ParentId; for (int i = 0; i < nLevel - 1; i++) { if (nParentId != -1) { SystemFunction parentFunction = (SystemFunction)SystemFunctionUtil.htIdToFunction[nParentId]; Hashtable htParent = (Hashtable)SystemFunctionUtil.htIdToProperty[parentFunction.Id]; int nPCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(htParent["friend"]), 0); int nPIndex = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(htParent["index"]), 0); string strBranchClassName = (nPCount == nPIndex) ? "tree-node-branch-empty" : "tree-node-branch-line"; sbNode.Insert(0, SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-branch-common " + strBranchClassName, "")); nParentId = parentFunction.ParentId; } } int nChildrenCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(SystemFunctionUtil.htParentIdToCount[function.Id]), -1); if (nChildrenCount > 0) { string strDot = "tree-node-dot-plus"; if (nLevel == 1 && nFriendsCount == 1) { strDot = "tree-node-dot-one-plus"; } else { if (nLevel == 1 && nFriendsCount > 1 && nIndex == 1) { strDot = "tree-node-dot-first-plus"; } else { if (nIndex == nFriendsCount) { strDot = "tree-node-dot-last-plus"; } } } sbNode.Append(SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateCommonSpan("tree-node-branch-common " + strDot, "_type=parent", true)); string strNodeIcon = SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-folder-normal", ""); string strNodeText = SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-head-text", strText); sbNode.Append(SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-head-normal", strNodeIcon + strNodeText, SystemFunctionUtil.__GetTagString(function))); } else { string strDot = "tree-node-branch-middle"; if (nLevel == 1 && nFriendsCount == 1) { strDot = "tree-node-branch-one"; } else { if (nLevel == 1 && nFriendsCount > 1 && nIndex == 1) { strDot = "tree-node-branch-first"; } else { if (nIndex == nFriendsCount) { strDot = "tree-node-branch-last"; } } } sbNode.Append(SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateCommonSpan("tree-node-branch-common " + strDot, "", false)); string strNodeIcon = SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-head-icon-leaf", ""); string strNodeText = SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-head-text", string.Format("<a href='#'>{0}</a>", strText)); sbNode.Append(SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateSpan("tree-node-head-normal", strNodeIcon + strNodeText, SystemFunctionUtil.__GetTagString(function))); } return string.Format("<div class='{0} {1}'>{2}</div>", "tree-node", (nChildrenCount > 0) ? "node-parent" : "node-son", sbNode.ToString()); }
private static string __CreateTree(SystemFunction __FunctionNode, int __NodeIndex) { int nSonCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(SystemFunctionUtil.htParentIdToCount[__FunctionNode.Id]), 0); int nFriendCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(SystemFunctionUtil.htParentIdToCount[__FunctionNode.ParentId]), 0); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht["index"] = __NodeIndex; ht["friend"] = nFriendCount; ht["son"] = nSonCount; SystemFunctionUtil.htIdToProperty[__FunctionNode.Id] = ht; string strNode = SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateNode(__FunctionNode); if (nSonCount > 0) { int nNodeIndex = 1; int nLength = SystemFunctionUtil.Functions.Length; StringBuilder sbNodes = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i++) { if (SystemFunctionUtil.Functions[i].ParentId == __FunctionNode.Id) { sbNodes.Append(SystemFunctionUtil.__CreateTree(SystemFunctionUtil.Functions[i], nNodeIndex)); nNodeIndex++; } } strNode += string.Format("<div class='{0}'>{1}</div>", "tree-nodes-box", sbNodes.ToString()); } return strNode; }
