        /// <summary>
        /// Create a hue filter matrix using the given angle in degrees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="degrees">The angle of rotation in degrees.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Matrix4x4"/></returns>
        public static Matrix4x4 CreateHueFilter(float degrees)
            // Wrap the angle round at 360.
            degrees = degrees % 360;

            // Make sure it's not negative.
            while (degrees < 0)
                degrees += 360;

            float radian    = MathFExtensions.DegreeToRadian(degrees);
            float cosRadian = (float)MathF.Cos(radian);
            float sinRadian = (float)MathF.Sin(radian);

            // The matrix is set up to preserve the luminance of the image.
            // See http://graficaobscura.com/matrix/index.html
            // Number are taken from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj192162(v=vs.85).aspx
            return(new Matrix4x4
                M11 = .213F + (cosRadian * .787F) - (sinRadian * .213F),
                M12 = .213F - (cosRadian * .213F) - (sinRadian * 0.143F),
                M13 = .213F - (cosRadian * .213F) - (sinRadian * .787F),
                M21 = .715F - (cosRadian * .715F) - (sinRadian * .715F),
                M22 = .715F + (cosRadian * .285F) + (sinRadian * 0.140F),
                M23 = .715F - (cosRadian * .715F) + (sinRadian * .715F),
                M31 = .072F - (cosRadian * .072F) + (sinRadian * .928F),
                M32 = .072F - (cosRadian * .072F) - (sinRadian * 0.283F),
                M33 = .072F + (cosRadian * .928F) + (sinRadian * .072F),
                M44 = 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This will calculate the Mobius transform that represents an isometry in the given geometry.
        /// The isometry will rotate CCW by angle A about the origin, then translate the origin to P (and -P to the origin).
        /// </summary>
        public void Isometry(Geometry g, double angle, Complex P)
            // As Don notes in the hypebolic case:
            // Any isometry of the Poincare disk can be expressed as a complex function of z of the form:
            // (T*z + P)/(1 + conj(P)*T*z), where T and P are complex numbers, |P| < 1 and |T| = 1.
            // This indicates a rotation by T around the origin followed by moving the origin to P (and -P to the origin).
            // I figured out that the other cases can be handled with simple variations of the C coefficients.
            Complex T = new Complex(Math.Cos(angle), Math.Sin(angle));

            A = T;
            B = P;
            D = 1;

            switch (g)
            case Geometry.Spherical:
                C = Complex.Conjugate(P) * T * -1;

            case Geometry.Euclidean:
                C = 0;

            case Geometry.Hyperbolic:
                C = Complex.Conjugate(P) * T;
        /// <summary>
        /// From the virtual math museum
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3D Dini2(Vector3D disk)
            Vector3D uv = DiskToUpper(disk);
            double   u  = Math.Log(uv.Y);
            //double v = DonHatch.acosh( 1 + ( Math.Pow( uv.X, 2 ) + 0 ) / ( 2 * Math.Pow( uv.Y, 2 ) ) ) ;
            //if( uv.X < 0 )
            //	v *= -1;
            double v = uv.X;

            if (u <= -4 || u > 4 ||
                v < -6 * Math.PI || v > 6 * Math.PI)

            double psi = 0.5;

            psi *= Math.PI;
            double sinpsi = Math.Sin(psi);
            double cospsi = Math.Cos(psi);
            double g      = (u - cospsi * v) / sinpsi;
            double s      = Math.Exp(g);
            double r      = (2 * sinpsi) / (s + 1 / s);
            double t      = r * (s - 1 / s) * 0.5;

            return(new Vector3D(u - t, r * Math.Cos(v), r * Math.Sin(v)));
        // NOTE: angle should be in radians.
        public void RotateAboutAxis(Vector3D axis, double angle)
            // normalize the axis
            double _x = axis.X;
            double _y = axis.Y;
            double _z = axis.Z;

