public override string ToString() { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", "X", X)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", "Y", Y)); return sb.ToString(); }
public ActionResult FlowList(int? PageIndex, int? PageSize, Int64? qDepotID, long? qProductID, DateTime? qCreateDateStart, DateTime? qCreateDateEnd, int? orderCol) { if ((_crud & Zippy.SaaS.Entity.CRUD.Read) != Zippy.SaaS.Entity.CRUD.Read) return RedirectToAction("NoPermission", "Error"); System.Text.StringBuilder sbMenu = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if ((_crud & Zippy.SaaS.Entity.CRUD.Read) == Zippy.SaaS.Entity.CRUD.Read) sbMenu.AppendLine("<a href='javascript:;' class='btn list img' id='search'><i class='icon i_search'></i>查询<b></b></a>"); sbMenu.AppendLine("<a href='javascript:;' class='btn img' id='bReload'><i class='icon i_refresh'></i>刷新<b></b></a>"); ViewData["TopMenu"] = sbMenu.ToString(); ViewData.Add("db", db); ViewData.Add("PageSize", PageSize ?? 10); int currentPageSize = PageSize ?? 10; int currentPageIndex = PageIndex ?? 1; Hashtable hs = new Hashtable(); hs.Add("qDepotID", qDepotID); hs.Add("qProductID", qProductID); hs.Add("qCreateDateStart", qCreateDateStart); hs.Add("qCreateDateEnd", qCreateDateEnd); PaginatedList<EAP.Logic.Z10.View.V_DepotFlow> result = Z10DepotFlowHelper.Query(db, _tenant.TenantID.Value, currentPageSize, currentPageIndex, hs, orderCol); result.QueryParameters = hs; ViewData["DepotOptions"] = EAP.Logic.Z10.HtmlHelper.DepotSelectOptions(_tenant.TenantID.Value, db); return View(result); }
//========================================================================================= internal string GetText(TextPoint start, TextPoint end) { if (start > end) { TextPoint temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } if (start.Line == end.Line) return this.Lines[start.Line].Text.Substring(start.Char, end.Char - start.Char); else { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); string sLine = this.Lines[start.Line].Text; sb.AppendLine(sLine.Substring(start.Char, sLine.Length - start.Char)); for (int i = start.Line + 1; i < end.Line; i++) sb.AppendLine(this.Lines[i].Text); sb.AppendLine(this.Lines[end.Line].Text.Substring(0, end.Char)); return sb.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { intSite = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["SiteId"].ToString()); DataSet data = new DataSet(); data = adds.Get_SideAdds(intSite);//product.Get_SideFeaturedProducts(intSite, intCont, intSubjId); System.Text.StringBuilder sbproduct = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); int contDiv = 0; foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { if (contDiv == 0) { sbproduct.AppendLine("<a href=\"generic_x?LandingId=" + row["AddsLink"] + "\"><div class=\"pubMeetOut\"><img src=\"images\\" + row["AddsImage"] + "\"/> </div></a>"); } else { sbproduct.AppendLine("<a href=\"generic_x?LandingId=" + row["AddsLink"] + "\"><div class=\"pubNeedHelp\"><img src=\"images\\" + row["AddsImage"] + "\"/> </div></a>"); } contDiv++; } } if (contDiv != 0) { Product1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sbproduct.ToString())); div_Wrapper.Visible = true; } }
public static string CheckSyntax(string script, out string stdout) { stdout = null; if (script.StartsWith("#fommScript")) return "Cannot syntax check a fomm script"; string[] errors = null; string[] warnings = null; Compile(script, out errors, out warnings, out stdout); if (errors != null || warnings != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (errors != null) { sb.AppendLine("Errors:"); for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++) sb.AppendLine(errors[i]); } if (warnings != null) { sb.AppendLine("Warnings:"); for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Length; i++) sb.AppendLine(warnings[i]); } return sb.ToString(); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// タイムカード情報を取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public int GetTimeCardInfo(System.Data.DataSet data) { System.Text.StringBuilder sqlbldr = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sqlbldr.AppendLine("select "); sqlbldr.AppendLine(" t1.timecard_id "); sqlbldr.AppendLine(" ,t1.clock_in_time "); sqlbldr.AppendLine(" ,t1.clock_out_time "); sqlbldr.AppendLine("from eip_t_ext_timecard t1"); sqlbldr.AppendLine("where 1 = 1"); sqlbldr.AppendLine("and t1.user_id = :user_id"); sqlbldr.AppendLine("and t1.punch_date = to_date(:punch_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')"); ExtTimeCardDataSet.search_eip_t_ext_timecardRow param = ((ExtTimeCardDataSet)data).search_eip_t_ext_timecard[0]; ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.user_id)) { paramList.Add(DBUtility.MakeParameter("user_id", param.user_id, NpgsqlDbType.Integer)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.punch_date)) { paramList.Add(DBUtility.MakeParameter("punch_date", param.punch_date, NpgsqlDbType.Varchar)); } return this.dbHelper.Select(((ExtTimeCardDataSet)data).eip_t_ext_timecard, sqlbldr.ToString(), paramList); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Error event of the Application control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) return; ex.ExceptionValueTracker(new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"Is AJAX Request",HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAjaxRequest().ToString()}, {"Request URL",HttpContext.Current.Request.Url}, {"Request Type", HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod}, {"Request Context", HttpContext.Current.Request.Form} }); if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(string.Format("{0}/Error/Index?msg={1}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VirtualDirectory"].ToString(), ex.Message)); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 500; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Error Source: {0}", ex.InnerException.Source)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Error Message: {0}", ex.InnerException.Message)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Error Stack: {0}", ex.InnerException.StackTrace)); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { var node = this.Provider.CurrentNode; var nodes = new Stack<SiteMapNode>(); for (var currentNode = node; currentNode != null; currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode) { nodes.Push(currentNode); } var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<ul class=""breadcrumb"" " + this.CssClass + ">"); foreach (var currentNode in nodes) { var siteMapNode = this.Provider.CurrentNode; if (siteMapNode != null && currentNode.Url == siteMapNode.Url) { sb.AppendLine(@"<li class=""active"">" + currentNode.Title + "</li>"); } else { if (currentNode != null) if (currentNode.ParentNode == null) sb.AppendLine(@"<li><i class='fa fa-home'></i><a href=""" + currentNode.Url + @""">" + currentNode.Title + "</a></li>"); else sb.AppendLine(@"<li><a href=""" + currentNode.Url + @""">" + currentNode.Title + "</a></li>"); } } sb.AppendLine(@"</ul>"); if (writer != null) writer.Write(sb.ToString()); }
protected void sendButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) return; string subject = string.Format("ezLooker: {0}", this.emailInput.Text); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("IP: {0}", Request.UserHostAddress).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("UserAgent: {0}", Request.UserAgent).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Name: {0}", this.nameInput.Text).AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Email: {0}", this.emailInput.Text).AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Comment:"); sb.AppendFormat("{0}", this.commentInput.Text).AppendLine(); try { using (MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", subject, sb.ToString())) { using (SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient() { Host = "", Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "ihateHTML!"), EnableSsl = true }) { smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); } } } catch { // TODO: Log Exeption } = 1; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new TestSuite instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="openFile"> A callback that can open a file for reading. </param> public TestSuite(Func<string, Stream> openFile) { if (openFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("openFile"); // Init collection. this.IncludedTests = new List<string>(); // Open the excludelist.xml file to generate a list of skipped file names. var reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(openFile(@"config\excludeList.xml")); reader.ReadStartElement("excludeList"); do { if (reader.Depth == 1 && reader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "test") this.skippedTestNames.Add(reader.GetAttribute("id")); } while (reader.Read()); // Read the include files. var includeBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); includeBuilder.AppendLine(ReadInclude(openFile, "cth.js")); includeBuilder.AppendLine(ReadInclude(openFile, "sta.js")); includeBuilder.AppendLine(ReadInclude(openFile, "ed.js")); this.includes = includeBuilder.ToString(); this.zipStream = openFile(@"suite\"); this.zipFile = new ZipFile(this.zipStream); this.ApproximateTotalTestCount = (int)this.zipFile.Count; }
public void Summary(Exception ex, string ExtraInfo = null) { System.Text.StringBuilder message = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (ExtraInfo != null) message.AppendLine(ExtraInfo + Environment.NewLine); message.AppendLine(ex.Description() + Environment.NewLine); if (this.Log != null) this.Log.Out(message.ToString(), Dumpster2.Logger.TextFormat.Box); var df = new frmError(ex.GetType().Name, message.ToString()); }
public override void WriteDescriptionTo(NUnitCtr.MessageWriter writer) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Successful execution of the etl."); sb.AppendLine(); writer.WritePredicate(sb.ToString()); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.Render(writer); try { if (this.ListToDisplay != null) { SPList selectedList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists[new Guid(this._listToDisplay)]; SPView defaultView = selectedList.DefaultView; if (this.IsExternalList) { SPViewFieldCollection fields = defaultView.ViewFields; System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection stringCol = fields.ToStringCollection(); // Nik20121105 - Write the table headers; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"wet-boew-zebra\">"); sb.Append("<tr>"); foreach (string field in stringCol) { sb.Append("<th>" + field + "</th>"); } sb.Append("</tr>"); foreach (SPListItem item in selectedList.Items) { sb.AppendLine("<tr>"); bool firstCol = true; foreach (string field in stringCol) { if (firstCol) { firstCol = false; sb.AppendLine("<td><a href=\"" + SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/_layouts/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListId={" + this._listToDisplay + "}&ID=" + item["BdcIdentity"].ToString() + "\">" + item[field].ToString() + "</a></td>"); } else { sb.AppendLine("<td>" + item[field].ToString() + "</td>"); } } sb.AppendLine("</tr>"); } sb.AppendLine("</table>"); writer.Write(sb.ToString()); } else { writer.Write(defaultView.RenderAsHtml()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { writer.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
public void NamedQueryParametersCheck() { var namedQueryType = typeof(INamedQuery); var queryImplAssembly = typeof(BookWithISBN).Assembly; var types = from t in queryImplAssembly.GetTypes() where namedQueryType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract select t; var nhCfg = NHConfigurator.Configuration; var mappedQueries = nhCfg.NamedQueries.Keys .Union(nhCfg.NamedSQLQueries.Keys); var errors = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (var queryType in types) { var query = (INamedQuery) Activator.CreateInstance(queryType, new object[] { SessionFactory }); if (!mappedQueries.Contains(query.QueryName)) { errors.AppendFormat( "Query object {0} references non-existent named query {1}.", queryType, query.QueryName); errors.AppendLine(); continue; } var nhQuery = Session.GetNamedQuery(query.QueryName); var mapParams = nhQuery.NamedParameters; var objParams = query.Parameters.Keys; foreach (var paramName in mapParams.Except(objParams)) { errors.AppendFormat("{0} has param {1} in mapping, but not object", query.QueryName, paramName); errors.AppendLine(); } foreach (var paramName in objParams.Except(mapParams)) { errors.AppendFormat("{0} has param {1} in object, but not mapping", query.QueryName, paramName); errors.AppendLine(); } } if (errors.Length != 0) Assert.Fail(errors.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("Name: " + szPname); builder.AppendLine("DriverVersion: " + vDriverVersion); builder.AppendLine("Formate: " + dwFormats.ToString()); return builder.ToString(); }
public override string GetInfo() { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("Assembly: " + m_resource.Assembly.FullName); builder.AppendLine("Flags: " + (m_resource.IsPublic ? "public " : " ") + (m_resource.IsPrivate ? "private " : " ")); return builder.ToString(); }
public static void WriteLog(string filename, string message) { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("=======================" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "======================="); builder.AppendLine(message); builder.AppendLine("================================================="); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(filename, builder.ToString()); }
/// <summary>Integrates Unity when the application starts.</summary> public static void Start() { var container = ContainerManager.GetConfiguredContainer(); UnityConfig.RegisterTypes(container); FilterProviders.Providers.Remove(FilterProviders.Providers.OfType<FilterAttributeFilterProvider>().First()); FilterProviders.Providers.Add(new UnityFilterAttributeFilterProvider(container)); DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container)); var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); try { // foreach (var assembly in assemblies) { var instances = from t in assembly.GetTypes() where t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IDependencyRegister)) && t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null select Activator.CreateInstance(t) as IDependencyRegister; foreach (var instance in instances.OrderBy(x => x.Order)) { instance.Register(container); } } } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (Exception exSub in ex.LoaderExceptions) { sb.AppendLine(exSub.Message); System.IO.FileNotFoundException exFileNotFound = exSub as System.IO.FileNotFoundException; if (exFileNotFound != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exFileNotFound.FusionLog)) { sb.AppendLine("Fusion Log:"); sb.AppendLine(exFileNotFound.FusionLog); } } sb.AppendLine(); } string errorMessage = sb.ToString(); throw new Exception(errorMessage, ex); //Display or log the error based on your application. } // TODO: Uncomment if you want to use PerRequestLifetimeManager // Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.DynamicModuleHelper.DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(UnityPerRequestHttpModule)); }
