/// <summary>
        /// 得到一个对象实体
        /// </summary>
        public System.Model.facility_stipple GetModel(int id)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select id, name, no, referral, longitude, latitude, statuses, city1, city2, city3, pudate, isdel, img  ");
            strSql.Append("  from facility_stipple ");
            strSql.Append(" where id=@id");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value = id;

            System.Model.facility_stipple model = new System.Model.facility_stipple();
            DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString() != "")
                    model.id = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString());
                model.name     = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                model.no       = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["no"].ToString();
                model.referral = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["referral"].ToString();
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["longitude"].ToString() != "")
                    model.longitude = decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["longitude"].ToString());
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["latitude"].ToString() != "")
                    model.latitude = decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["latitude"].ToString());
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["statuses"].ToString() != "")
                    model.statuses = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["statuses"].ToString());
                model.city1 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city1"].ToString();
                model.city2 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city2"].ToString();
                model.city3 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city3"].ToString();
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pudate"].ToString() != "")
                    model.pudate = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pudate"].ToString());
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isdel"].ToString() != "")
                    model.isdel = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isdel"].ToString());
                model.img = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["img"].ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条数据
        /// </summary>
        public int Add(System.Model.facility_stipple model)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into facility_stipple(");
            strSql.Append(") values (");
            strSql.Append(") ");
            strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@name",      SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@no",        SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@referral",  SqlDbType.NVarChar,  500),
                new SqlParameter("@longitude", SqlDbType.Decimal,     9),
                new SqlParameter("@latitude",  SqlDbType.Decimal,     9),
                new SqlParameter("@statuses",  SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@city1",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@city2",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@city3",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@pudate",    SqlDbType.DateTime),
                new SqlParameter("@isdel",     SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@img",       SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)

            parameters[0].Value  = model.name;
            parameters[1].Value  = model.no;
            parameters[2].Value  = model.referral;
            parameters[3].Value  = model.longitude;
            parameters[4].Value  = model.latitude;
            parameters[5].Value  = model.statuses;
            parameters[6].Value  = model.city1;
            parameters[7].Value  = model.city2;
            parameters[8].Value  = model.city3;
            parameters[9].Value  = model.pudate;
            parameters[10].Value = model.isdel;
            parameters[11].Value = model.img;

            object obj = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), parameters);

            if (obj == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得数据列表
        /// </summary>
        public List <System.Model.facility_stipple> DataTableToList(DataTable dt)
            List <System.Model.facility_stipple> modelList = new List <System.Model.facility_stipple>();
            int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            if (rowsCount > 0)
                System.Model.facility_stipple model;
                for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++)
                    model = new System.Model.facility_stipple();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["id"].ToString() != "")
                        model.id = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["id"].ToString());
                    model.name     = dt.Rows[n]["name"].ToString();
                    model.no       = dt.Rows[n]["no"].ToString();
                    model.referral = dt.Rows[n]["referral"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["longitude"].ToString() != "")
                        model.longitude = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["longitude"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["latitude"].ToString() != "")
                        model.latitude = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["latitude"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["statuses"].ToString() != "")
                        model.statuses = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["statuses"].ToString());
                    model.city1 = dt.Rows[n]["city1"].ToString();
                    model.city2 = dt.Rows[n]["city2"].ToString();
                    model.city3 = dt.Rows[n]["city3"].ToString();
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["pudate"].ToString() != "")
                        model.pudate = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["pudate"].ToString());
                    if (dt.Rows[n]["isdel"].ToString() != "")
                        model.isdel = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["isdel"].ToString());
                    model.img = dt.Rows[n]["img"].ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// 返回结果
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                string   res        = "";
                JsonData jsonResult = new JsonData();
                    string resulttype = Request["resulttype"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["resulttype"]) : "";

                    string result = Request["result"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["result"]) : "";

                    string identify = Request["identify"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["identify"]) : "";

                    string requestCode = Request["requetCode"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["requetCode"]) : "";

                    //requestCode = Request.Form.ToString();
                    //log.setlog("地址", Request.Url.ToString());
                    //log.setlog("地址", Request.RawUrl);
                    #region 提供服务回调

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resulttype) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(identify))
                        log.setlog("服务回调", "resulttype:" + resulttype + "  result:" + result + "  identify:" + identify + "  requestCode:" + requestCode);