//public int nFunctionId = -1; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Session过期后,进入登陆界面 int nCurrrentUserId = SystemUtil.GetCurrentUserId(); if (nCurrrentUserId <= 0) { Control loginControl = TemplateControl.LoadControl(SystemUtil.ResovleControlPath("SystemManage", "Login")); ph.Controls.Add(loginControl); return; } int nFunctionId = PageUtil.GetQueryInt(this.Request, "fn", -1); int nModuleId = PageUtil.GetQueryInt(this.Request, "m", -1); if (nFunctionId <= 0 && nModuleId <= 0) return; SystemFunction oFunction = new SystemFunction(); if (nFunctionId >= 1) { oFunction = SystemFunction.Get(nFunctionId); if (null == oFunction) return; nModuleId = oFunction.ModuleId; } SystemModule oModule = SystemModule.Get(nModuleId); if (null == oModule) return; string strSingleForm = PageUtil.GetQueryString(this.Request, "fm"); string strActionKey = PageUtil.GetQueryString(this.Request, "akey"); string strControlName = strSingleForm; SystemAction[] alActions = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strControlName)) { alActions = SystemAction.GetUserAction(nCurrrentUserId, nFunctionId); if (null == alActions) return; foreach (SystemAction action in alActions) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strActionKey) && action.Key.Equals(strActionKey)) { strControlName = action.ControlName; break; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strActionKey) && action.IsDefault == 1) { strControlName = action.ControlName; strActionKey = action.Key; break; } } if (strActionKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { this.ShowException("您还没有改功能的操作权限,请您联系系统管理人员解决!"); return; } if (!IsPostBack) { //记录用户操作日志 SystemLog oLog = new SystemLog(); oLog.UserId = nCurrrentUserId; oLog.AccessFunctionName = oFunction.Name; oLog.AccessActionName = SystemAction.Get(strActionKey).Name; oLog.AccessTime = DateTime.Now; oLog.AccessURL = this.Page.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; oLog.Remark = string.Format("[ControlName:{0}][IP:{1}]", strControlName, this.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]); SystemLog.Save(oLog); } } string strOtherUrl = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOtherUrl) && strOtherUrl.Length > 4 && strOtherUrl.Substring(0, 4) == "http") { Response.Write(string.Format("<iframe frameborder=\"0\" src=\"{0}\" scrolling=\"auto\" height=\"100%\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>", strOtherUrl)); return; } string strControlPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOtherUrl) ? SystemUtil.ResovleControlPath(oModule.Controller, strControlName) : strOtherUrl; Control loadControl = null; try { loadControl = LoadControl(strControlPath); ph.Controls.Add(loadControl); } catch(Exception ex) { this.ShowException(string.Format("控件加载失败!<br /><br />原因:{0}", ex.Message)); return; } Control toolBar = loadControl.FindControl("toolBar"); if (null != toolBar) { (toolBar as HtmlControl).Attributes["class"] = "toolBar"; foreach (SystemAction action in alActions) { HyperLink toolAction = new HyperLink(); toolAction.ID = "Action_" + action.Key; toolAction.CssClass = action.Key == strActionKey ? "action-active" : "action-normal"; toolAction.ToolTip = action.Tip; toolAction.Attributes["onclick"] = action.Key == strActionKey ? "void(0);" : string.Format("formUtil.actionDone({0});", action.ToActionJson()); toolAction.NavigateUrl = "javascript:void(0);"; HtmlGenericControl spanText = new HtmlGenericControl("span"); spanText.InnerText = action.Name; HtmlImage toolIcon = new HtmlImage(); //图标必须是16像素宽高 toolIcon.Width = 16; toolIcon.Height = 16; toolIcon.Align = "absMiddle"; toolIcon.Attributes["hspace"] = "2"; toolIcon.Src = SystemUtil.ResovleActionImagePath(action.IconName); toolAction.Controls.Add(toolIcon); toolAction.Controls.Add(spanText); toolBar.Controls.Add(toolAction); } } //页面Postback后清空复选框选择值隐藏域 hiddenSelectedValue.Value = ""; }
private static string __GetTagString(SystemFunction _FuncObj) { string result; if (null == _FuncObj) { result = ""; } else { int nChildrenCount = TypeUtil.ParseInt(string.Concat(SystemFunctionUtil.htParentIdToCount[_FuncObj.Id]), -1); string strNodeType = (nChildrenCount > 0) ? "parent" : "son"; StringBuilder sbTag = new StringBuilder(); sbTag.Append(string.Format(" _tag=\"{0}\"", _FuncObj.Id)); sbTag.Append(string.Format(" _type=\"{0}\"", strNodeType)); sbTag.Append(string.Format(" _name=\"{0}\"", _FuncObj.Name.Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", ""))); sbTag.Append(string.Format(" _value=\"{0}\"", _FuncObj.Id)); sbTag.Append(string.Format(" _icon=\"{0}\"", _FuncObj.IconName)); result = sbTag.ToString(); } return result; }