public override string ToString() { System.Text.StringBuilder output = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); output.AppendLine("Name: " + this.Name); output.AppendLine("Motherboard: " + this.Motherboard.ToString()); output.AppendLine("Processor: " + this.Processor.ToString()); output.AppendLine("RAM: " + this.RAM.ToString()); output.AppendLine("Total Price: " + this.PcPrice + " lv"); return output.ToString(); }
public override void WriteDescriptionTo(NUnitCtr.MessageWriter writer) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Query is not syntactically correct."); foreach (var failure in parserResult.Errors) { sb.AppendLine(failure); } writer.WritePredicate(sb.ToString()); }
public void Extended(Exception ex, string ExtraInfo = null) { System.Text.StringBuilder message = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (ExtraInfo != null) message.AppendLine(ExtraInfo + Environment.NewLine); message.AppendLine(ex.Description() + Environment.NewLine); message.AppendLine("--Stack Trace--" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine); if (ex.InnerException != null) message.AppendLine("Inner Exceptions:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerExList() + Environment.NewLine); if (this.Log != null) this.Log.Out(message.ToString(), Dumpster2.Logger.TextFormat.Box); var df = new frmError(ex.GetType().Name, message.ToString()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init (); if (!ImageMagickResolver.Resolved ()) { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder ("Hi there,"); builder.AppendLine (); builder.AppendLine ("I was unable to find ImageMagick on your system which means..."); builder.AppendLine ("a) It is not installed"); builder.AppendLine ("b) It is in a directory I haven't checked"); builder.AppendLine (""); builder.AppendLine ("If 'a' please exit the application and install ImageMagick"); builder.AppendLine ("If 'b' then please edit the file '{0}' and insert the correct location for convert and montage"); builder.AppendLine (); builder.AppendLine ("Please visit the FAQ <a href=\"\"></a> if you are unclear."); var messageDialog = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, builder.ToString (), UserSettings.AppUserSettingsFile); messageDialog.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center; messageDialog.Run (); messageDialog.Destroy (); return; } MainWindow win = new MainWindow (); win.Show (); Application.Run (); }
/// <summary> /// Lista os parametros de entrada da Procedure selecionada /// </summary> /// <param name="dataBaseName">Nome do banco de dados alvo</param> /// <param name="usr">Dados do usuario</param> /// <param name="procedureName">Nome da Stored Procedure alvo</param> /// <returns></returns> public List<DadosStoredProceduresParameters> ListaAllStoredProceduresParameters(string dataBaseName, DadosUsuario usr, string procedureName) { using (var cnn=Conexao.RetornaConexaoBase(usr)) { var clsTables = new List<DadosStoredProceduresParameters>(); cnn.Open(); var sbSql = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (cnn.ServerVersion != null && cnn.ServerVersion.Contains("5.")) { sbSql.AppendLine("SELECT TRIM(CAST(param_list AS CHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8)) AS parametros FROM mysql.proc "); sbSql.AppendLine(string.Format("WHERE name = '{0}' AND db='{1}';", procedureName, dataBaseName)); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(sbSql.ToString(), cnn); using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { var strParametros = dr[0]; var arrayParam = strParametros.ToString().Trim().Split(','); clsTables.AddRange(arrayParam.Select(p => p.Trim().Split(' ')).Select(ajustaParam => new DadosStoredProceduresParameters { ParameterName = ajustaParam[1], ParameterDataType = ajustaParam[2], ParameterMaxBytes = RetornaBytesParametro(ajustaParam[2].ToLower()), IsOutPutParameter = ajustaParam[0] != "IN", ParameterDotNetType = _rorinas.RetornaTipoDadosDotNet(ajustaParam[2]) })); } } } else { sbSql.AppendLine("SELECT PARAMETER_NAME, '' AS ParameterValue, DATA_TYPE AS ParameterDataType, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS ParameterMaxBytes, CASE PARAMETER_MODE WHEN 'IN' THEN 0 else 1 END AS IsOutPutParameter "); sbSql.Append("FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS "); sbSql.AppendFormat("WHERE SPECIFIC_NAME='{0}' ", procedureName); sbSql.Append("ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION;"); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(sbSql.ToString(), cnn); using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { clsTables.Add(new DadosStoredProceduresParameters { ParameterName = dr["PARAMETER_NAME"].ToString(), ParameterDataType = dr["ParameterDataType"].ToString(), ParameterMaxBytes = dr["ParameterMaxBytes"].ToString(), IsOutPutParameter = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsOutPutParameter"] ?? false), ParameterDotNetType = _rorinas.RetornaTipoDadosDotNet(dr["ParameterDataType"].ToString()) }); } } } return clsTables; } }
/// <summary> /// 標準のタイムカードの日付変更時刻を取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public int GetChangeHourDefault(System.Data.DataSet data) { System.Text.StringBuilder sqlbldr = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sqlbldr.AppendLine("select t1.change_hour "); sqlbldr.AppendLine("from eip_t_ext_timecard_system t1"); sqlbldr.AppendLine("where 1 = 1"); sqlbldr.AppendLine("and t1.system_id = '1'"); return this.dbHelper.Select(((ExtTimeCardDataSet)data).eip_t_ext_timecard_system, sqlbldr.ToString(), null); }
// Handle OnException event for this controller protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { // log error System.Text.StringBuilder message = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); message.AppendLine(DateTime.Now.ToString()); message.AppendLine(filterContext.Exception.ToString()); message.AppendLine("========================================="); string logFile = HttpContext.Request.MapPath("/Log/controllererrors.txt"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFile, message.ToString()); }
public static string PrintR(this System.Collections.Generic.List<Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken> list) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken json in list) { sb.AppendLine(json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); sb.AppendLine("\n==========\n"); } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取企业开通服务信息 /// </summary> /// <returns>DataTable</returns> public static DataTable GetCompanyOpenSevParms() { System.Text.StringBuilder sql = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sql.AppendLine("select [CompanyCD],[MaxRoles],[MaxUers],[MaxDocSize],[SingleDocSize],"); sql.AppendLine("[MaxDocNum],[DocSavePath],[MaxKeywords],[MaxUserKeywords],[OpenDate],"); sql.AppendLine("[CloseDate],[ModifiedDate],[ModifiedUserID],[remark],[LogoImg] "); sql.AppendLine("from pubdba.companyOpenServ "); //SqlParameter[] parms = new SqlParameter[1]; //parms[0] = SqlHelper.GetParameter("@CompanyCD", CompanyCD); return SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 提示错误信息并跳转至指定地址 /// </summary> /// <param name="page">当前页类</param> /// <param name="message">提示错误信息</param> /// <param name="redirectUrl">指定的跳转地址</param> public static void WarmAlert(this System.Web.UI.Page page, string message, string redirectUrl) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<script>"); sb.AppendFormat("alert(\"{0}\");", message); sb.AppendFormat("document.location.href = \"{0}\";", redirectUrl); sb.AppendLine("</script>"); page.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); page.Response.End(); }
public string toString() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("\r\nRob1:"); sb.Append(tows[0].toString()); sb.AppendLine("\r\nRob2:"); sb.Append(tows[1].toString()); sb.AppendLine("\r\nRob3:"); sb.Append(tows[2].toString()); return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the statement to a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="indentLevel"> The number of tabs to include before the statement. </param> /// <returns> A string representing this statement. </returns> public override string ToString(int indentLevel) { indentLevel = Math.Max(indentLevel - 1, 0); var result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); result.Append(new string('\t', indentLevel)); result.AppendLine("{"); foreach (var statement in this.Statements) result.AppendLine(statement.ToString(indentLevel + 1)); result.Append(new string('\t', indentLevel)); result.Append("}"); return result.ToString(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string printername = ""; AssemblyResolver.HandleUnresolvedAssemblies(); #if REPMAN_DOTNET2 // Bug in .Net 1.x, don't enable, but you can use a .manifest file #if FORMS Application.EnableVisualStyles(); #endif #endif bool dothrow = false; Report rp = new Report(); try { bool asyncexecution = true; bool stdin = false; bool pdf = false; bool metafile = false; bool showprintdialog = false; string filename = ""; string pdffilename = ""; string fieldsfilename = ""; bool deletereport = false; bool showprogress = false; bool preview = false; bool showparams = false; bool compressedpdf = true; bool systempreview = false; bool showdata = false; bool showfields = false; bool testconnection = false; string connectionname = ""; bool doprint = true; bool evaluatetext = false; bool syntaxcheck = false; bool doread = true; string evaltext = ""; string dataset = ""; SortedList <string, string> ParamValues = new SortedList <string, string>(); #if REPMAN_DOTNET2 bool showproviders = false; string providersfilename = ""; #endif try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].Trim().Length > 0) { switch (args[i].ToUpper()) { case "-STDIN": stdin = true; break; case "-PREVIEW": preview = true; break; case "-SHOWPARAMS": showparams = true; break; case "-SYNCEXECUTION": asyncexecution = false; break; case "-SYSTEMPREVIEW": systempreview = true; break; case "-U": compressedpdf = false; break; case "-THROW": dothrow = true; break; case "-PDF": pdf = true; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; pdffilename = args[i]; } break; case "-M": metafile = true; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; pdffilename = args[i]; } break; case "-SHOWDATA": showdata = true; doprint = false; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; dataset = args[i]; } break; case "-TESTCONNECTION": doprint = false; testconnection = true; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; connectionname = args[i]; } break; case "-EVAL": doprint = false; evaluatetext = true; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; evaltext = args[i]; } break; case "-SYNTAX": doprint = false; syntaxcheck = true; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; evaltext = args[i]; } break; case "-SHOWFIELDS": showfields = true; doprint = false; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; dataset = args[i]; } if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; fieldsfilename = args[i]; } break; case "-GETPROVIDERS": showproviders = true; doprint = false; doread = false; if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; providersfilename = args[i]; } break; case "-GETPRINTERS": System.Text.StringBuilder nprinters = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); nprinters.AppendLine("Installed printers:"); foreach (string pname in System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters) { nprinters.AppendLine(pname); } #if FORMS MessageBox.Show(nprinters.ToString()); #else System.Console.WriteLine(nprinters.ToString()); #endif break; case "-PRINTERNAME": if (args.GetUpperBound(0) > i) { i++; printername = args[i]; } else { throw new Exception("A printer name must be provided after -printername"); } break; case "-SHOWPROGRESS": showprogress = true; break; case "-DELETEREPORT": deletereport = true; break; case "-PRINTDIALOG": showprintdialog = true; break; default: // Get parameter names and values string argname = args[i]; if (argname[0] == '-') { bool correctparam = false; if (argname.Length > 7) { if (argname.Substring(0, 6).ToUpper() == "-PARAM") { argname = argname.Substring(6, argname.Length - 6); int indexequ = argname.IndexOf('='); if (indexequ < 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid syntax in -param, -paramPARAMNAME=value syntax must be used"); } string paramvalue = argname.Substring(indexequ + 1, argname.Length - indexequ - 1); argname = argname.Substring(0, indexequ); ParamValues.Add(argname, paramvalue); System.Console.WriteLine("Decoded parameter: " + argname + " value " + paramvalue); correctparam = true; } } if (!correctparam) { throw new Exception("Invalid argument:" + args[i]); } } else { if (filename.Length > 0) { filename = args[i]; } else { filename = args[i]; } } break; } } } AddCustomFactories(); #if REPMAN_DOTNET2 if (showproviders) { string messageproviders = ""; /*#if REPMAN_MONO * if (providersfilename.Length == 0) * { * foreach (Provider p in ProviderFactory.Providers) * { * if (messageproviders.Length!