public static string ExtractTextFromPdf(string path) { ITextExtractionStrategy its = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.LocationTextExtractionStrategy(); using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path)) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int page = 1; page <= reader.NumberOfPages; page++) { ITextExtractionStrategy strategy = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy(); string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, strategy); currentText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentText))); text.Append(currentText); } System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt"); file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); return text.ToString(); } }
public void TryPrint(string zplCommands) { try { // Open connection System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(); client.Connect(this.m_IPAddress, this.m_Port); // Write ZPL String to connection System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(client.GetStream()); writer.Write(zplCommands); writer.Flush(); // Close Connection writer.Close(); client.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.m_ErrorCount += 1; if(this.m_ErrorCount < 10) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); this.TryPrint(zplCommands); } else { throw ex; } } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"TextFile.txt"); try { string sLine = ""; //This for loop loops through each row in the table for (int r = 0; r <= dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; r++) { //This for loop loops through each column, and the row number //is passed from the for loop above. for (int c = 0; c <= dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { sLine = sLine + dataGridView1.Rows[r].Cells[c].Value; if (c != dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1) { //A comma is added as a text delimiter in order //to separate each field in the text file. //You can choose another character as a delimiter. sLine = sLine + ","; } } //The exported text is written to the text file, one line at a time. file.WriteLine(sLine); sLine = ""; } file.Close(); // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Export Complete.", "Program Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (System.Exception err) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); file.Close(); } DialogResult show1 = MessageBox.Show("Muon Mo Folder Khong","Important",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Information); switch (show1) { case DialogResult.Abort: break; case DialogResult.Cancel: break; case DialogResult.Ignore: break; case DialogResult.No: break; case DialogResult.None: break; case DialogResult.OK: break; case DialogResult.Retry: break; case DialogResult.Yes: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory); break; default: break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { System.IO.StreamWriter outputFile1 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"d:\T2Integers"); System.IO.StreamWriter outputFile2 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"d:\T2Doubless"); int number = 0; bool result; do { Console.WriteLine("Give a number: "); string line = Console.ReadLine(); result = int.TryParse(line, out number); if (result) { outputFile1.WriteLine(line); } else { outputFile2.WriteLine(line); } } while (!number.Equals("")); outputFile1.Close(); outputFile2.Close(); }
private void ExportToExcel() { try { Utils.Log.InfoFormat("Exporting case list to Excel ({0} cases)", dropCaseList.Items.Count); String tempTabSep = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "cases_" + (Guid.NewGuid()).ToString() + ".txt"; // create a writer and open the file System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(tempTabSep); for (int i = 1; i < dropCaseList.Items.Count; ++i) { Case c = (Case)dropCaseList.Items[i]; tw.WriteLine("({0:D}) {1}\t{2}h\t{3}", c.ID, c.Name, c.Estimate.TotalHours, c.AssignedTo); } tw.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("excel.exe", "\"" + tempTabSep + "\""); } catch (System.Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, couldn't launch Excel"); Utils.Log.Error(x.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the colourz /// </summary> public void save() { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Constants.CACHE_PATH)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Constants.CACHE_PATH); } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Constants.CACHE_PATH)) { Console.WriteLine("Created directory"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Constants.CACHE_PATH); } System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(Constants.CACHE_PATH + "Saved Colours.txt", new byte[0]); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Constants.CACHE_PATH + "Saved Colours.txt", true); string saveText = ""; for(int i = 0; i < stack.Children.Count; i++) { SavedColour s = (SavedColour)stack.Children[i]; if(i != stack.Children.Count) saveText += s.hex + ";"; } file.WriteLine(saveText); file.Flush(); file.Close(); }
private void ButtonPhoto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var flickr = new Flickr(Program.ApiKey, Program.SharedSecret, Program.AuthToken); // Referrers DateTime day = DateTime.Today; var statfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("stats_dom.csv"); var reffile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("stats_referrers.csv"); while (day > Program.LastUpdate) { try { var s = flickr.StatsGetPhotoDomains(day, 1, 100); day -= TimeSpan.FromDays(1); StatusLabel.Text = "Chargement des domaines " + day.ToShortDateString(); Application.DoEvents(); statfile.Write(Utility.toCSV(s, day.ToShortDateString())); foreach (StatDomain dom in s) { var r = flickr.StatsGetPhotoReferrers(day, dom.Name, 1, 100); reffile.Write(Utility.toCSV(r, day.ToShortDateString() + ";" + dom.Name)); } } catch (FlickrApiException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Erreur lors du chargement des domaines référents du " + day.ToShortDateString() + " : " + ex.OriginalMessage, "Erreur", MessageBoxButtons.OK); break; } } statfile.Close(); }
private void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = pathText.Text; if (path.Length < 1 || path.Trim().Length < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid path name.", "Invalid path"); return; } foreach (char c in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { if (path.Contains(c)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid character '" + c + "' in file path.", "Invalid path"); return; } } if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(path)) path += ".lua"; if (!overwriteCheckBox.Checked && System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("File '" + path + "' already exists.", "File already exists"); return; } string lua = Derma.GenerateLua(); System.IO.TextWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path); file.Write(lua); file.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Lua generated to file '" + path + "'.", "Success"); this.Close(); }
private void WriteLog (Exception e) { var ws = new System.IO.StreamWriter("error.log",true ); ws.WriteLine(e); ws.WriteLine(""); ws.Close(); }
public void Send(object sender, EventArgs args) { try { var publishArgs = args as Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs; var publisher = publishArgs.Parameters[0] as Sitecore.Publishing.Publisher; var publisherOptions = publisher.Options; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("localhost"); mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); mail.Subject = "Someone published the item " + publisherOptions.RootItem.Paths.FullPath; mail.Body = publisherOptions.RootItem.Fields["body"].Value; SmtpServer.Send(mail); string lines = publisherOptions.RootItem.Fields["body"].Value; // Write the string to a file. System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("D:\\Git\\Eduserv-Github-Example\\Source\\Website\\BritishLibrary.Website\\test.xml"); file.WriteLine(lines); file.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Seems some problem!"); } }
public static void Write(String metodo, Exception ex) { String fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:MM:ss"); String archivo = "C:\\TEMP\\ErrorBaseDatos" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".txt"; try { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@archivo, true); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Método :" + metodo); file.WriteLine("Fecha :" + fecha); file.WriteLine("Detalle"); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("Message " + ex.Message); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("StackTrace " + ex.StackTrace); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("Source " + ex.Source); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("ToString() " + ex.ToString()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.Close(); } catch { } }
private void AddFileEventLog(string message, EventLogEntryType logType = EventLogEntryType.Information, string moduleName = "", int codeErreur = 0, bool fromWindowsLogEvent = false) { System.IO.StreamWriter w = null; System.Text.StringBuilder str = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); try { string strPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(_logFilePath); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(strPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(strPath); w = new System.IO.StreamWriter(_logFilePath, true, System.Text.Encoding.Default); str.AppendFormat("[{0,-10:G} - {1,-8:G}]", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); str.AppendFormat(" {0}", Const.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName)) str.AppendFormat(" ({0})", moduleName); str.AppendFormat(" - {0}", logType.ToString()); if (codeErreur != 0) str.AppendFormat(" - Code : {0}", codeErreur); str.Append("\r\n"); str.Append(message); str.Append("\r\n"); w.WriteLine(str.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!fromWindowsLogEvent) { AddWindowsEventLog("Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier de log : " + _logFilePath + "\r\n" + message + "\r\nException : " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error, moduleName, 0, true); } } finally { if ((w != null)) w.Close(); } }
public void save() { System.IO.StreamWriter m_stwSave = new System.IO.StreamWriter(".\\CCDate.dat", false); m_stwSave.WriteLine(strCCKey); m_stwSave.WriteLine(strSaveKey); m_stwSave.Close(); }
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var login = loginTextBox.Text; var pass = passwordTextBox.Password; Action<String> status = s => { statusLabel.Content = s; statusLabel.ToolTip = s; }; try { channelFactory = new DuplexChannelFactory<IService>(new ClientImplementation(_MainWindow), "DnDServiceEndPoint"); server = channelFactory.CreateChannel(); if (server.Login(login, pass)) { _MainWindow.InitializeServer(channelFactory, server); this.DialogResult = true; } else { statusLabel.Content = "Login lub hasło nie są poprawne!"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { statusLabel.Content = "Nastąpił błąd! Spróbuj ponownie"; System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("log.txt"); file.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); file.Close(); return; } this.Close(); }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string xml; Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.companyName = txtCompany.Text; contact.firstName = txtFName.Text; contact.middleName = txtMName.Text; contact.lastName = txtLName.Text; contact.liscence = txtLicense.Text; = txtPhone.Text; contact.cell = txtCell.Text; = txtEmail.Text; contact.buildingLiscence = txtBuildingLicense.Text; contact.streetNumber = txtStreetNumber.Text; contact.streetName = txtStreetName.Text; contact.type = txtType.Text; contact.streetName2 = txtStreetName2.Text; = txtCity.Text; contact.state = txtState.Text; = txtZip.Text; System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"Contact.xml"); System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(contact.GetType()); x.Serialize(file, contact); file.Close(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RadioButton rbFullScreen = UIHelpers.FindChild<RadioButton>(this, "rbFullScreen"); if (rbFullScreen.IsChecked.Value) { Settings.GetInstance().Mode = Settings.ScreenMode.Fullscreen; PageNavigator.MainWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; PageNavigator.MainWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; PageNavigator.MainWindow.Focus(); } else { Settings.GetInstance().Mode = Settings.ScreenMode.Windowed; } ComboBox cbLanguage = UIHelpers.FindChild<ComboBox>(this, "cbLanguage"); AppSettings.GetInstance().setLanguage((Language)cbLanguage.SelectedItem); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(AppSettings.getCommonApplicationDataPath() + "\\game.settings"); file.WriteLine(AppSettings.GetInstance().getLanguage().Name); file.WriteLine(Settings.GetInstance().Mode); file.Close(); //PageNavigator.NavigateTo(new PageStartMenu()); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("nastr.txt"); sw.WriteLine(textBox1.Text); sw.WriteLine(textBox2.Text); sw.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] funcListUrls = { //"", //"", //"", //"", //"", "", "", "", "", "" }; foreach (string funcListUrl in funcListUrls) { FuncList[] funcLists = ParseFuncList(funcListUrl); foreach (FuncList funcList in funcLists) { System.IO.StreamWriter testFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TESTCASE_FILE, true); testFile.WriteLine("\n<!-- " + funcList.funcName + " - " + funcList.subcat + ": " + funcList.funclist.Length + " cases -->"); testFile.Close(); testFile = null; foreach (string name in funcList.funclist) { string url = "" + name + ".html"; Console.WriteLine("Parsing " + url + " ..."); ParseURL(funcList.funcName, funcList.subcat, url); } } } }
