//public void CountWords()
 public void CountWords(
     System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
     System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
     var state = SearchInFile();
     worker.ReportProgress(0, state);
        public void IndexFiles(FileInfo[] imageFiles, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker IndexBgWorker, object argument = null)
            List<RGBProjectionRecord> listOfRecords = new List<RGBProjectionRecord>();

            RgbProjections projections = null;
            int totalFileCount = imageFiles.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalFileCount; i++)
                var fi = imageFiles[i];
                using (Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtility.ResizeBitmap(new Bitmap(fi.FullName), 100, 100))
                    projections = new RgbProjections(ImageUtility.GetRgbProjections(bitmap));

                RGBProjectionRecord record = new RGBProjectionRecord
                    Id = i,
                    ImageName = fi.Name,
                    ImagePath = fi.FullName,
                    RGBProjection = projections
            BinaryAlgoRepository<List<RGBProjectionRecord>> repo = new BinaryAlgoRepository<List<RGBProjectionRecord>>();
        public override Raster ProcessRaster(Raster rOriginal, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            int width = rOriginal.Width;
            int height = rOriginal.Height;
            Raster raster;
            //stamping filter
            LinearFilter filter = Cip.Filters.LinearFilter.Stamping();
            raster = filter.ProcessRaster(rOriginal, worker);

            //VectorHSI hsi;
            int intensity;
            byte g;
            //convert to gray image and increase lightness
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    intensity = Cip.Foundations.ColorspaceHelper.RGB2GRAYI(raster[i, j]);
                    intensity += 128;
                    g = VectorRgb.ClampByte(intensity);
                    raster[i, j] = new VectorRgb(g, g, g);
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * j / height), DateTime.Now - startTime);

            return raster;
        private FullSpriteSet( IList<AbstractSprite> sprites, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, int tasksComplete, int tasks )
            bool haveWorker = worker != null;
            if ( haveWorker )
                worker.ReportProgress( ( tasksComplete++ * 100 ) / tasks, "Sorting" );
            sprites.Sort( ( a, b ) => a.Name.CompareTo( b.Name ) );
            this.sprites = sprites;
            Thumbnails = new ImageList();
            Thumbnails.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size( 80, 48 );
            foreach ( var sprite in sprites )
                if ( haveWorker )
                    worker.ReportProgress( ( tasksComplete++ * 100 ) / tasks, string.Format( "Generating thumbnail for {0}", sprite.Name ) );

                Thumbnails.Images.Add( sprite.Name, sprite.GetThumbnail() );
 private FullSpriteSet( IList<AbstractSprite> sprites, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, int tasksComplete, int tasks )
     bool haveWorker = worker != null;
     if ( haveWorker )
         worker.ReportProgress( ( tasksComplete++ * 100 ) / tasks, "Sorting" );
     sprites.Sort( ( a, b ) => a.Name.CompareTo( b.Name ) );
     this.sprites = sprites;
        public void parallelPingServers(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
                                        System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e,
                                        int[] speeds,
                                        ARSMonitor.serverControl server
            Ping pingSender = new Ping();
            PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
            options.DontFragment = true;
            string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; // сделать размер буфера изменяемым в настройках
            CurrentState state = new CurrentState();
            byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); // сделать изменяемым в настройках
            int timeout = 120; // сделать изменяемым в настройках
            double count = serverList.Count;
            double i = 0;
            int progress;
            progress = (int)Math.Round((i / count) * 100);
            //elements.Find(el => el.Child == server);
            string host = server.objectAddress; // сделать изменяемым в настройках

            while (!worker.CancellationPending)
                PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(host, timeout, buffer, options);
                if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                    state.address = server.objectAddress;
                    state.isOnline = true;
                    /*while (worker.IsBusy)
                    worker.ReportProgress(progress, state);
                    state.address = server.objectAddress;
                    state.isOnline = false;
                    worker.ReportProgress(progress, state);
                if (!workState)

            e.Cancel = true;
        public void CountWords(
            System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
            System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            CurrentState state = new CurrentState();
            string line = "";
            int elapsedTime = 20;
            DateTime lastReportDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (CompareString == null || CompareString == string.Empty) {
                throw new Exception("CompareString not specified.");

            try {
                using (System.IO.StreamReader stream = new System.IO.StreamReader(SourceFile)) {
                    while (!stream.EndOfStream) {
                        if (worker.CancellationPending) {
                            e.Cancel = true;
                        else {
                            line = stream.ReadLine();
                            WordCount += CountInString(line, CompareString);
                            LinesCounted += 1;