=0) * messageproviders=messageproviders+(char)13+(char)10; * messageproviders=messageproviders+p.Name; * * } * MessageBox.Show(messageproviders,"Data providers"); * } * else * { * FileStream providersstream = new FileStream(providersfilename,System.IO.FileMode.Create,System.IO.FileAccess.Write,System.IO.FileShare.None); * try * { * foreach (Provider p2 in ProviderFactory.Providers) * { * StreamUtil.SWriteLine(providersstream,p2.Name); * } * } * finally * { * providersstream.Close(); * } * * } #else*/ int indexp; DataTable atable = DbProviderFactories.GetFactoryClasses(); if (providersfilename.Length == 0) { bool firebirdfound = false; bool mysqlfound = false; bool sqlitefound = false; for (indexp = 0; indexp < atable.Rows.Count; indexp++) { if (messageproviders.Length != 0) { messageproviders = messageproviders + (char)13 + (char)10; } string nprovider = atable.Rows[indexp][2].ToString(); if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.FIREBIRD_PROVIDER) { firebirdfound = true; } if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.MYSQL_PROVIDER) { mysqlfound = true; } if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.SQLITE_PROVIDER) { sqlitefound = true; } messageproviders = messageproviders + atable.Rows[indexp][2].ToString(); } if (!firebirdfound) { messageproviders = DatabaseInfo.FIREBIRD_PROVIDER + (char)13 + (char)10 + messageproviders; } if (!mysqlfound) { messageproviders = DatabaseInfo.MYSQL_PROVIDER + (char)13 + (char)10 + messageproviders; } if (!sqlitefound) { messageproviders = DatabaseInfo.SQLITE_PROVIDER + (char)13 + (char)10 + messageproviders; } #if FORMS MessageBox.Show(messageproviders, "Data providers"); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Data providers"); System.Console.WriteLine(messageproviders); #endif } else { FileStream providersstream = new FileStream(providersfilename, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None); try { bool firebirdfound = false; bool mysqlfound = false; bool sqlitefound = false; Strings nstrings = new Strings(); for (indexp = 0; indexp < atable.Rows.Count; indexp++) { string nprovider = atable.Rows[indexp][2].ToString(); if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.FIREBIRD_PROVIDER) { firebirdfound = true; } if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.MYSQL_PROVIDER) { mysqlfound = true; } if (nprovider == DatabaseInfo.SQLITE_PROVIDER) { sqlitefound = true; } nstrings.Add(nprovider); } if (!firebirdfound) { nstrings.Insert(0, DatabaseInfo.FIREBIRD_PROVIDER); } if (!mysqlfound) { nstrings.Insert(0, DatabaseInfo.MYSQL_PROVIDER); } if (!sqlitefound) { nstrings.Insert(0, DatabaseInfo.SQLITE_PROVIDER); } foreach (string nstring in nstrings) { StreamUtil.SWriteLine(providersstream, nstring); } } finally { providersstream.Close(); } } //#endif } #endif if (doread) { if (stdin) { Stream astream = System.Console.OpenStandardInput(); rp.LoadFromStream(astream, 8192); } else { if (filename.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("You must provide a report filename"); } rp.LoadFromFile(filename); } foreach (string nparamname in ParamValues.Keys) { string nvalue = ParamValues[nparamname]; if (rp.Params.IndexOf(nparamname) < 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: parameter not found created: " + nparamname); Reportman.Reporting.Param xparam = new Reportman.Reporting.Param(rp); xparam.Alias = nparamname; xparam.Visible = false; rp.Params.Add(xparam); //throw new Exception("Parameter " + nparamname + " not found"); } rp.Params[nparamname].Value = nvalue; } } if (showdata) { rp.PrintOnlyIfDataAvailable = false; PrintOutPDF printpdf3 = new PrintOutPDF(); rp.BeginPrint(printpdf3); #if FORMS DataShow.ShowData(rp, dataset); #else rp.DataInfo[dataset].Connect(); ReportDataset ndataset = rp.DataInfo[dataset].Data; foreach (DataColumn ncol in ndataset.Columns) { string nstring = ncol.ColumnName.PadLeft(30); if (nstring.Length > 30) { nstring = nstring.Substring(0, 30); } System.Console.Write(nstring); } System.Console.WriteLine(); while (!ndataset.Eof) { foreach (DataColumn ncol in ndataset.Columns) { string nstring = ndataset.CurrentRow[ncol.ColumnName].ToString().PadLeft(30); if (nstring.Length > 30) { nstring = nstring.Substring(0, 30); } System.Console.Write(nstring); } System.Console.WriteLine(); ndataset.Next(); } #endif } if (testconnection) { int conindex = rp.DatabaseInfo.IndexOf(connectionname); if (conindex < 0) { throw new Exception("Connection name not found:" + connectionname); } rp.DatabaseInfo[conindex].Connect(); #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Connexion successfull:" + connectionname); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Connexion successfull:" + connectionname); #endif } if (showfields) { int index = rp.DataInfo.IndexOf(dataset); if (index < 0) { throw new Exception("Dataset not found:" + dataset); } rp.DataInfo[index].Connect(); FileStream fstream = new FileStream(fieldsfilename, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None); try { rp.DataInfo[index].GetFieldsInfo(fstream); } finally { fstream.Close(); } } if ((evaluatetext) || (syntaxcheck)) { rp.PrintOnlyIfDataAvailable = false; PrintOutPDF printpdf2 = new PrintOutPDF(); rp.BeginPrint(printpdf2); if (evaluatetext) { try { Variant aresult = rp.Evaluator.EvaluateText(evaltext); #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Result:" + aresult.ToString()); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Result:" + aresult.ToString()); #endif } catch (EvalException e) { #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Error Line: " + e.SourceLine.ToString() + " Error position:" + e.SourcePos.ToString() + " - " + e.Message); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Error Line: " + e.SourceLine.ToString() + " Error position:" + e.SourcePos.ToString() + " - " + e.Message); #endif } catch (Exception E) { #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Error: " + E.Message); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + E.Message); #endif } } else { try { rp.Evaluator.CheckSyntax(evaltext); #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Syntax check ok"); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Syntax check ok"); #endif } catch (Exception E) { #if FORMS MessageBox.Show("Error: " + E.Message); #else System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + E.Message); #endif } } } // Ask for parameters? if (doprint) { if (showparams) { #if FORMS doprint = ParamsForm.ShowParams(rp); #else throw new Exception("Show params not supported in console mode"); #endif } } if (doprint) { if (showprogress) #if FORMS { ReportProgressForm fprogres = new ReportProgressForm(); fprogres.SetMetaFile(rp.MetaFile); fprogres.Show(); } #else { throw new Exception("Show progress not supported in console mode"); } #endif if (pdf) { rp.AsyncExecution = false; PrintOutPDF printpdf = new PrintOutPDF(); printpdf.FileName = pdffilename; printpdf.Compressed = compressedpdf; printpdf.Print(rp.MetaFile); } else if (metafile) { rp.AsyncExecution = false; rp.TwoPass = true; PrintOutPDF printpdf = new PrintOutPDF(); printpdf.FileName = ""; printpdf.Compressed = compressedpdf; printpdf.Print(rp.MetaFile); rp.MetaFile.SaveToFile(pdffilename, compressedpdf); } else { rp.AsyncExecution = asyncexecution; #if FORMS PrintOutReportWinForms prw = new PrintOutReportWinForms(rp); prw.Preview = preview; prw.ShowInTaskbar = true; prw.SystemPreview = systempreview; prw.ShowPrintDialog = showprintdialog; prw.Print(rp.MetaFile); #else PrintOutPrint prw = new PrintOutPrint(); if (printername.Length > 0) { PrintOutNet.DefaultPrinterName = printername; } prw.Print(rp.MetaFile); #endif // PrintOutWinForms prw = new PrintOutWinForms(); // prw.OptimizeWMF = WMFOptimization.Gdiplus; } } } finally { if (deletereport) { if (filename.Length > 0) { System.IO.File.Delete(filename); } } } } catch (Exception E) { if (!dothrow) { int i; string amessage = E.Message + (char)13 + (char)10; for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { amessage = amessage + (char)13 + (char)10 + "Arg" + i.ToString() + ":" + args[i]; } Strings astrings = GetParams(); for (i = 0; i < astrings.Count; i++) { amessage = amessage + (char)13 + (char)10 + astrings[i]; } #if FORMS MessageBox.Show(amessage, "Error"); #else System.Console.WriteLine(amessage); #endif System.Console.WriteLine(E.StackTrace); } else { PrintParams(); throw; } // Variant.WriteStringToUTF8Stream(amessage,System.Console.OpenStandardError()); } }
/*! * Summarizes the information contained in this object in English. * \param[in] verbose Determines whether or not detailed information about large areas of data will be printed cs. * \return A string containing a summary of the information within the object in English. This is the function that Niflyze calls to generate its analysis, so the output is the same. */ public override string AsString(bool verbose = false) { var s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); var array_output_count = 0U; s.Append(base.AsString()); arraySize = (ushort)interpArrayItems.Count; s.AppendLine($" Flags: {flags}"); s.AppendLine($" Array Size: {arraySize}"); s.AppendLine($" Array Grow By: {arrayGrowBy}"); s.AppendLine($" Weight Threshold: {weightThreshold}"); if (((flags & 1) == 0)) { s.AppendLine($" Interp Count: {interpCount}"); s.AppendLine($" Single Index: {singleIndex}"); s.AppendLine($" High Priority: {highPriority}"); s.AppendLine($" Next High Priority: {nextHighPriority}"); s.AppendLine($" Single Time: {singleTime}"); s.AppendLine($" High Weights Sum: {highWeightsSum}"); s.AppendLine($" Next High Weights Sum: {nextHighWeightsSum}"); s.AppendLine($" High Ease Spinner: {highEaseSpinner}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < interpArrayItems.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } s.AppendLine($" Interpolator: {interpArrayItems[i4].interpolator}"); s.AppendLine($" Weight: {interpArrayItems[i4].weight}"); s.AppendLine($" Normalized Weight: {interpArrayItems[i4].normalizedWeight}"); s.AppendLine($" Priority: {interpArrayItems[i4].priority}"); s.AppendLine($" Ease Spinner: {interpArrayItems[i4].easeSpinner}"); } } s.AppendLine($" Managed Controlled: {managedControlled}"); s.AppendLine($" Only Use Highest Weight: {onlyUseHighestWeight}"); s.AppendLine($" Single Interpolator: {singleInterpolator}"); return(s.ToString()); }
/* String builder used for all debug logging */ //public static System.Text.StringBuilder debugStringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); /** Returns a debug string for this path. */ public override string DebugString(PathLog logMode) { if (logMode == PathLog.None || (!error && logMode == PathLog.OnlyErrors)) { return(""); } var text = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); text.Append(error ? "Path Failed : " : "Path Completed : "); text.Append("Computation Time "); text.Append((duration).ToString(logMode == PathLog.Heavy ? "0.000" : "0.00")); text.Append(" ms Searched Nodes "); text.Append(searchedNodes); if (!error) { text.Append(" Path Length "); text.Append(path == null ? "Null" : path.Count.ToString()); if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy) { text.Append("\nSearch Iterations " + searchIterations); if (hasEndPoint && endNode != null) { PathNode nodeR = pathHandler.GetPathNode(endNode); text.Append("\nEnd Node\n G: "); text.Append(nodeR.G); text.Append("\n H: "); text.Append(nodeR.H); text.Append("\n F: "); text.Append(nodeR.F); text.Append("\n Point: "); text.Append(((Vector3)endPoint).ToString()); text.Append("\n Graph: "); text.Append(endNode.GraphIndex); } text.Append("\nStart Node"); text.Append("\n Point: "); text.Append(((Vector3)startPoint).ToString()); text.Append("\n Graph: "); if (startNode != null) { text.Append(startNode.GraphIndex); } else { text.Append("< null startNode >"); } //text.Append ("\nBinary Heap size at completion: "); //text.Append ( == null ? "Null" : ( ());// -2 because numberOfItems includes the next item to be added and item zero is not used } /*"\nEnd node\n G = "+p.endNode.g+"\n H = "+p.endNode.H+"\n F = "+p.endNode.f+"\n Point "+p.endPoint +"\nStart Point = "+p.startPoint+"\n"+"Start Node graph: "+p.startNode.graphIndex+" End Node graph: "+p.endNode.graphIndex+ * "\nBinary Heap size at completion: "+( == null ? "Null" : ())*/ } if (error) { text.Append("\nError: "); text.Append(errorLog); } // Can only print this from the Unity thread // since otherwise an exception might be thrown if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy && ! { text.Append("\nCallback references "); if (callback != null) { text.Append(callback.Target.GetType().FullName).AppendLine(); } else { text.AppendLine("NULL"); } } text.Append("\nPath Number "); text.Append(pathID); return(text.ToString()); }
void OnStatGUI() { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("num peds: {0}\n", Ped.NumPeds); sb.AppendFormat("num vehicles: {0}\n", Vehicle.NumVehicles); sb.AppendFormat("num ped state changes received: {0}\n", Ped.NumStateChangesReceived); sb.AppendLine(); // info about local ped var ped = Ped.Instance; if (ped != null) { sb.AppendFormat("Local ped:\n"); sb.AppendFormat("position: {0}\n", ped.transform.position); sb.AppendFormat("net id: {0}\n", ped.netId); sb.AppendFormat("sync interval: {0}\n", ped.NetTransform.syncInterval); sb.AppendFormat("state: {0}\n", ped.CurrentState != null ? ped.CurrentState.GetType().Name : ""); sb.AppendFormat("velocity: {0}\n", ped.Velocity); sb.AppendFormat("is grounded: {0}\n", ped.IsGrounded); sb.AppendFormat("model id: {0}\n", ped.PedDef != null ? ped.PedDef.Id.ToString() : ""); sb.AppendFormat("model name: {0}\n", ped.PedDef != null ? ped.PedDef.ModelName : ""); sb.AppendFormat("\n"); // info about current vehicle var vehicle = ped.CurrentVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { List <System.Object> objects = new List <System.Object>() { vehicle.Velocity, vehicle.Accelerator, vehicle.Braking, vehicle.Steering, vehicle.AverageWheelHeight, vehicle.NetTransform.netId, vehicle.NetTransform.syncInterval, vehicle.NetTransform.ComponentIndex, }; var texts = new List <string>() { "velocity", "accelerator", "braking", "steering", "average wheel height", "net id", "sync interval", "component index" }; texts.Add("wheels"); objects.Add(""); foreach (var w in vehicle.Wheels) { texts.Add("\t" + w.Alignment); objects.Add(string.Format("travel {0} rpm {1} radius {2} motor torque {3} mass {4} is grounded {5}", w.Travel, w.Collider.rpm, w.Collider.radius, w.Collider.motorTorque, w.Collider.mass, w.Collider.isGrounded)); } if (vehicle.Definition != null) { var def = vehicle.Definition; texts.Add("game name"); texts.Add("type"); objects.Add(def.GameName); objects.Add(def.VehicleType); } texts.Add("rigid body"); objects.Add(""); if (vehicle.RigidBody != null) { var rb = vehicle.RigidBody; texts.AddRange(new string[] { "\tmass", "\tvelocity", "\tangular velocity" }); objects.AddRange(new object[] { rb.mass, rb.velocity, rb.angularVelocity }); } texts.Add("seats"); objects.Add(""); foreach (var seat in vehicle.Seats) { texts.Add("\t" + seat.Alignment); var p = seat.OccupyingPed; objects.Add(p != null ? ("ped: net id " + p.netId) : "empty"); } var closestSeat = vehicle.FindClosestSeatTransform(ped.transform.position); if (closestSeat != null) { texts.Add("distance to closest seat"); objects.Add(Vector3.Distance(closestSeat.position, ped.transform.position)); } sb.AppendFormat("Current vehicle:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\n", texts[i], objects[i]); } sb.AppendFormat("\n"); } // info about current weapon var weapon = ped.CurrentWeapon; if (weapon != null) { sb.AppendFormat("Current weapon:\n"); sb.AppendFormat("net id: {0}\n", weapon.NetWeapon.netId); var def = weapon.Definition; if (def != null) { sb.AppendFormat("model id: {0}\n", def.Id); sb.AppendFormat("name: {0}\n", def.ModelName); } sb.AppendFormat("max range: {0}\n", weapon.MaxRange); sb.AppendFormat("damage: {0}\n", weapon.Damage); sb.AppendFormat("ammo clip size: {0}\n", weapon.AmmoClipSize); sb.AppendFormat("ammo: {0} / {1}\n", weapon.AmmoInClip, weapon.AmmoOutsideOfClip); sb.AppendFormat("slot: {0}\n", weapon.SlotIndex); sb.AppendLine(); } // info about all weapons sb.AppendFormat("All weapons:\n"); foreach (var w in ped.WeaponHolder.AllWeapons) { sb.AppendFormat("\tslot: {0} name: {1}\n", w.SlotIndex, w.Definition.ModelName); } sb.AppendLine(); } GUILayout.Label(sb.ToString()); }