private void buttonSiguiente_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (opcion == 0) { if (textBoxNombre.Text == "" || (radioButtonMasculino.Checked == false && radioButtonFemenino.Checked == false)) MessageBox.Show("Es necesario llenar los campos de Nombre y Sexo"); else { string sexo = ""; if (radioButtonMasculino.Checked == true) sexo = "Masculino"; if (radioButtonFemenino.Checked == true) sexo = "Femenino"; string text = usuario + "|" + textBoxNombre.Text + "|" + textBoxCURP.Text + "|" + textBoxRFC.Text + "|" + textBoxCelular.Text + "|" + textBoxTelefono.Text + "|" + textBoxDireccion.Text + "|" + sexo.ToString() + "|" + textBoxLugarDeNacimiento.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha1.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha2.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha3.Text + "|" + textBoxEdad.Text + "|" + textBoxEmailLaboral.Text + "|" + textBoxEmailPersonal.Text + "|" + textBoxTipoDeSangre.Text + "|" + textBoxNumeroDeEmergencia.Text + "|" + textBoxContactoDeEmergencia.Text + "|" + textBoxParentesco.Text + "|" + textBoxDireccionDelContacto.Text + "|" + textBoxOtrasOcupaciones.Text + "|" + textBoxOtrasOcupaciones.Text + "|" + textBoxEstadoCivil.Text + "|" + textBoxStatusFamiliar.Text + "|"; System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("BDP_ELYON.elyon", true); file.WriteLine(text); file.Flush(); file.Close(); this.Close(); } } if (opcion == 1) { string sexo = ""; if (radioButtonMasculino.Checked == true) sexo = "Masculino"; if (radioButtonFemenino.Checked == true) sexo = "Femenino"; string text = usuario + "|" + textBoxNombre.Text + "|" + textBoxCURP.Text + "|" + textBoxRFC.Text + "|" + textBoxCelular.Text + "|" + textBoxTelefono.Text + "|" + textBoxDireccion.Text + "|" + sexo.ToString() + "|" + textBoxLugarDeNacimiento.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha1.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha2.Text + "|" + textBoxNacFecha3.Text + "|" + textBoxEdad.Text + "|" + textBoxEmailLaboral.Text + "|" + textBoxEmailPersonal.Text + "|" + textBoxTipoDeSangre.Text + "|" + textBoxNumeroDeEmergencia.Text + "|" + textBoxContactoDeEmergencia.Text + "|" + textBoxParentesco.Text + "|" + textBoxDireccionDelContacto.Text + "|" + textBoxOtrasOcupaciones.Text + "|" + textBoxOtrasOcupaciones.Text + "|" + textBoxEstadoCivil.Text + "|" + textBoxStatusFamiliar.Text + "|"; editarArchivo(1, text); this.Close(); } }
public static void WriteException(String pMethod, Exception pException) { String date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:MM:ss"); String archieve = "C:\\TEMP\\MIToolDatabaseLog" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".txt"; try { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(archieve, true); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Method :" + pMethod); file.WriteLine("Date :" + date); file.WriteLine("Detail"); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("Message " + pException.Message); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("StackTrace " + pException.StackTrace); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("Source " + pException.Source); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("ToString() " + pException.ToString()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("\n"); file.Close(); } catch { } }
private void GravarDados(ClienteInfo cli) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(cli.NomeArquivo(),true); //aqui a data é formatada sw.WriteLine(cli.Nome + ";" +cli.Email + ";" + cli.Telefone + ";" + cli.ClienteDesde.ToShortDateString()); sw.Close(); }
public void generateDmcColors() { System.IO.StreamReader inFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(webPageDirectory); System.IO.StreamWriter outFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(dmcDirectory, true); string line = "", dmc = "", name = "", color = ""; while ((line = inFile.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Trim().StartsWith("<TD><FONT face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\" size=2>") && !line.Trim().EndsWith("Select view")) //find dmc { dmc = line.Trim().Split(new string[] { "<TD><FONT face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\" size=2>" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; dmc = dmc.Split(new string[] { "<" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; } else if (line.Trim().StartsWith("<TD noWrap><FONT face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\" size=2>")) //find name { //issue with line continuation name = line.Trim().Split(new string[] { "<TD noWrap><FONT face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\" size=2>" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; name = name.Split(new string[] { "<" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; if (!line.Trim().EndsWith("</FONT></TD>")) { line = inFile.ReadLine(); name = name + " " + line.Trim().Split(new string[] { "<" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; } } else if (line.Trim().StartsWith("<TD bgColor=") && line.Trim().Contains("> </TD>")) { color = line.Trim().Split(new string[] { "<TD bgColor=" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; color = color.Split(new string[] { ">" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; outFile.WriteLine(dmc + ";" + name + ";" + color); } } inFile.Close(); outFile.Close(); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Prends en parametres le nom et une chaine de caracteres /// Ecrit la chaine de caracteres dans le fichier /// Cree le fichier si il n'existe pas /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Nom du fichier</param> /// <param name="content">Contenu du fichier</param> public static void writeFile(string name, string content) { try { System.IO.StreamWriter outstream = new System.IO.StreamWriter(name); outstream.Write(content); outstream.Close(); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { try { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(name); System.IO.Directory.Delete(name); writeFile(name, content); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FileStream.writeFile : Erreur lors de la creation du repertoire " + name); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FileStream.writeFile : Erreur lors de l'ecriture dans le fichier " + name); } }
public BIM.BusinessEntities.VerificadorPLD ServicioVerificadorPLD(BIM.BusinessEntities.BitacoraPLD parametros) { BIM.BusinessEntities.VerificadorPLD result = null; try { result = (new VerificadorPLDLogic()).ServicioVerificadorPLD(parametros); } catch (Exception ex) { #if(DEBUG) const string fic = @"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PLD\Prueba.txt"; string texto = ex.Message; System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fic); sw.WriteLine(texto); sw.Close(); //Console.WriteLine("Error en VerificadorPLDServices.ServicioVerificadorPLD: " + ex.Message); //if (!EventLog.SourceExists(cs)) // EventLog.CreateEventSource(cs, "Application"); //EventLog.WriteEntry(cs, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); #else EventLogManager.LogErrorEntry("Error en VerificadorPLDServices.ServicioVerificadorPLD: " + ex.Message); //TODO: Codificar envío de notificación de error al EventLog #endif } return result; }
private void receives(object state) { while (true) { try { NETcollectionUdp[] netclist = getUdpList(); foreach (NETcollectionUdp tempnetc in netclist) { IPEndPoint anyEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); EndPoint remoteEndPoint = anyEndPoint; if (tempnetc.Soc != null) { byte[] data; if (tempnetc.Soc.Available > 1) { data = new byte[tempnetc.Soc.Available]; int recv = tempnetc.Soc.Receive(data, 0, data.Length, SocketFlags.None); tempnetc.Soc.SendTo(data, tempnetc.Iep); } } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("send.txt", true); sw.WriteLine(e.Message); sw.Close(); } } }
public static void Error() { IntPtr ptr; Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => DynamicLibrary.Open("NOT_EXISTING")); string failure = "FAILURE"; var fs = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.IO.File.OpenWrite(failure)); fs.Write("foobar"); fs.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(failure)); Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => DynamicLibrary.Open(failure)); System.IO.File.Delete(failure); var dl = DynamicLibrary.Open(DynamicLibrary.Decorate("uv")); Assert.IsTrue(dl.TryGetSymbol("uv_default_loop", out ptr)); Assert.AreNotEqual(ptr, IntPtr.Zero); Assert.IsFalse(dl.TryGetSymbol("NOT_EXISTING", out ptr)); Assert.AreEqual(ptr, IntPtr.Zero); Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => dl.GetSymbol("NOT_EXISTING")); Assert.IsFalse(dl.Closed); dl.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(dl.Closed); }
public void WriteLine(string text) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileLocation, true); file.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM\\/dd\\/yyyy h\\:mm tt") + ": " + text); file.Close(); }
public static void BugReport(string program, string desc, Exception ex, string data) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(DeveloperIssuePostURL(program, desc, ex, data)); } catch (Win32Exception) { try { // data passed too small/big System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(DeveloperIssuePostURL(program, program, ex, data, false)); } catch { string report = DeveloperIssuePostURL(program, desc, ex, data); System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("tempreport.txt"); sw.WriteLine(report); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Environment.SystemDirectory+"\\notepad.exe tempreport.txt"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(DeveloperIssuePostURL(program, desc, null, Environment.NewLine + " PASTE NOTEPAD CONTENTS HERE")); } } }
public static void addLog(string s) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(s); if (bDoLogging) { try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(LogFilename)) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(LogFilename); if (fi.Length > maxFileSize) { //create backup file System.IO.File.Copy(LogFilename, LogFilename + "bak", true); System.IO.File.Delete(LogFilename); } } System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(LogFilename, true); sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()+ " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "\t" + s); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception in addLog FileWrite: " + ex.Message); } } }
public static void WriteLog(string UserAgent, string Url, string Message, string StackTrace) { try { //Write Log var folderPath = string.Format(@"D:\SBSV\{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy")); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); } var filePath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.txt", folderPath, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy")); System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, true); tw.WriteLine("UserAgent {0}", UserAgent); tw.WriteLine("Date {0}", DateTime.Now); tw.WriteLine("Url {0} ", Url); tw.WriteLine("Message {0} ", Message); tw.WriteLine("Log Contents: "); tw.WriteLine(StackTrace); tw.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------"); tw.Close(); //Write Log } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch { } }
}/* script_open */ /* * script_close * * Stop transscription. * */ internal static void ScriptClose() { unchecked { Main.h_flags &= (ushort)~ZMachine.SCRIPTING_FLAG; } FastMem.SetWord(ZMachine.H_FLAGS, Main.h_flags); Sfp?.Close(); Main.ostream_script = false; }/* script_close */
void OnDisable() { if (Application.isPlaying) { Application.logMessageReceived -= HandleLog; } switch (fileType) { case FileType.JSON: fileWriter?.WriteLine("\n]"); break; case FileType.CSV: case FileType.TSV: default: break; } fileWriter?.Close(); }
