public string createTreeViewNodes(System.Windows.Forms.TreeView tv, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler tNmouseClickEH) { try { //Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; string dNameHeader = "\tDisplayName"; string includeHeader = "\tInclude"; //this.CostumeTV_lable.Text = fileName; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath); String line, displayName = ""; tv.BeginUpdate(); // Clear the TreeView each time the method is called. tv.Nodes.Clear(); tv.NodeMouseDoubleClick += tNmouseClickEH; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith(dNameHeader)) { int startIndex = line.IndexOf('\"'); int endIndex = line.IndexOf('\"', startIndex + 1); int nameLen = endIndex - startIndex; displayName = line.Substring(startIndex + 1, nameLen - 1); tv.Nodes.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(displayName)); } if (line.StartsWith(includeHeader)) { int startIndex = includeHeader.Length; int nameLen = line.Length - startIndex; string includeStatement = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 1); string includeName = line.Substring(startIndex + 1, nameLen - 1); string ctmFileName = Path.GetFileName(includeName); string fullPath = pathRoot + includeName; bool exists = File.Exists(fullPath); System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode chTNode = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(ctmFileName); chTNode.ToolTipText = includeName; chTNode.Tag = fullPath; if (!exists) { chTNode.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } tv.Nodes[tv.Nodes.Count - 1].Nodes.Add(chTNode); } } sr.Close(); //Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; // Begin repainting the TreeView. tv.EndUpdate(); return("built treeview \r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message + "\r\n"); } }
public string createTreeViewNodes(Regions regionsObject, System.Windows.Forms.TreeView tv, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler tNmouseClickEH) { try { //Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; //this.CostumeTV_lable.Text = regionsObject.filePath; tv.BeginUpdate(); // Clear the TreeView each time the method is called. tv.Nodes.Clear(); tv.NodeMouseDoubleClick += tNmouseClickEH; // Add a root TreeNode for each Customer object in the ArrayList. foreach (Region r in regionsObject.regionSections) { tv.Nodes.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(r.displayName)); foreach (auras.auraCostume ctm in r.includeCostumes) { System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode chTNode = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(ctm.fileName); chTNode.ToolTipText = ctm.includeStatement; chTNode.Tag = ctm.fullPath; if (!ctm.exists) { chTNode.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } tv.Nodes[tv.Nodes.Count - 1].Nodes.Add(chTNode); } } //Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; // Begin repainting the TreeView. tv.EndUpdate(); return("built treeview\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message + "\r\n"); } }
public string buildTree(System.Windows.Forms.TreeView tv, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler tNmouseClickEH) { if (isCostumeFile()) { cleanUpTv(tv, tNmouseClickEH); tv.BeginUpdate(); tv.Nodes.Clear(); tv.NodeMouseDoubleClick += tNmouseClickEH; // Add a root TreeNode for each Customer object in the ArrayList. for (int i = 0; i < fileContent.Count; i++) { string str = (string)fileContent[i]; if (str.StartsWith("//")) { continue; } else if (common.COH_IO.stripWS_Tabs_newLine_Qts(str, false).ToLower().StartsWith("boneset")) { i = buildBoneSet(i, tv); } else if (common.COH_IO.stripWS_Tabs_newLine_Qts(str, false).ToLower().StartsWith("geoset")) { i = buildGeoSet(i, tv); } else if (str.Contains("Info")) { i = buildGeoPiece(i, tv); } else if (str.Contains("End") || str.Replace("\t", "").StartsWith("//")) { } else { if (str.Length > 2) { System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode tn = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(str); tNodeTag tnTag = new tNodeTag(i, str); tn.Tag = tnTag; tn.Name = "tN_" + i; common.COH_IO.setImageIndex(ref tn, str); tv.Nodes.Add(tn); } } } tv.EndUpdate(); return("\"" + fileName + "\" treeview created.\r\n"); } else { fileContent.Clear(); } return("ERROR: \"" + fileName + " IS NOT A COSTUME FILE!!!\"\r\n"); }