private void Initialize() { RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor, typeof(MainWindow), 1); Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath("Busy"); Converter = new BoolNotConverter(); Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; }
public IsDesignBind() { RelativeSource = new RelativeSource() { Mode = RelativeSourceMode.Self }; //Path = DesignerProperties.IsInDesignModeProperty; Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath(DesignerProperties.IsInDesignModeProperty); }
public override ExtendedValidationResult Validate(object dataItem, System.Windows.PropertyPath propertyPath, object newValue, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo) { string strValue = newValue as string; if (strValue != null && strValue == "XXX") { return(ExtendedValidationResult.Error("The value may not be XXX")); } if (strValue != null && strValue == "YYY") { return(ExtendedValidationResult.Warning("The value should not be YYY, but if you insist...")); } return(ExtendedValidationResult.Valid); }
public TemplateBinding(string propertyPath) : this() { Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath(propertyPath); }
public static void SetTargetProperty(System.Windows.DependencyObject element, System.Windows.PropertyPath path) { }
public SimpleBinding(string path) : this() { Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath(path); }
public ColorBinding(string path) { Source = ThemeHelper.Instance; Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath(path); }