                            int compare = DateTime.Compare(
                                DateTime.Now, lastReportDateTime.AddMilliseconds(elapsedTime));
                            if (compare > 0) {
                                state.LinesCounted = LinesCounted;
                                state.WordsMatched = WordCount;
                                worker.ReportProgress(0, state);
                                lastReportDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                    state.LinesCounted = LinesCounted;
                    state.WordsMatched = WordCount;
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, state);
            catch (Exception exc) {
                throw exc;
 public static void GetDiffs(List<string> filePaths, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, out TagDiffs diffs, out FileErrors errors)
     diffs = new TagDiffs();
     errors = new FileErrors();
     int index = 0;
     int total = filePaths.Count();
     foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
         if (worker.CancellationPending) return;
         index += 1;
         worker.ReportProgress(index*100/total, filePath);
         AddDiffs(diffs, errors, filePath);
        public static void Analyze(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles("C:\\Users\\Forpatril\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Diploma_cs\\Images", "*.jpg"))
                Image img = new Image(file);
                for (int w = 2; w < 35; w++)
                    for (int sig = 1; sig < w / 2; sig++)
                        filterclass fc = new filterclass();
                        Noise n = new Noise();
                        Image img_n = n.addNoise("gaussian", img, 0, 0.055);
                        double[] p = new double[] {w, sig, 0.2};
                        MWNumericArray parameters = new MWNumericArray(p);
                        MWLogicalArray mw_print = new MWLogicalArray(Form1.print);
                        MWArray[] Result = fc.filter2(2, img_n.image, "bilateral", parameters, mw_print);
                        MWNumericArray descriptor = null;
                        descriptor = (MWNumericArray)Result[0];
                        double[,] result = null;
                        result = (double[,])descriptor.ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
                        Image ret = new Image(result);
                        MWNumericArray e_descriptor = null;
                        e_descriptor = (MWNumericArray)Result[1];
                        ret.Time = (double)e_descriptor.ToScalarDouble();

                        filterDataContext db = new filterDataContext();
                        psnrClass ps = new psnrClass();
                        double psnr = (double)((MWNumericArray)ps.psnr(ret.image, img.image)).ToScalarDouble();
                        db.add_line("bilateral", "gaussian", img.Height, img.Width, ret.Time, psnr, p[0], p[1], p[2]);

                        Result = null;
                        e_descriptor = null;
                        result = null;
                        parameters = null;
                        img_n = null;
                        n = null;
                        descriptor = null;
                        ret = null;
                        ps = null;
                        fc = null;
                img = null;
 public static void Fill(string path, int id, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
     int i = 0;
     foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg"))
         filterDataContext db = new filterDataContext();
         Image img = new Image(file);
         Noise n = new Noise();
         img = n.addNoise("gaussian", img, 0, 0.055);
         RunFilter rf = new RunFilter();
         Image ret = rf.Do(img, id);
         psnrClass ps = new psnrClass();
         double psnr = (double)((MWNumericArray)ps.psnr(ret.image, img.image)).ToScalarDouble();
        public static void ReceiveMails(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker)
            string pop, port, mailname, mailpassword, keyword;
                BLL.SettingBLL bll = new BLL.SettingBLL();
                Dictionary<string, string> dic = bll.GetMailSet();
                pop = dic["POP"];
                port = dic["Port"];
                mailname = dic["Mail"];
                mailpassword = dic["MailPwd"];
                keyword = dic["Keyword"];

                if (pop3Client.Connected)
                pop3Client.Connect(pop, int.Parse(port), true);
                pop3Client.Authenticate(mailname, mailpassword);
                int count = pop3Client.GetMessageCount();

                for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                    backgroundWorker.ReportProgress((int)(((double)i / count) * 100));
                    * 1.接收邮件,筛选出带有关键字开头的邮件
                    * 2.将邮件格式转成xaml便于读取
                    * 3.判断邮件时间,如果当天邮件则进行合并和显示操作;如果是以前的时间,就进行合并和保存操作
                    * 4.删除已读取的邮件
                    Message message = pop3Client.GetMessage(i);
                    if (message.Headers.Subject.StartsWith(keyword))
                        SaveMail(i, message);

            TryMail(pop, port, mailname, mailpassword);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the columns to be displayed from Bugzilla - colchange.cgi
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BugzillaUrl">Url of the bugzilla system</param>
        /// <returns>Hashtable (key is column name, value is the index in the array of columns)</returns>
        public Hashtable GenerateColumnsToBeDisplayed( System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker  )
            TDSettings.ConnectionRow connection = MyZillaSettingsDataSet.GetInstance().GetConnectionById(_connectionId);

