        private void UploadWholeFile(HttpContextBase requestContext, List <ViewDataUploadFilesResult> statuses)
            var request = requestContext.Request;

            for (int i = 0; i < request.Files.Count; i++)
                var    file         = request.Files[i];
                String pathOnServer = Path.Combine(StorageRoot);
                var    fullPath     = Path.Combine(pathOnServer, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName));

                //Create thumb
                string[] imageArray = file.FileName.Split('.');
                if (imageArray.Length != 0)
                    String extansion = imageArray[imageArray.Length - 1].ToLower();
                    if (extansion != "jpg" && extansion != "png" && extansion != "jpeg") //Do not create thumb if file is not an image
                        var ThumbfullPath = Path.Combine(pathOnServer, "thumbs");
                        //String fileThumb = file.FileName + ".80x80.jpg";
                        String fileThumb      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + ".jpg";
                        var    ThumbfullPath2 = Path.Combine(ThumbfullPath, fileThumb);
                        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath)))
                            var thumbnail = new System.Web.Helpers.WebImage(stream).Resize(80, 80);
                            thumbnail.Save(ThumbfullPath2, "jpg");
                statuses.Add(UploadResult(file.FileName, file.ContentLength, file.FileName));
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "IDSach, IDTacGia, IDNhaXuatBan, IDTheLoai, TenSach, HinhAnh, NamXuatBan, SoLuong, SoLuongTon, TriGia, TinhTrang, MoTa")] Sach sach, HttpPostedFileBase uploadfile)
            if (sach == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 404;

            String host = "http://qlthuvien.somee.com/Images/";

            uploadfile = Request.Files[0];

            //if (uploadfile.FileName != "" && uploadfile != null)
            var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uploadfile.FileName);
            var rondom   = fileName;
            //var rondom = Guid.NewGuid() + fileName;
            var path           = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images"), rondom);
            var filetext       = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(uploadfile.FileName).Substring(1);
            var supportedTypes = new[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png" };
            //if (!supportedTypes.Contains(filetext))
            //    return Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Hello world!');</script>");
            var image = new System.Web.Helpers.WebImage(uploadfile.InputStream);

            image.Save(path);      // lưu vào project
            rondom       = host + rondom;
            sach.HinhAnh = rondom; // luu vào database

            db.Entry(sach).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public ActionResult ThemSach([Bind(Include = "IDSach, IDTacGia, IDNhaXuatBan, IDTheLoai, TenSach, HinhAnh, NamXuatBan, SoLuong, SoLuongTon, TriGia, TinhTrang, MoTa")] Sach sach, HttpPostedFileBase uploadfile)
            if (uploadfile != null)
                //return Json(sach, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                String host = "http://qlthuvien.somee.com/Images/";
                uploadfile = Request.Files[0];

                //if (uploadfile.FileName != "" && uploadfile != null)
                var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uploadfile.FileName);
                var rondom   = fileName;
                //var rondom = Guid.NewGuid() + fileName;
                var path           = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images"), rondom);
                var filetext       = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(uploadfile.FileName).Substring(1);
                var supportedTypes = new[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png" };
                var image          = new System.Web.Helpers.WebImage(uploadfile.InputStream);
                image.Save(path);      // lưu vào project
                rondom       = host + rondom;
                sach.HinhAnh = rondom; // luu vào database
            sach.IDSach     = "";
            sach.SoLuong    = 0;
            sach.SoLuongTon = 0;
            sach.TinhTrang  = 1;
        public ActionResult Upload(string role)
            string userName = OtherFunctions.StripDomain(User.Identity.Name);
            int userId = userService.GetUserId(userName);
            // Пользователю запрещен просмотр
            if (!userService.AllowView(userId))
                return RedirectToAction("ShowError", "Actions", new { resultType = Constants.ResultTypes.UnAuthorized.ToString() });

            var imageData = new System.Web.Helpers.WebImage(Request.InputStream);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(imageData.GetBytes());
            Image image = Image.FromStream(stream);
               string dirName = "/content/tempImages/" + userName;
               if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))
               image.Save(dirName + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".jpg");
               catch(Exception exc)

               string qrText = DecodeImage(image);