                        string             resultNO = result;
                        List <checkStatus> sd       = publicData.orderlist;
                        log.setlog("静态变量数据量", sd.Count.ToString());

                            if (sd.Count > 0)
                                sd = (from s in sd
                                      where s.identifying == requestCode
                                      select s).ToList();

                                if (sd.Count > 0)
                                    checkStatus sd_0 = sd[0];
                                    if (sd_0.types == 0)
                                        #region 自检结果

                                        string customId = sd_0.customId;
                                        System.Model.facility_port fp = _bll.fpbll.GetModel(sd_0.portid);

                                        System.Model.facility_stipple fs = new System.Model.facility_stipple();
                                        System.Model.facility         fa = new System.Model.facility();

                                        if (resultNO == "2")
                                        //if (resultNO == "0")
                                        //if (true)
                                            fa = _bll.fbll.GetModel(sd[0].facilityid);

                                            fs = _bll.fsbll.GetModel(fa.fid);
                                            //查询设备 折扣
                                            System.Model.facility_type ftype = _bll.ftbll.GetModel(fa.types);

                                            string serialNumber = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + Utility.Helper.rnds(8);
                                            decimal prices = ftype.price * ftype.discount;

                                            System.Model.order_info oi = new System.Model.order_info();

                                            oi.customid     = customId;
                                            oi.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                            oi.discount     = ftype.discount;

                                            oi.price = prices;

                                            oi.port      = fp.id;
                                            oi.pudate    = System.DateTime.Now;
                                            oi.statuses  = 1;
                                            oi.facility  = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fa.id);
                                            oi.duration  = ftype.time;
                                            oi.stippleid = fs.id;
                                            oi.types     = 1;//1快充
                                            if (_bll.oibll.Add(oi) > 0)

                                                System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw mcw = new System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw();

                                                mcw.memberid     = customId;
                                                mcw.moneyes      = prices;
                                                mcw.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                                mcw.paystatus    = 1;
                                                mcw.statusname   = "未支付";
                                                //mcw.paytype = "";//支付方式 支付宝 微信 钱包
                                                //paystatus 1 未支付 2已支付
                                                //types  1订单 2充值 3......
                                                mcw.types  = 1;
                                                mcw.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                                if (_bll.mcwbll.Add(mcw) > 0)
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < publicData.orderlist.Count; i++)
                                                        if (publicData.orderlist[i].identifying == requestCode)
                                                            publicData.orderlist[i].orderid = serialNumber;
                                                            log.setlog("订单产生成功", publicData.orderlist[i].orderid);
                                                    //jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                                                    //jsonResult["msg"] = "下单成功";
                                                    //jsonResult["code"] = "";
                                                    //jsonResult["stipplename"] = fs.name;
                                                    //jsonResult["servertype"] = "快充";
                                                    //jsonResult["price"] = Math.Round(prices, 2).ToString();
                                                    //jsonResult["serialnumber"] = serialNumber;//订单号
                                                    //jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                                    //jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                                    //jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                                //jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                                //jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                                //jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                            System.Model.self_test st = new System.Model.self_test();

                                            string name = "";
                                            string typeno;
                                            switch (resultNO)
                                            case "0":
                                                name   = "正常";
                                                typeno = "0";

                                            case "2":
                                                name   = "充电桩和充电枪运行正常";
                                                typeno = "2";

                                            case "3":
                                                name   = "充电桩运行异常";
                                                typeno = "3";

                                            case "4":
                                                name   = "充电枪运行异常";
                                                typeno = "4";

                                            case "5":
                                                name   = "外网电压工作异常";
                                                typeno = "5";

                                            case "6":
                                                name   = "电池工作不正常";
                                                typeno = "6";

                                            case "7":
                                                name   = "充电枪与电池接触良";
                                                typeno = "7";

                                                name   = "系统未知错误";
                                                typeno = "xxxx";

                                            st.facility  = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fa.id);
                                            st.isdispose = 0;
                                            st.port      = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fp.fid);
                                            st.errortype = "1";
                                            st.stipple   = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fs.id);
                                            st.pudate    = System.DateTime.Now;

                                            //jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                            //jsonResult["msg"] = "设备故障";
                                            //jsonResult["code"] = "设备故障";

                                    else if (sd_0.types == 1)
                                        #region 充电是否开始

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd_0.orderid))
                                            string strwhere = " serialNumber='" + sd_0.orderid + "'  ";