            // build the rotation matrix - I got this from http://www.makegames.com/3dRotation/
            double c = Math.Cos(angle);
            double s = -1 * Math.Sin(angle);
            double t = 1 - c;

            double[,] mRot = new double[, ]
                { t *_x *_x + c, t *_x *_y - s *_z, t *_x *_z + s *_y },
                { t *_x *_y + s *_z, t *_y *_y + c, t *_y *_z - s *_x },
                { t *_x *_z - s *_y, t *_y *_z + s *_x, t *_z *_z + c },

            double x = this.X;
            double y = this.Y;
            double z = this.Z;

            // do the multiplication
            this = new Vector3D(
                mRot[0, 0] * x + mRot[1, 0] * y + mRot[2, 0] * z,
                mRot[0, 1] * x + mRot[1, 1] * y + mRot[2, 1] * z,
                mRot[0, 2] * x + mRot[1, 2] * y + mRot[2, 2] * z);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the length of the side of a triangle opposite alpha, given the three angles of the triangle.
        /// NOTE: This does not work in Euclidean geometry!
        /// </summary>
        public static double GetTriangleSide(Geometry g, double alpha, double beta, double gamma)
            switch (g)
            case Geometry.Spherical:
                // Spherical law of cosines
                return(Math.Acos((Math.Cos(alpha) + Math.Cos(beta) * Math.Cos(gamma)) / (Math.Sin(beta) * Math.Sin(gamma))));

            case Geometry.Euclidean:
                // Not determined in this geometry.

            case Geometry.Hyperbolic:
                // Hyperbolic law of cosines
                // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_law_of_cosines
                return(DonHatch.acosh((Math.Cos(alpha) + Math.Cos(beta) * Math.Cos(gamma)) / (Math.Sin(beta) * Math.Sin(gamma))));

            // Not determined in this geometry.
        public static Polygon[] BuildDuoprism(int num)
            double angleInc = 2 * Math.PI / num;

            // Torus in two directions.
            List <Polygon> polys  = new List <Polygon>();
            double         angle1 = angleInc / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                double angle2 = angleInc / 2;
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    List <Vector3D> polyPoints = new List <Vector3D>();

                    polyPoints.Add(new Vector3D(

                    polyPoints.Add(new Vector3D(
                                       Math.Cos(angle1 + angleInc),
                                       Math.Sin(angle1 + angleInc)));

                    polyPoints.Add(new Vector3D(
                                       Math.Cos(angle2 + angleInc),
                                       Math.Sin(angle2 + angleInc),
                                       Math.Cos(angle1 + angleInc),
                                       Math.Sin(angle1 + angleInc)));

                    polyPoints.Add(new Vector3D(
                                       Math.Cos(angle2 + angleInc),
                                       Math.Sin(angle2 + angleInc),

                    Polygon poly = new Polygon();

                    angle2 += angleInc;
                angle1 += angleInc;

            // Nice starting orientation.
            Matrix4D m1 = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(Math.PI / 8, 0, 2);
            Matrix4D m2 = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(-Math.PI / 4, 1, 2);

            foreach (Polygon poly in polys)

        public static Vec2 Rotate(this Vec2 v, float angle)
            var x = v.X * (float)Math.Cos(angle) - v.Y * (float)Math.Sin(angle);
            var y = v.X * (float)Math.Sin(angle) + v.Y * (float)Math.Cos(angle);

            return(new Vec2(x, y));
文件: Sf2Synth.cs 项目: DotLab/Midif
            public void Set(Table table, float fc, float q)
                // Console.Log("\tfilter set fc", this.fc , "->", fc, "q", this.q, "->", q);
                this.fc = fc;
                this.q  = q;

                // https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/blob/29c668683f43e3b8b4aab0b8aa73cb02aacd6fcb/src/rvoice/fluid_iir_filter.c#L382
                // filter will defunct in 22050Hz sample rate
                float maxFc = .45f * table.sampleRate;

                if (fc > maxFc)
                    fc = maxFc;
                else if (fc < 5)
                    fc = 5;

                gain = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(q);