            HttpHelper httpRequest = new HttpHelper(_connectionId, connection.Charset);

            //GET HTML content for the page provided
            string htmlContent = httpRequest.GetFromUrl(String.Concat(connection.URL, DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_PAGE), false);


            if (backgroundWorker != null)

            return cols ;
        public override Raster ProcessRaster(Raster rOriginal, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            byte r, g, b, rr, gg, bb;
            VectorRgb c;
            int width = rOriginal.Width;
            int height = rOriginal.Height;
            Raster raster = new Raster(width, height, Color.Black);
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                //moving by columns
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    r = g = b = 0;
                    rr = gg = bb = 255;
                    for (int k = i - (n - 1) / 2; k <= i + (n - 1) / 2; k++)
                        for (int l = j - (n - 1) / 2; l <= j + (n - 1) / 2; l++)
                            if (k >= 0 && k < width && l < height && l >= 0)
                                c = rOriginal[k, l];
                                if (c.R > r) r = c.R;
                                if (c.G > g) g = c.G;
                                if (c.B > b) b = c.B;

                                if (c.R < rr) rr = c.R;
                                if (c.G < gg) gg = c.G;
                                if (c.B < bb) bb = c.B;
                    raster[i, j].R = (byte)(255 - Math.Abs(r - rr));
                    raster[i, j].G = (byte)(255 - Math.Abs(g - gg));
                    raster[i, j].B = (byte)(255 - Math.Abs(b - bb));
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * i / width), DateTime.Now - startTime);
            return raster;
 public static void WriteDiffs(OrderedDiffs diffs, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, out FileErrors errors)
     errors = new FileErrors();
     int total = diffs.Count();
     int index = 0;
     foreach (var filePath in diffs.Keys)
         if (worker.CancellationPending) return;
         index += 1;
         worker.ReportProgress(index * 100 / total, filePath);
             WriteDiff(filePath, diffs[filePath]);
         catch (Exception ex)
             errors.Add(new FileError { FilePath = filePath, Message = ex.Message });
        public void IndexFilesAsync(FileInfo[] imageFiles, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker IndexBgWorker, object argument = null)
            ConcurrentBag<RGBProjectionRecord> listOfRecords = new ConcurrentBag<RGBProjectionRecord>();

            RgbProjections projections = null;
            int totalFileCount = imageFiles.Length;

            int i = 0; long nextSequence;
            //In the class scope:
            Object lockMe = new Object();

            Parallel.ForEach(imageFiles, currentImageFile =>
                var fi = currentImageFile;
                using (Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtility.ResizeBitmap(new Bitmap(fi.FullName), 100, 100))
                    projections = new RgbProjections(ImageUtility.GetRgbProjections(bitmap));

                lock (lockMe)
                    nextSequence = i++;

                RGBProjectionRecord record = new RGBProjectionRecord
                    Id = nextSequence,
                    ImageName = fi.Name,
                    ImagePath = fi.FullName,
                    RGBProjection = projections


            BinaryAlgoRepository<List<RGBProjectionRecord>> repo = new BinaryAlgoRepository<List<RGBProjectionRecord>>();
文件: ECBRates.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
        public override WorkerResult Run(IDalSessionFactory factory, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
                IDalSession session = factory.CreateSession();
                DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;

                if (LoadExRates(session))
                    string result = "The exchangerates were imported successfully";
                    e.Result = new WorkerResult(WorkerResult.STATE_NORMAL, WorkerResultStatus.Ok, result);
            catch (Exception ex)
                e.Result = new WorkerResult(WorkerResult.STATE_EXCEPTION, WorkerResultStatus.Exception, "An error occured during the retrieval of the exchangerates", "", ex);
            return (WorkerResult)e.Result;
        private string sendRequest(string req_xml, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker bw)
            int counter = 0;
               string ret = "Unknown Error";
                XmlDocument soap_env = new XmlDocument();
                request = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
                request.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", soap_action);
                request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"";
                request.Method = "POST";
                request.CookieContainer = cookie;
                request.KeepAlive = false; //true
                request.UserAgent = "Small Craft C#";

             //   Ignore SSL Error if using https
               System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(
                Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain,
                System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors errors)
                    return (true);

                Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream();

                    string buf = "";

                    System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                    Stream s = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s);

                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        buf += sr.ReadLine();
                        if (reportProgress) {

                    ret = buf;

                catch (System.Net.WebException webExc)
                    ret = webExc.ToString();

            return ret;
        private void SearchNext(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker bw)
            while (elements.Count > 0)
                if (bw.CancellationPending)

