public DurationWindow() { InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); this.txtDrillDown.Text = @" // You can hit F5 in these query windows to execute your queries after you make any changes. // You should dump a duration item at the end of your query since the drill down query depends on this."; DataGridUtilities.SetDynamicItemSource(this.gridDetails, "Drill down activities will be displayed here."); }
public EventDetails() { InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); this.KeyDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Escape) { this.Hide(); } }; }
public MainWindow() { Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException += new DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventHandler(ExceptionHelper.HanldeUnhandledException); this.Model = new MainModel(App.CommandLineArgs, SynchronizationContext.Current); this.logwindow = new LogViewer(); this.logwindow.DataContext = this.Model; ExceptionHelper.logviewer = this.logwindow; this.EventsModel = new EventsModel(); this.FilterModel = new FilterModel(); this.TimelineModel = new TimelineModel(this.Model); this.EventStatsModel = new EventStatsModel(); Instance = this; InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); this.DataContext = this.Model; this.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded; }
public LogViewer() { InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); entries = new LogEntries(); this.logList.ItemsSource = entries; this.GetDiagnostics(); this.DataContextChanged += LogViewer_DataContextChanged; CanSendReport = true; Logger.CollectionChanged += this.OnLog; ShowLog.CanExecuteTargets += () => true; ShowLog.ExecuteTargets += (e) => { this.Show(); this.Activate(); }; }
public WebBrowserWindow() { InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); }
public QueryWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.context = SynchronizationContext.Current; SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); }
public static void ApplyWindowStyles(Window window) { window.Style = Application.Current.Resources["MetroWindow"] as Style; SystemCommandHandler.Bind(window); }
public EventStatsWindow() { InitializeComponent(); SystemCommandHandler.Bind(this); }