                // https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/blob/29c668683f43e3b8b4aab0b8aa73cb02aacd6fcb/src/rvoice/fluid_iir_filter.c#L278
                // previous simple bipolar lowpass is faulty when fc is large and should not be used:
                // http://www.earlevel.com/main/2012/11/26/biquad-c-source-code/
                double omega   = Table.Pi2 * fc * table.sampleRateRecip;
                double sin     = Math.Sin(omega);
                double cos     = Math.Cos(omega);
                double alpha   = sin / (2f * q);
                double a0Recip = 1f / (1 + alpha);

                a1 = -2f * cos * a0Recip;
                a2 = (1f - alpha) * a0Recip;
                b1 = (1f - cos) * a0Recip * gain;
                b2 = b1 * .5f;
        public static Quaternion CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
            //  Roll first, about axis the object is facing, then
            //  pitch upward, then yaw to face into the new heading
            float sr, cr, sp, cp, sy, cy;

            float halfRoll = roll * 0.5f;

            sr = (float)SM.Sin(halfRoll); cr = (float)SM.Cos(halfRoll);

            float halfPitch = pitch * 0.5f;

            sp = (float)SM.Sin(halfPitch); cp = (float)SM.Cos(halfPitch);

            float halfYaw = yaw * 0.5f;

            sy = (float)SM.Sin(halfYaw); cy = (float)SM.Cos(halfYaw);

            Quaternion result;

            result.X = cy * sp * cr + sy * cp * sr;
            result.Y = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr;
            result.Z = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr;
            result.W = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates distance/bearing between two geographic locations on Rhumb line (loxodrome)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">origin location in geographic degrees</param>
        /// <param name="destination">destination location in geographic degrees</param>
        /// <param name="radius">radius of a geographic sphere, in kilometers</param>
        /// <remarks>radius defaults to Earth's mean radius</remarks>
        public static GeoRhumb GetRhumb(GeoPoint origin, GeoPoint destination, double radius = GeoGlobal.Earths.Radius)
            origin      = origin.ToRadians();
            destination = destination.ToRadians();
            var dLat = (destination.Latitude - origin.Latitude);
            var dLon = (destination.Longitude - origin.Longitude);

            var tDestination = Math.Tan(Math.PI / 4 + destination.Latitude / 2);
            var tOrigin      = Math.Tan(Math.PI / 4 + origin.Latitude / 2);

            var dPhi = Math.Log(tDestination / tOrigin);    // E-W line gives dPhi=0
            var q    = (IsFinite(dLat / dPhi)) ? dLat / dPhi : Math.Cos(origin.Latitude);

            // if dLon over 180° take shorter Rhumb across anti-meridian:
            if (Math.Abs(dLon) > Math.PI)
                dLon = dLon > 0 ? -(2 * Math.PI - dLon) : (2 * Math.PI + dLon);

            var distance = Math.Sqrt(dLat * dLat + q * q * dLon * dLon) * radius;
            var bearing  = Math.Atan2(dLon, dPhi);

            return(new GeoRhumb {
                Distance = distance, Bearing = bearing.ToDegreesNormalized()
        public void AddSphere(Vector3 position, float size, Color4 color)
            // Compute our step around each circle
            float step = GameUtils.TwoPi / 32;

            // Create the loop on the XY plane first
            for (float a = 0f; a < GameUtils.TwoPi; a += step)
                AddLine(position + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a), (float)Math.Sin(a), 0f) * size,
                        position + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + step), (float)Math.Sin(a + step), 0f) * size, color);

            // Next on the XZ plane
            for (float a = 0f; a < GameUtils.TwoPi; a += step)
                AddLine(position + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a), 0f, (float)Math.Sin(a)) * size,
                        position + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + step), 0f, (float)Math.Sin(a + step)) * size, color);

            // Finally on the YZ plane
            for (float a = 0f; a < GameUtils.TwoPi; a += step)
                AddLine(position + new Vector3(0f, (float)Math.Cos(a), (float)Math.Sin(a)) * size,
                        position + new Vector3(0f, (float)Math.Cos(a + step), (float)Math.Sin(a + step)) * size, color);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates distance between two geographic locations on equirectangular map projection
        /// <para>Using Pythagoras’ theorem </para>
        /// </summary>
        public static GeoDistance GetDistanceAppx(IGeoLocatable origin, IGeoLocatable destination, double radius = GeoGlobal.Earths.Radius)
            origin      = origin.ToRadians();
            destination = destination.ToRadians();
            var dLat = (destination.Latitude - origin.Latitude);
            var dLon = (destination.Longitude - origin.Longitude);

            var x        = (dLon) * Math.Cos((origin.Latitude + destination.Latitude) / 2);
            var y        = (dLat);
            var distance = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) * radius;

            return(new GeoDistance {
                Kilometers = distance
            //return distance;