static int MetaConstructFunctionInternal(lua_State L) { var typeObj = Lua.ObjectAtInternal(L, 1); Lua.Assert((typeObj != null && (typeObj is System.Type)), "Constructor needs type object."); var numArgs = Api.lua_gettop(L); int[] luaArgTypes = Lua.luaArgTypes_NoArgs; if (numArgs > 1) // the first arg is class itself { luaArgTypes = new int[numArgs - 1]; for (var i = 2; i <= numArgs; ++i) { luaArgTypes[i - 2] = Api.lua_type(L, i); } } var type = (System.Type)typeObj; if (luaArgTypes == Lua.luaArgTypes_NoArgs && type.IsValueType) { var value = Activator.CreateInstance(type); Lua.PushObjectInternal(L, value); return(1); } var mangledName = Lua.Mangle(L, "__ctor", luaArgTypes, invokingStaticMethod: true, argStart: 2); var mc = Lua.GetMethodFromCache(type, mangledName); System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] parameters = null; if (mc == null) { var constructors = type.GetConstructors(); System.Reflection.MethodBase selected = null; int highScore = int.MinValue; List <Exception> pendingExceptions = null; for (var i = 0; i < constructors.Length; ++i) { var method = constructors[i]; try { Lua.MatchingParameters(L, 2, method, luaArgTypes, ref highScore, ref selected, ref parameters); } catch (System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (pendingExceptions == null) { pendingExceptions = new List <Exception>(); } pendingExceptions.Add(e); } } if (selected != null) { mc = Lua.CacheMethod(type, mangledName, selected, parameters); } else { var additionalMessage = string.Empty; if (pendingExceptions != null && pendingExceptions.Count > 0) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < pendingExceptions.Count; ++i) { sb.AppendLine(pendingExceptions[i].Message); } additionalMessage = sb.ToString(); } throw new Exception(string.Format("No proper constructor available, calling {0}\n{1}", Lua.GetLuaInvokingSigniture("ctor", luaArgTypes), additionalMessage)); } } var ctor = (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)mc.method; IDisposable[] disposableArgs; var args = Lua.ArgsFrom(L, mc.parameters, mc.variadicArg, 2, luaArgTypes.Length, out disposableArgs); Lua.PushObjectInternal(L, ctor.Invoke(args)); if (disposableArgs != null) { foreach (var d in disposableArgs) { if (d != null) { d.Dispose(); } } } return(1); }
public void ListStaticValue_RegtypeDeliveryPaymentTitleSafix(string SelRegType, string SelDelivery, string SelPayment, string SelTitle, string SelSafix) { List <StaticValuInfo> countries = CommonMethods.ListStaticValue(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbPrefferedDeliveryMethodList = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbPrefferedPaymentMethodList = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbGSTRegistrationTypeList = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbTitleList = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbSafixList = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sbPrefferedDeliveryMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"\">Select one</option>"); sbPrefferedPaymentMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"\">Select one</option>"); sbGSTRegistrationTypeList.AppendLine("<option value=\"\">Select one</option>"); sbTitleList.AppendLine("<option value=\"\">Select one</option>"); sbSafixList.AppendLine("<option value=\"\">Select one</option>"); if (countries != null && countries.Count > 0) { foreach (StaticValuInfo country in countries) { if (country.Key == "GSTRegistrationType") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelRegType) && country.Id.Trim() == SelRegType.Trim()) { sbGSTRegistrationTypeList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } else { sbGSTRegistrationTypeList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } } else if (country.Key == "UserNameTitle") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelTitle) && country.Id.Trim() == SelTitle.Trim()) { sbTitleList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } else { sbTitleList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } } else if (country.Key == "UserNameSafix") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelSafix) && country.Id.Trim() == SelSafix.Trim()) { sbSafixList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } else { sbSafixList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } } else if (country.Key == "DeliveryMethod") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelDelivery) && country.Id.Trim() == SelDelivery.Trim()) { sbPrefferedDeliveryMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } else { sbPrefferedDeliveryMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } } else if (country.Key == "PaymentMethod") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelPayment) && country.Id.Trim() == SelPayment.Trim()) { sbPrefferedPaymentMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } else { sbPrefferedPaymentMethodList.AppendLine("<option value=\"" + country.Id + "\">" + country.Value + "</option>"); } } } } ViewBag.PrefferedDeliveryMethod = sbPrefferedDeliveryMethodList.ToString(); ViewBag.PrefferedPaymentMethod = sbPrefferedPaymentMethodList.ToString(); ViewBag.GSTRegistrationType = sbGSTRegistrationTypeList.ToString(); ViewBag.Title = sbTitleList.ToString(); ViewBag.Safix = sbSafixList.ToString(); }
public string Process(Entity entity, Dictionary <string, object> TemplateCache, bool globalUsePrivateSetters, string globalProjectNamespace, out string CurrentFileName) { Actions actions = new Actions(); if (entity.HasUserOption("Entity_MarkAsSerializable") && entity.GetUserOptionValue <bool>("Entity_MarkAsSerializable")) { entity.MappedClass.EnsureHas() .AttributeNamed("Serializable") .Finish() .ApplyTo(actions); } List <string> propertyNamesFromReferences = entity.DirectedReferences.Where(r => r.FromEndEnabled).Select(d => d.FromName).ToList(); List <string> propertyNamesFromComponents = entity.Components.Select(c => c.Name).ToList(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (var property in entity.Properties) { sb.AppendLine(PropertyTemplate.ProcessPropertyTemplate(entity, property)); } List <ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> codeProps = ProcessTemplateProperties(sb.ToString()); Dictionary <ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.Model.EntityLayer.Property, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> propMap = new Dictionary <Property, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property>(); for (int i = 0; i < entity.Properties.Count(); i++) { propMap.Add(entity.Properties.ElementAt(i), codeProps[i]); } foreach (var property in entity.Properties) { //sb.AppendLine(PropertyTemplate.ProcessPropertyTemplate(entity, property)); PropertyConstraintBuilder propertyConstraint = null; if (entity.ForeignKeyPropertiesToExclude.Contains(property)) { if (propertyNamesFromReferences.Contains(property.Name) || propertyNamesFromComponents.Contains(property.Name)) { // Don't mark this property for removal, because it's actually going to be added by a reference or component further down. continue; } propertyConstraint = entity.MappedClass.EnsureDoesNotHaveProperty(propMap[property].Name, property.OldNames); } else { // Add property's current name to its old name list if (property.OldNames.Count == 0 || !property.OldNames.Contains(propMap[property].Name)) { property.OldNames.Add(propMap[property].Name); } propertyConstraint = entity.MappedClass.EnsureHasProperty(propMap[property].Name, property.OldNames) .WithType(propMap[property].DataType.Name.Replace(string.Format("{0}.Model.", globalProjectNamespace), "")) .WithModifiers(propMap[property].Modifiers.ToArray()) .WithGetAccessorBody(propMap[property].GetAccessor.BodyText) .WithSetAccessorBody(propMap[property].SetAccessor.BodyText); //bool propertyUsePrivateSetter = property.HasUserOption("Property_UsePrivateSetter") && property.GetUserOptionValue<bool>("Property_UsePrivateSetter"); //if (propertyUsePrivateSetter || globalUsePrivateSetters) if (propMap[property].SetAccessor.Modifier == "private") { propertyConstraint.WithSetAccessorAccessibility("private"); } // Code insertions stuff for NHibernate Validator Attributes. Replaced with XML specs. //if(property.MaximumLength.HasValue && property.MaximumLength > 0 && property.MaximumLength < int.MaxValue) //{ // propertyConstraint.WithAttribute("Length") // .WithParameter(property.MaximumLength.Value.ToString()); //} } propertyConstraint.ApplyTo(actions); } #region DirectedReferences sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (var reference in entity.DirectedReferences) { sb.AppendLine(PropertyTemplate.ProcessReferenceTemplate(entity, reference)); } List <ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> codeRefProps = ProcessTemplateProperties(sb.ToString()); Dictionary <ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.Model.EntityLayer.DirectedReference, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> refPropMap = new Dictionary <DirectedReference, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property>(); for (int i = 0; i < entity.DirectedReferences.Count(); i++) { refPropMap.Add(entity.DirectedReferences.ElementAt(i), codeRefProps[i]); } foreach (var reference in entity.DirectedReferences.Where(r => r.FromEndEnabled).OrderBy(r => r.FromName)) { // Add reference's current name to its old name list if (reference.OldFromNames.Count == 0 || !reference.OldFromNames.Contains(refPropMap[reference].Name)) { reference.OldFromNames.Add(refPropMap[reference].Name); } var propertyConstraint = entity.MappedClass.EnsureHasProperty(refPropMap[reference].Name, reference.OldFromNames) .WithType(refPropMap[reference].DataType.Name.Replace(string.Format("{0}.Model.", globalProjectNamespace), "")) .WithModifiers(refPropMap[reference].Modifiers.ToArray()) .WithGetAccessorBody(refPropMap[reference].GetAccessor.BodyText) .WithSetAccessorBody(refPropMap[reference].SetAccessor.BodyText); if (refPropMap[reference].SetAccessor.Modifier == "private") { propertyConstraint.WithSetAccessorAccessibility("private"); } propertyConstraint.ApplyTo(actions); } #endregion #region Component Definitions sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (var component in entity.Components) { sb.AppendLine(PropertyTemplate.ProcessComponentTemplate(entity, component)); } List <ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> codeComponentProps = ProcessTemplateProperties(sb.ToString()); Dictionary <ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.Model.EntityLayer.Component, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property> componentPropMap = new Dictionary <Component, ArchAngel.Providers.CodeProvider.DotNet.Property>(); for (int i = 0; i < entity.Components.Count(); i++) { componentPropMap.Add(entity.Components.ElementAt(i), codeComponentProps[i]); } foreach (var component in entity.Components.OrderBy(c => c.Name)) { // Add component's current name to its old name list if (component.OldNames.Count == 0 || !component.OldNames.Contains(componentPropMap[component].Name)) { component.OldNames.Add(componentPropMap[component].Name); } var propertyConstraint = entity.MappedClass.EnsureHasProperty(componentPropMap[component].Name, component.OldNames) .WithType(componentPropMap[component].DataType.Name.Replace(string.Format("{0}.Model.", globalProjectNamespace), "")) .WithModifiers(componentPropMap[component].Modifiers.ToArray()) .WithGetAccessorBody(componentPropMap[component].GetAccessor.BodyText) .WithSetAccessorBody(componentPropMap[component].SetAccessor.BodyText); if (componentPropMap[component].SetAccessor.Modifier == "private") { propertyConstraint.WithSetAccessorAccessibility("private"); } propertyConstraint.ApplyTo(actions); } #endregion // Load the existing C# file up var filename = entity.EntitySet.MappingSet.CodeParseResults.GetFilenameForParsedClass(entity.MappedClass); CurrentFileName = filename; string outputText; if (TemplateCache.ContainsKey(filename) || !System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { outputText = actions.RunActions((string)TemplateCache[filename], entity.MappedClass.Controller.Root, false); } else { outputText = actions.RunActions(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename), entity.MappedClass.Controller.Root, true); } TemplateCache[filename] = outputText; return(outputText); }
/** Returns a debug string for this path. */ public virtual string DebugString(PathLog logMode) { if (logMode == PathLog.None || (!error && logMode == PathLog.OnlyErrors)) { return(""); } //debugStringBuilder.Length = 0; System.Text.StringBuilder text = pathHandler.DebugStringBuilder; text.Length = 0; text.Append(error ? "Path Failed : " : "Path Completed : "); text.Append("Computation Time "); text.Append((duration).ToString(logMode == PathLog.Heavy ? "0.000 ms " : "0.00 ms ")); text.Append("Searched Nodes "); text.Append(searchedNodes); if (!error) { text.Append(" Path Length "); text.Append(path == null ? "Null" : path.Count.ToString()); if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy) { text.Append("\nSearch Iterations " + searchIterations); //text.Append ("\nBinary Heap size at complete: "); // -2 because numberOfItems includes the next item to be added and item zero is not used //text.Append ( == null ? "null" : ( ()); } /*"\nEnd node\n G = "+p.endNode.g+"\n H = "+p.endNode.h+"\n F = "+p.endNode.f+"\n Point "+p.endPoint +"\nStart Point = "+p.startPoint+"\n"+"Start Node graph: "+p.startNode.graphIndex+" End Node graph: "+p.endNode.graphIndex+ * "\nBinary Heap size at completion: "+( == null ? "Null" : ())*/ } if (error) { text.Append("\nError: "); text.Append(errorLog); } if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy && !AstarPath.IsUsingMultithreading) { text.Append("\nCallback references "); if (callback != null) { text.Append(callback.Target.GetType().FullName).AppendLine(); } else { text.AppendLine("NULL"); } } text.Append("\nPath Number "); text.Append(pathID); return(text.ToString()); }