public Form1() { // Читаем из реестра номер сборки для определения версии ОС RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"); int osVersion = int.Parse(rk.GetValue("CurrentBuild").ToString()); switch (osVersion / 1000) { case 10: currentSystem = Systems.windows10; break; case 9: currentSystem = Systems.windows8; break; case 7: currentSystem = Systems.windows7; break; default: currentSystem = Systems.windows8; break; } // Читаем конфиг из файла string mainIcon = "win8"; string language = "ru-RU"; string isIcons = "icons"; string oneClick = "noOneClickProtection"; bool isException = false; try { System.IO.StreamReader fileIn = new System.IO.StreamReader("DefenderUiSettings.ini"); mainIcon = fileIn.ReadLine(); language = fileIn.ReadLine(); isIcons = fileIn.ReadLine(); oneClick = fileIn.ReadLine(); fileIn.Close(); fileIn.Dispose(); } catch { isException = true; } if (isIcons == "icons") { isIconsEnabled = true; } else { isIconsEnabled = false; } InitializeComponent(); switch (mainIcon) { case "win7": icons[0] = Icons.main7; icons[1] = Icons.warning7; icons[2] = Icons.danger7; break; case "win8": icons[0] = Icons.main8; icons[1] = Icons.warning8; icons[2] = Icons.danger8; break; case "win10": icons[0] = Icons.main10; icons[1] = Icons.warning10; icons[2] = Icons.danger10; break; case "shield": icons[0] = Icons.mainShield; icons[1] = Icons.WarningShield; icons[2] = Icons.dangerShield; break; default: icons[0] = Icons.main8; icons[1] = Icons.warning8; icons[2] = Icons.danger8; isException = false; break; } icons[3] = Icons.undefined; switch (language) { case "en-US": Lang.Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); break; case "ru-RU": Lang.Culture = new CultureInfo("ru-RU"); break; default: Lang.Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); isException = true; break; } if (isIconsEnabled) { toolStripMenuItem1.Image = Icons.Defender.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem2.Image = Icons.Firewall.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem3.Image = Icons.ProtectionControl.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem4.Image = Icons.Scan.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem5.Image = Icons.Update.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem6.Image = Icons.DefenderSettings.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem7.Image = Icons.Exit.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem8.Image = Icons.Settings.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem12.Image = Icons.QuickScan.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem13.Image = Icons.FullScan.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem14.Image = Icons.UpdateAndScan.ToBitmap(); toolStripMenuItem15.Image = Icons.Log.ToBitmap(); } if (oneClick == "oneClickProtection") { oneClickProtection = true; } else { oneClickProtection = false; } // Если из файла не удалось прочитать параметры, // записываем стандартные и перезапускаем программу if (isException) { System.IO.StreamWriter fileOut = new System.IO.StreamWriter("DefenderUiSettings.ini"); fileOut.WriteLine(mainIcon); fileOut.WriteLine(language); fileOut.WriteLine(isIcons); fileOut.WriteLine(oneClick); fileOut.Close(); fileOut.Dispose(); Application.Restart(); } toolStripMenuItem1.Text = Lang.WINDOWS_DEFENDER; toolStripMenuItem2.Text = Lang.WINDOWS_FIREWALL; toolStripMenuItem3.Text = Lang.PROTECTION_CONTROL; toolStripMenuItem4.Text = Lang.SCAN; toolStripMenuItem5.Text = Lang.UPDATE; toolStripMenuItem6.Text = Lang.SETTINGS; toolStripMenuItem8.Text = Lang.PROGRAM_SETTINGS; toolStripMenuItem7.Text = Lang.EXIT; toolStripMenuItem12.Text = Lang.QUICK_SCAN; toolStripMenuItem13.Text = Lang.FULL_SCAN; toolStripMenuItem14.Text = Lang.UPDATE_AND_SCAN; toolStripMenuItem15.Text = Lang.SHOW_LOG; }
public void Dispose() { _sw.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a value of type <see cref="T" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the value to write.</param> /// <param name="value">The value to write.</param> /// <param name="writer">The writer to use.</param> public override void WriteValue(string name, T value, IDataWriter writer) { var context = writer.Context; var policy = context.Config.SerializationPolicy; if (policy.AllowNonSerializableTypes == false && TypeOf_T.IsSerializable == false) { context.Config.DebugContext.LogError("The type " + TypeOf_T.Name + " is not marked as serializable."); return; } FireOnSerializedType(); if (ComplexTypeIsValueType) { bool endNode = true; try { writer.BeginStructNode(name, TypeOf_T); GetBaseFormatter(policy).Serialize(value, writer); } catch (SerializationAbortException ex) { endNode = false; throw ex; } finally { if (endNode) { writer.EndNode(name); } } } else { int id; int index; string strId; Guid guid; bool endNode = true; if (object.ReferenceEquals(value, null)) { writer.WriteNull(name); } else if (context.TryRegisterExternalReference(value, out index)) { writer.WriteExternalReference(name, index); } else if (context.TryRegisterExternalReference(value, out guid)) { writer.WriteExternalReference(name, guid); } else if (context.TryRegisterExternalReference(value, out strId)) { writer.WriteExternalReference(name, strId); } else if (context.TryRegisterInternalReference(value, out id)) { Type type = value.GetType(); // Get type of actual stored object if (ComplexTypeMayBeBoxedValueType && FormatterUtilities.IsPrimitiveType(type)) // It's a boxed primitive type { try { writer.BeginReferenceNode(name, type, id); var serializer = Serializer.Get(type); serializer.WriteValueWeak(value, writer); } catch (SerializationAbortException ex) { endNode = false; throw ex; } finally { if (endNode) { writer.EndNode(name); } } } else { IFormatter formatter; if (object.ReferenceEquals(type, TypeOf_T)) { formatter = GetBaseFormatter(policy); } else { formatter = FormatterLocator.GetFormatter(type, policy); } try { System.IO.StreamWriter file; file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("odinSaveLog.log", true); file.WriteLine(name + " | " + type + " | " + id + " | " + value); file.Close(); writer.BeginReferenceNode(name, type, id); formatter.Serialize(value, writer); } catch (SerializationAbortException ex) { endNode = false; throw ex; } finally { if (endNode) { writer.EndNode(name); } } } } else { writer.WriteInternalReference(name, id); } } }
private void GenerateClaimDateRange() { int index = 1; string sFileName = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName().Substring(0, 8); string sGenName = String.Format("ReportClaimDateRange{0}.csv", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text); string skuSupplierLabel = ""; int claimSkuSupplierId = 0; int storeSpace = 0; if (CheckBoxMonteagleAfrica.Checked) { claimSkuSupplierId = 2; //MonteagleAfrica } if (CheckBoxFairfield.Checked) { claimSkuSupplierId = 46; //Fairfield } if (CheckBoxMonteagleAfrica.Checked && CheckBoxFairfield.Checked) { claimSkuSupplierId = 0; } if (CheckBoxStoreSpace.Checked) { storeSpace = 34; //Store Space } using (System.IO.StreamWriter SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + sFileName + ".csv"))) { SW.WriteLine(String.Format("STORE CLAIMS - {0} TO {1}", TextBoxDateFrom.Text, TextBoxDateTo.Text)); if (Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListSupplier.SelectedValue) == 1) { if (CheckBoxMonteagleAfrica.Checked) { skuSupplierLabel = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, DropDownListLocation.SelectedItem.Text, "MONTEAGLE AFRICA SKU's"); } if (CheckBoxFairfield.Checked) { skuSupplierLabel = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, DropDownListLocation.SelectedItem.Text, "FAIRFIELD SKU's"); } if (CheckBoxMonteagleAfrica.Checked && CheckBoxFairfield.Checked) { skuSupplierLabel = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, DropDownListLocation.SelectedItem.Text, "MONTEAGLE AFRICA AND FAIRFIELD SKU's"); } if (!CheckBoxMonteagleAfrica.Checked && !CheckBoxFairfield.Checked) { skuSupplierLabel = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, DropDownListLocation.SelectedItem.Text, "MONTEAGLE AFRICA AND FAIRFIELD SKU's"); } SW.WriteLine(skuSupplierLabel); } else { SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, DropDownListLocation.SelectedItem.Text)); } SW.WriteLine(String.Format("CLAIM TYPE - {0}", DropDownListClaimType.SelectedItem.Text)); SW.WriteLine(""); //if (Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListSupplier.SelectedValue) == 1) //{ //#region MMS SW.WriteLine("STORE ID, STORE, CLAIM NO., CLAIM REFERENCE, BATCH NUMBER, QUANTITY, CLAIM DATE, CLAIM SKU, CLAIM SUPPLIER, CLAIM TYPE, KEY ACCOUNT ,CLAIM RESPONSIBLE, MMS PAY STORE, MMS CLAIM FROM SUPP., VALUE, STORE CLAIM NO TOTAL, STORE TOTAL, COMMENT, CAPTURED BY"); string rowMMS = ""; SW.WriteLine(rowMMS); List <StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim> csMMS = StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim.GetReportClaimDateRange(/*Account.GetAccountByUserName(Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).AccountId,*/ Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxDateFrom.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxDateTo.Text), Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListLocation.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListSupplier.SelectedValue), claimSkuSupplierId, storeSpace, Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListClaimType.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListClaimResponsible.SelectedValue)); if (csMMS.Count > 0) { foreach (StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim claim in csMMS) { rowMMS = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{18},{13},{4},{5},{6},{7},{17},{14},{15},{16},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},", claim.SparStoreId, claim.Store, claim.ClaimNumber, claim.ClaimReference, claim.ClaimDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), claim.ClaimSkuSubCategory, claim.ClaimSkuSubCategorySupplier, claim.ClaimType, claim.LineValue, claim.TotalStore, claim.TotalPerStoreValue, claim.Comment, claim.ModifiedUser, claim.Quantity, claim.ClaimResponsible, claim.PayStoreDescription, claim.SupplierClaimBackDescription, claim.KeyAccount, claim.BatchNumber); SW.WriteLine(rowMMS); index++; } SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL FOR {1},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0}{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{2}", "", TextBoxDateFrom.Text, csMMS[0].TotalStoreValue)); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL FOR {0} EXCL VAT; EXCL AMAZI,{1}", TextBoxDateFrom.Text, csMMS[0].TotalMonthExcVAT)); //SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{5},{5},{5},{5},{5},{1},{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", "", "", "", "", csMMS[0].Extra, "")); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("ADD TOTAL VAT,{0}", csMMS[0].TotalAddVAT)); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("ADD TOTAL AMAZI,{0}", csMMS[0].TotalAMAZI)); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("ADD TOTAL VOUCHER,{0}", csMMS[0].TotalVoucher)); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL VALUE FOR CLAIM,{0}", csMMS[0].TotalClaim)); } //#endregion //} //else //{ // #region NON MMS // SW.WriteLine("STORE ID, STORE, CLAIM NO., CLAIM TYPE,CLAIM REFERENCE, CLAIM DATE, CLAIM SKU,EXPIRED STOCK AMT EXC, EXPIRED STOCK VAT AMT, EXPIRED STOCK AMT INC, EXPIRED STOCK AMAZI, FACTORY FAULT AMT EXC, FACTORY FAULT VAT AMT, FACTORY FAULT AMT INC, FACTORY FAULT AMAZI, DEMO/PROMO EXC, DEMO/PROMO VAT AMT, DEMO/PROMO AMT INC, DEMO/PROMO AMAZI, RECALL EXC, RECALL VAT AMT, RECALL AMT INC, RECALL AMAZI, STORE CLAIM NO TOTAL, STORE TOTAL, CAPTURED BY, COMMENT"); // string row = ""; // SW.WriteLine(row); // List<StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim> cs = StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim.GetReportClaimMonth(/*Account.GetAccountByUserName(Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).AccountId,*/ DropDownListMonth.SelectedItem.Text, Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListLocation.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListSupplier.SelectedValue), claimSkuSupplierId, storeSpace, Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListClaimType.SelectedValue)); // if (cs.Count > 0) // { // foreach (StoreRep.Web.Code.Claim claim in cs) // { // row = String.Format("{18},{0},{1},{24},{23},{2},{24},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{19},{20},{21},{22},{16},{27},{17},{15}", claim.Store, claim.ClaimNumber, claim.ClaimDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), claim.ExpStockExcVAT, claim.ExpStockVATAmount, claim.ExpStockIncVAT, claim.ExpStockAmazi, claim.FactoryFaultExcVAT, claim.FactoryFaultVATAmount, claim.FactoryFaultIncVAT, claim.FactoryFaultAmazi, claim.DemoPromoExcVAT, claim.DemoPromoVATAmount, claim.DemoPromoIncVAT, claim.DemoPromoAmazi, claim.Comment, claim.TotalStore, claim.ModifiedUser, claim.SparStoreId, claim.RecallExcVAT, claim.RecallVATAmount, claim.RecallIncVAT, claim.RecallAmazi, claim.ClaimReference, claim.ClaimSkuSubCategory, DropDownListClaimType.SelectedItem.Text, claim.Comment, claim.TotalPerStoreValue); // SW.WriteLine(row); // index++; // } // SW.WriteLine(""); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL FOR {0},{18},{1},{1},{1},{2},{1},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{19},{20},{21},{22},{15},{16}", DropDownListMonth.SelectedItem.Text, "", "", cs[0].TotalExpStockExcVAT, cs[0].TotalExpStockVATAmount, cs[0].TotalExpStockIncVAT, cs[0].TotalExpStockAmazi, cs[0].TotalFactoryFaultExcVAT, cs[0].TotalFactoryFaultVATAmount, cs[0].TotalFactoryFaultIncVAT, cs[0].TotalFactoryFaultAmazi, cs[0].TotalDemoPromoExcVAT, cs[0].TotalDemoPromoVATAmount, cs[0].TotalDemoPromoIncVAT, cs[0].TotalDemoPromoAmazi, "", cs[0].TotalStoreValue, cs[0].ModifiedUser, "", cs[0].TotalRecallExcVAT, cs[0].TotalRecallVATAmount, cs[0].TotalRecallIncVAT, cs[0].TotalRecallAmazi)); // SW.WriteLine(""); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL FOR {0} EXCL VAT; EXCL AMAZI,{4},{4},{4},{4},{1},{1},{2},{3}", DropDownListMonth.SelectedItem.Text, "", "", cs[0].TotalMonthExcVAT, "")); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{5},{5},{5},{5},{1},{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", "", "", "", "", cs[0].Extra, "")); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("ADD TOTAL VAT{4},{4},{4},{4},{1},{0},{1},{2},{3}", "", "", "", cs[0].TotalAddVAT, "")); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("ADD TOTAL AMAZI{4},{4},{4},{4},{1},{0},{1},{2},{3}", "", "", "", cs[0].TotalAMAZI, "")); // SW.WriteLine(String.Format("TOTAL VALUE FOR CLAIM{4},{4},{4},{4},{1},{0},{1},{2},{3}", "", "", "", cs[0].TotalClaim, "")); // } // #endregion //} SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("Sent to {0}(Date){1}", DropDownListSupplier.SelectedItem.Text, "".PadRight(20, '_'))); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("RECIPIENT OF CLAIMS{0}Order Number{1}", "".PadRight(20, ' '), "".PadRight(40, '_'))); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("NAME{0}", "".PadRight(30, '_'))); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("SIGNATURE{0}", "".PadRight(25, '_'))); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("DATE{0}", "".PadRight(20, '_'))); SW.Close(); //else //{ // LabelError.Text = "No rows returned."; // PanelError.Visible = true; // } //} } System.IO.FileStream fs = null; fs = System.IO.File.Open(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + sFileName + ".csv"), System.IO.FileMode.Open); byte[] btFile = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(btFile, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)); fs.Close(); Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + sGenName); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.BinaryWrite(btFile); Response.End(); }
