		protected void DbDataAdapter_Fill_Ds(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			DataSet dsResult, dsExpected ;
			int ExpectedRowsCount,ResultRowsCount;
			DataSet ds = new DataSet();

			ExpectedRowsCount = ReadDBData_Fill(dbDA,ref ds,false);

			// create expected dataset to compare result to
			dsExpected = ds.Copy();

			//make some changes, the fill method will overides those changes with data from DB.
			foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Select())
				dr["Country"] = "NeverNeverLand";
			ds.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("HomePhone"); //remove column, this column will be addedd during the fill process
			//ds.Tables.Remove(ds.Tables[1]); //remove the table, this table will be addedd during the fill process
			// create source dataset to be filled
			dsResult = ds.Copy();
			//execute fill
			ResultRowsCount = dbDA.Fill(dsResult);

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
 private static System.Data.DataTable GetDataSourceData(System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter adapter, System.String namecolumn, System.String mailcolumn, System.String ownercolumn, System.String book)
     if ( adapter==null )
         return null;
     System.Data.DataTable data = GetDataSourceDataTable (namecolumn, mailcolumn, ownercolumn, book);
     try {
     } catch ( System.Exception e ) {
         if ( log.IsErrorEnabled )
             log.Error("Error while doing query", e);
         return null;
     return data;
		protected void DbDataAdapter_FillError(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			Exception exp = null;
			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand; 
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;
			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers ";

			DataSet ds = new DataSet();
			ds.Tables.Add(new DataTable("Customers"));
			//check FillError event
			dbDA.FillError += new FillErrorEventHandler(dbDA_FillError);
			blnReadDBData_Fill = false;
			try {
				try {
				catch (Exception ){};
				Compare(blnReadDBData_Fill ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			dbDA.FillError -= new FillErrorEventHandler(dbDA_FillError);

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
		protected void DbDataAdapter_Update_Ds_Str(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			int NumberOfAffectedRows = 0;
			Exception exp = null;

			// --------- get data from DB -----------------
			DataSet ds = PrepareDBData_Update(dbDA);

			// --------- prepare dataset for update method -----------------
			DataSet dsDB1 = ds.Copy(); 
			// --------- prepare dataset for DBConcurrencyException -----------------
			DataSet dsDB2 = ds.Copy(); 
			//update dataset
			dsDB2.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {9994,"Ofer", "Borshtein", "Delete"});
			dsDB2.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {9995,"Ofer", "Borshtein", "Update"});

			dsDB1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {9991,"Ofer","Borshtein","Insert"});
			dsDB1.Tables[0].Rows.Find(9993)["Title"] = "Jack the ripper"; 

			//execute update to db
			NumberOfAffectedRows = dbDA.Update(dsDB1,dsDB1.Tables[0].TableName);
			try {
				BeginCase("Number Of Affected Rows");
				Compare(NumberOfAffectedRows ,3 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//get result from db in order to check them
			DataSet dsExpected = new DataSet(); //ds.Reset();
			dsExpected.Tables[0].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {dsExpected.Tables[0].Columns["EmployeeID"]};

			CompareResults_Update(dsDB1,dsDB2,ref dbDA);
			CompareResults_Update_Ds_Str_Exception(dsDB2,ref dbDA);

			//Create rows which not exists in the DB but exists in the DS with row state = deleted
			//this will cause the Update to fail.
			dsDB1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {9997,"Ofer", "Borshtein", "Delete"});
			dsDB1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {9998,"Ofer", "Borshtein", "Delete"});

			//Check Sys.Data.DBConcurrencyException
			//The exception that is thrown by the DataAdapter during the update operation if the number of rows affected equals zero.
			try {
				BeginCase("Check DBConcurrencyException");
				try {
					NumberOfAffectedRows = dbDA.Update(dsDB1,dsDB1.Tables[0].TableName);
				catch (DBConcurrencyException ex) {exp=ex;}
				Compare(exp.GetType(),typeof(DBConcurrencyException) );
				exp = null;
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )

		protected void DataAdapter_MissingSchemaAction(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			Exception exp = null;
			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand; 
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;
//			IConn.Open();

			PrepareDataForTesting( MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString);

			//get the total rows count
			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";
			int ExpectedRows = Sys.Convert.ToInt32(ICmd.ExecuteScalar());
			try {
				BeginCase("Check that Expected rows count > 0");
				Compare(ExpectedRows > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";

			//get db type
			DBType = ConnectedDataProvider.GetDbType(((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.ConnectionString);

			//init dataset
			DataSet ds = new DataSet();
			try {
				BeginCase("Execute Fill - check return rows count");
				int i = dbDA.Fill(ds);
				Compare(i ,ExpectedRows );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//make dataset schema mismatch with DB