public void DoGUI(HierarchyFrameDataView frameDataView, bool fetchData, ref bool updateViewLive, ProfilerViewType viewType) { using (m_DoGUIMarker.Auto()) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout && m_ThreadIndexDuringLastNonLayoutEvent != threadIndexInThreadNames) { m_ThreadIndexDuringLastNonLayoutEvent = threadIndexInThreadNames; EditorGUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } InitIfNeeded(); var isSearchAllowed = string.IsNullOrEmpty(treeView.searchString) || !(m_ProfilerWindow.ProfilerWindowOverheadIsAffectingProfilingRecordingData() && ProfilerDriver.deepProfiling); var isDataAvailable = frameDataView != null && frameDataView.valid; var showDetailedView = isDataAvailable && m_DetailedViewType != DetailedViewType.None; if (showDetailedView) { SplitterGUILayout.BeginHorizontalSplit(m_DetailedViewSpliterState); } // Hierarchy view area GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (isDataAvailable && (threadIndex != frameDataView.threadIndex || threadName != frameDataView.threadName)) { SetFrameDataView(frameDataView); } DrawToolbar(frameDataView, showDetailedView, ref updateViewLive, viewType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataAvailabilityMessage)) { GUIStyle style = BaseStyles.label; if (dataAvailabilityMessage.Contains("PlayerSettings.")) { // Don't do hyperlinks if we're in standalone profiler since we can't easily connect back to the main process. if (UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessService.level == UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessLevel.Secondary) { dataAvailabilityMessage = Regex.Replace(dataAvailabilityMessage, @"\(<a playersettingslink=.*<\/a>\)", ""); } else { style.richText = true; EditorGUI.hyperLinkClicked -= EditorGUI_OpenSettingsOnHyperlinkClicked; EditorGUI.hyperLinkClicked += EditorGUI_OpenSettingsOnHyperlinkClicked; } } var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.Temp(dataAvailabilityMessage), style); EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(rect, dataAvailabilityMessage, style); } else if (!isDataAvailable) { if (!fetchData && !updateViewLive) { GUILayout.Label(BaseStyles.liveUpdateMessage, BaseStyles.label); } else { GUILayout.Label(BaseStyles.noData, BaseStyles.label); } } else if (!isSearchAllowed) { GUILayout.Label(BaseStyles.disabledSearchText, BaseStyles.label); } else { var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); m_TreeView.SetFrameDataView(frameDataView); m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect, updateViewLive); if (m_TreeView.HasSelection() && m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.hasProxySelection) { if (m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.cachedDisplayContent == null) { var diff = Math.Abs(m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.pathLengthDifferenceForProxy); m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.cachedDisplayContent = new GUIContent( BaseStyles.selectionExtraInfoHierarhcyView + string.Format( BaseStyles.proxySampleMessage, m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.nonProxyName, diff, diff == 1 ? BaseStyles.proxySampleMessageScopeSingular : BaseStyles.proxySampleMessageScopePlural), BaseStyles.warningTriangle.image); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.cachedDisplayContent, BaseStyles.selectionExtraInfoArea); var rectForSampleStackButton = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(BaseStyles.showDetailsDropdownContent, BaseStyles.tooltipDropdown, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false)); if (GUI.Button(rectForSampleStackButton, BaseStyles.showDetailsDropdownContent, BaseStyles.tooltipDropdown)) { var selection = m_TreeView.GetSelection(); var selectedId = (selection != null && selection.Count > 0) ? selection[0] : ProfilerFrameDataHierarchyView.invalidTreeViewId; if (selectedId >= 0) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); // Show Sample Selection: var rawSampleIndices = new List <int>(frameDataView.GetItemMergedSamplesCount(selectedId)); frameDataView.GetItemRawFrameDataViewIndices(selectedId, rawSampleIndices); var actualMarkerIdPath = new List <int>(frameDataView.GetItemDepth(selectedId)); using (var iterator = new RawFrameDataView(frameDataView.frameIndex, frameDataView.threadIndex)) { string name = null; var rawIndex = ProfilerTimelineGUI.GetItemMarkerIdPath(iterator, cpuModule, rawSampleIndices[0], ref name, ref actualMarkerIdPath); } var actualMarkerPath = new List <string>(actualMarkerIdPath.Count); foreach (var id in actualMarkerIdPath) { if ((frameDataView.GetMarkerFlags(id) & Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.MarkerFlags.AvailabilityEditor) != 0) { actualMarkerPath.Add(string.Format("EditorOnly [{0}]", frameDataView.GetMarkerName(id))); } else { actualMarkerPath.Add(frameDataView.GetMarkerName(id)); } } // admittedly, it'd be nice to only generate the text if sample selection option was chosen... // however, that would need to happen in an OnGui call and not within the callback of the generic menu, // to be able to calculate the needed window size and avoid glitches on first displaying it. // at least the user already clicked on the dropdown for this... string selectedSampleStackText = null; var sampleStackSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.nonProxySampleStack != null && m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.nonProxySampleStack.Count > 0) { for (int i = m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.nonProxySampleStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sampleStackSb.AppendLine(m_TreeView.proxySelectionInfo.nonProxySampleStack[i]); } selectedSampleStackText = sampleStackSb.ToString(); } string actualSampleStackText = null; if (actualMarkerPath != null && actualMarkerPath.Count > 0) { sampleStackSb.Clear(); for (int i = actualMarkerPath.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sampleStackSb.AppendLine(actualMarkerPath[i]); } actualSampleStackText = sampleStackSb.ToString(); } var selectionSampleStackContent = selectedSampleStackText != null ? new GUIContent(selectedSampleStackText) : null; var actualSampleStackContent = actualSampleStackText != null ? new GUIContent(actualSampleStackText) : null; var sampleStackWindowSize = SelectedSampleStackWindow.CalculateSize(selectionSampleStackContent, actualSampleStackContent); menu.AddItem(BaseStyles.showSelectedSampleStacks, false, () => { SelectedSampleStackWindow.ShowSampleStackWindow(GUIUtility.GUIToScreenRect(rectForSampleStackButton).position, sampleStackWindowSize, selectionSampleStackContent, actualSampleStackContent); }); menu.DropDown(rectForSampleStackButton); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (showDetailedView) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // Detailed view area EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(BaseStyles.toolbar); DrawDetailedViewPopup(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); cpuModule.DrawOptionsMenuPopup(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); switch (m_DetailedViewType) { case DetailedViewType.Objects: detailedObjectsView.DoGUI(BaseStyles.header, frameDataView, m_TreeView.GetSelection()); break; case DetailedViewType.CallersAndCallees: detailedCallsView.DoGUI(BaseStyles.header, frameDataView, m_TreeView.GetSelection()); break; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); SplitterGUILayout.EndHorizontalSplit(); } HandleKeyboardEvents(); } }
public string BuildStatistics() { // First just calculate the column widths so we can format them nicely. We'll save the formatted tick counts // so we don't have to regenerate them later. string[] formattedTime = new string[timingRecords.Count]; int nameColumnWidth = 0; int timeColumnWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < timingRecords.Count; i++) { var timingRecord = timingRecords[i]; formattedTime[i] = string.Format("{0:#,0}ms", timingRecord.Milliseconds); if (formattedTime[i].Length > timeColumnWidth) { timeColumnWidth = formattedTime[i].Length; } int nameWidth = timingRecord.Name.Length; TimingRecord parent = GetParent(timingRecord); while (parent != null) { nameWidth += 2; parent = GetParent(parent); } if (nameWidth > nameColumnWidth) { nameColumnWidth = nameWidth; } } // Now generate the output System.Text.StringBuilder output = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < timingRecords.Count; i++) { var timingRecord = timingRecords[i]; int nameWidth = 0; TimingRecord parent = GetParent(timingRecord); while (parent != null) { output.Append("- "); nameWidth += 2; parent = GetParent(parent); } output.Append(timingRecord.Name); nameWidth += timingRecord.Name.Length; output.Append(' ', nameColumnWidth + 2 - nameWidth); output.Append(' ', timeColumnWidth - formattedTime[i].Length); output.Append(formattedTime[i]); parent = GetParent(timingRecord); if (parent != null) { output.Append(string.Format(" {0,3}%", ((timingRecord.Milliseconds * 100) / parent.Milliseconds))); } output.AppendLine(); } return(output.ToString()); }
public void DLog(object data) { log.AppendLine(data.ToString()); Debug.Log(data, null); NLog(data.ToString()); }
private static bool GenerateShaderPass(PBRMasterNode masterNode, Pass pass, GenerationMode mode, SurfaceMaterialOptions materialOptions, ShaderGenerator result) { var templateLocation = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(HDEditorUtils.GetHDRenderPipelinePath(), "Editor"), "ShaderGraph"), pass.TemplateName); if (!File.Exists(templateLocation)) { // TODO: produce error here return(false); } // grab all of the active nodes var activeNodeList = ListPool <INode> .Get(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodeList, masterNode, NodeUtils.IncludeSelf.Include, pass.PixelShaderSlots); // graph requirements describe what the graph itself requires var graphRequirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(activeNodeList, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment); ShaderStringBuilder graphNodeFunctions = new ShaderStringBuilder(); graphNodeFunctions.IncreaseIndent(); var functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry(graphNodeFunctions); // Build the list of active slots based on what the pass requires // TODO: this can be a shared function -- From here through GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescription(..) var activeSlots = new List <MaterialSlot>(); foreach (var id in pass.PixelShaderSlots) { MaterialSlot slot = masterNode.FindSlot <MaterialSlot>(id); if (slot != null) { activeSlots.Add(slot); } } // build the graph outputs structure to hold the results of each active slots (and fill out activeFields to indicate they are active) string graphInputStructName = "SurfaceDescriptionInputs"; string graphOutputStructName = "SurfaceDescription"; string graphEvalFunctionName = "SurfaceDescriptionFunction"; ShaderStringBuilder graphEvalFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(); ShaderStringBuilder graphOutputs = new ShaderStringBuilder(); PropertyCollector graphProperties = new PropertyCollector(); // build the graph outputs structure, and populate activeFields with the fields of that structure HashSet <string> activeFields = new HashSet <string>(); GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(graphOutputs, activeSlots, true); //GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(graphOutputs, activeSlots, true, graphOutputStructName, activeFields); // Build the graph evaluation code, to evaluate the specified slots GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction( activeNodeList, masterNode, masterNode.owner as AbstractMaterialGraph, graphEvalFunction, functionRegistry, graphProperties, graphRequirements, // TODO : REMOVE UNUSED mode, graphEvalFunctionName, graphOutputStructName, null, activeSlots, graphInputStructName); var blendCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var cullCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var zTestCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var zWriteCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var stencilCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var colorMaskCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); HDSubShaderUtilities.BuildRenderStatesFromPassAndMaterialOptions(pass, materialOptions, blendCode, cullCode, zTestCode, zWriteCode, stencilCode, colorMaskCode); if (masterNode.twoSided.isOn) { activeFields.Add("DoubleSided"); if (pass.ShaderPassName != "SHADERPASS_VELOCITY") // HACK to get around lack of a good interpolator dependency system { // we need to be able to build interpolators using multiple input structs // also: should only require isFrontFace if Normals are required... activeFields.Add("DoubleSided.Mirror"); // TODO: change this depending on what kind of normal flip you want.. activeFields.Add("FragInputs.isFrontFace"); // will need this for determining normal flip mode } } if (pass.PixelShaderSlots != null) { foreach (var slotId in pass.PixelShaderSlots) { var slot = masterNode.FindSlot <MaterialSlot>(slotId); if (slot != null) { var rawSlotName = slot.RawDisplayName().ToString(); var descriptionVar = string.Format("{0}.{1}", graphOutputStructName, rawSlotName); activeFields.Add(descriptionVar); } } } var packedInterpolatorCode = new ShaderGenerator(); var graphInputs = new ShaderGenerator(); HDRPShaderStructs.Generate( packedInterpolatorCode, graphInputs, graphRequirements, pass.RequiredFields, CoordinateSpace.World, activeFields); // debug output all active fields var interpolatorDefines = new ShaderGenerator(); { interpolatorDefines.AddShaderChunk("// ACTIVE FIELDS:"); foreach (string f in activeFields) { interpolatorDefines.AddShaderChunk("// " + f); } } ShaderGenerator defines = new ShaderGenerator(); { defines.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("#define SHADERPASS {0}", pass.ShaderPassName), true); if (pass.ExtraDefines != null) { foreach (var define in pass.ExtraDefines) { defines.AddShaderChunk(define); } } defines.AddGenerator(interpolatorDefines); } var shaderPassIncludes = new ShaderGenerator(); if (pass.Includes != null) { foreach (var include in pass.Includes) { shaderPassIncludes.AddShaderChunk(include); } } // build graph code var graph = new ShaderGenerator(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Inputs"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddGenerator(graphInputs); graph.Deindent(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Outputs"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphOutputs.ToString()); //graph.AddGenerator(graphOutputs); graph.Deindent(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Properties (uniform inputs)"); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphProperties.GetPropertiesDeclaration(1)); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Node Functions"); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphNodeFunctions.ToString()); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Evaluation"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphEvalFunction.ToString()); //graph.AddGenerator(graphEvalFunction); graph.Deindent(); // build the hash table of all named fragments TODO: could make this Dictionary<string, ShaderGenerator / string> ? Dictionary <string, string> namedFragments = new Dictionary <string, string>(); namedFragments.Add("${Defines}", defines.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${Graph}", graph.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${LightMode}", pass.LightMode); namedFragments.Add("${PassName}", pass.Name); namedFragments.Add("${Includes}", shaderPassIncludes.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${InterpolatorPacking}", packedInterpolatorCode.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${Blending}", blendCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${Culling}", cullCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ZTest}", zTestCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ZWrite}", zWriteCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${Stencil}", stencilCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ColorMask}", colorMaskCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${LOD}", materialOptions.lod.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${VariantDefines}", GetVariantDefines(masterNode)); // process the template to generate the shader code for this pass TODO: could make this a shared function string[] templateLines = File.ReadAllLines(templateLocation); System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (string line in templateLines) { ShaderSpliceUtil.PreprocessShaderCode(line, activeFields, namedFragments, builder); builder.AppendLine(); } result.AddShaderChunk(builder.ToString(), false); return(true); }