public static void CheckForF_Dump(TextBox Mess, string DumpFile, string OutFile) { string line; string title = ""; string ns = ""; string text = ""; string redirect_to = ""; int conta = 0; long tot = 0; System.IO.StreamWriter log = new System.IO.StreamWriter(OutFile + "Candidate to F" + ".txt", false, Encoding.UTF8); System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(DumpFile, Encoding.UTF8); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.IndexOf("<title>") != -1) //title of the page { title = line.Replace("<title>", "").Replace("</title>", ""); title = title.Substring(4); redirect_to = ""; text = ""; tot += 1; } else if (line.IndexOf("<ns>") != -1 && line.IndexOf("</ns>") != -1) //ns of the page { ns = line.Replace("<ns>", "").Replace("</ns>", "").Trim(); } else if (line.IndexOf("<redirect title=") != -1) //is a redirect { redirect_to = line.Replace("<redirect title=\"", "").Replace("\" />", "").Trim(); } else if (line.IndexOf("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">") != -1 && ns == "0" && redirect_to == "") //Text of the page { line = line.Replace("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">", ""); line = line.Substring(6); text = line; while ((line = file.ReadLine()).IndexOf("</text>") == -1) { text += Environment.NewLine + line; } if (line.Replace("</text>", "").Trim() != "") { text += Environment.NewLine + line.Replace("</text>", "").Trim(); } text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(text); //wiki text if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*F\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{F}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*F[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{F else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*S\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*S[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*A\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{A}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*A[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{A else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*NN\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{NN}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*NN[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{NN else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Disambigua\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Disambigua}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Disambigua[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Disambigua else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Controllo di autorità\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Controllo di autorità}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Torna a[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Torna a else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita.+[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita /// Esclusione pagine sulle date else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Decennio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Decennio else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Anno\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Anno else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Secolo\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Secolo else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Gennaio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Febbraio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Marzo\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Aprile\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Maggio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Giugno\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Luglio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Agosto\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Settembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Ottobre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Novembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Dicembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Numero intero\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{numeri else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Note\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Bibliografia\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Collegamenti esterni\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} //else if (Utility.SectionStart(text, "Note") > 0) { } //else if (Utility.SectionStart(text, "Bibliografia") > 0) { } //else if (Utility.SectionStart(text, "Collegamenti esterni") > 0) { } else if (text.IndexOf("<ref", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else if (text.IndexOf("http://", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else if (text.IndexOf("https://", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else { log.WriteLine(title); //Mess.AppendText("* [[" + title + "]]" + Environment.NewLine); conta += 1; } } } log.Close(); Mess.AppendText("risultato: " + conta.ToString()); }
public void WriteLog_Load1(string UserName, string Session_ID, string Request_ID, string Trans_ID, string MerchantID, string targetMsIsdn, double Amount, string IPAddress, string Status, bool UpdateType, string Note) { #region log into text file if (strTransactionLogType == "1" || strTransactionLogType == "3") { string strLogPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log"; string strYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string strMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); string strDay = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string strFileName = "Log_Load_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh") + "h.log"; string strLogDescription = string.Empty; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d1 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d1.Exists) { d1.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strYear; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d2 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d2.Exists) { d2.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strMonth; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d3 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d3.Exists) { d3.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strDay; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d4 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d4.Exists) { d4.Create(); } strLogPath = strLogPath + "\\" + strFileName; strLogDescription = UserName + "\t"; strLogDescription += Session_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += Request_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += Trans_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += MerchantID + "\t"; strLogDescription += targetMsIsdn + "\t"; strLogDescription += Amount.ToString() + "\t"; strLogDescription += IPAddress + "\t"; strLogDescription += Status.ToString() + "\t"; strLogDescription += DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss:ms:tt") + "\t"; strLogDescription += Note + "\t"; System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(strLogPath, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); System.IO.StreamWriter m_streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs); m_streamWriter.BaseStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.End); m_streamWriter.WriteLine(strLogDescription); m_streamWriter.Flush(); m_streamWriter.Close(); } #endregion #region log into DB if (strTransactionLogType == "2" || strTransactionLogType == "3") { App_Lib DbObj = new App_Lib(); string strSql = ""; //If update if (UpdateType) { strSql = "update Transactions set ConfirmStatus = '" + Status + "', ConfirmDate=sysdate where Trans_ID='" + Trans_ID + "'"; } //Insert else { strSql = "insert into Transactions(UserName, Session_ID, Request_ID, Trans_ID, Merchant_ID, targetMsIsdn, Amount, IPAddress, Status, ActionDate)"; strSql += "values('" + UserName + "', '" + Session_ID + "', '" + Request_ID + "', '" + Trans_ID + "', '" + MerchantID + "', '" + targetMsIsdn + "', '" + Amount.ToString() + "', '" + IPAddress + "', " + Status.ToString() + ", sysdate)"; } try { DbObj.ExecuteQuery(strSql, null, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw ex; //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(strSql); //HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); WriteLog("Insert DB failure, ex=" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion }
// private void CleanOutViewer( // if !(this.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource() // If Not Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource() Is Nothing Then // CType(Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource(), CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument).Close() // CType(Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource(), CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument).Dispose() // Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource() = Nothing // GC.Collect() // End If //End Sub public void Logit(string strMsg) { string logFilePath = "C:\\HostingSpaces\\admin\\\\applog\\"; string strDay; strDay = ""; switch (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: strDay = "Mon"; break; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: strDay = "Tue"; break; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: strDay = "Wed"; break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: strDay = "Thu"; break; case DayOfWeek.Friday: strDay = "Fri"; break; case DayOfWeek.Saturday: strDay = "Sat"; break; case DayOfWeek.Sunday: strDay = "Sun"; break; } string logFileNamePath = logFilePath + strDay + "_" + "ulserror.log"; System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(logFileNamePath); if (fi.Exists) { if ((fi.LastWriteTime.AddDays(5)) < DateTime.Now) { fi.Delete(); } } if (!fi.Exists) { System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(logFileNamePath, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite); System.IO.StreamWriter s = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs); s.Close(); fs.Close(); } System.IO.FileStream fs1 = new System.IO.FileStream(logFileNamePath, System.IO.FileMode.Append, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); System.IO.StreamWriter s1 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs1); string strPtr; strPtr = " ==> "; s1.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + strPtr + ": " + strMsg + "\r\n"); s1.Close(); fs1.Close(); }
private void CompanyBankingReport() { int index = 1; string sFileName = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName().Substring(0, 8); //int companyId = Account.GetAccountByUserName(Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).CompanyId; //int isDairy = 1; //Dairy string sGenName = "PREVIEW - FNB PAYMENTS CSV TEMPLATE.csv"; string claimMonth = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ListBoxClaimMonth.Items.Count; i++) { if (ListBoxClaimMonth.Items[i].Selected == true) { if (ListBoxClaimMonth.Items[i].Text == "ALL") { for (int j = 0; j < ListBoxClaimMonth.Items.Count; j++) { claimMonth += ListBoxClaimMonth.Items[j].Text + ","; } } else { claimMonth += ListBoxClaimMonth.Items[i].Text; } } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter SW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + sFileName + ".csv"))) { SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", "PREVIEW - BInSol - U ver 1.00")); //SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", claimMonth.Substring(5, 2), "01", claimMonth.Substring(0, 4))); SW.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", DateTime.Now.Date.ToString())); SW.WriteLine("62351986644"); SW.WriteLine(""); SW.WriteLine("RECIPIENT NAME,RECIPIENT ACCOUNT,RECIPIENT ACCOUNT TYPE,BRANCHCODE,AMOUNT,OWN REFERENCE,RECIPIENT REFERENCE"); string row = ""; List <ClaimPaymentStaging> cs = ClaimPaymentStaging.GetClaimPaymentStagingFNBListByClaimMonthAndLocationId(claimMonth, Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListLocation.SelectedValue) /*, isDairy, companyId*/); if (cs.Count > 0) { foreach (ClaimPaymentStaging claim in cs) { row = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}", claim.Store, claim.AccountNumber, claim.AccountType, claim.BranchNumber, claim.TotalStoreValuePaid, claim.OwnReference, claim.RecipientReference); SW.WriteLine(row); index++; } SW.Close(); } else { LabelError.Text = "No rows returned."; PanelError.Visible = true; } } System.IO.FileStream fs = null; fs = System.IO.File.Open(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + sFileName + ".csv"), System.IO.FileMode.Open); byte[] btFile = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(btFile, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)); fs.Close(); Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + sGenName); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.BinaryWrite(btFile); Response.End(); }