            //var yMin = Math.Min(origin.Latitude, destination.Latitude);
            //var yMax = Math.Max(origin.Latitude, destination.Latitude);
            //var xMin = Math.Min(origin.Longitude, destination.Longitude);
            //var xMax = Math.Max(origin.Longitude, destination.Longitude);
            //var yDelta = (yMax - yMin) * (yMax - yMin);
            //var xDelta = (xMax - xMin) * (xMax - xMin);

            //var distance = Math.Sqrt(xDelta + yDelta);
            //return new GeoDistance { Degrees = distance };
        public IPhysicsBody CreateCannonBall(int x, int y, double angle, double velocity, ICollider cannonBall)
            var vx = Math.Cos((angle) * Math.PI / 180) * velocity;
            var vy = Math.Sin((angle) * Math.PI / 180) * velocity;

            var offvx = Math.Cos((angle) * Math.PI / 180) * 4d * 16d;
            var offvy = Math.Sin((angle) * Math.PI / 180) * 3d * 16d;

            var fixDef = new FixtureDef();

            fixDef.density     = 1;
            fixDef.friction    = 1;
            fixDef.restitution = .6;
            var bodyDef = new BodyDef();

            bodyDef.type       = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
            bodyDef.position.x = this.PixelToMeter(x + offvx);
            bodyDef.position.y = this.PixelToMeter(y + offvy);

            var circleShape = new CircleShape();

            circleShape.m_radius = 1.25d / 2d;

            fixDef.shape = circleShape;

            var body    = this.World.createBody(bodyDef);
            var fixture = body.createFixture(fixDef);

            body.applyLinearImpulse(new Vec2(vx, vy), body.getWorldCenter());

            return(new PhysicsBody(body));
        public static Vector3D IntersectionPlaneLine(Vector3D planeNormal, Vector3D planePoint, Vector3D nl, Vector3D pl)
            double signedDistance = DistancePointPlane(planeNormal, planePoint, pl);


            Vector3D closest = pl - planeNormal * signedDistance;
            Vector3D v1      = closest - pl;
            Vector3D v2      = nl;
            double   angle   = v1.AngleTo(v2);

            return(pl + nl * signedDistance / Math.Cos(angle));

            // XXX - needs improvement.

             * Vector3D v1 = closest - pl;
             * Vector3D v2 = nl;
             * double angle = v1.AngleTo( v2 );
             * Vector3D axis = v1.Cross( v2 );
             * v1.RotateAboutAxis( axis, -angle );
             * v1 /= Math.Cos( angle );
             * return pl + v1;*/
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotate CCW in the XY plane by an angle in radians.
        /// </summary>
        public void RotateXY(double angle)
            double component1 = X;
            double component2 = Y;

            X = Math.Cos(angle) * component1 - Math.Sin(angle) * component2;
            Y = Math.Sin(angle) * component1 + Math.Cos(angle) * component2;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts to Cartesian coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>CartesianCoordinate.</returns>
        public static CartesianCoordinate3D ToCartesian(SphericalCoordinate coordinate)
            double x = coordinate.Radius * NMath.Sin(coordinate.Inclination.Radians) * NMath.Cos(coordinate.Azimuth.Radians);
            double y = coordinate.Radius * NMath.Sin(coordinate.Inclination.Radians) * NMath.Sin(coordinate.Azimuth.Radians);
            double z = coordinate.Radius * NMath.Cos(coordinate.Inclination.Radians);