/// <summary> Wrapper for AppendLine(). Appends a newline to the end of the StringBuilder, resizing if necessary. </summary> public StringBuilder AppendLine() { str.AppendLine(); return(this); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { try { lblmsg.Text = string.Empty; CargarDetalle(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = "Error interno en el sistema contacte a su administrador " + " Detalle:" + ex.Message; msgError.Clear(); msgError.AppendLine("Fecha:" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); msgError.AppendLine("Descripción:" + ex.Message); msgError.AppendLine("Detalle:" + ex.StackTrace); log.Error(msgError.ToString()); } } }
static string ConvertNodesToYarnText(IEnumerable <Loader.NodeInfo> nodes) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); var properties = typeof(Loader.NodeInfo).GetProperties(); foreach (var node in nodes) { foreach (var property in properties) { // ignore the body attribute if (property.Name == "body") { continue; } // piggy-back off the JsonIgnoreAttribute to sense items that should not be serialised if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), false).Length > 0) { continue; } var field = property.Name; string value; var propertyType = property.PropertyType; if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string))) { value = (string)property.GetValue(node, null); // avoid storing nulls when we could store the empty string instead if (value == null) { value = ""; } } else if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(int))) { value = ((int)property.GetValue(node, null)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Loader.NodeInfo.Position))) { var position = (Loader.NodeInfo.Position)property.GetValue(node, null); value = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0},{1}", position.x, position.y); } else { YarnSpinnerConsole.Error(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Internal error: Node {0}'s property {1} has unsupported type {2}", node.title, property.Name, propertyType.FullName)); // will never be run, but prevents the compiler being mean about us not returning a value throw new Exception(); } var header = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}: {1}", field, value); sb.AppendLine(header); } // now write the body sb.AppendLine("---"); sb.AppendLine(node.body); sb.AppendLine("==="); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void StoragePermissonGranted() { if (!_downloadStarted) { _downloadStarted = true; // Before we do anything, are the files we expect already here and // delivered (presumably by Market) // For free titles, this is probably worth doing. (so no Market // request is necessary) bool delivered = AreExpansionFilesDelivered(); if (delivered) { StartActivity(typeof(ActivityMain)); Finish(); return; } if (!IsFromGooglePlay(this)) { PackageInfo packageInfo = PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(PackageName, 0); int packageVersion = 0; if (packageInfo != null) { packageVersion = packageInfo.VersionCode; } string obbFileName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "main.{0}.{1}.obb", packageVersion, PackageName); Java.IO.File[] obbDirs; // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToConditionalTernaryExpression if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.Kitkat) { obbDirs = GetObbDirs(); } else { obbDirs = new[] { ObbDir }; } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (Java.IO.File dir in obbDirs) { if (dir != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir.AbsolutePath)) { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.AppendLine(); } sb.Append(@"'"); sb.Append(dir.AbsolutePath); sb.Append(@"'"); } } string obbDirsName = sb.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obbDirsName)) { obbDirsName = "-"; } string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, GetString(Resource.String.exp_down_obb_missing), obbFileName, obbDirsName); AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .SetMessage(message) .SetTitle(Resource.String.alert_title_error) .SetNeutralButton(Resource.String.button_ok, (s, e) => { }) .Show(); alertDialog.DismissEvent += (sender, args) => { if (!_activityActive) { return; } Finish(); }; return; } if (!GetExpansionFiles()) { InitializeDownloadUi(); } if (_activityActive) { _downloaderServiceConnection?.Connect(this); } } }
async Task <byte[]> UnaryServerMethod <TRequest, TResponse>(byte[] request, ServerCallContext context) { var isErrorOrInterrupted = false; var serviceContext = new ServiceContext(ServiceType, MethodInfo, AttributeLookup, this.MethodType, context, resolver, logger, this) { Request = request }; byte[] response = emptyBytes; try { logger.BeginInvokeMethod(serviceContext, request, typeof(TRequest)); if (enableCurrentContext) { ServiceContext.currentServiceContext.Value = serviceContext; } await this.methodBody(serviceContext).ConfigureAwait(false); response = serviceContext.Result ?? emptyBytes; } catch (ReturnStatusException ex) { isErrorOrInterrupted = true; context.Status = ex.ToStatus(); response = emptyBytes; } catch (Exception ex) { isErrorOrInterrupted = true; if (isReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail) { // Trim data. var msg = ex.ToString(); var lineSplit = msg.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.Length; i++) { if (!(lineSplit[i].Contains("System.Runtime.CompilerServices") || lineSplit[i].Contains("直前に例外がスローされた場所からのスタック トレースの終わり") || lineSplit[i].Contains("End of stack trace from the previous location where the exception was thrown") )) { sb.AppendLine(lineSplit[i]); } if (sb.Length >= 5000) { sb.AppendLine("----Omit Message(message size is too long)----"); break; } } var str = sb.ToString(); context.Status = new Status(StatusCode.Unknown, str); LogError(ex, context); response = emptyBytes; } else { throw; } } finally { logger.EndInvokeMethod(serviceContext, response, typeof(TResponse), (DateTime.UtcNow - serviceContext.Timestamp).TotalMilliseconds, isErrorOrInterrupted); } return(response); }
Execute( Bam.Core.ExecutionContext context, string executablePath, Bam.Core.StringArray commandLineArguments, string workingDirectory = null, Bam.Core.StringArray inheritedEnvironmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, Bam.Core.TokenizedStringArray> addedEnvironmentVariables = null, string useResponseFileOption = null) { var processStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); processStartInfo.FileName = executablePath; processStartInfo.ErrorDialog = true; if (null != workingDirectory) { processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; } var cachedEnvVars = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); // first get the inherited environment variables from the system environment if (null != inheritedEnvironmentVariables) { int envVarCount; if (inheritedEnvironmentVariables.Count == 1 && inheritedEnvironmentVariables[0] == "*") { foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry envVar in processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables) { cachedEnvVars.Add(envVar.Key as string, envVar.Value as string); } } else if (inheritedEnvironmentVariables.Count == 1 && System.Int32.TryParse(inheritedEnvironmentVariables[0], out envVarCount) && envVarCount < 0) { envVarCount += processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Count; foreach (var envVar in processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Cast <System.Collections.DictionaryEntry>().OrderBy(item => item.Key)) { cachedEnvVars.Add(envVar.Key as string, envVar.Value as string); --envVarCount; if (0 == envVarCount) { break; } } } else { foreach (var envVar in inheritedEnvironmentVariables) { if (!processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey(envVar)) { Bam.Core.Log.Info("Environment variable '{0}' does not exist", envVar); continue; } cachedEnvVars.Add(envVar, processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables[envVar]); } } } processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Clear(); if (null != inheritedEnvironmentVariables) { foreach (var envVar in cachedEnvVars) { processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables[envVar.Key] = envVar.Value; } } if (null != addedEnvironmentVariables) { foreach (var envVar in addedEnvironmentVariables) { processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables[envVar.Key] = envVar.Value.ToString(System.IO.Path.PathSeparator); } } processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; processStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; var arguments = commandLineArguments.ToString(' '); if (Bam.Core.OSUtilities.IsWindowsHosting) { //TODO: should this include the length of the executable path too? if (arguments.Length >= 32767) { if (null == useResponseFileOption) { throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Command line is {0} characters long, but response files are not supported by the tool {1}", arguments.Length, executablePath); } var responseFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(responseFilePath)) { Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("Written response file {0} containing:\n{1}", responseFilePath, arguments); writer.WriteLine(arguments); } arguments = System.String.Format("{0}{1}", useResponseFileOption, responseFilePath); } } processStartInfo.Arguments = arguments; Bam.Core.Log.Detail("{0} {1}", processStartInfo.FileName, processStartInfo.Arguments); // useful debugging of the command line processor Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("Working directory: '{0}'", processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory); if (processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Count > 0) { Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("Environment variables:"); foreach (var envVar in processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Cast <System.Collections.DictionaryEntry>().OrderBy(item => item.Key)) { Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("\t{0} = {1}", envVar.Key, envVar.Value); } } System.Diagnostics.Process process = null; int exitCode = -1; try { process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); process.StartInfo = processStartInfo; process.OutputDataReceived += new System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler(context.OutputDataReceived); process.ErrorDataReceived += new System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler(context.ErrorDataReceived); process.Start(); process.StandardInput.Close(); } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex) { throw new Bam.Core.Exception("'{0}': process filename '{1}'", ex.Message, processStartInfo.FileName); } if (null != process) { process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); // TODO: need to poll for an external cancel op? // poll for the process to exit, as some processes seem to get stuck (hdiutil attach, for example) while (!process.HasExited) { process.WaitForExit(2000); } // this additional WaitForExit appears to be needed in order to finish reading the output and error streams asynchronously // without it, output is missing from a Native build when executed in many threads process.WaitForExit(); exitCode = process.ExitCode; //Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("Tool exit code: {0}", exitCode); process.Close(); } if (exitCode != 0) { var message = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); message.AppendFormat("Command failed: {0} {1}", processStartInfo.FileName, processStartInfo.Arguments); message.AppendLine(); message.AppendFormat("Command exit code: {0}", exitCode); message.AppendLine(); throw new Bam.Core.Exception(message.ToString()); } }