                YouTubeElement elem = elements.First();

                bw.ReportProgress(0, (object)elem);
        //public void CountWords()
        public void CountWords(
            System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
            System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Initialize the variables.
            CurrentState state = new CurrentState();
            string line = "";
            int elapsedTime = 20;
            DateTime lastReportDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (CompareString == null ||
                CompareString == System.String.Empty)
                throw new Exception("CompareString not specified.");

            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(SourceFile))

                byte[] b = new byte[32768]; //5sec
                //byte[] b = new byte[131072]; //5sec
                //byte[] b = new byte[65536]; //5sec
                UTF8Encoding temp = new UTF8Encoding(true);

                int length = (int)fs.Length;  // get file length
                //b = new byte[length];       // create buffer
                int count = 0;                // actual number of bytes read
                int sum = 0;                  // total number of bytes read

                //Read File upper
                //int max = (int)(fs.Length / 2);

                //Get to the top
                fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                while (fs.Read(b, sum, b.Length) > 0)
                    //sum += count;
                    //if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    //    e.Cancel = true;
                    //    break;
                    line = temp.GetString(b);
                    WordCount += StringHelper.Instance.CountInString(line, CompareString);
                    LinesCounted += 1;

                    // Raise an event so the form can monitor progress.
                    int compare = DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, lastReportDateTime.AddMilliseconds(elapsedTime));
                    if (compare > 0)
                        state.LinesCounted = LinesCounted;
                        state.WordsMatched = WordCount;
                        //worker.ReportProgress(0, state);
                        lastReportDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                    // Uncomment for testing.


            // Report the final count values.
            state.LinesCounted = LinesCounted;
            state.WordsMatched = WordCount;
            worker.ReportProgress(0, state);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processing resample.
        /// </summary>
        public override Raster ProcessRaster(Raster rOriginal, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (newx == 0 || newy == 0) return null;

            if (rOriginal.Width == newx && rOriginal.Height == newy)
                return new Raster(rOriginal);//copy

            float xScale, yScale, fX, fY;
            xScale = (float)rOriginal.Width / (float)newx;
            yScale = (float)rOriginal.Height / (float)newy;

            Raster newImage = new Raster(newx, newy);

            switch (this.mode)
                #region nearest pixel
                case Cip.Transformations.CipInterpolationMode.NearestPixel:
                        // nearest pixel
                        for (int y = 0; y < newy; y++)
                            fY = y * yScale;
                            for (int x = 0; x < newx; x++)
                                fX = x * xScale;
                                newImage[x, y] = rOriginal[(int)fX, (int)fY];
                            worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * y / newy), DateTime.Now - startTime);
                #endregion nearest pixel
                #region bicubic interpolation
                case Cip.Transformations.CipInterpolationMode.BicubicSpline:
                        // bicubic interpolation by Blake L. Carlson <blake-carlson(at)uiowa(dot)edu
                        float f_x, f_y, a, b, r1, r2;
                        byte rr, gg, bb;
                        int i_x, i_y, xx, yy;
                        VectorRgb rgb;

                        for (int y = 0; y < newy; y++)
                            f_y = (float)y * yScale - 0.5f;
                            i_y = (int) Math.Floor(f_y);
                            a = f_y - (float)Math.Floor(f_y);
                            for (int x = 0; x < newx; x++)
                                f_x = (float)x * xScale - 0.5f;
                                i_x = (int)Math.Floor(f_x);
                                b = f_x - (float)Math.Floor(f_x);

                                rr = gg = bb = 0;
                                for (int m = -1; m < 3; m++)
                                    r1 = CipInterpolationFunctions.KernelBSpline((float)m - a);
                                    yy = i_y + m;
                                    if (yy < 0) yy = 0;
                                    if (yy >= rOriginal.Height) yy = rOriginal.Height - 1;
                                    for (int n = -1; n < 3; n++)
                                        r2 = r1 * CipInterpolationFunctions.KernelBSpline(b - (float)n);
                                        xx = i_x + n;
                                        if (xx < 0) xx = 0;
                                        if (xx >= rOriginal.Width) xx = rOriginal.Width - 1;

                                        rgb = rOriginal[xx, yy];

                                        rr += (byte) (rgb.R * r2);
                                        gg += (byte) (rgb.G * r2);
                                        bb += (byte) (rgb.B * r2);
                                    }//end for n
                                }//end for m
                                newImage[x, y] = new VectorRgb(rr, gg, bb);
                            }//end for x
                            worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * y / newy), DateTime.Now - startTime);
                        }//end for y