            // Не распознано
            if (qrText == null)
                return RedirectToAction("ShowError", "Actions", new{resultType = Constants.ResultTypes.DecodeError.ToString()});

            QrDoc qrDoc = new QrDoc(qrText);

            // ошибка парсинга
            if (!qrDoc.IsInited)
                return RedirectToAction("ShowError", "Actions", new { resultType = Constants.ResultTypes.ParseError.ToString() });

                int ationId;
                if (int.TryParse(role, out ationId))
                    qrDoc.ActionId = ationId;

                TempData["qrDoc"] = qrDoc;
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Actions");
        /// <summary>
        /// Save photo to disk, used by Edit and Register with two different models. model.Photo, this, string model.CategoryName, string model.SubCategoryName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="photo">HttpPostedFileWrapper</param>
        /// <param name="controller">Controller calling</param>
        /// <returns>Path where photo is stored with it's calculated filename, or default photo "BlankPhoto.jpg" or null on error</returns>
        public static string[] SaveAcdfPhotoFileToDisk(System.Web.Helpers.WebImage webImage, System.Web.Mvc.Controller controller, string categoryName, string subCategoryName)
            string[] paths         = new string[2];
            string   photoPath     = string.Empty;
            string   thumbPath     = string.Empty;
            string   fileName      = string.Empty;
            string   thumbFileName = string.Empty;
            string   subCatName    = subCategoryName.Contains("AUCUNE") ? string.Empty : subCategoryName;

            if (webImage != null)
                // If photo is uploaded calculate his name
                string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                fileName      = guid + "_" + webImage.FileName;
                thumbFileName = guid + "_thumb_" + webImage.FileName;
                //Calculate photoUrl and save photo on disk
                    string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/Medias/_Photos/" + categoryName + @"\" + subCatName;
                    //string path = @"~/Medias\_Photos\" + categoryName + @"\" + subCatName;
                    //string path = @"/ACDF/Medias\_Photos\";

                    string filePath = Path.Combine(controller.Server.MapPath(path), fileName);
                    webImage.AddTextWatermark("http://jow-alva.net/ACDF", "White", 15);
                    photoPath = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath, path, fileName);

                    string thumbFilePath = Path.Combine(controller.Server.MapPath(path), thumbFileName);
                    webImage.Resize(150, 150, preserveAspectRatio: true).Save(thumbFilePath);
                    thumbPath = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath, path, thumbFileName);

                    paths[0] = photoPath;
                    paths[1] = thumbPath;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Handled exception catch code
                    Helpers.Utils.SignalExceptionToElmahAndTrace(ex, controller);
                    throw ex;
                    //return null;
                // Handled exception catch code
                //TODO:         Helpers.Utils.SignalExceptionToElmahAndTrace(null, controller);
        public JsonResult UploadIconLoaiHoSo()
                var userId = _session.UserId;
                //Check input
                if (Request.Files.Count <= 0 || Request.Files[0] == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ProfilePicture_Change_Error"));
                var file = Request.Files[0];
                if (file.ContentLength > 1048576) //1MB.
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ProfilePicture_Warn_SizeLimit"));
                //Check file type & format
                var fileImage       = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(file.InputStream);
                var acceptedFormats = new List <ImageFormat>
                    ImageFormat.Jpeg, ImageFormat.Png, ImageFormat.Gif
                if (!acceptedFormats.Contains(fileImage.RawFormat))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Uploaded file is not an accepted image file !");
                var    webImage     = new System.Web.Helpers.WebImage(Request.Files[0].InputStream);
                byte[] imgByteArray = webImage.GetBytes();

                return(Json(new AjaxResponse(new { data = imgByteArray })));
            catch (UserFriendlyException ex)
                Logger.Error($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy")} UploadIconLoaiHoSo {ex.Message} {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex)}");
                return(Json(new AjaxResponse(new ErrorInfo(ex.Message))));
        public ActionResult AddGown(int password, int id_catgory, int id_season, string is_long, int price, string is_light, int color, int num_of_dress, string fileset, string arrFiles, string arrSizes)
            System.Web.Helpers.WebImage photo = null;

            //var imagePath = "";

            //int error = 0;

            //var q = db.Renters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.password == password);
            //if (ModelState.IsValid && q != null)