private void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dgv_orderItems.Rows.Count > 0) { string invNo = "", invDate = "", cus_name = "", cus_id = ""; DataTable dt_sales = this.ctrlr.slctdocno(DOCNUMBER.ToString()); if (dt_sales.Rows.Count > 0) { invNo = dt_sales.Rows[0][0].ToString(); invDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_sales.Rows[0][1].ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); cus_name = dt_sales.Rows[0][2].ToString(); cus_id = dt_sales.Rows[0][3].ToString(); } string today = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); string message = "Did you want Header on Print?"; string caption = "Verification"; MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; DialogResult result; result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons); string strclinicname = "", clinicn = "", strStreet = "", stremail = "", strwebsite = "", strphone = ""; if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { DataTable dtp = this.ctrlr.practicedetails(); if (dtp.Rows.Count > 0) { clinicn = dtp.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); strclinicname = clinicn.Replace("¤", "'"); strphone = dtp.Rows[0]["contact_no"].ToString(); strStreet = dtp.Rows[0]["street_address"].ToString(); stremail = dtp.Rows[0]["email"].ToString(); strwebsite = dtp.Rows[0]["website"].ToString(); } } string Apppath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); System.IO.StreamWriter sWrite = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Apppath + "\\SalesOrderItems.html"); sWrite.WriteLine("<html>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<head>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<style>"); sWrite.WriteLine("table { border-collapse: collapse;}"); sWrite.WriteLine("p.big {line-height: 400%;}"); sWrite.WriteLine("</style>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</head>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<body >"); sWrite.WriteLine("<div>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<table align=center width=900>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=6 align=center><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Geneva, Arial' SIZE=> <br><b>SALES ORDER ITEMS REPORT</b> </font><center></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=6 align=left><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> <b> " + strclinicname + "</b> </font></left></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=6 align=left><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=1> <b> " + strStreet + "</b> </font></left></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=6 align=left><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=1> <b> " + strphone + "</b> </font></left></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=4 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>Customer Id:" + cus_id + "</font></left></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=4 align='right'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2> Invoice No:" + invNo + "</font></right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=4 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>Customer Name:" + cus_name + " </font></left></td> "); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=4 align='right'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>Invoice Date: " + invDate + "</font></right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td colspan=6 align='left'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2><b>Printed Date:</b>" + today + "</font></left></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); if (dgv_orderItems.Rows.Count > 0) { sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='10%' style='border:1px solid #000;background-color:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3 >Sl.</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='20%' style='border:1px solid #000;background:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3>Product Name</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='20%' style='border:1px solid #000;background:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> Discription</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='15%' style='border:1px solid #000;background:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3>Quantity</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='15%' style='border:1px solid #000;background:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> Cost</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='center' width='15%' style='border:1px solid #000;background:#999999'><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> Total Amount</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); for (int c = 0; c < dgv_orderItems.Rows.Count; c++) { sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='left' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["SLNO"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='left' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["ItemCode"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='left' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["Discription"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='right' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["Qty"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='right' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["Cost"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine(" <td align='right' style='border:1px solid #000' ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>" + dgv_orderItems.Rows[c].Cells["TotalAmount"].Value.ToString() + "</font></th>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr >"); } sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=5 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2> Total Items :</font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=6 ><FONT COLOR=blackFACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> " + Txt_totalInvoice.Text + " </font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=5 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2> Total Cost :</font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=6 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> " + Txttotaldiscount.Text + " </font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=5 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=2>Total Amount :</font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<td align='right' colspan=6 ><FONT COLOR=black FACE='Segoe UI' SIZE=3> " + Txtgrandtotal.Text + " </font><right></td>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</tr>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</table>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</div>"); sWrite.WriteLine("<script>window.print();</script>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</body>"); sWrite.WriteLine("</html>"); sWrite.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Apppath + "\\SalesOrderItems.html"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No records found, Please change the date and try again!..", "Failed ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!...", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // 检查系统是否支持 if (!HttpListener.IsSupported) { Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(HttpListener)} can be used with the current operating system."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } using (var server = new Http.Server.HttpServer()) { Console.Title = server.Name; server.Run(); } // 注意前缀必须以 / 正斜杠结尾 var prefixes = new[] { "http://*****:*****@" <html> <head><title>From HttpListener Server</title></head> <body><h1>Hello, world.</h1></body> </html>"; // 设置回应头部内容,长度,编码 response.ContentLength64 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(responseString); response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"; // 输出回应内容 var output = response.OutputStream; var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(output); writer.Write(responseString); // 必须关闭输出流 writer.Close(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { break; } } // 关闭服务器 listener.Stop(); }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { var component = (DataAccess.Entity.Component)e.Argument; var communityString = "public"; if (component.Options.Keys.Contains("CommunityString")) { communityString = component.Options["CommunityString"]; } if (!component.Options.Keys.Contains("OID")) { return; } var OIDString = component.Options["OID"]; //Process the snmp query // SNMP community name OctetString community = new OctetString(communityString); // Define agent parameters class AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters(community); // Set SNMP version to 1 (or 2) param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver2; // Construct the agent address object // IpAddress class is easy to use here because // it will try to resolve constructor parameter if it doesn't // parse to an IP address IpAddress agent = new IpAddress(component.Device.IPAddress); // Construct target UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)agent, 161, 2000, 1); // Pdu class used for all requests Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.Get); pdu.VbList.Add(OIDString); //sysDescr // Make SNMP request SnmpV2Packet result = (SnmpV2Packet)target.Request(pdu, param); // If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply. if (result != null) { // ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by // the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus == 0) { // Reply variables are returned in the same order as they were added // to the VbList //Console.WriteLine("sysDescr({0}) ({1}): {2}", // result.Pdu.VbList[0].Oid.ToString(), // SnmpConstants.GetTypeName(result.Pdu.VbList[0].Value.Type), // result.Pdu.VbList[0].Value.ToString()); var temp = result.Pdu.VbList[0].Value.ToString(); Double val; if (Double.TryParse(temp, out val)) { component.SetNewValue(val); component.LastContact = DateTime.Now; CompressionManager.Instance.CompressStandard(component); } else { component.SetNewValue(temp); component.LastContact = DateTime.Now; } DataAccess.DatabaseFacade.DatabaseManager.Components.Save(component); } } target.Close(); e.Result = component; } catch (Exception ex) { var logFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "error.log", true); logFile.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); logFile.Close(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //string RQ4_SERVICE_URL = ""; // TEST string RQ4_SERVICE_URL = ""; // PRODUCTION //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{aac62064-a98d-4c1e-95ac-6fc585c6bef8}"); // PRODUCTION ARCH Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{23f1f07a-3a9c-4ea6-bc9a-efa628afb56d}"); // PRODUCTION LIPSEY //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{aad193b3-f55a-43ef-b28a-c796c1e608de}"); // PRODUCTION CA WIRELESS //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{ab3d009d-77ee-4df8-b10e-f651f344a218}"); // PRODUCTION MAYCOM //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{6a443ad0-b057-4330-b4e6-8b0579a52863}"); // SOLUTIONS CENTER //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{fb6ed46e-5bd9-445c-9308-6161a504a933}"); // PRODUCTION NAWS //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{54d739a1-3ce9-425e-bb28-cf934209f088}"); // PRODUCTION TOUCHTEL //Guid RQ4_CLIENT_ID = new Guid("{3949d039-069a-4ea0-a616-9adafcf553d7}"); //PRODUCTION MOBILE CENTER string infile = null; string outfile = null; string errfile = null; using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Title = "input csv"; ofd.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { infile = ofd.FileName; } } if ((infile == null) || (!System.IO.File.Exists(infile))) { return; } outfile = infile + "-out.csv"; if ((outfile == null) || (outfile == "")) { return; } errfile = infile + "-error.csv"; if ((errfile == null) || (errfile == null)) { return; } Dictionary <String, RMA> rmas = new Dictionary <string, RMA>(); System.IO.StreamWriter LOG = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outfile); LOG.AutoFlush = true; LOG.WriteLine("id,po"); Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser csvfile = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(infile); csvfile.Delimiters = new string[] { "," }; csvfile.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited; csvfile.ReadFields(); // headers // Internal ID Document Number PO/Check Number Memo (Main) Display Name Quantity Item Rate storeid rqsku rqid while (!csvfile.EndOfData) { String[] fields = csvfile.ReadFields(); if ((fields != null) && (fields.Length == 10)) { if (!rmas.ContainsKey(fields[1])) { RMA r = new RMA(); r.OrderID = fields[0]; r.OrderNumber = fields[1]; r.PONumber = fields[2]; r.Memo = fields[3]; r.StoreID = fields[7]; rmas.Add(r.OrderNumber, r); } RMAItem ri = new RMAItem(); ri.VendorSKU = fields[4]; ri.Quantity = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt16(fields[5])); ri.ItemRate = Convert.ToDecimal(fields[6]); ri.RQ4SKU = fields[8]; ri.RQ4ItemID = fields[9]; rmas[fields[1]].ItemList.Add(ri); } } try { csvfile.Close(); } catch { } Console.WriteLine("RMAS FOUND: " + rmas.Count); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("PUSH ENTER TO START"); Console.ReadLine(); if (rmas.Count == 0) { return; } int rmanum = 1; RQ4.VMIService vmi = new RQ4.VMIService(); vmi.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); vmi.Url = RQ4_SERVICE_URL; RQ4.VendorIdentity vid = new RQ4.VendorIdentity(); vid.Username = "******"; vid.Password = "******"; vid.VendorID = new Guid("F9B982C3-E7B1-4FD5-9C24-ABE752E058C7"); vid.Client = new RQ4.ClientAgent(); vid.Client.ClientID = RQ4_CLIENT_ID; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, RMA> kvp in rmas) { Console.Write(rmanum + "/" + rmas.Count + " - " + kvp.Key + " -> "); vid.Client.StoreID = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value.StoreID); RQ4.ReturnMerchandiseAuthorization rma = new RQ4.ReturnMerchandiseAuthorization(); rma.VendorRMANumber = kvp.Value.OrderNumber; rma.Comments = kvp.Value.OrderNumber; // <--------- required List <RQ4.RMAProduct> items = new List <RQ4.RMAProduct>(); foreach (RMAItem item in kvp.Value.ItemList) { RQ4.RMAProduct prod = new RQ4.RMAProduct { RQProductID = Convert.ToInt16(item.RQ4ItemID), RQProductSku = item.RQ4SKU, TotalQuantity = item.Quantity, NonSellableQuantity = 0, UnitCost = item.ItemRate, ActionTaken = RQ4.ActionTaken.Credit }; items.Add(prod); } rma.ProductData = items.ToArray(); RQ4.ReturnMerchandiseAuthorization outrma = null; try { outrma = vmi.CreateRMA(vid, rma); Console.WriteLine(outrma.RMAIDByStore); LOG.WriteLine(kvp.Value.OrderID + "," + outrma.RMAIDByStore); LOG.Flush(); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException se) { Console.WriteLine("error"); WriteOrder(kvp.Value, errfile); LOG.WriteLine(kvp.Value.OrderID + "," + Quote(se.Message).