                #endregion bicubic interpolation
                #region bilinear interpolation
                case Cip.Transformations.CipInterpolationMode.Bilinear:
                        // bilinear interpolation
                        double fraction_x, fraction_y, one_minus_x, one_minus_y;
                        int ceil_x, ceil_y, floor_x, floor_y;
                        VectorRgb c1 = new VectorRgb();
                        VectorRgb c2 = new VectorRgb();
                        VectorRgb c3 = new VectorRgb();
                        VectorRgb c4 = new VectorRgb();
                        byte red, green, blue;

                        byte b1, b2;

                        for (int x = 0; x < newx; ++x)
                            for (int y = 0; y < newy; ++y)
                                // Setup
                                floor_x = (int)Math.Floor(x * xScale);
                                floor_y = (int)Math.Floor(y * yScale);
                                ceil_x = floor_x + 1;
                                if (ceil_x >= rOriginal.Width) ceil_x = floor_x;
                                ceil_y = floor_y + 1;
                                if (ceil_y >= rOriginal.Height) ceil_y = floor_y;
                                fraction_x = x * xScale - floor_x;
                                fraction_y = y * yScale - floor_y;
                                one_minus_x = 1.0f - fraction_x;
                                one_minus_y = 1.0f - fraction_y;

                                c1 = rOriginal[floor_x, floor_y];
                                c2 = rOriginal[ceil_x, floor_y];
                                c3 = rOriginal[floor_x, ceil_y];
                                c4 = rOriginal[ceil_x, ceil_y];

                                // Blue
                                b1 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c1.B + fraction_x * c2.B);
                                b2 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c3.B + fraction_x * c4.B);
                                blue = (byte)(one_minus_y * (double)(b1) + fraction_y * (double)(b2));

                                // Green
                                b1 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c1.G + fraction_x * c2.G);
                                b2 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c3.G + fraction_x * c4.G);
                                green = (byte)(one_minus_y * (double)(b1) + fraction_y * (double)(b2));

                                // Red
                                b1 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c1.R + fraction_x * c2.R);
                                b2 = (byte)(one_minus_x * c3.R + fraction_x * c4.R);
                                red = (byte)(one_minus_y * (double)(b1) + fraction_y * (double)(b2));

                                newImage[x, y] = new VectorRgb(red, green, blue);
                            worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * x / newx), DateTime.Now - startTime);

                #endregion bilinear interpolation
                        // nearest pixel
                        for (int y = 0; y < newy; y++)
                            fY = y * yScale;
                            for (int x = 0; x < newx; x++)
                                fX = x * xScale;
                                newImage[x, y] = rOriginal[(int)fX, (int)fY];
                            worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * y / newy), DateTime.Now - startTime);
            }//end switch

            return newImage;
        public static FullSpriteSet FromShishiFile( string filename, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker )
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> manifest;

            List<AbstractSprite> sprites = new List<AbstractSprite>();

            int tasks = 0;
            int tasksComplete = 0;
            using ( ZipFile zf = new ZipFile( filename ) )
                BinaryFormatter f = new BinaryFormatter();
                manifest = f.Deserialize( zf.GetInputStream( zf.GetEntry( "manifest" ) ) ) as Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>>;

                foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> kvp in manifest )
                    tasks += kvp.Value.Keys.Count * 3;

                tasks += 1;
                foreach( string type in manifest.Keys )
                    Type spriteType = Type.GetType( type );
                    ConstructorInfo constructor = spriteType.GetConstructor( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof( SerializedSprite ) }, null );

                    foreach( string name in manifest[type].Keys )
                        List<string> filenames = manifest[type][name];
                        int size = filenames.Count;
                        byte[][] bytes = new byte[size][];

                        worker.ReportProgress( ( tasksComplete++ * 100 ) / tasks, string.Format( "Extracting {0}", name ) );

                        ZipEntry entry = zf.GetEntry( string.Format( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/{1}/Pixels", type, name ) );
                        byte[] pixels = new byte[entry.Size];
                        StreamUtils.ReadFully( zf.GetInputStream( entry ), pixels );

                        entry = zf.GetEntry( string.Format( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/{1}/Palettes", type, name ) );
                        byte[] palettes = new byte[entry.Size];
                        StreamUtils.ReadFully( zf.GetInputStream( entry ), palettes );

                        entry = zf.GetEntry( string.Format( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/{1}/Size", type, name ) );
                        byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[entry.Size];
                        StreamUtils.ReadFully( zf.GetInputStream( entry ), sizeBytes );
                        int origSize = Int32.Parse( new string( Encoding.UTF8.GetChars( sizeBytes ) ), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );

                        worker.ReportProgress( ( tasksComplete++ * 100 ) / tasks, string.Format( "Building {0}", name ) );
                        sprites.Add( constructor.Invoke( new object[] { new SerializedSprite( name, origSize, filenames, pixels, palettes ) } ) as AbstractSprite );


            return new FullSpriteSet( sprites, worker, tasksComplete, tasks );
        public void IndexFiles(FileInfo[] imageFiles, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker IndexBgWorker,
            Action<string> logWriter,
            SurfSettings surfSetting = null)
            #region Surf Dectator Region
            double hessianThresh = 500;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8;

            if (surfSetting != null)
                hessianThresh = surfSetting.HessianThresh.Value;
                uniquenessThreshold = surfSetting.UniquenessThreshold.Value;

            SURFDetector surfDectector = new SURFDetector(hessianThresh, false);

            int rows = 0;

            Matrix<float> superMatrix = null;
            List<SURFRecord1> observerSurfImageIndexList = new List<SURFRecord1>();

            Stopwatch sw1, sw2;

            sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            logWriter("Index started...");
            int totalFileCount = imageFiles.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalFileCount; i++)
                var fi = imageFiles[i];
                using (Image<Gray, byte> observerImage = new Image<Gray, byte>(fi.FullName))
                    VectorOfKeyPoint observerKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                    Matrix<float> observerDescriptor = surfDectector.DetectAndCompute(observerImage, null, observerKeyPoints);

                    if (observerDescriptor.Rows > 4)
                        int initRow = rows; int endRows = rows + observerDescriptor.Rows - 1;

                        SURFRecord1 record = new SURFRecord1
                            Id = i,
                            ImageName = fi.Name,
                            ImagePath = fi.FullName,
                            IndexStart = rows,
                            IndexEnd = endRows


                        if (superMatrix == null)
                            superMatrix = observerDescriptor;
                            superMatrix = superMatrix.ConcateVertical(observerDescriptor);

                        rows = endRows + 1;
                        Debug.WriteLine(fi.Name + " skip from index, because it didn't have significant feature");
            logWriter(string.Format("Index Complete, it tooked {0} ms. Saving Repository...", sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds));
            SurfDataSet surfDataset = new SurfDataSet
                SurfImageIndexRecord = observerSurfImageIndexList,
                SuperMatrix = superMatrix
            sw2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            logWriter(string.Format("Index tooked {0} ms. Saving Repository tooked {1} ms", sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds, sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds));
        public override bool PrepareStippling(double spacing, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            if (stipplingData.settings.SourceFile.Length == 0 ||
                return false;

            Bitmap source = new Bitmap(stipplingData.settings.SourceFile);

            numClasses = stipplingData.colorBasis.Length;

            double[] rDiag = new double[numClasses];
            resizedSource = new Bitmap((int)((float)Math.Max(1, source.Width * stipplingData.settings.ImageResizingFactor)),
                                       (int)((float)Math.Max(1, source.Height * stipplingData.settings.ImageResizingFactor)));
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(resizedSource);
                g.DrawImage(source, new Rectangle(0, 0, resizedSource.Width, resizedSource.Height));
            imageWidth = resizedSource.Width;
            imageHeight = resizedSource.Height;
            r = new double[imageWidth, imageHeight];
            double pixelSize = 1.0 / imageWidth;

            for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; ++y)
                if (worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation && worker.CancellationPending) return false;
                if (worker.WorkerReportsProgress) worker.ReportProgress((int)((float)y / imageHeight * 100), "Building conflict check matrix");

                for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x)
                    Color col = resizedSource.GetPixel(x, y);
                    double component;

                    if (stipplingData.additiveBlending)
                        double dR = (double)col.R / 255;
                        double dG = (double)col.G / 255;
                        double dB = (double)col.B / 255;
                        component = 1.0 / Math.Max(0.0001, Math.Sqrt(dR * dR + dG * dG + dB * dB));
                        double dR = (double)col.R / 255;
                        double dG = (double)col.G / 255;
                        double dB = (double)col.B / 255;
                        double dist = Math.Sqrt(dR * dR + dG * dG + dB * dB);
                        component = 1.0 / Math.Max(0.0001, Math.Sqrt(3) - dist);
                    r[x, y] = component * pixelSize * spacing;
            return true;
        public override void StartStippling(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)