            //    string[] arrayFiles;
            //    string[] arraySizes;
            //    string[] arrfilenames;
            //    arraySizes = arrSizes.Split(' ').ToArray();
            //    arrayFiles = arrFiles.Split('?').ToArray();
            //    int idGown = 0;
            //    foreach (Gowns currentGown in db.Gowns)
            //    {
            //        idGown = currentGown.id_gown;
            //    }
            //    if (arraySizes.Count() > 2)
            //    {
            //        Sets set = new Sets();
            //        int id = 0;
            //        foreach (Sets currentset in db.Sets)
            //        {
            //            id = currentset.id_set;
            //        }
            //        set.num_of_set = arraySizes.Count() - 1;
            //        set.id_set = id + 1;
            //        arrfilenames = arrayFiles[0].Split('\\').ToArray();
            //        var filenameSet = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + arrfilenames[arrfilenames.Count() - 1];
            //        set.picture = filenameSet;
            //        photo = WebImage.GetImageFromRequest("fileset");
            //        if (photo != null)
            //        {
            //            //Path.GetFileName(photo.FileName);
            //            imagePath = @"Images\" + filenameSet;

            //            photo.Save(@"~\" + imagePath);
            //        }
            //        int i = 0;

            //        foreach (string size in arraySizes)
            //        {

            //            if (size != "")
            //            {
            //                Gowns gown = new Gowns();
            //                arrfilenames = arrayFiles[i].Split('\\').ToArray();
            //                gown.id_gown = idGown + 1;
            //                gown.id_renter = q.id_renter;
            //                gown.id_catgory = id_catgory;
            //                var filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + arrfilenames[arrfilenames.Count() - 1];
            //                gown.picture = filename.ToString();
            //                gown.id_season = id_season;
            //                if (is_long == "ארוך")
            //                    gown.is_long = true;
            //                else gown.is_long = false;
            //                gown.price = price;
            //                if (is_light == "בהיר")
            //                    gown.is_light = true;
            //                else gown.is_light = false;
            //                gown.color = color;
            //                gown.id_set = set.id_set;
            //                gown.size = int.Parse(size);
            //                photo = WebImage.GetImageFromRequest("file" + ++i);
            //                if (photo != null)
            //                {

            //                    //photo.Resize((int)(photo.Width*0.8), (int)(photo.Height * 0.8));
            //                    //Path.GetFileName(photo.FileName);
            //                    imagePath = @"Images\" + filename;

            //                    photo.Save(@"~\" + imagePath);
            //                }
            //                db.Sets.Add(set);
            //                db.Gowns.Add(gown);

            //            }

            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Gowns gown = new Gowns();
            //        gown.id_gown = idGown + 1;
            //        gown.id_renter = q.id_renter;
            //        gown.id_catgory = id_catgory;
            //        arrfilenames = arrayFiles[0].Split('\\').ToArray();
            //        var filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + arrfilenames[arrfilenames.Count() - 1];
            //        gown.picture = filename.ToString();
            //        gown.id_season = id_season;
            //        if (is_long == "ארוך")
            //            gown.is_long = true;
            //        else gown.is_long = false;
            //        gown.price = price;
            //        if (is_light == "בהיר")
            //            gown.is_light = true;
            //        else gown.is_light = false;
            //        gown.color = color;
            //        gown.id_set = 1;
            //        gown.size = int.Parse(arraySizes[0]);

            //        photo = WebImage.GetImageFromRequest("file1");
            //        if (photo != null)
            //        {
            //            //Path.GetFileName(photo.FileName);
            //            imagePath = @"Images\" + filename;

            //            photo.Save(@"~\" + imagePath);
            //        }

            //        db.Gowns.Add(gown);
            //    }
            //    db.SaveChanges();
            //    // return RedirectToAction("Index");
            //    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            //    if (q == null)
            //    {
            //        error = 1;
            //    }