public String LocalSetupGet(my.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn) { string strQuery = String.Empty; strQuery = string.Format("SELECT username, domain, ipaddress, computer_name, process_name, process_path, process_starttime, processid, process_description, process_exittime, version, productname, companyname, semester, process_path_commandline, sid, fullname, department, role, idactivity FROM app_performance.activity WHERE process_exittime BETWEEN '2016-10-06 11:00:30' AND '2016-11-09 20:21:30'"); my.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new my.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(strQuery, conn); my.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader myReader = null; try { myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int n = 0; try { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\bithubReports"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message.ToString()); } //var filepath = @"C:\bithubReports\report.txt"; var csv = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); while (myReader.Read()) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(myReader.GetString(0) + "\n"); string result = ""; string name, domain, ip, cpu, proc, procPath, procStart, procID, procDesc, procExit, v, pName, cName, sem, ppcl, sid, fName, dep, role, id; if (myReader.IsDBNull(0)) { name = " "; } else { name = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(0)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(1)) { domain = " "; } else { domain = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(1)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(2)) { ip = " "; } else { ip = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(3)) { cpu = " "; } else { cpu = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(3)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(4)) { proc = " "; } else { proc = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(4)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(5)) { procPath = " "; } else { procPath = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(5)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(6)) { procStart = " "; } else { procStart = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetDateTime(6)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(7)) { procID = " "; } else { procID = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetInt64(7)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(8)) { procDesc = " "; } else { procDesc = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(8)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(9)) { procExit = " "; } else { procExit = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetDateTime(9)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(10)) { v = " "; } else { v = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(10)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(11)) { pName = " "; } else { pName = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(11)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(12)) { cName = " "; } else { cName = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(12)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(13)) { sem = " "; } else { sem = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(13)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(14)) { ppcl = " "; } else { ppcl = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(14)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(15)) { sid = " "; } else { sid = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(15)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(16)) { fName = " "; } else { fName = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(16)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(17)) { dep = " "; } else { dep = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(17)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(18)) { role = " "; } else { role = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(18)); } if (myReader.IsDBNull(19)) { id = " "; } else { id = String.Format("{0}", myReader.GetString(19)); } result = name + "," + domain + "," + ip + "," + cpu + "," + proc + "," + procPath + "," + procStart + "," + procID + "," + procDesc + "," + procExit + "," + v + "," + pName + "," + cName + "," + sem + "," + ppcl + "," + sid + "," + fName + "," + dep + "," + role + "," + id; string line = result; try{ csv.AppendLine(line); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message.ToString()); } n = 0; } try{ System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filepath, csv.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message.ToString()); } try { String email = "*****@*****.**"; send_email(email); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message.ToString()); } if (myReader != null) { if (myReader.IsClosed == false) { myReader.Close(); myReader.Dispose(); } } if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Success"); return("Success"); }
/// <summary> /// override <see cref="v_AICompanion.StateRoutine()"/> /// ps: this rotine work with internal while loop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected IEnumerator CompanionStateRoutine() { while (this.enabled) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); System.Text.StringBuilder debugString = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); debugString.AppendLine("----DEBUG----"); debugString.AppendLine("Agressive : " + agressiveAtFirstSight); CheckIsOnNavMesh(); CheckAutoCrouch(); SetTarget(); //Companion Behavior (override Aicontroller Behavior) switch (companionState) { #region Companion rotine case CompanionState.Follow: if (canSeeTarget && nearOfCompanion) { yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Chase())); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(FollowCompanion())); } debugString.AppendLine(canSeeTarget && nearOfCompanion ? "Chase/Follow" : "Follow"); break; case CompanionState.MoveTo: if (canSeeTarget) { yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Chase())); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(MoveTo())); } debugString.AppendLine(canSeeTarget ? "Chase/MoveTo" : "MoveTo"); break; case CompanionState.Stay: if (canSeeTarget) { yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Chase())); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(Stay())); } debugString.AppendLine(canSeeTarget ? "Chase/Stay" : "Stay"); break; #endregion case CompanionState.None: //Aicontroller Behavior #region Ai controller Normal Rotine debugString.AppendLine("None : using normal AI routine"); switch (currentState) { case AIStates.Idle: debugString.AppendLine("idle"); yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Idle())); break; case AIStates.Chase: yield return(StartCoroutine(base.Chase())); break; } break; #endregion } if (debugUIText != null && debug) { debugUIText.text = debugString.ToString(); } } }
//Only use this when exceptions in the api. // public static string GetContextData() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (HttpContext.Current != null) { //Session if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null) { foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Session.Keys) { sb.AppendLine($"Session: Key:{key} Value:{HttpContext.Current.Session[key]}"); } } //Cookie if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies != null) { foreach (string cookie in HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies) { sb.AppendLine($"Cookie: Key:{HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookie].Name} Value:{HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookie].Value}"); } } //Form if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form != null) { foreach (string item in HttpContext.Current.Request.Form) { sb.AppendLine($"Form: Key:{item} Value:{HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[item]}"); } } //URL string[] urlParms = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Query.Split('&'); if (urlParms.Length > 0) { foreach (string parm in urlParms) { string[] de = parm.Split('='); string val = de.Length == 2 ? de[1] : string.Empty; sb.AppendLine($"URL: Key:{de[0]} Value:{val}"); } } sb.AppendLine($"Method: {HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod}"); sb.AppendLine($"IsAuthenticated: {HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated}"); sb.AppendLine($"IsLocal: {HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal}"); sb.AppendLine($"IsSecureConnection: {HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection}"); sb.AppendLine($"RequestType: {HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestType}"); sb.AppendLine($"Url: {HttpContext.Current.Request.Url}"); sb.AppendLine($"UrlReferrer: {HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer}"); sb.AppendLine($"UserAgent: {HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent}"); sb.AppendLine($"UserHostAddress: {HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress}"); if (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.Count > 0) { foreach (string sVar in HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables) { if (sVar != "ALL_HTTP" && sVar != "ALL_RAW" && sVar != "AUTH_PASSWORD") { sb.AppendLine($"Server: Key:{sVar} Value:{HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[sVar]}"); } } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
/*! * Summarizes the information contained in this object in English. * \param[in] verbose Determines whether or not detailed information about large areas of data will be printed cs. * \return A string containing a summary of the information within the object in English. This is the function that Niflyze calls to generate its analysis, so the output is the same. */ public override string AsString(bool verbose = false) { var s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); var array_output_count = 0U; s.Append(base.AsString()); numSubShapes = (uint)subShapes.Count; s.AppendLine($" Num Sub Shapes: {numSubShapes}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < subShapes.Count; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Sub Shapes[{i3}]: {subShapes[i3]}"); array_output_count++; } s.AppendLine($" Unknown Int: {material.unknownInt}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_ob}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_fo}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_sk}"); s.AppendLine($" Radius: {radius}"); s.AppendLine($" Unknown Int 1: {unknownInt1}"); s.AppendLine($" Unknown Float 1: {unknownFloat1}"); s.AppendLine($" Data: {}"); s.AppendLine($" Size: {childShapeProperty.size}"); s.AppendLine($" Capacity and Flags: {childShapeProperty.capacityAndFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" Unknown Byte 1: {unknownByte1}"); s.AppendLine($" Unknown Float 2: {unknownFloat2}"); return(s.ToString()); }
private async void TakeMapOfflineButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Show the loading indicator. _loadingIndicator.StartAnimating(); // Create a path for the output mobile map. string tempPath = $"{Path.GetTempPath()}"; string[] outputFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(tempPath, "NapervilleWaterNetwork*"); // Loop through the folder names and delete them. foreach (string dir in outputFolders) { try { // Delete the folder. Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore exceptions (files might be locked, for example). } } // Create a new folder for the output mobile map. string packagePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, @"NapervilleWaterNetwork"); int num = 1; while (Directory.Exists(packagePath)) { packagePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, @"NapervilleWaterNetwork" + num); num++; } // Create the output directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(packagePath); try { // Show the loading overlay while the job is running. _statusLabel.Text = "Taking map offline..."; // Create an offline map task with the current (online) map. OfflineMapTask takeMapOfflineTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(_myMapView.Map); // Create the default parameters for the task, pass in the area of interest. GenerateOfflineMapParameters parameters = await takeMapOfflineTask.CreateDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParametersAsync(_areaOfInterest); // Create the job with the parameters and output location. _generateOfflineMapJob = takeMapOfflineTask.GenerateOfflineMap(parameters, packagePath); // Handle the progress changed event for the job. _generateOfflineMapJob.ProgressChanged += OfflineMapJob_ProgressChanged; // Await the job to generate geodatabases, export tile packages, and create the mobile map package. GenerateOfflineMapResult results = await _generateOfflineMapJob.GetResultAsync(); // Check for job failure (writing the output was denied, e.g.). if (_generateOfflineMapJob.Status != JobStatus.Succeeded) { // Report failure to the user. UIAlertController messageAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Error", "Failed to take the map offline.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); messageAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); PresentViewController(messageAlert, true, null); } // Check for errors with individual layers. if (results.LayerErrors.Any()) { // Build a string to show all layer errors. System.Text.StringBuilder errorBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Layer, Exception> layerError in results.LayerErrors) { errorBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1}", layerError.Key.Id, layerError.Value.Message)); } // Show layer errors. UIAlertController messageAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Error", errorBuilder.ToString(), UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); messageAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); PresentViewController(messageAlert, true, null); } // Display the offline map. _myMapView.Map = results.OfflineMap; // Apply the original viewpoint for the offline map. _myMapView.SetViewpoint(new Viewpoint(_areaOfInterest)); // Enable map interaction so the user can explore the offline data. _myMapView.InteractionOptions.IsEnabled = true; // Change the title and disable the "Take map offline" button. _statusLabel.Text = "Map is offline"; _takeMapOfflineButton.Enabled = false; } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Generate offline map task was canceled. UIAlertController messageAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Canceled", "Taking map offline was canceled", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); messageAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); PresentViewController(messageAlert, true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { // Exception while taking the map offline. UIAlertController messageAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Error", ex.Message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); messageAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); PresentViewController(messageAlert, true, null); } finally { // Hide the loading overlay when the job is done. _loadingIndicator.StopAnimating(); } }