			//--- Default value ---
			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction Default value");
				Compare(dbDA.MissingSchemaAction, MissingSchemaAction.Add);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			//--- MissingSchemaAction.Error ---
			dbDA.MissingSchemaAction  = MissingSchemaAction.Error  ;
			Exception ExMissingSchemaAction = null;
			try {
				try {
				catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
					ExMissingSchemaAction = e;
				Compare(ExMissingSchemaAction.GetType() ,typeof(InvalidOperationException));
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Error, Row.Count = 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count , 0 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Error, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country")  , -1 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//--- MissingSchemaAction.Ignore ---
			try {
				//catch any exception that might occure 
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Ignore - invoke");
				dbDA.MissingSchemaAction  = MissingSchemaAction.Ignore  ;
				ExMissingSchemaAction = null;
				Compare(true ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Ignore, Row.Count = 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Ignore, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country")  , -1 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

#if !KNOWN_BUG //BUG_NUM:1951
			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Ignore, PrimaryKey");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey.Length == 0 ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//--- MissingSchemaAction.Add ---
			try {
				//catch any exception that might occure 
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Add - invoke");
				dbDA.MissingSchemaAction  = MissingSchemaAction.Add   ;
				ExMissingSchemaAction = null;
				Compare(true ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Add, Row.Count > 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 0 ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.Add, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country") >= 0  ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

#if !KNOWN_BUG //BUG_NUM:1952
			//DB2 don't return primary key
			if (DBType != DataBaseServer.DB2) {
				try {
					BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey, PrimaryKey");
					Compare(ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey.Length  ,0);
				catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
				finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//--- MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey ---
			try {
				//catch any exception that might occure 
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey - invoke");
				dbDA.MissingSchemaAction  = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey    ;
				ExMissingSchemaAction = null;
				Compare(true ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey, Row.Count > 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 0 ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country") >= 0  ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//DB2 don't return primary key
			if (DBType != DataBaseServer.DB2 &&
				DBType != DataBaseServer.Oracle) {
				try {
					BeginCase("MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey, PrimaryKey");
					Compare(ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey.Length > 0 ,true );
				catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
				finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
		protected void DataAdapter_MissingMappingAction(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			Exception exp = null;
			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand; 
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;

//			IConn.Open();

			//get the total rows count

			PrepareDataForTesting( MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString);

			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";
			int ExpectedRows = Sys.Convert.ToInt32(ICmd.ExecuteScalar());
			try {
				BeginCase("Check that Expected rows count > 0");
				Compare(ExpectedRows > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";

			//init dataset
			DataSet ds = new DataSet();
			try {
				BeginCase("Execute Fill - check return rows count");
				int i = dbDA.Fill(ds);
				Compare(i ,ExpectedRows );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			//make dataset schema mismatch with DB
			//--- Default value ---
			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction Default value");
				Compare(dbDA.MissingMappingAction , MissingMappingAction.Passthrough);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			//--- MissingMappingAction.Error ---
			dbDA.MissingMappingAction  = MissingMappingAction.Error ;
			Exception ExMissingMappingAction = null;
			try {
				try {
				catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
					ExMissingMappingAction = e;
				Compare(ExMissingMappingAction.GetType() ,typeof(InvalidOperationException));
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Error, Row.Count = 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count , 0 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Error, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country")  , -1 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//--- MissingMappingAction.Ignore ---
			dbDA.MissingMappingAction  = MissingMappingAction.Ignore  ;
			ExMissingMappingAction = null;
			try {
				try {
				catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
					ExMissingMappingAction = e;
				Compare(ExMissingMappingAction ,null);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Ignore, Row.Count = 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count ,0);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Ignore, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country")  , -1 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//--- MissingMappingAction.Passthrough ---
			dbDA.MissingMappingAction  = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough   ;
			ExMissingMappingAction = null;
			try {
				try {
				catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
					ExMissingMappingAction = e;
				Compare(ExMissingMappingAction ,null);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Passthrough, Row.Count > 0");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 0 ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("MissingMappingAction.Passthrough, Column");
				Compare(ds.Tables[0].Columns.IndexOf("Country") >= 0  ,true );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )
		protected void DataAdapter_ContinueUpdateOnError(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
				!!!!!! Not working (TestName "ContinueUpdateOnError - true, check value 2")!!!!!
				If ContinueUpdateOnError is set to true, no exception is thrown when an error occurs during the update of a row. 
				The update of the row is skipped and the error information is placed in the RowError property of the row in error. 
				The DataAdapter continues to update subsequent rows.
				If ContinueUpdateOnError is set to false, an exception is thrown when an error occurs during the update of a row.
			Exception exp = null;

			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand; 
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;

			PrepareDataForTesting( MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString);

			//get the total rows count
			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";
			int ExpectedRows = Sys.Convert.ToInt32(ICmd.ExecuteScalar());
			try {
				BeginCase("Check that Expected rows count > 0");
				Compare(ExpectedRows > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";