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "")); LOG.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("error"); WriteOrder(kvp.Value, errfile); LOG.WriteLine(kvp.Value.OrderID + ",error"); LOG.Flush(); } rmanum++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); } try { LOG.Flush(); LOG.Close(); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("done"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void TestReadFile() { String dir = @"C:\Users\giusi.balsamo\Desktop\MicrosoftAccademy\temp"; String filename = "pressione.txt"; String path = dir + @"\" + filename; String out_temp = "temperature.txt"; String out_press = "pressure.txt"; System.IO.StreamWriter tempOutputFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter( System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, out_temp)); System.IO.StreamWriter pressOutputFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter( System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, out_press)); int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path); float max_float = float.MaxValue; //MaxValue è un valore predefinito float min_float = float.MinValue; float min_temp = max_float; float min_press = max_float; float max_temp = min_float; float max_press = min_float; float sum_temp = 0; float sum_press = 0; char[] chararray = new char[1]; chararray[0] = '\t'; // ascii code 0x09 while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { if (counter > 0) { String[] resultArray = line.Split(chararray); tempOutputFile.WriteLine(resultArray[0]); pressOutputFile.WriteLine(resultArray[1]); float temp_float = float.Parse(resultArray[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float press_float = float.Parse(resultArray[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (temp_float > max_temp) { max_temp = temp_float; } if (temp_float < min_temp) { min_temp = temp_float; } if (press_float > max_press) { max_press = press_float; } if (press_float < min_press) { min_press = press_float; } sum_temp = sum_temp + temp_float; sum_press += press_float; } counter++; } file.Close(); tempOutputFile.Close(); pressOutputFile.Close(); float media_temp = sum_temp / (counter - 1); float media_press = sum_press / (counter - 1); System.Console.WriteLine(media_temp); System.Console.WriteLine(media_press); System.Console.WriteLine("There were {0} lines.", counter); System.Console.WriteLine("Max temperature {0}, Min Temperature {1}", max_temp, min_temp); System.Console.WriteLine("Max pressure {0}, Min pressure {1}", max_press, min_press); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Write the automaton in dgml format. /// </summary> /// <param name="fa">the automaton to write</param> /// <param name="filename">the name of the output file, if filename does not end with .dgml then .dgml is added as suffix</param> public static void AutomatonToDgml <S>(int k, IAutomaton <S> fa, string name) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(name + (name.EndsWith(".dgml") ? "" : ".dgml")); AutomatonToDgml(k, fa, name, sw); sw.Close(); }
void ValidationTests(String cardsJson, String combosFile, int k) { HSCardsParser parser = new HSCardsParser(cardsJson); HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder(); Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>(); HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator(); HSCardsParser fullParser = new HSCardsParser("allCardsWithAbility.json", 0); Dictionary <String, int> dataID; Dictionary <String, double[]> cardDatasetFull = op.generateCardVectors(fullParser, out dataID); // Populate all card table foreach (string key in parser.objects.Keys) { List <CardObject> cards_objects = parser.objects[key]; builder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cardTable); } HSCombosParser combosParser = new HSCombosParser(); //combosParser.PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref decksParser, ref cardTable, 5); combosParser.PopulateFromJson(combosFile); Random rand = new Random(); List <CardObject> neutral = parser.objects["Neutral"]; foreach (String hero in parser.objects.Keys) { // To write results System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(hero + "_results.dat"); if (hero != "Mage") { continue; } List <String> honingCombo; HoningNetwork <String> net = new HoningNetwork <string>(); List <CardObject> heroCards = parser.objects[hero]; builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards); builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards); builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral); builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral); HSHoningBayes fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardDatasetFull, ref cardTable, 100000); fixedBayes.SaveKNNDataset(hero + "_data.dataset"); Dataset fixedDataset = new Dataset(hero + "_data.dataset", ','); KNNEfficiency fixedKNN = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset); Dictionary <String, HoningNode <String> > dic = net.getNetwork(); Dictionary <String, String> selfAbilityFilter = op.GenerateAbilityFilter(); Dictionary <String, String> TerminalsDic = op.GetComboPotential(ref dic, ref cardTable, ref selfAbilityFilter, 123123); List <String> Terminals = TerminalsDic.Keys.ToList(); double[] surprise_vec; Double[] comboArray; // Tests i and ii control variables // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables int mana = 10; double surprise; double efficiency; double fitness; double creativity; double normCreativity; double normSurprise; double normEfficiency; List <String> combo = new List <string>(); double highSurp = 0.0; double minSurp = double.MaxValue; double highEff = 0.0; double minEff = double.MaxValue; // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables String seed = ""; // Calibrating surprise Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("- Calibrating surprise! -"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int totalMana = 0; List <String> randomComboList = new List <String>(); int manaCost = 0; while (totalMana < mana) { int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count); Int32.TryParse(cardTable[Terminals[randNode]].cost, out manaCost); if (manaCost + totalMana <= mana) { randomComboList.Add(Terminals[randNode]); totalMana += manaCost; } } // Surprise ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList); fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, ref cardDatasetFull, out surprise, false); // Calculate efficiency fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, ref cardDatasetFull, out comboArray); Instance target = new Instance(comboArray); efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, k); if (surprise > highSurp) { highSurp = surprise; } if (surprise < minSurp) { minSurp = surprise; } if (efficiency > highEff) { highEff = efficiency; } if (efficiency < minEff) { minEff = efficiency; } } Console.WriteLine("- Surprise calibrated! -"); foreach (String c in Terminals) { Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero); Console.WriteLine("Seed: " + c); Console.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero); file.WriteLine("Seed: " + c); // Test all reacheable seeds seed = c; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (i)totalmente aleatorio (sem honing) int totalMana = 0; List <String> randomComboList = new List <String>(); randomComboList.Add(seed.ToLower()); int manaCost = 0; Int32.TryParse(cardTable[seed.ToLower()].cost, out manaCost); totalMana += manaCost; while (totalMana < mana) { int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count); Int32.TryParse(cardTable[Terminals[randNode]].cost, out manaCost); if (manaCost + totalMana <= mana) { randomComboList.Add(Terminals[randNode]); totalMana += manaCost; } } // Surprise ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList); fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, ref cardDatasetFull, out surprise, false); // Calculate efficiency fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, ref cardDatasetFull, out comboArray); Instance target = new Instance(comboArray); efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, k); // Calculate creativity fitness = op.CalculateFitness(surprise, ref highSurp, ref minSurp, out normSurprise, ref highEff, ref minEff, out normEfficiency, efficiency); creativity = surprise + efficiency; normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency; Console.WriteLine("Test I:\n"); Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cards:\n"); file.WriteLine("Test I:\n"); file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Cards: "); file.WriteLine(); foreach (String st in randomComboList) { Console.Write("(" + st + ") "); file.Write("(" + st + ") "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("\n"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (ii)honing novo aleatorio honingCombo = op.GenerateCardClusterRandom( c, ref cardTable, ref net, ref selfAbilityFilter, ref fixedBayes, ref fixedKNN, ref cardDatasetFull, mana, k, ref highSurp, ref minSurp, ref highEff, ref minEff, out fitness, out surprise, out efficiency, out normSurprise, out normEfficiency).Keys.ToList(); creativity = surprise + efficiency; normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency; Console.WriteLine("Test II:\n"); Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cards:\n"); file.WriteLine("Test I:\n"); file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Cards: "); file.WriteLine(); foreach (String st in honingCombo) { Console.Write("(" + st + ") "); file.Write("(" + st + ") "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("\n"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (iii)honing novo (E+S) honingCombo = op.GenerateCardCluster( c, ref cardTable, ref net, ref selfAbilityFilter, ref fixedBayes, ref fixedKNN, ref cardDatasetFull, mana, k, ref highSurp, ref minSurp, ref highEff, ref minEff, out fitness, out surprise, out efficiency, out normSurprise, out normEfficiency).Keys.ToList(); creativity = surprise + efficiency; normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency; Console.WriteLine("Test III:\n"); Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cards:\n"); file.WriteLine("Test I:\n"); file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency); file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp); file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n"); file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Cards: "); file.WriteLine(); foreach (String st in honingCombo) { Console.Write("(" + st + ") "); file.Write("(" + st + ") "); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); file.WriteLine("\n"); } file.Close(); } }
static void Main() { //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new Form1()); for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) { DateTime tiempoInicio = DateTime.Now; IVolaris target = new VolarisClient(); string origen = "MEX"; string destino = "LAX"; DateTime fechaInicio = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(20); DateTime fechaLlegada = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(23); string codigoMoneda = "MXN"; MyCTS.Services.APIVolaris.TiposVolarisFlightTypes tipoVuelo = MyCTS.Services.APIVolaris.TiposVolarisFlightTypes.RoundTrip; List <TiposVolarisPassengerType> tipoPasajero = new List <TiposVolarisPassengerType>(); //tipoPasajero.Add(TiposVolaris.PassengerType.Infant); tipoPasajero.Add(MyCTS.Services.APIVolaris.TiposVolarisPassengerType.Adult); //tipoPasajero.Add(TiposVolaris.PassengerType.Children); //tipoPasajero.Add(TiposVolaris.PassengerType.Adult); BookingData actual = new BookingData(); List <VueloDisponible> objectFlightAvailable = new List <VueloDisponible>(); VueloDisponible ida = new VueloDisponible(); VueloDisponible vuelta = new VueloDisponible(); string signature = target.AbrirConexion(); objectFlightAvailable = target.ObtenerDisponibilidad(origen, destino, fechaInicio, fechaLlegada, codigoMoneda, tipoVuelo, tipoPasajero, signature); for (int i = 0; i < objectFlightAvailable.Count; i++) { if (objectFlightAvailable[i].CountFaresk__BackingField != 0 && objectFlightAvailable[i].TypeFlightk__BackingField == TiposVolarisFlightFullType.Outbound) { ida = objectFlightAvailable[i]; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < objectFlightAvailable.Count; i++) { if (objectFlightAvailable[i].CountFaresk__BackingField != 0 && objectFlightAvailable[i].TypeFlightk__BackingField == TiposVolarisFlightFullType.Inbound) { vuelta = objectFlightAvailable[i]; break; } } target.ObtenerVenta(ida, vuelta, tipoPasajero, tipoVuelo); List <PasajerosVolaris> pasajeros = new List <PasajerosVolaris>(); PasajerosVolaris pasajero = new PasajerosVolaris(); pasajero.Apellidos = "segura"; pasajero.FechaNacimiento = Convert.ToDateTime("19/05/1972"); pasajero.Genero = MyCTS.Services.APIVolaris.TiposVolarisGender.M; pasajero.Nacionalidad = "MX"; pasajero.Nombres = "luis"; pasajero.NumeroPasajero = 1; pasajero.Pais = "MX"; pasajero.TipoPasajero = TiposVolarisPassengerType.Adult; pasajero.Titulo = TiposVolarisFirstTittle.MR; pasajeros.Add(pasajero); //pasajeros.Add(new PasajerosVolaris( (TiposVolaris.FirstTittle.MR, "luis", "segura", TiposVolaris.Gender.M, tipoPasajero[0], Convert.ToDateTime("19/05/1972"), "MX", "MX")); int c = target.AgregarPasajeros(pasajeros, signature); actual = target.GetBookingFromState(signature); DateTime tiempoFin = DateTime.Now; System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer writer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(actual.GetType()); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\RESP\PruebaAplicacionBookingResponse " + tiempoInicio.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + tiempoFin.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".xml"); writer.Serialize(file, actual); file.Close(); } }