            return(new CartesianCoordinate3D(x, y, z, coordinate.Tolerance));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the maximum latitude of a great circle path from origin location in direction of bearing angle
        /// <para>using Clairaut’s formula</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">origin location in geographic degrees</param>
        /// <param name="bearing">bearing from origin in geographic degrees</param>
        public static double GetLatitudeMax(IGeoLocatable origin, double bearing)
            origin  = origin.ToRadians();
            bearing = bearing.ToRadians();
            var latMax = Math.Acos(Math.Abs(Math.Sin(bearing) * Math.Cos(origin.Latitude)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts to cylindrical coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>CylindricalCoordinate.</returns>
        public static CylindricalCoordinate ToCylindrical(SphericalCoordinate coordinate)
            double radius  = coordinate.Radius * NMath.Sin(coordinate.Inclination.Radians);
            double height  = coordinate.Radius * NMath.Cos(coordinate.Inclination.Radians);
            double azimuth = coordinate.Azimuth.Radians;

            return(new CylindricalCoordinate(radius, height, azimuth, coordinate.Tolerance));
        private static void HopfFibration(Tiling tiling)
            int       segDivisions    = 10;
            int       circleDivisions = 125;
            Shapeways mesh            = new Shapeways();

            HashSet <Vector3D> done = new HashSet <Vector3D>();

            foreach (Tile tile in tiling.Tiles)
                foreach (Segment seg in tile.Boundary.Segments)
                    if (done.Contains(seg.Midpoint))

                    // Subdivide the segment, and project points to S2.
                    Vector3D[] points = seg.Subdivide(segDivisions).Select(v => Spherical2D.PlaneToSphere(v)).ToArray();
                    foreach (Vector3D point in points)
                        // Get the hopf circle and add to mesh.
                        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopf_fibration#Explicit_formulae
                        double a      = point.X;
                        double b      = point.Y;
                        double c      = point.Z;
                        double factor = 1 / (Math.Sqrt(1 + c));
                        if (Tolerance.Equal(c, -1))

                        List <Vector3D> circlePoints = new List <Vector3D>();
                        double          angleInc     = 2 * Math.PI / circleDivisions;
                        double          angle        = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i <= circleDivisions; i++)
                            double sinTheta = Math.Sin(angle);
                            double cosTheta = Math.Cos(angle);
                            circlePoints.Add(new Vector3D(
                                                 (1 + c) * cosTheta,
                                                 a * sinTheta - b * cosTheta,
                                                 a * cosTheta + b * sinTheta,
                                                 (1 + c) * sinTheta));

                            angle += angleInc;

                        bool shrink = false;
                        ProjectAndAddS3Points(mesh, circlePoints.ToArray(), shrink);


            STL.SaveMeshToSTL(mesh.Mesh, @"D:\p4\R3\sample\out1.stl");
        public static Vector3D Dini(Vector3D uv, double a, double b)
            uv = DiskToUpper(uv);

            // Eq 1.86 on p36 of book Backlund and Darboux Transformations
            double eta = Math.PI / 2 - Math.PI / 20;
            //double eta = Math.PI / 2;
            double p = 1;                    // curvature
            double x = DonHatch.acosh(uv.Y); // Used info on mathworld for tractrix to figure this out.
            //double x = DonHatch.acosh( Math.Exp( DonHatch.acosh( ( uv.Y * uv.Y + 1 ) / ( 2 * uv.Y ) ) ) );
            //double x = Math.Log( uv.Y );
            double y = uv.X;

            double pSinEta = p * Math.Sin(eta);
            double chi     = (x - y * Math.Cos(eta)) / pSinEta;

            if (x <= -4 || x > 4 ||
                y < -3 * Math.PI || y > 3 * Math.PI)

            Vector3D result = new Vector3D(
                pSinEta * Sech(chi) * Math.Cos(y / p),
                pSinEta * Sech(chi) * Math.Sin(y / p),
                x - pSinEta * Math.Tanh(chi));


             * System.Func<double, Complex> tractrix = new System.Func<double, Complex>(
             * ( t ) =>
             * {
             *      //return new Complex( t - Math.Tanh( t ), 1.0 / Math.Cosh( t ) );
             *      return new Complex( - Math.Sqrt( 1 - 1 / (t*t) ) + DonHatch.acosh( t ), 1.0 / t );
             * } );
             * double logy = Math.Log( uv.Y );
             * //Complex tract = tractrix( logy );
             * Complex tract = tractrix( uv.Y );
             * return new Vector3D(
             *      a * Math.Cos( uv.X ) * tract.Imaginary,
             *      a * Math.Sin( uv.X ) * tract.Imaginary,
             *      a * tract.Real + b * uv.X );

