private void Service_StrokeUpdated(object sender, StrokeUpdatedEventArgs e)
            var pathPart = e.PathPart;
            var data     = pathPart.Data.GetEnumerator();

            //Data is stored XYW
            float x = -1;
            float y = -1;
            float w = -1;

            if (data.MoveNext())
                x = data.Current;

            if (data.MoveNext())
                y = data.Current;

            if (data.MoveNext())
                //Clamp to 0.0 -> 1.0
                w = Math.Max(0.0f, Math.Min(1.0f, (data.Current - 1.0f) * pFactor));

            var point = new System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint(x * m_scale, y * m_scale, w);

            if (m_addNewStrokeToModel)
                m_addNewStrokeToModel = false;
                var points = new System.Windows.Input.StylusPointCollection();

                var stroke = new Stroke(points);
                stroke.DrawingAttributes = m_DrawingAttributes;

                Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
                    _strokes[_strokes.Count - 1].StylusPoints.Add(point);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a board point collection into a stroke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpc">The BPC.</param>
        /// <returns>A stroke created from the given board point collection.</returns>
        private System.Windows.Ink.Stroke GetStroke(BoardPointCollection bpc)
            System.Windows.Input.StylusPointCollection spc = new System.Windows.Input.StylusPointCollection();

            bpc.Points.ForEach(point =>
                spc.Add(new System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint(point.X, point.Y, point.PressureFactor));
            var stroke = new System.Windows.Ink.Stroke(spc, new System.Windows.Ink.DrawingAttributes()
                Color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(bpc.Color)

            stroke.AddPropertyData(bpc.ID, bpc.User);
            stroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = bpc.BrushHeight;
            stroke.DrawingAttributes.Width  = bpc.BrushWidth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch">SketchPanel to add a label to</param>
        /// <param name="inkStrokes">InkOverlay strokes</param>
        /// <param name="inkStrokes">A StrokeCollection strokes</param>
        /// <param name="label">Label to apply</param>
        /// <param name="domainInfo">DomainInfo for our Labeler</param>
        public EndPointMoveCmd(InkToSketchWPF.InkCanvasSketch inkSketch, Sketch.EndPoint oldLoc, Point newLoc, Stroke attachedStroke, Sketch.Shape shapeAtNewLoc)
            isUndoable            = true;
            this.inkSketch        = inkSketch;
            oldLocation           = oldLoc;
            newLocation           = newLoc;
            this.attachedStroke   = attachedStroke;
            this.shapeAtNewLoc    = shapeAtNewLoc;
            this.changedShape     = inkSketch.GetSketchSubstrokeByInk(attachedStroke).ParentShape;
            oldInternalConnection = changedShape.ConnectedShapes.Contains(changedShape);
            newIsWire             = Domain.LogicDomain.IsWire(shapeAtNewLoc.Type);
            substrokesInNewShape  = shapeAtNewLoc.SubstrokesL;

            // Make a new stroke comprising 100 points along the straight line between oldLocation and newLocation
            System.Windows.Input.StylusPointCollection line = new System.Windows.Input.StylusPointCollection();
            for (double m = 0; m <= 1; m += 0.01)
                double midX = oldLocation.X + m * (newLocation.X - oldLocation.X);
                double midY = oldLocation.Y + m * (newLocation.Y - oldLocation.Y);
                line.Add(new System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint(midX, midY));
            this.newStroke = new Stroke(line);
        private void MatchGesture()
            int bestCost = 1000000;
            int cost     = 0;

            int[] gest;
            int[] imoves = new int[moves.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < moves.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0 && i + 1 < imoves.Length)
                    if (((int)moves[i] == 7 && (int)moves[i + 1] != 6 && (int)moves[i + 1] != 0 && (int)moves[i + 1] != 7) || ((int)moves[i + 1] == 7 && (int)moves[i] != 6 && (int)moves[i] != 0 && (int)moves[i] != 7))
                        polyPoints.Add((System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint)points[i + 1]);
                    else if ((int)moves[i] != 7 && (int)moves[i + 1] != 7 && Math.Abs(((int)moves[i + 1] + 1) % 8 - ((int)moves[i] + 1) % 8) > 1)
                        polyPoints.Add((System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint)points[i + 1]);
            for (int i = 0; i < imoves.Length; i++)
                imoves[i] = (int)moves[i];
            System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint[] ppoints = new System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint[points.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < ppoints.Length; i++)
                ppoints[i] = (System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint)points[i];
            string    bestGesture = string.Empty;
            Rectangle irect       = new Rectangle();

            irect.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            irect.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            irect.Margin = new Thickness(rect.MinX, rect.MinY, 0, 0);
            irect.Width  = rect.MaxX - rect.MinX;
            irect.Height = rect.MaxY - rect.MinY;
            GestureInfos infos = new GestureInfos(new GestureData(imoves, ppoints, lastPoint, irect));

            for (int i = 0; i < gestures.Count; i++)
                gest          = (gestures[i] as GestureProperties).Moves;
                infos.Present = (gestures[i] as GestureProperties).Present;
                cost          = CostLeven(gest, imoves);
                if (cost <= DEFAULT_FIABILITY)
                    if ((gestures[i] as GestureProperties).match != null)
                        infos.Cost = cost;
                        cost       = (gestures[i] as GestureProperties).match(infos);
                    if (cost < bestCost)
                        bestCost    = cost;
                        bestGesture = (gestures[i] as GestureProperties).Present;
            MouseGestureEventArgs args = new MouseGestureEventArgs();

            args.Present   = bestGesture;
            args.Fiability = cost;
            if (GestureMatchEvent != null)