            //ViewBag.id_catgory = new SelectList(db.Catgories, "id_catgory", "catgory");
            //ViewBag.id_renter = new SelectList(db.Renters, "id_renter", "fname");
            //ViewBag.id_season = new SelectList(db.Seasons, "id_season", "season");
            //ViewBag.id_season = new SelectList(db.Seasons, "id_season", "season");
            //ViewBag.id_set = new SelectList(db.Sets, "id_set", "id_set");
            //ViewBag.color = new SelectList(db.Colors, "id_color", "color");

        public async Task <ActionResult> Create(IssueVM model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Hata Oluştu.");
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Issue", model));
                var id    = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var user  = NewUserManager().FindById(id);
                var issue = new Issue()
                    Description   = model.Description,
                    IssueState    = model.IssueState,
                    Location      = model.Location == Models.Enums.Locations.KonumYok ? user.Location : model.Location,
                    ProductType   = model.ProductType,
                    CustomerId    = model.CustomerId,
                    PurchasedDate = model.PurchasedDate,
                    PhotoPath     = model.PhotoPath,
                    ServiceCharge = model.ServiceCharge,
                    ClosedDate    = model.ClosedDate,
                    CreatedDate   = model.CreatedDate,
                    OperatorId    = model.OperatorId,
                    TechReport    = model.TechReport
                switch (issue.ProductType)
                case Models.Enums.ProductTypes.Buzdolabı:
                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(1) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;

                case Models.Enums.ProductTypes.BulaşıkMakinesi:
                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(2) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;

                case Models.Enums.ProductTypes.Fırın:
                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(3) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;

                case Models.Enums.ProductTypes.ÇamaşırMakinesi:
                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(4) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;

                case Models.Enums.ProductTypes.Mikrodalga:
                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(5) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;

                    if (issue.PurchasedDate.AddYears(2) > DateTime.Now)
                        issue.WarrantyState = true;
                if (issue.WarrantyState)
                    issue.ServiceCharge = 0;

                var repo = new IssueRepo();
                var fotorepo = new PhotographRepo();
                if (model.PostedPhoto.Count > 0)
                    model.PostedPhoto.ForEach(file =>
                        if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
                            var filepath2 = Server.MapPath("~/assets/images/image-not-available.png");

                            var img2 = new WebImage(filepath2);
                            img2.Resize(250, 250, false);

                            fotorepo.Insert(new Photograph()
                                IssueId = issue.Id,
                                Path    = "/assets/images/image-not-available.png"


                        var fileName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName);
                        var extName       = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                        fileName          = StringHelpers.UrlFormatConverter(fileName);
                        fileName         += StringHelpers.GetCode();
                        var directorypath = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/");
                        var filepath      = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/") + fileName + extName;

                        if (!Directory.Exists(directorypath))


                        var img = new WebImage(filepath);
                        img.Resize(250, 250, false);

                        fotorepo.Insert(new Photograph()
                            IssueId = issue.Id,
                            Path    = "/Upload/" + fileName + extName

                var fotograflar = fotorepo.GetAll(x => x.IssueId == issue.Id).ToList();
                var foto        = fotograflar.Select(x => x.Path).ToList();
                issue.PhotoPath = foto;

                TempData["Message"] = "Arıza kaydınız başarı ile oluşturuldu.";

                var emailService = new EmailService();

                var body = $"Merhaba <b>{user.Name} {user.Surname}</b><br>Arıza kaydınız başarıyla oluşturuldu.Birimlerimiz sorunu çözmek için en kısa zamanda olay yerine intikal edecektir.<br><br> Ayrıntılı bilgi için telefon numaramız:<i>0212 684 75 33</i>";

                await emailService.SendAsync(new IdentityMessage()
                    Body    = body,
                    Subject = "Arıza kaydı oluşturuldu."
                }, user.Email);

                var issueLog = new IssueLog()
                    IssueId     = issue.Id,
                    Description = "Arıza Kaydı Oluşturuldu.",
                    FromWhom    = "Müşteri"
                new IssueLogRepo().Insert(issueLog);

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Issue"));
            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                TempData["Message3"] = new ErrorVM()
                    Text           = $"Bir hata oluştu: {EntityHelpers.ValidationMessage(ex)}",
                    ActionName     = "Create",
                    ControllerName = "Issue",
                    ErrorCode      = 500
                return(RedirectToAction("Error500", "Home"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["Message2"] = new ErrorVM()
                    Text           = $"Bir hata oluştu {ex.Message}",
                    ActionName     = "Create",
                    ControllerName = "Issue",
                    ErrorCode      = 500
                return(RedirectToAction("Error500", "Home"));