             * return new Vector3D(
             *      a * Math.Cos( uv.X ) / Math.Cosh( uv.Y ),
             *      a * Math.Sin( uv.X ) / Math.Cosh( uv.Y ),
             *      a * (uv.Y - Math.Tanh( uv.Y )) + b * uv.X ); */

            /*return new Vector3D(
             *      a * Math.Cos( uv.X ) * Math.Sin( uv.Y ),
             *      a * Math.Sin( uv.X ) * Math.Sin( uv.Y ),
             *      a * (Math.Cos( uv.Y ) + Math.Log( Math.Tan( 0.5 * uv.Y ) )) + b * uv.X );*/
        public static Transform2 Rotate(double r)
            double c = SysMath.Cos(r);
            double s = SysMath.Sin(r);

            return(new Transform2Matrix(
                       c, -s, 0,
                       s, c, 0));
        public static Transform2 Rotate(double px, double py, double r)
            double c = SysMath.Cos(r);
            double s = SysMath.Sin(r);

            return(new Transform2Matrix(
                       c, -s, -px * c + py * s + px,
                       s, c, -px * s - py * c + py));
        public static Vec2 RotateGrad(this Vec2 v, float angle, float radius)
            angle /= 180 * (float)Math.PI;

            var x = v.X * (float)Math.Cos(angle) * radius - v.Y * (float)Math.Sin(angle) * radius;
            var y = v.X * (float)Math.Sin(angle) * radius + v.Y * (float)Math.Cos(angle) * radius;

            return(new Vec2(x, y));
        private (double width, double height) GetBoundingBoxOfRotatedRectangle(double rotation, double width, double height)
            if (rotation == 0)
                return(width, height);
            var rot = Astrometry.ToRadians(rotation);

            return(Math.Abs(width * Math.Sin(rot) + height * Math.Cos(rot)), Math.Abs(height * Math.Sin(rot) + width * Math.Cos(rot)));
        public static double EdgeLength(int p, int q, int r)
            double pip = PiOverNSafe(p);
            double pir = PiOverNSafe(r);

            double pi_hqr     = Pi_hpq(q, r);
            double edgeLength = 2 * DonHatch.acosh(Math.Cos(pip) * Math.Sin(pir) / Math.Sin(pi_hqr));

        /// <summary>
        /// Maps a vector in the unit square to a point on the Clifford Torus.
        /// Does not currently check the input point.
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3D MapToClifford(Vector3D v)
            v *= 2 * Math.PI;
            Vector3D result = new Vector3D(

            return(Math.Sqrt(0.5) * result);
        private static Mesh S3Helicoid(int numFibers, Matrix4D mat, bool reciprocal)
            List <H3.Cell.Edge> fiberList = new List <H3.Cell.Edge>();

            double numRotations = 3;
            double rotationRate = 2 * Math.PI * numRotations;

            double aOffset = 2 * Math.PI / numFibers;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numFibers; i++)
                double   mag = 1 / Math.Sqrt(2);
                double   angleAlongCore = aOffset * i;
                Vector3D corePoint, ray;
                double   rotAngle = (double)i / numFibers * rotationRate;

                if (reciprocal)
                    Utils.Swap(ref angleAlongCore, ref rotAngle);
                    //rotAngle = -1 * rotAngle;

                double x = mag * Math.Sin(angleAlongCore);
                double y = mag * Math.Cos(angleAlongCore);
                double z = mag * Math.Sin(rotAngle);
                double w = mag * Math.Cos(rotAngle);

                if (!reciprocal)
                    corePoint = new Vector3D(x, y);
                    ray       = new Vector3D(0, 0, z, w);
                    corePoint = new Vector3D(0, 0, x, y);
                    ray       = new Vector3D(z, w) * -1;

                fiberList.Add(new H3.Cell.Edge(corePoint - ray, corePoint + ray, order: false));