public void WriteLog_Load( string USERNAME, string SESSION_ID, string REQUEST_ID, string MERCHANT_ID , string IPADDRESS, string STATUS, string TRANS_ID, string MESSAGE_TYPE_ID , string MSISDN, double TRANSACTION_AMOUNT, string CLIENT_ID, string SYSTEM_TRACE_AUDIT_NUMBER , string REQUEST_TRANSMISSION_TIME, string RESPONSE_TRANSMISSION_TIME, string RESPONSE_CODE, string NOTE , string SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE ) { #region log into text file if (strTransactionLogType == "1" || strTransactionLogType == "3") { string strLogPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("") + "\\Log"; string strYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string strMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); string strDay = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string strFileName = "Log_Load_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh") + "h.log"; string strLogDescription = string.Empty; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d1 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d1.Exists) { d1.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strYear; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d2 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d2.Exists) { d2.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strMonth; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d3 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d3.Exists) { d3.Create(); } strLogPath += "\\" + strDay; System.IO.DirectoryInfo d4 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strLogPath); if (!d4.Exists) { d4.Create(); } strLogPath = strLogPath + "\\" + strFileName; strLogDescription = USERNAME + "\t" + SESSION_ID + "\t" + REQUEST_ID + "\t" + MERCHANT_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += IPADDRESS + "\t" + STATUS + "\t" + TRANS_ID + "\t" + MESSAGE_TYPE_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE + "\t" + MSISDN + "\t" + TRANSACTION_AMOUNT + "\t" + CLIENT_ID + "\t"; strLogDescription += SYSTEM_TRACE_AUDIT_NUMBER + "\t" + REQUEST_TRANSMISSION_TIME + "\t" + RESPONSE_TRANSMISSION_TIME + "\t" + RESPONSE_CODE + "\t"; strLogDescription += NOTE + "\t"; System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(strLogPath, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write); System.IO.StreamWriter m_streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs); m_streamWriter.BaseStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.End); m_streamWriter.WriteLine(strLogDescription); m_streamWriter.Flush(); m_streamWriter.Close(); } #endregion #region log into DB if (strTransactionLogType == "2" || strTransactionLogType == "3") { App_Lib DbObj = new App_Lib(); string strSql = ""; strSql = "insert into Transactions("; strSql += " USERNAME, SESSION_ID, REQUEST_ID, MERCHANT_ID"; strSql += ", IPADDRESS, STATUS, TRANS_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE_ID"; strSql += ", MSISDN, TRANSACTION_AMOUNT, CLIENT_ID, SYSTEM_TRACE_AUDIT_NUMBER"; strSql += ", REQUEST_TRANSMISSION_TIME, RESPONSE_TRANSMISSION_TIME, RESPONSE_CODE, NOTE"; strSql += ", SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE, CDR_STATUS"; strSql += " ) "; //, Status, ActionDate)"; strSql += "values("; strSql += "'" + USERNAME + "', '" + SESSION_ID + "', '" + REQUEST_ID + "', '" + MERCHANT_ID + "'"; strSql += " ,'" + IPADDRESS + "', '" + STATUS + "', '" + TRANS_ID + "', '" + MESSAGE_TYPE_ID + "'"; strSql += " ,'" + MSISDN + "', '" + TRANSACTION_AMOUNT + "', '" + CLIENT_ID + "', '" + SYSTEM_TRACE_AUDIT_NUMBER + "'"; strSql += " ,TO_DATE('" + REQUEST_TRANSMISSION_TIME + "','mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM'), TO_DATE('" + RESPONSE_TRANSMISSION_TIME + "','mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss PM'), '" + RESPONSE_CODE + "', '" + NOTE + "'"; strSql += " ,'" + SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE + "', '0'"; strSql += ")"; try { DbObj.ExecuteQuery(strSql, null, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw ex; //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(strSql); //HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); WriteLog("Insert DB failure, ex=" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion }
public void Log(SimpleSystemDataProvider provider) { System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(this.filePath, true); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "-> CPU load: " + provider.CPULoad + " Available RAM: " + provider.AvailableRAM); writer.Close(); }
public static void WriteF(TextBox Mess, string strList, string DumpFile, string OutFile, string user, string password) { #region Tabella template agomento Dictionary <string, string> TemArg = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "[[Template:Album]]", "album discografici" }, { "[[Template:Azienda]]", "aziende" }, { "[[Template:Bio]]", "biografie" }, { "[[Template:Brano musicale]]", "brani musicali" }, { "[[Template:College]]", "università" }, { "[[Template:Università]]", "università" }, { "[[Template:Composto chimico]]", "sostanze chimiche" }, { "[[Template:Corpo celeste]]", "astronomia" }, { "[[Template:Asteroide]]", "astronomia" }, { "[[Template:Discografia]]", "discografie" }, { "[[Template:Divisione amministrativa]]", "geografia" }, { "[[Template:Dramma]]", "teatro" }, { "[[Template:Opera]]", "teatro" }, { "[[Template:Spettacolo teatrale]]", "teatro" }, { "[[Template:Teatro]]", "teatro" }, { "[[Template:Edificio civile]]", "architettura" }, { "[[Template:Edificio religioso]]", "architettura" }, { "[[Template:Festival musicale]]", "festival musicali" }, { "[[Template:Fiction TV]]", "fiction televisive" }, { "[[Template:Film]]", "film" }, { "[[Template:Formazione geologica]]", "geologia" }, { "[[Template:Roccia]]", "geologia" }, { "[[Template:Terremoto]]", "geologia" }, { "[[Template:Episodio Anime]]", "anime e manga" }, { "[[Template:Stagione anime]]", "anime e manga" }, { "[[Template:Videogioco]]", "videogiochi" }, { "[[Template:Infobox aeromobile]]", "aviazione" }, { "[[Template:Infobox aeroporto]]", "aviazione" }, { "[[Template:Auto]]", "automobili" }, { "[[Template:Auto1]]", "automobili" }, { "[[Template:Infobox linea ferroviaria]]", "ferrovie" }, { "[[Template:Infobox stazione ferroviaria]]", "ferrovie" }, { "[[Template:Infobox linea metropolitana]]", "metropolitane" }, { "[[Template:Infobox stazione della metropolitana]]", "metropolitane" }, { "[[Template:Infobox metropolitana]]", "metropolitane" }, { "[[Template:Partito politico]]", "partiti politici" }, { "[[Template:Infobox ponte]]", "ponti" }, { "[[Template:Libro]]", "opere letterarie" }, { "[[Template:Minerale]]", "mineralogia" }, { "[[Template:Montagna]]", "montagna" }, { "[[Template:Catena montuosa]]", "montagna" }, { "[[Template:Valico]]", "montagna" }, { "[[Template:Rifugio]]", "montagna" }, { "[[Template:Museo]]", "musei" }, { "[[Template:Opera d'arte]]", "arte" }, { "[[Template:Prenome]]", "antroponimi" }, { "[[Template:Sito archeologico]]", "siti archeologici" }, { "[[Template:Software]]", "software" }, { "[[Template:Tassobox]]", "biologia" }, { "[[Template:Isola]]", "geografia" }, { "[[Template:Infobox isola]]", "geografia" }, { "[[Template:Competizione cestistica nazionale]]", "competizioni cestistiche" }, { "[[Template:Edizione di competizione sportiva]]", "sport" } }; #endregion #region Tabella categorie agomento Dictionary <string, string> CatArg = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "[[Categoria:Araldica]]", "araldica" }, { "[[Categoria:Cucina]]", "cucina" }, { "[[Categoria:Giappone]]", "Giappone" }, { "[[Categoria:Mitologia]]", "mitologia" }, { "[[Categoria:Scacchi]]", "scacchi" }, { "[[Categoria:Vessillologia]]", "vessillologia" }, { "[[Categoria:Prenome]]", "antroponimi" }, { "[[Categoria:Personaggi cinematografici]]", "personaggi cinematografici" }, { "[[Categoria:Ordini di grandezza]]", "metrologia" }, { "[[Categoria:Ordini di grandezza \\(lunghezza\\)]]", "metrologia" }, { "[[Categoria:Ordini di grandezza \\(temperatura\\)]]", "metrologia" } }; #endregion #region Tabella portale agomento Dictionary <string, string> PorArg = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "Astronomia", "astronomia" }, { "Vessillologia", "vessillologia" }, { "Religioni", "religione" }, { "Aviazione", "aviazione" }, { "Chimica", "chimica" }, { "Geografia", "geografia" }, { "Tennis", "tennis" }, { "Matematica", "matematica" }, { "Astronautica", "astronautica" }, { "Mitologia", "mitologia" }, { "Letteratura", "letteratura" }, { "Oggetti del profondo cielo", "astronomia" }, { "Sistema solare", "astronomia" }, { "Psicologia", "psicologia" }, { "Finlandia", "Finlandia" }, { "Danimarca", "Danimarca" }, { "Cinema", "cinema" }, { "Musica", "musica" }, { "Metrologia", "metrologia" }, { "Politica", "politica" }, { "Calcio", "calcio" }, { "Polonia", "Polonia" }, { "Nuoto", "nuoto" }, { "Tolkien", "Terra di Mezzo" }, { "Australia", "Australia" }, { "Islanda", "Islanda" }, { "Atletica leggera", "atletica leggera" }, { "Automobilismo", "automobilismo" }, { "Trasporti", "trasporti" }, { "Anime e manga", "anime e manga" }, { "Fisica", "fisica" } }; #endregion Mess.AppendText("Iniziato alle " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); string[] lines = strList.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string tmpList = ""; int cont = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < lines.Count(); idx++) { tmpList += lines[idx] + "|"; } tmpList = tmpList.Remove(tmpList.LastIndexOf("|")); List <string> list = Utility.SplitInChunk(tmpList, "|", 500); string strJson = ""; Site WP = new Site("", user, password); System.IO.StreamWriter log = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\ValterVB\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\VBot\File\F da sistemare" + ".txt", false, Encoding.UTF8); string res = ""; foreach (string s in list) { Pages pages = new Pages(); strJson = WP.LoadWP(s); pages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Pages>(strJson); foreach (Page p in pages.query.pages.Values) { if (p.pageid != null) { string text = p.revisions[0].text; text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(text); //wiki text // Esclusione pagine con certi template if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*F\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{F}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*F[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{F else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*S\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*S[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*A\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{A}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*A[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{A else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*NN\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{NN}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*NN[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{NN else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Disambigua\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Disambigua}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Disambigua[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Disambigua else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Controllo di autorità\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Controllo di autorità}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Torna a\s*[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Torna a else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Cita.+[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Cita // Esclusione pagine sulle date else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Decennio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Decennio else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Anno\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Anno else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Secolo\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Secolo else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Millennio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Millennio else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Gennaio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Febbraio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Marzo\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Aprile\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Maggio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Giugno\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Luglio\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Agosto\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Settembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Ottobre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Novembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Dicembre\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{mese else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Numero intero\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{numeri else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*MSC\s*}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{MSC}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Incipit lista cognomi\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Incipit lista cognomi else if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*Incipit lista nomi\s*[|\r\n]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{Incipit lista nomi else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Note\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Bibliografia\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (Regex.Match(text, @"===?