            Random rnd = new Random();

            if (r == null || imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0) PrepareStippling(stipplingData.settings.Spacing, worker);

            int numSamples = stipplingData.samples.Count; // in case we're resuming stippling
                //  pick next sample class

                int numAttempts = 0;
                Sample_t s;
                    if (worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation && worker.CancellationPending) return;

                    if (cropRegion.HasValue)
                        double w = rnd.NextDouble() * cropRegion.Value.Width + cropRegion.Value.X;
                        double h = rnd.NextDouble() * cropRegion.Value.Height + cropRegion.Value.Y;

                        s.x = w;
                        s.y = h;
                        double cellX = (double)rnd.Next(0, HashCells) / HashCells;
                        double cellY = (double)rnd.Next(0, HashCells) / HashCells;
                        double w = rnd.NextDouble() / HashCells;
                        double h = rnd.NextDouble() / HashCells;

                        s.x = cellX + w;
                        s.y = cellY + h;

                    int sx = (int)(s.x * OutputImageWidth);
                    int sy = (int)(s.y * OutputImageHeight);

                    s.c = PickSampleColor(sx, sy, rnd);
                } while (numAttempts < stipplingData.settings.Retries && !AcceptSample(s));
                if (numAttempts < stipplingData.settings.Retries)
                } // otherwise the sample is considered lost

                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress &&
                    numSamples % stipplingData.settings.UpdateFrequency == 0)
                    worker.ReportProgress((int)(100 * (float)numSamples / stipplingData.settings.TotalSamples), String.Format("Stippling... {0} samples placed", stipplingData.samples.Count));

            } while (numSamples++ < stipplingData.settings.TotalSamples);
        public static void TransferTableToMongo(string tableName, string databaseName, string collectionName, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker)
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from " + tableName;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            YellowstonePathology.Business.Mongo.Server server = new Business.Mongo.TestServer(databaseName);
            MongoCollection mongoCollection = server.Database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName);

            using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(YellowstonePathology.Business.Properties.Settings.Default.CurrentConnectionString))
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                int transferredRowCount = 1;
                using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        BsonDocument bsonDocument = YellowstonePathology.Business.Mongo.BSONDRBuilder.Build(dr);

                        if (transferredRowCount > 100 && transferredRowCount % 1000 == 0)
                            backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Transfering " + tableName + ", " + transferredRowCount.ToString() + " rows transferred.");
                        transferredRowCount += 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that apply bloom filter to raster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rOriginal">Original raster.</param>
        /// <param name="worker">Background worker.</param>
        /// <returns>Modifyed raster.</returns>
        public override Raster ProcessRaster(Raster rOriginal, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            int width = rOriginal.Width;
            int height = rOriginal.Height;
            Raster raster = new Raster(width, height);

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            byte threshold = (byte)(this.lightThreshold * 255);
            VectorRgb color;
            //bright pass
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    color = rOriginal[i, j];
                    if (color.R > threshold || color.G > threshold || color.B > threshold)
                        raster[i, j] = color;
                        raster[i, j] = new VectorRgb(0, 0, 0);
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * i / width), DateTime.Now - startTime);
            SmoothingFilter filterSmoothing = new SmoothingFilter(ColorSpaceMode.RGB, this.blurRadius);
            raster = filterSmoothing.ProcessRaster(raster, worker);
            //processing (mixing original raster with blured light raster)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    color = raster[i, j] * this.bloomBlendFactor;
                    raster[i, j] = rOriginal[i, j] + color;
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * i / width), DateTime.Now - startTime);
            return raster;
        public override Raster ProcessRaster(Raster rOriginal, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker)
            worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            int width = rOriginal.Width;
            int height = rOriginal.Height;
            Raster raster = new Raster(width, height);
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    raster[i, j] = sepiacolor * VectorRgb.Dot(rOriginal[i, j], luminance);
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100f * i / width), DateTime.Now - startTime);
            return raster;
        public virtual Set<KeyValuePair<string, byte>> GetPreferredDTEPairs( Set<string> replacements, Set<KeyValuePair<string, byte>> currentPairs, Stack<byte> dteBytes, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker )
            // Clone the sections
            var secs = GetCopyOfSections();
            IList<byte> bytes = GetSectionByteArrays( secs, SelectedTerminator, CharMap, CompressionAllowed ).Join();

            Set<KeyValuePair<string, byte>> result = new Set<KeyValuePair<string, byte>>();

            // Determine if we even need to do DTE at all
            int bytesNeeded = bytes.Count - (Layout.Size - DataStart);

            if (bytesNeeded <= 0)
                return result;