			DataSet dsMem = new DataSet();	//Disconected dataset
			DataSet dsDB = new DataSet();	//DataBase data
			dbDA.AcceptChangesDuringFill = true;
			//get data from DB
			try {
				BeginCase("Execute Fill - check return rows count");
				int i = dbDA.Fill(dsMem);
				Compare(i ,ExpectedRows );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//update data with invalid information (Max. length for Phone is 24)
			//					123456789012345678901234
			string newValue1 = "Very Long String That Will Raise An Error Yep!";
			string oldValue1 = dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[3]["Phone"].ToString();
			string oldValue2 = dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[4]["Phone"].ToString();
			string newValue2 = "03-1234";

			dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[3]["Phone"] = newValue1;
			dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[4]["Phone"] = newValue2;
			dbDA.ContinueUpdateOnError = true;
			//will not throw exception
			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - true, check exception");
				try {
				catch(Exception ex){exp = ex;}
				Compare(exp == null,true);
				exp = null;
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			dbDA.Fill(dsDB); //get data from DB to check the update operation

			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - true, check RowError");
				Compare(dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[3].RowError.Length > 0 , true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - true, check value 1");
				Compare(dsDB.Tables[0].Rows[3]["Phone"] , oldValue1);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			/*		- Test excluded, it is not working in .NET too!
					//should continue the update
						BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - true, check value 2");
						Compare(dsDB.Tables[0].Rows[4]["Phone"] , newValue2);  //--------- NOT WORKING !!! -----------
					catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
					finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[3]["Phone"] = newValue1 ;
			dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[4]["Phone"] = newValue2;
			dbDA.ContinueUpdateOnError = false;
			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - false, check exception");
				try {
				catch(Exception ex){exp = ex;}
				Compare(exp == null,false);
				exp = null;
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			dbDA.Fill(dsDB); //get data from DB to check the update operation
			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - false,check RowError");
				Compare(dsMem.Tables[0].Rows[3].RowError.Length > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}
			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - false,check value 1");
				Compare(dsDB.Tables[0].Rows[3]["Phone"] , oldValue1 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			try {
				BeginCase("ContinueUpdateOnError - false,check value 2");
				Compare(dsDB.Tables[0].Rows[4]["Phone"] , oldValue2 );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )

		protected void DataAdapter_AcceptChangesDuringFill(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA) {
			Exception exp = null;
			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand; 
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;

			PrepareDataForTesting( MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString);

			//get the total rows count
			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";
			int ExpectedRows = Sys.Convert.ToInt32(ICmd.ExecuteScalar());
			try {
				BeginCase("Check that Expected rows count > 0");
				Compare(ExpectedRows > 0 ,true);
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers where CustomerID in ('GH100','GH200','GH300','GH400','GH500','GH600','GH700')";

			DataSet ds = new DataSet();
			dbDA.AcceptChangesDuringFill = false;

			try {
				BeginCase("Execute Fill - check return rows count");
				int i = dbDA.Fill(ds);
				Compare(i ,ExpectedRows );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			bool blnAcceptChanges = false;

			foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
				if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Added ) {
					blnAcceptChanges = true;
			try {
				BeginCase("AcceptChangesDuringFill - false");
				Compare(blnAcceptChanges ,false );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			dbDA.AcceptChangesDuringFill = true;
			blnAcceptChanges = false;            			
			foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
				if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Unchanged ) {
					blnAcceptChanges = true;
			try {
				BeginCase("AcceptChangesDuringFill - true");
				Compare(blnAcceptChanges ,false );
			catch(Exception ex)	{exp = ex;}
			finally	{EndCase(exp); exp = null;}

			//close connection
			if (  ((IDbDataAdapter)dbDA).SelectCommand.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed )

		protected DataSet PrepareDBData_Update(Sys.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter dbDA,bool sqlConnectionString) {
			IDbDataAdapter Ida = (IDbDataAdapter)dbDA;
			IDbCommand ICmd = Ida.SelectCommand;
			ICmd.CommandText = "SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID in (9991,9992,9993,9994,9995,9996)";  
			IDbConnection IConn = ICmd.Connection; 
			if (!sqlConnectionString) {
				IConn.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString;
			//Insert rows to be updated (insert,delete,update)
			IDbCommand cmd;
			if (sqlConnectionString) {
				cmd = new Sys.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
				cmd.Connection = (Sys.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)IConn; 
			else {
				cmd = new Sys.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand();
				cmd.Connection = (Sys.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection)IConn;

			//run execute after each command because DB2 doesn't support multiple commands
			cmd.CommandText =  "DELETE FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID in (9991,9992,9993,9994,9995,9996,9997,9998)";

			//only for SQL Server
			DataBaseServer DBType =  ConnectedDataProvider.GetDbType(IConn.ConnectionString);

			cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9992, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'delete')";
			//if (DBType == DataBaseServer.SQLServer) cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Employees ON;" + cmd.CommandText;
			cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9993, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'Update')";
			//if (DBType == DataBaseServer.SQLServer) cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Employees ON;" + cmd.CommandText;
			cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9996, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'Exp')";
			//if (DBType == DataBaseServer.SQLServer) cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Employees ON;" + cmd.CommandText;

			//cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9991, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'Insert'); ";
			//cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9994, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'Exp'); ";
			//cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9995, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'Exp'); ";
			//cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9997, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'delete'); ";
			//cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title) VALUES(9998, 'Ofer', 'Borshtein', 'delete'); ";

			DataSet ds = new DataSet();
			ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {ds.Tables[0].Columns["EmployeeID"]};
			return ds;