                                            List <System.Model.order_info> oilist = _bll.oibll.GetModelList(strwhere);

                                            if (oilist.Count == 1)
                                                System.Model.order_info oi = oilist[0];
                                                oi.statuses = 2;//充电中
                                    else if (sd_0.types == 2)
                                        #region 充电是否结束

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd_0.orderid))
                                            string strwhere = " serialNumber='" + sd_0.orderid + "'  ";

                                            List <System.Model.order_info> oilist = _bll.oibll.GetModelList(strwhere);
                                            if (oilist.Count == 1)
                                                System.Model.order_info oi = oilist[0];
                                                oi.statuses = 3;//已完成充电

                                    else if (sd_0.types == 3)
                                        #region 系统故障类型

                                    else if (sd_0.types == 4)
                                        #region 充电数据

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            log.setlog("错误", ex.Message);
                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "";
                        jsonResult["code"] = "";
                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "";
                        jsonResult["code"] = "参数缺失";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    jsonResult["result"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.系统错误;
                    jsonResult["msg"]    = "服务器繁忙,请稍后再试";
                    jsonResult["code"]   = ex.Message;
                    log.setlog("错误", ex.Message);
                res = JsonMapper.ToJson(jsonResult);
                res = MyString.UnicodeToString(res);
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新一条数据
        /// </summary>
        public bool Update(System.Model.facility_stipple model)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("update facility_stipple set ");

            strSql.Append(" name = @name , ");
            strSql.Append(" no = @no , ");
            strSql.Append(" referral = @referral , ");
            strSql.Append(" longitude = @longitude , ");
            strSql.Append(" latitude = @latitude , ");
            strSql.Append(" statuses = @statuses , ");
            strSql.Append(" city1 = @city1 , ");
            strSql.Append(" city2 = @city2 , ");
            strSql.Append(" city3 = @city3 , ");
            strSql.Append(" pudate = @pudate , ");
            strSql.Append(" isdel = @isdel , ");
            strSql.Append(" img = @img  ");
            strSql.Append(" where id=@id ");

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@id",        SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@name",      SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@no",        SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@referral",  SqlDbType.NVarChar,  500),
                new SqlParameter("@longitude", SqlDbType.Decimal,     9),
                new SqlParameter("@latitude",  SqlDbType.Decimal,     9),
                new SqlParameter("@statuses",  SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@city1",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@city2",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@city3",     SqlDbType.NVarChar,   50),
                new SqlParameter("@pudate",    SqlDbType.DateTime),
                new SqlParameter("@isdel",     SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@img",       SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)

            parameters[0].Value  = model.id;
            parameters[1].Value  = model.name;
            parameters[2].Value  = model.no;
            parameters[3].Value  = model.referral;
            parameters[4].Value  = model.longitude;
            parameters[5].Value  = model.latitude;
            parameters[6].Value  = model.statuses;
            parameters[7].Value  = model.city1;
            parameters[8].Value  = model.city2;
            parameters[9].Value  = model.city3;
            parameters[10].Value = model.pudate;
            parameters[11].Value = model.isdel;
            parameters[12].Value = model.img;
            int rows = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters);

            if (rows > 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public bool Update(System.Model.facility_stipple model)
 /// <summary>
 /// 增加一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public int  Add(System.Model.facility_stipple model)
        protected void btnBc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string         imgUrl = "";
                HttpPostedFile hp     = fileLogo.PostedFile;
                if (hp.FileName.ToString() != "")
                    string hz = hp.FileName.ToString().Substring(hp.FileName.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                    if (hz == "jpg" || hz == "png")
                        string Filename1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "." + hz;
                        String path      = Server.MapPath("Upload/stipple/");
                        hp.SaveAs(Path.Combine(path, Filename1));
                        imgUrl = "/Upload/stipple/" + Filename1;
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Test", "alert('请选择jpg或png格式的图片');", true);
                    imgUrl = hidImg.Value;

                string id = Request.QueryString["id"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    System.Model.facility_stipple fs = _bll.fsbll.GetModel(Utility.Helper.gerInt(id));

                    if (fs != null)
                        fs.img       = imgUrl;
                        fs.city1     = this.city1.SelectedValue;
                        fs.city2     = this.city2.SelectedValue;
                        fs.city3     = this.city3.SelectedValue;
                        fs.statuses  = Utility.Helper.gerInt(this.ddlstatuses.SelectedValue);
                        fs.name      = this.txtname.Text;
                        fs.latitude  = Utility.Helper.gerDecimal(this.txtlatitude.Text);
                        fs.longitude = Utility.Helper.gerDecimal(this.txtlongitude.Text);
                        fs.referral  = this.txtreferral.Text;