            // Take the pairs that were already used for other files and encode this file with them
            result.AddRange( currentPairs );
            TextUtilities.DoDTEEncoding( secs, DteAllowed, PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.DictionaryFromKVPs( result ) );
            bytes = GetSectionByteArrays( secs, SelectedTerminator, CharMap, CompressionAllowed ).Join();

            // If enough bytes were saved with the existing pairs, no need to look further
            bytesNeeded = bytes.Count - (Layout.Size - DataStart);

            if (bytesNeeded <= 0)
                return result;

            string terminatorString = string.Format( "{{0x{0:X2}", selectedTerminator ) + "}";
            // Otherwise, get all the strings that can be DTE encoded
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( Layout.Size );
            for (int i = 0; i < secs.Count; i++)
                if (DteAllowed[i])
                    secs[i].ForEach( t => sb.Append( t ).Append( terminatorString ) );

            // ... determine pair frequency
            var dict = TextUtilities.GetPairAndTripleCounts( sb.ToString(), replacements );

            // Sort the list by count
            var l = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>( dict );
            l.Sort( ( a, b ) => b.Value.CompareTo( a.Value ) );

            // Go through each one, encode the file with it, and see if we're below the limit
            while (bytesNeeded > 0 && l.Count > 0 && dteBytes.Count > 0)
                byte currentDteByte = dteBytes.Pop();
                for (int j = 0; j < l.Count; j++)
                    var tempResult = new Set<KeyValuePair<string, byte>>( result );
                    tempResult.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, byte>( l[j].Key, currentDteByte ) );

                    var oldBytesNeeded = bytesNeeded;
                    TextUtilities.DoDTEEncoding( secs, DteAllowed, PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.DictionaryFromKVPs( tempResult ) );
                    bytes = GetSectionByteArrays( secs, SelectedTerminator, CharMap, CompressionAllowed ).Join();

                    var newBytesNeeded = bytes.Count - (Layout.Size - DataStart);
                    if (newBytesNeeded < oldBytesNeeded)
                        bytesNeeded = newBytesNeeded;
                        result.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, byte>( l[j].Key, currentDteByte ) );
                        TextUtilities.DoDTEEncoding( secs, DteAllowed, PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.DictionaryFromKVPs( result ) );
                        //bytes = GetSectionByteArrays( secs, SelectedTerminator, CharMap, CompressionAllowed ).Join();
                        //bytesNeeded = bytes.Count - (Layout.Size - DataStart);

                        if (newBytesNeeded > 0)
                            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder( Layout.Size );
                            for (int i = 0; i < secs.Count; i++)
                                if (DteAllowed[i])
                                    secs[i].ForEach( t => sb2.Append( t ).Append( terminatorString ) );
                            l = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>( TextUtilities.GetPairAndTripleCounts( sb2.ToString(), replacements ) );
                            l.Sort( ( a, b ) => b.Value.CompareTo( a.Value ) );

                            secs = GetCopyOfSections();

                result.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, byte>( l[0].Key, dteBytes.Pop() ) );
                TextUtilities.DoDTEEncoding( secs, DteAllowed, PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.DictionaryFromKVPs( result ) );
                bytes = GetSectionByteArrays( secs, SelectedTerminator, CharMap, CompressionAllowed ).Join();
                bytesNeeded = bytes.Count - (Layout.Size - DataStart);

                if (bytesNeeded > 0)
                    if (worker != null) worker.ReportProgress(0,
                        new ProgressForm.FileProgress { File = this, State = ProgressForm.TaskState.Starting, Task = ProgressForm.Task.CalculateDte, BytesLeft = bytesNeeded } );
                    StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder( Layout.Size );
                    for (int i = 0; i < secs.Count; i++)
                        if (DteAllowed[i])
                            secs[i].ForEach( t => sb2.Append( t ).Append( terminatorString ) );
                    l = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>( TextUtilities.GetPairAndTripleCounts( sb2.ToString(), replacements ) );
                    l.Sort( ( a, b ) => b.Value.CompareTo( a.Value ) );

                    secs = GetCopyOfSections();

            // Ran out of available pairs and still don't have enough space --> error
            if (bytesNeeded > 0)
                return null;

            return result;
        private long Treatment(int nb, int max, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            long result = 0;

            if (worker.CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;


                int pourcent = (int)(((double)max - (double)nb) / (double)max * 100);

                if (nb <= 1)
                    result = 1;
                    result = Treatment(nb - 1, max, worker, e) + 1;

            return result;
 private void ReportProgress(System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker bgw, ref DoWorkEventArgs e, ref int i)
     if (bgw.CancellationPending)
         e.Cancel = true;
     i = (i + 10) % 100;