internal static void SaveConfig() { try { CultureInfo Culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; System.Text.StringBuilder Builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); Builder.AppendLine("; Options"); Builder.AppendLine("; ======="); Builder.AppendLine("; This file was automatically generated. Please modify only if you know what you're doing."); Builder.AppendLine("; Test Plugin specific options file"); Builder.AppendLine(); Builder.AppendLine("[clock]"); Builder.AppendLine("is_display = " + IsDisplayClock.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine(); Builder.AppendLine("[speed]"); Builder.AppendLine("is_display = " + IsDisplaySpeed.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine("display_mode = " + SpeedDisplayMode.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine(); Builder.AppendLine("[gradient]"); Builder.AppendLine("is_display = " + IsDisplayGradient.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine("display_mode = " + GradientDisplayMode.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine(); Builder.AppendLine("[dist_next_station]"); Builder.AppendLine("is_display = " + IsDisplayDistNextStation.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine("display_mode = " + DistNextStationDisplayMode.ToString(Culture)); Builder.AppendLine(); Builder.AppendLine("[fps]"); Builder.AppendLine("is_display = " + IsDisplayFps.ToString(Culture)); string configFile = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(FileSystem.SettingsFolder, "1.5.0/options_ddp.cfg"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(configFile, Builder.ToString(), new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("An error occured whilst saving the options to disk." + System.Environment.NewLine + "Please check you have write permission."); } }
/*! * Summarizes the information contained in this object in English. * \param[in] verbose Determines whether or not detailed information about large areas of data will be printed cs. * \return A string containing a summary of the information within the object in English. This is the function that Niflyze calls to generate its analysis, so the output is the same. */ public override string AsString(bool verbose = false) { var s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); var array_output_count = 0U; s.Append(base.AsString()); numDataLayers = (uint)dataLayers.Count; numStripsData = (uint)stripsData.Count; s.AppendLine($" Unknown Int: {material.unknownInt}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_ob}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_fo}"); s.AppendLine($" Material: {material.material_sk}"); s.AppendLine($" Radius: {radius}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < 5; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Unused[{i3}]: {unused[i3]}"); array_output_count++; } s.AppendLine($" Grow By: {growBy}"); s.AppendLine($" Scale: {scale}"); s.AppendLine($" Num Strips Data: {numStripsData}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < stripsData.Count; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Strips Data[{i3}]: {stripsData[i3]}"); array_output_count++; } s.AppendLine($" Num Data Layers: {numDataLayers}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < dataLayers.Count; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } s.AppendLine($" Layer: {dataLayers[i3].layer_ob}"); s.AppendLine($" Layer: {dataLayers[i3].layer_fo}"); s.AppendLine($" Layer: {dataLayers[i3].layer_sk}"); s.AppendLine($" Flags and Part Number: {dataLayers[i3].flagsAndPartNumber}"); s.AppendLine($" Group: {dataLayers[i3].group}"); } return(s.ToString()); }
/*! * Summarizes the information contained in this object in English. * \param[in] verbose Determines whether or not detailed information about large areas of data will be printed cs. * \return A string containing a summary of the information within the object in English. This is the function that Niflyze calls to generate its analysis, so the output is the same. */ public override string AsString(bool verbose = false) { var s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); var array_output_count = 0U; s.Append(base.AsString()); numVertices = (ushort)vertices.Count; s.AppendLine($" Group ID: {groupId}"); if ((!IsDerivedType(NiPSysData.TYPE))) { s.AppendLine($" Num Vertices: {numVertices}"); } if (IsDerivedType(NiPSysData.TYPE)) { s.AppendLine($" BS Max Vertices: {bsMaxVertices}"); } s.AppendLine($" Keep Flags: {keepFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" Compress Flags: {compressFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" Has Vertices: {hasVertices}"); if (hasVertices) { array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < vertices.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Vertices[{i4}]: {vertices[i4]}"); array_output_count++; } } s.AppendLine($" Vector Flags: {vectorFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" BS Vector Flags: {bsVectorFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" Material CRC: {materialCrc}"); s.AppendLine($" Has Normals: {hasNormals}"); if (hasNormals) { array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < normals.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Normals[{i4}]: {normals[i4]}"); array_output_count++; } } if ((hasNormals && ((vectorFlags | bsVectorFlags) & 4096))) { array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < tangents.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Tangents[{i4}]: {tangents[i4]}"); array_output_count++; } array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < bitangents.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Bitangents[{i4}]: {bitangents[i4]}"); array_output_count++; } } s.AppendLine($" Center: {center}"); s.AppendLine($" Radius: {radius}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < 13; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Unknown 13 shorts[{i3}]: {unknown13Shorts[i3]}"); array_output_count++; } s.AppendLine($" Has Vertex Colors: {hasVertexColors}"); if (hasVertexColors) { array_output_count = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < vertexColors.Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" Vertex Colors[{i4}]: {vertexColors[i4]}"); array_output_count++; } } s.AppendLine($" Num UV Sets: {numUvSets}"); s.AppendLine($" Has UV: {hasUv}"); array_output_count = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < uvSets.Count; i3++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { s.AppendLine("<Data Truncated. Use verbose mode to see complete listing.>"); break; } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < uvSets[i3].Count; i4++) { if (!verbose && (array_output_count > Nif.MAXARRAYDUMP)) { break; } s.AppendLine($" UV Sets[{i4}]: {uvSets[i3][i4]}"); array_output_count++; } } s.AppendLine($" Consistency Flags: {consistencyFlags}"); s.AppendLine($" Additional Data: {additionalData}"); return(s.ToString()); }
Main( string[] args) { #if false // take control of Ctrl+C System.Console.CancelKeyPress += new System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler(HandleCancellation); #endif try { var totalTimeProfile = new Core.TimeProfile(Core.ETimingProfiles.TimedTotal); var processCommandLineProfile = new Core.TimeProfile(Core.ETimingProfiles.ProcessCommandLine); totalTimeProfile.StartProfile(); processCommandLineProfile.StartProfile(); var verbosityLevel = (Core.EVerboseLevel)Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.VerbosityLevel()); switch (verbosityLevel) { case Core.EVerboseLevel.None: case Core.EVerboseLevel.Info: case Core.EVerboseLevel.Detail: case Core.EVerboseLevel.Full: Core.Graph.Instance.VerbosityLevel = verbosityLevel; break; default: throw new Core.Exception("Unrecognized verbosity level, {0}", verbosityLevel); } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.PrintHelp())) { CommandLineArgumentHelper.PrintHelp(); return; } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.PrintVersion())) { CommandLineArgumentHelper.PrintVersion(); return; } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.CreateDebugProject())) { DebugProject.Create(); return; } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.MakePackage())) { Core.PackageUtilities.MakePackage(); return; } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.AddDependentPackage())) { Core.PackageUtilities.AddDependentPackage(); return; } if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.ShowDefinitionFile())) { Core.PackageUtilities.IdentifyAllPackages(allowDuplicates: true, enforceBamAssemblyVersions: false); Core.Graph.Instance.MasterPackage.Show(); return; } // configure Core.Graph.Instance.BuildRoot = Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.BuildRoot()); Core.Graph.Instance.Mode = Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.BuildMode()); if (null == Core.Graph.Instance.Mode) { throw new Core.Exception("No build mode specified"); } var configs = new Core.Array <Core.Environment>(); var requestedConfigs = Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.BuildConfigurations()); if (0 == requestedConfigs.Count) { // default requestedConfigs.Add(new Core.StringArray("debug")); } foreach (var configOption in requestedConfigs) { foreach (var config in configOption) { var env = new Core.Environment(); env.Configuration = Core.Configuration.FromString(config); configs.Add(env); } } processCommandLineProfile.StopProfile(); Core.EntryPoint.Execute(configs); totalTimeProfile.StopProfile(); } catch (Core.Exception exception) { Core.Exception.DisplayException(exception); System.Environment.ExitCode = -1; } catch (System.Exception exception) { var message = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); message.AppendFormat("{0} not handled: {1}", exception.GetType().ToString(), exception.Message); message.AppendLine(); message.AppendLine(exception.StackTrace); Core.Log.ErrorMessage(message.ToString()); System.Environment.ExitCode = -2; } finally { if (Core.Graph.Instance.BuildEnvironments.Count > 0) { Core.Log.Info((0 == System.Environment.ExitCode) ? "\nBuild Succeeded" : "\nBuild Failed"); if (Core.CommandLineProcessor.Evaluate(new Core.Options.PrintStatistics())) { Core.Statistics.Display(); } Core.Log.DebugMessage("Exit code {0}", System.Environment.ExitCode); } } }
/// <summary> /// Compiles and load scripts from a C# or VB.NET source code file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The path to the code file to load.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> on success, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns> bool LoadScriptsFromSource(string filename) { var compilerOptions = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters(); compilerOptions.CompilerOptions = "/optimize"; compilerOptions.GenerateInMemory = true; compilerOptions.IncludeDebugInformation = true; compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Core.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Drawing.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Windows.Forms.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.XML.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.XML.Linq.dll"); compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(typeof(ScriptDomain).Assembly.Location); Assembly scriptApi = null; // Support specifying the API version to be used in the file name like "script.3.cs" string apiVersionString = Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiVersionString) && int.TryParse(apiVersionString.Substring(1), out int apiVersion)) { scriptApi = CurrentDomain.scriptApis.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetName().Version.Major == apiVersion); } // Reference the oldest scripting API by default to stay compatible with existing scripts if (scriptApi is null) { scriptApi = scriptApis.First(); } compilerOptions.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(scriptApi.Location); string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename); System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider compiler = null; if (extension.Equals(".cs", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { compiler = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(); compilerOptions.CompilerOptions += " /unsafe"; } else if (extension.Equals(".vb", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { compiler = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider(); } else { return(false); } System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults compilerResult = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFile(compilerOptions, filename); if (!compilerResult.Errors.HasErrors) { Log.Message(Log.Level.Debug, "Successfully compiled ", Path.GetFileName(filename), "."); return(LoadScriptsFromAssembly(compilerResult.CompiledAssembly, filename)); } else { var errors = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error in compilerResult.Errors) { errors.Append(" at line "); errors.Append(error.Line); errors.Append(": "); errors.Append(error.ErrorText); errors.AppendLine(); } Log.Message(Log.Level.Error, "Failed to compile ", Path.GetFileName(filename), " with ", compilerResult.Errors.Count.ToString(), " error(s):", Environment.NewLine, errors.ToString()); return(false); } }
private void WriteLine(string text) { __sb.AppendLine(text); }
/// <summary> /// データ書き出し /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationFolder"></param> public override void Export(string directoryName, string savePath, List <ConfigurationFile> cnfigurationFile) { //ファイル名 string cfgFilename = Common.File.CombinePath(savePath, directoryName + "_ScienceDefs" + ".cfg"); //格納用 var exportData = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //サイエンスレポート用書き出し用データ作成 foreach (ConfigurationFile cfgFile in cnfigurationFile) { foreach (Text.TextData textData in cfgFile.TextDataList) { if (textData.DataType == DataType.ScienceDefs) { ///サイエンスレポート var tData = (Text.TextDataScienceDefs)textData; if (tData.TranslateTextList.Count >= 1) { if (directoryName.Equals(VanillaDirectoryName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { //(Vanilla exportData.AppendLine(String.Format("@EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[{0}]]", tData.ID)); } else { //MOD exportData.AppendLine(String.Format("@EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[{0}]]:NEEDS[{1}]:FINAL", tData.ID, directoryName)); } exportData.AppendLine("{"); exportData.AppendLine("\t//Title"); exportData.AppendLine("\t//\t" + tData.Title); exportData.AppendLine("\t@RESULTS"); exportData.AppendLine("\t{"); foreach (Translate.TranslateText translateText in tData.TranslateTextList) { var tText = (Translate.TranslateTextScienceDefs)translateText; exportData.AppendLine("\t//English Text"); exportData.AppendLine("\t//\t" + String.Format(@"{0},{1} = {2}", tText.Result.ResultText, tText.Result.ResultIndex, tText.SourceText)); exportData.AppendLine("\t//Japanese Text"); if (tText.JapaneseText.Equals("") || tText.JapaneseText.Equals(tText.SourceText)) { exportData.AppendLine("\t//\t" + String.Format(@"@{0},{1} = ", tText.Result.ResultText, tText.Result.ResultIndex)); } else { if (!tText.Comment.Equals("")) { exportData.AppendLine("\t//\t" + tText.Comment); } exportData.AppendLine("\t\t" + String.Format(@"@{0},{1} = {2}", tText.Result.ResultText, tText.Result.ResultIndex, tText.JapaneseText)); } exportData.AppendLine(""); } exportData.AppendLine("\t}"); exportData.AppendLine("}"); exportData.AppendLine(""); } } } } //データがあればファイル書き出し this.DataWrite(cfgFilename, exportData); }