                        if (_bll.fsbll.Update(fs))
                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Test", "alert('编辑成功!');window.location.href='admin_stipple.aspx';", true);
                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Test", "alert('编辑失败!');window.location.href='admin_stipple.aspx';", true);
                    System.Model.facility_stipple fs = new System.Model.facility_stipple();

                    fs.img       = imgUrl;
                    fs.city1     = this.city1.SelectedValue;
                    fs.city2     = this.city2.SelectedValue;
                    fs.city3     = this.city3.SelectedValue;
                    fs.statuses  = Utility.Helper.gerInt(this.ddlstatuses.SelectedValue);
                    fs.name      = this.txtname.Text;
                    fs.latitude  = Utility.Helper.gerDecimal(this.txtlatitude.Text);
                    fs.longitude = Utility.Helper.gerDecimal(this.txtlongitude.Text);
                    fs.referral  = this.txtreferral.Text;
                    fs.no        = "";
                    fs.isdel     = 0;
                    fs.pudate    = System.DateTime.Now;
                    if (_bll.fsbll.Add(fs) > 0)
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Test", "alert('添加成功!');window.location.href='admin_stipple.aspx';", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Test", "alert('添加失败!');window.location.href='admin_stipple.aspx';", true);
                Response.Redirect(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VirturlPath"] + "/error500.aspx?menu1=2&menu2=4");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string stippleid = Request["stippleid"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleid"]) : "";
            //string facilityid = Request["facilityid"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleid"]) : "";

            //string stippleno = Request["stippleno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleno"]) : "";
            //string facilityno = Request["facilityno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["facilityno"]) : "";
            //string portno = Request["portno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["portno"]) : "";

            if (!IsPostBack)
                string   res        = "";
                JsonData jsonResult = new JsonData();
                    string portid = Request["portid"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["portid"]) : "";

                    string customId = _bll.getUserToke(Utility.Helper.gerString(Request["memberid"]));

                    #region 扫一扫
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customId))
                        //充电中的 3天以内的订单
                        string strwhere = " customid='" + customId + "' and statuses=2  and pudate >DATEADD( DAY,-1,GETDATE()) ";
                        List <System.Model.order_info> orlist = _bll.oibll.GetModelList(strwhere);
                        if (orlist.Count == 0)
                            System.Model.facility_port fp = new System.Model.facility_port();
                            System.Model.facility fa = new System.Model.facility();
                            System.Model.facility_stipple fs = new System.Model.facility_stipple();

                            strwhere = " toid='" + portid + "' and isdel=0  ";
                            List <System.Model.facility_port> fplist = _bll.fpbll.GetModelList(strwhere);

                            if (fplist.Count > 0)
                                fp = fplist[0];

                                #region 获取充电桩设备数据信息,验证
                                //正常  充电设备正常并且设备没有被使用
                                if (fp != null && fp.isEmploy == 0)
                                    fa = _bll.fbll.GetModel(fp.fid);
                                    if (fa != null)
                                        #region 检测设备是否正常
                                        bool isUsable = false;

                                        var    manager = new ApiManager();
                                        string jsonstr = manager.GetChargingPileInfo(fa.identitycode);

                                        ChargingPileStatusResult jsond = JsonMapper.ToObject <ChargingPileStatusResult>(jsonstr);
                                        if (jsond != null)
                                            List <RechargShotStatusResult> statuslist = jsond.RechargeShotStatus;

                                            statuslist = (from s in statuslist
                                                          where s.Identity == fp.identitycode
                                                          select s).ToList();

                                            if (statuslist.Count > 0 && Convert.ToInt32(statuslist[0].Status) == Convert.ToInt32(RunningStatus.OnLine))
                                                #region 发送设备自检
                                                var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                                dic.Add("ShotIndentity", fp.identitycode);
                                                var parsStr       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic);
                                                var selfTestModel = new CommandPostViewModel();
                                                selfTestModel.CommandName    = "SelfTest";
                                                selfTestModel.TargetIdentity = fa.identitycode;
                                                selfTestModel.Pars           = parsStr;