            System.Func <H3.Cell.Edge, Vector3D[]> divider = e =>
                // Unequal subdivision on hypersphere, but shouldn't matter.
                Segment seg = Segment.Line(e.Start, e.End);
                return(seg.Subdivide(numFibers).Select(p => Transform2(p, mat)).ToArray());

            Mesh thinMesh;
            List <Vector3D[]> boundaryPoints;

            ThinMesh(fiberList.ToArray(), divider, out thinMesh, out boundaryPoints);
        public static Point CreatePolarPoint(double phi, double theta, double rho)
            phi   = phi.ToRadians();
            theta = theta.ToRadians();

            var xE = rho * SysMath.Sin(phi) * SysMath.Cos(theta);
            var yE = rho * SysMath.Sin(phi) * SysMath.Sin(theta);
            var zE = rho * SysMath.Cos(phi);

            return(new Point(xE, yE, zE));
        public void Update(float frameTime, float heightDifference, MovementInput input)
            _velocity.Update(frameTime, input);
            _lookDirection.Update(frameTime, input);

            if (input.Jump && heightDifference < 0.1f)
                _verticalVelocity = 1.0f;

            if (_verticalVelocity > -10.0f)
                _verticalVelocity -= 0.05f;

            Rotation.X += _lookDirection.Down;
            Rotation.X  = Rotation.X.Clamp(-90, 90);

            Rotation.Y += _lookDirection.Right;
            Rotation.Y  = Rotation.Y.RotationLock();

            var radians  = Rotation.Y * Constants.RadiansPerDegree;
            var sideways = (Rotation.Y + 90) * Constants.RadiansPerDegree;

            var forwardX = (float)Math.Sin(radians) * _velocity.NetForward;
            var forwardZ = (float)Math.Cos(radians) * _velocity.NetForward;

            var sidewaysX = (float)Math.Sin(sideways) * _velocity.NetRightward;
            var sidewaysZ = (float)Math.Cos(sideways) * _velocity.NetRightward;

            var netMovement = new Vector2(forwardX + sidewaysX, forwardZ + sidewaysZ);

            var maxVelocity = Constants.MaxVelocity;

            if (input.Sprint)
                maxVelocity *= 3;

            if (netMovement.Length() > maxVelocity)
                netMovement = Vector2.Normalize(netMovement);
                netMovement = Vector2.Multiply(netMovement, maxVelocity);

            Position.X += netMovement.X;
            Position.Y += _verticalVelocity;
            Position.Z += netMovement.Y;

            //Position.X += (float)Math.Sin(radians) * _velocity.NetForward;
            //Position.Y += _velocity.NetUpward;
            //Position.Z += (float)Math.Cos(radians) * _velocity.NetForward;
        public static Matrix3x2 CreateRotation(float radians, Vector2 centerPoint)
            Matrix3x2 result;

            radians = (float)SM.IEEERemainder(radians, SM.PI * 2);

            float c, s;

            const float epsilon = 0.001f * (float)SM.PI / 180f;     // 0.1% of a degree

            if (radians > -epsilon && radians < epsilon)
                // Exact case for zero rotation.
                c = 1;
                s = 0;
            else if (radians > SM.PI / 2 - epsilon && radians < SM.PI / 2 + epsilon)
                // Exact case for 90 degree rotation.
                c = 0;
                s = 1;
            else if (radians < -SM.PI + epsilon || radians > SM.PI - epsilon)
                // Exact case for 180 degree rotation.
                c = -1;
                s = 0;
            else if (radians > -SM.PI / 2 - epsilon && radians < -SM.PI / 2 + epsilon)
                // Exact case for 270 degree rotation.
                c = 0;
                s = -1;
                // Arbitrary rotation.
                c = (float)SM.Cos(radians);
                s = (float)SM.Sin(radians);

            float x = centerPoint.X * (1 - c) + centerPoint.Y * s;
            float y = centerPoint.Y * (1 - c) - centerPoint.X * s;

            // [  c  s ]
            // [ -s  c ]
            // [  x  y ]
            result.M11 = c; result.M12 = s;
            result.M21 = -s; result.M22 = c;
            result.M31 = x; result.M32 = y;