                                                checkStatus cs = new checkStatus();
                                                cs.identifying = manager.PostCommand(selfTestModel).Replace("\"", "");
                                                cs.status = false;
                                                cs.types = 0;
                                                cs.orderid  = "";
                                                cs.datetime = System.DateTime.Now;

                                                cs.portid     = fp.id;
                                                cs.porttoid   = fp.toid;
                                                cs.facilityid = fp.fid;
                                                cs.customId   = customId;
                                                //log.setlog("设备自检", cs.identifying);

                                                isUsable = true;



                                                jsonResult["res"]         = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                                                jsonResult["identifying"] = cs.identifying;
                                                jsonResult["msg"]         = "发送自检成功";
                                                jsonResult["code"]        = "发送自检成功";
                                                jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                                jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                                jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";
                                            jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                            jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                            jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";



                                        #region 注释
                                        //if (isUsable)
                                        //    //查询网点
                                        //    fs = _bll.fsbll.GetModel(fa.fid);
                                        //    //查询设备 折扣
                                        //    System.Model.facility_type ftype = _bll.ftbll.GetModel(fa.types);
                                        //    //生成订单
                                        //    string serialNumber = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + Utility.Helper.rnds(8);
                                        //    //折后价
                                        //    decimal prices = ftype.price * ftype.discount;
                                        //    System.Model.order_info oi = new System.Model.order_info();
                                        //    oi.customid = customId;
                                        //    oi.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                        //    oi.discount = ftype.discount;
                                        //    oi.price = prices;
                                        //    oi.port = fp.id;
                                        //    oi.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //    oi.statuses = 1;
                                        //    oi.facility = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fa.id);
                                        //    oi.duration = ftype.time;
                                        //    oi.stippleid = fs.id;
                                        //    oi.types = 1;//1快充
                                        //    if (_bll.oibll.Add(oi) > 0)
                                        //    {
                                        //        //生成支付信息
                                        //        System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw mcw = new System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw();
                                        //        mcw.memberid = customId;
                                        //        mcw.moneyes = prices;
                                        //        mcw.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                        //        mcw.paystatus = 1;
                                        //        mcw.statusname = "未支付";
                                        //        //mcw.paytype = "";//支付方式 支付宝 微信 钱包
                                        //        //paystatus 1 未支付 2已支付
                                        //        //types  1订单 2充值 3......
                                        //        mcw.types = 1;
                                        //        mcw.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //        if (_bll.mcwbll.Add(mcw) > 0)
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                                        //            jsonResult["msg"] = "下单成功";
                                        //            jsonResult["code"] = "";
                                        //            jsonResult["stipplename"] = fs.name;
                                        //            jsonResult["servertype"] = "快充";
                                        //            jsonResult["price"] = Math.Round(prices, 2).ToString();
                                        //            jsonResult["serialnumber"] = serialNumber;//订单号
                                        //        }
                                        //        else
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //            jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                        //            jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                                        //    else
                                        //    {
                                        //        jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //        jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                        //        jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                        //    }
                                        //    //错误
                                        //    //添加自检错误记录
                                        //    //
                                        //    System.Model.self_test st = new System.Model.self_test();
                                        //    st.ername = "";
                                        //    st.errortype = "";
                                        //    st.facility = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fa.id);
                                        //    st.isdispose = 0;
                                        //    st.port = Utility.Helper.gerInt(portid);
                                        //    st.errortype = "1";
                                        //    st.stipple = Utility.Helper.gerInt(fs.id);
                                        //    st.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //    _bll.stbll.Add(st);
                                        //    jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //    jsonResult["msg"] = "设备故障";
                                        //    jsonResult["code"] = "设备故障";
                                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                        jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";
                                    jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                    jsonResult["msg"]  = "设备故障或设备已被使用";
                                    jsonResult["code"] = "设备故障或设备已被使用";

                                jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                jsonResult["msg"]  = "设备已不可用";
                                jsonResult["code"] = "未找到该设备信息";
                            jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                            jsonResult["msg"]  = "用户有订单未完成";
                            jsonResult["code"] = "";
                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                        jsonResult["code"] = "参数有误";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.系统错误;
                    jsonResult["msg"]  = "服务器繁忙,请稍后再试";
                    jsonResult["code"] = ex.Message;
                res = JsonMapper.ToJson(jsonResult);
                res = MyString.UnicodeToString(res);