=?\s*Collegamenti esterni\s*===?=?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { } //{{S}} else if (text.IndexOf("<ref", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else if (text.IndexOf("http://", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else if (text.IndexOf("https://", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { } else { // Controllo i template string F = "{{F|"; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> templ in TemArg) { string t = templ.Key.Replace("[[Template:", "").Replace("]]", ""); if (Regex.Match(text, @"{{\s*" + t + @"[\r\n]?[\r\n]?\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { F += templ.Value + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM") + " " + DateTime.Now.Year + "}}"; break; } } //Controllo le categorie if (F.IndexOf("}") == -1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> cat in CatArg) { string c = cat.Key.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); if (Regex.Match(text, @"\[\[" + c + @"\]\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success || Regex.Match(text, @"\[\[" + c + @"\s*\|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { F += cat.Value + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM") + " " + DateTime.Now.Year + "}}"; break; } } } //Controllo i portali if (F.IndexOf("}") == -1) { Regex regex = new Regex("({{portale)(\\|.*)+(}})", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled); Match ms = regex.Match(text); string tempValues = ms.Groups[2].Value; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> por in PorArg) { if (tempValues.IndexOf(por.Key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { F += por.Value + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM") + " " + DateTime.Now.Year + "}}"; break; } } } if (F.IndexOf("}") == -1) // no arg { F += "" + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM") + " " + DateTime.Now.Year + "}}"; log.WriteLine(p.title + '\t' + "No argomenti"); } else { Regex regex = new Regex("(\\{\\{(?:[nN]d[ |]|[nN]ota disambigua|[tT]orna a)[^}]*}}|__[^_]+__)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled); bool IsMatch = regex.IsMatch(text); if (IsMatch) { log.WriteLine(p.title + '\t' + "Template in testa"); //res += "*[[" + p.title + "]] \t <nowiki>Template da sistemare</nowiki>" + Environment.NewLine; } else { text = F + Environment.NewLine + p.revisions[0].text; WP.SavePage(p.title, text, "BOT: Add template " + F); res += "*[[" + p.title + "]] \t <nowiki>" + F + "</nowiki>" + Environment.NewLine; cont++; } } } } } } log.Close(); Mess.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); Mess.AppendText(res); Mess.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); Mess.AppendText("Finito alle " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); }
// This program takes around 4 minutes to run static void Main(string[] args) { // Read the previous weeks file DataTable tbl_previous = new DataTable(); DataRow dr; DateTime dt; tbl_previous.Columns.Add("uid"); tbl_previous.Columns.Add("points"); tbl_previous.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tbl_previous.Columns["uid"] }; string fileroot = "C:\\Users\\jnicol\\Documents\\Personal\\eterna\\top200\\"; string filename = fileroot + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv"; System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename); string stUsers, stPuzzles, st; int i1, i2, i3, uid, nid, solves, solves_10, solves_3, solves_switch; int smalleasy_left, specials_left, spores_left, bugs_left, spugs_left; int smallswitches_left, switched_left, minibits_left, mirrors_left, rsod_left; int basicshapes_left, tricksters_left, puzzlets_left, chainletters_left; int smallshape_left, funandeasy_left, boostme_left, structuralrepresentation_left; int puzzles_created, puzzles_created_10, puzzles_created_3, puzzles_created_0; stUsers = sr.ReadLine(); // read header row while ((stUsers = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { dr = tbl_previous.NewRow(); i1 = stUsers.IndexOf("&uid="); i2 = stUsers.IndexOf("\"", i1); dr["uid"] = int.Parse(stUsers.Substring(i1 + 5, i2 - i1 - 5)); i1 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i2 + 1); i1 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1 + 1); i2 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1 + 1); dr["points"] = int.Parse(stUsers.Substring(i1 + 1, i2 - i1 - 1)); tbl_previous.Rows.Add(dr); } sr.Close(); // Build list of Small and Easy puzzles int[] list_smalleasy = { 628737, 640504, 670886, 688515, 688808, 699722, 702500, 727172, 729351, 745238, 764359, 774860, 774863, 784583, 832357, 856771, 865997, 872070, 885411, 889665, 898373, 910810, 930923, 939688, 939735, 972680, 972682, 1006862, 1007132, 1007826, 1010502, 1228731, 1440832 }; // Build list of Special Knowledge puzzles int[] list_special = { 5223102, 5223098, 885402, 885457, 888973, 888975, 888976, 899958, 899967, 899970, 901494, 963091, 963104, 1884715, 1897861 }; // Build list of Spore puzzles int[] list_spore = { 460876, 461243, 461244, 461261, 465866, 465868, 466455, 466483, 466733, 466938, 467048, 467168, 467411, 467590, 467765, 778671, 876296, 876345, 876359 }; // Build list of Bug puzzles int[] list_bug = { 5530420, 5525720, 5509425, 5505453, 5496863, 5486447, 5481670, 5481045, 5440694, 921867, 922555, 922563, 924832, 933750, 934778, 936999, 938388, 939793, 941255, 943678, 949886, 960437, 960440, 966416, 967786, 969286, 970812, 973763, 974760, 975528, 978079, 980508, 982159, 983653, 987506, 989689, 991842, 993722, 998516, 999201, 999856, 1000520, 1001273, 1001452, 1004465, 1005229, 1005956, 1006649, 1006697, 1007275, 1009216, 1009765, 1010399, 1027476, 1040119, 1059293, 1072878, 1088244, 1102242, 1132731, 1140523, 1271121, 1297872, 1333522, 1352620, 1372006, 1392204, 1419605, 1448148, 1464685, 1468791, 1504044, 1504102, 1543791, 1586778, 1594807, 1850224, 1852817, 1855316, 1857288, 1864825, 1868210, 1869954, 1872173, 1883111 }; // Build list of Spug puzzles int[] list_spug = { 2439674, 2441085, 2449037, 2449362, 2453379, 2453413, 2463213, 2466841, 2468887, 2524875, 2524934, 2524972, 2541563, 2541569, 2541588, 2587536, 2587549 }; // Build list of Small Switch Training puzzles int[] list_smallswitch = { 2533540, 2533544, 2533546, 2538013, 2538015, 2538017, 2542160, 2542162, 2545789, 2545791, 2545793, 2549593, 2549595, 2549597, 2553603, 2553605, 2553607, 2559356, 2559358, 2559360, 2563392, 2567228, 2567230, 2567234, 2571137, 2571139, 2571141, 2575665, 2575667, 2575669, 2580108 }; // Build list of Switched puzzles int[] list_switched = { 3705313, 3705311, 3702514, 3702512, 3700303, 3700074, 3698049, 3698047, 3695997, 3695995, 3693541, 3693530, 3691506, 3691504, 3689550, 3689503, 3686825, 3686823, 3683760, 3683758, 3682384, 3682370, 3679656, 3679654, 3676781, 3676779, 3673650, 3673648, 3667963, 3667961, 3665533, 3665511, 3663088, 3663086, 3661424, 3661414, 3659819, 3659783, 3658499, 3658497, 3657188, 3657186, 3655482, 3655480, 3654255, 3654221, 3652459, 3652457, 3650370, 3650342, 3647918, 3647916, 3645882, 3645862, 3643790, 3643788, 3641700, 3641693, 3639394, 3639339, 3637494, 3637493, 3635588, 3635564, 3633640, 3633638, 3631248, 3631246, 3628339, 3628337, 3626230, 3625951, 3623546, 3623544, 3618698, 3618696, 3614581, 3614579, 3609678, 3609634, 3607565, 3607563, 3604910, 3604908, 3602898, 3602884, 3600202, 3600194, 3597844, 3597842, 3596083, 3596081, 3593915, 3593913, 3591908, 3591906, 3589496, 3589494, 3586262, 3586260 }; // Build list of Minibit puzzles int[] list_minibit = { 3194553, 3194555, 3194557, 3196597, 3196599, 3196601, 3199302, 3199304, 3199306, 3201634, 3201638, 3201641, 3203863, 3203865, 3203867, 3205977, 3205979, 3205981, 3207952, 3207954, 3207956, 3209906, 3209908, 3209910, 3211446, 3211448, 3211450, 3214259, 3214261, 3214263, 3216473, 3216475, 3216477, 3221494, 3221496, 3221498, 3223907, 3223909, 3223911 }; // Build list of Mirror puzzles int[] list_mirror = { 2335599, 2338875, 2339567, 2340979, 2341643, 2369997, 2370153, 2373022, 2373374, 2373407, 2376546, 2377064, 2377197, 2380827, 2382071, 2382120, 2384531, 2386304, 2386481, 2386913, 2388507, 2411141, 2423683, 2426603, 2429500, 2431208, 2431423, 2434137, 2434605, 2437476, 2443488, 2444502, 2445030, 2448260, 2448783, 2449592, 2450948, 2453341, 2454292, 2455815, 2455886, 2458323, 2460051, 2462604, 2476060, 2498108, 2502516, 2520278, 2520326, 2520940, 2545244, 2545409, 2553058, 2575235, 2579034, 2579990, 2580963, 2584160, 2585311, 2588855, 2627082, 2643182, 2648696, 2648914, 2648933, 2652503, 2659887, 2661246, 2668638, 2670271, 2674992, 2675488, 2675535, 2686833, 2701431, 2701511, 2702128, 2715708, 2749275, 2811274, 2820413, 2820486, 2820629, 2823117, 2824303, 2824342, 2824485, 2829857, 2831459, 2832205, 2838539, 2838547, 2838578, 2842197, 2842623, 2842834, 2846271, 2846307, 2846318, 2849613, 2849619, 2849632, 2853805, 2853819, 2853838, 3399967, 3401552, 3426467, 3480879 }; // Build list of RSOD puzzles int[] list_rsod = { 3393925, 3394089, 3394117, 3396457, 3396533, 3399345, 3401274, 3403367, 3404848, 3406585, 3407488, 3409371, 3409377, 3412912, 3416592, 3416714, 3421857, 3421866, 3424676, 3426814, 3450032, 3450037, 3450046, 3454012, 3454014, 3457291, 3457293, 3462543, 3462558, 3462577, 3465664, 3465669, 3470194, 3470196, 3474134, 3474137, 3477169, 3477171, 3479768, 3479770, 3479772, 3482668, 3482671, 3488870, 3488872, 3488878, 3492812, 3492814, 3492816, 3495694 }; // Build list of Basic Shapes puzzles int[] list_basicshapes = { 4186996, 4178237, 4172190, 4172108, 4156377, 4147399, 4147194, 4142431, 4138842, 4138782 }; // Build list of Trickster puzzles int[] list_tricksters = { 3225468, 3225500, 3226151, 3229453, 3233285, 3233537, 3266478, 3237235, 3236996, 3237312, 3239434, 3239490, 3239528, 3241848, 3241890, 3242035, 3243833, 3245958, 3246013, 3246015, 3248262, 3248719, 3250817, 3252065, 3252980, 3257059, 3258384, 3260582, 3267592, 3273924, 3273936, 3276889, 3276988, 3284843, 3297637, 3307368, 3319288, 3327649 }; // Build list of Puzzlet puzzles int[] list_puzzlets = { 5198481, 4930143, 4897017, 4886806, 4828344, 4783555, 4776227, 4756464, 4645515, 4634091, 4590639, 4494158, 4368285, 4360718, 4315075, 4263194, 4227188, 4225993, 4219585, 4182414, 4120729, 4105616, 4072226, 4043234, 3950819, 3923361, 3822755, 3756527, 3734129, 3722616, 3712599, 3709868, 3694841, 3686673, 3651180, 3637090, 3602614, 3581766, 3559860, 3538808, 3494415, 3488747, 3482930, 3471681, 3394672, 3365126, 3339877, 3282479, 3232217, 3060315, 2725418 }; // Build list of Chain Letter puzzles int[] list_chainletters = { 4330993, 4326759, 4304242, 4298776, 4286424, 4277890, 4270923, 4270435, 4270026, 4260214, 4260089, 4243747, 4239119, 4231840, 4229935, 4218598, 4217256, 4215977, 4215035, 4180071, 4170805, 4170728, 4170704, 4170031, 4169065, 4162378, 4159873, 4159234, 4156764, 4147338, 4138661, 4137798, 4136281, 4135015, 4061187, 4033926, 3985684, 3981699, 3970582, 3967229, 3965981, 3965816, 3965181, 3921786, 3921662 }; // Build list of Small Shape puzzles int[] list_smallshape = { 4772231, 4769685, 4244663, 4228114, 3932181, 3279461, 3279438, 3240251, 3236236, 3222762, 3063908, 2844270, 2628059, 1656115, 1651904, 1651802, 1651792, 1642982, 1636377, 1626167, 1611914, 1591298, 1480361, 1474060, 1441422, 1391383, 1381029, 1010333, 1002989, 999017, 996310, 992679 }; // Build list of Fun and Easy puzzles int[] list_funandeasy = { 5281156, 5105539, 5026553, 5014799, 4979935, 4979895, 4883332, 4783904, 4729246, 4724109, 4694891, 4678864, 4674492, 4674384, 4668765, 4666355, 4664286, 4629746, 4478518, 4314613, 4314460, 4292190, 4285613, 4274825, 4267575, 4230426, 4226698, 4222487, 4217147, 4213427, 4213395, 4182418, 4180191, 4166011, 4157365, 4151044, 4147695 }; // Build list of Boost Me puzzles int[] list_boostme = { 5613941, 5583207, 5529736, 5279262, 5121238, 4946971, 4856002, 4855990, 4847938, 4734631, 4729443, 4728241, 4728231, 4662025, 4660092, 4537091, 4314813, 4156764, 4147747, 4142946, 4124882, 4120153, 4120117, 4047253, 4044779, 4042666, 3993116, 3737063, 3737060, 3736687, 3679326, 3679036, 3679026, 3579951, 3507264, 3503132, 3453294, 3449552, 3435216, 3435181, 3296525, 3288665, 3277396, 3242065, 3195259, 3158139, 3134772, 3105234, 3086598, 3043459, 3043106, 3015187, 2942052, 2941941, 2899022, 2873700, 2873693, 2870396, 2870321, 2870306, 2648450, 2644112, 2570264, 2569947, 2564567, 2564440, 2564119, 2532266, 2504087, 2486427 }; // Build list of Structural Representation puzzles int[] list_structuralrepresentation = { 5660043, 5657210, 5654891, 5654259, 5645689, 5635123, 5618938, 5618266, 5616125, 5613679, 5610873, 5608529, 5608370, 5605703, 5600472, 5591881, 5586320, 5581188, 5439579, 5385961, 5374293, 5322111, 5131139, 5124253, 5124201, 5101218, 5073097, 5059595, 5056041, 5053782, 5051829, 5048047, 5047877, 5047128, 5044902, 5041827, 5031725, 5028157, 5028048, 5026729, 5022815, 5022758, 5021911, 5016432, 5014369, 5011439, 5005929, 5005358, 5001488, 5000710, 5000520, 4997070, 4987260, 4980809, 4978220, 4976363, 4968741, 4964531, 4960368, 4955951, 4945820, 4937703, 4926788, 4923214, 4921006, 4919751, 4914184, 4908922, 4906780, 4902098, 4891834, 4885180, 4881673, 4878721, 4873229, 4869706, 4867445, 4858412, 4853858, 4841319, 4841197, 4833286, 4827975, 4809285, 4793787, 4782674, 4780635, 4780516, 4774127, 4773812, 4751705, 4751447, 4746999, 4743342, 4742777, 4738347, 4706909, 4705281, 4701173, 4698233, 4697123, 4696738, 4693666, 4692254, 4689362, 4684360, 4684273, 4654489, 4654014, 4647200, 4646468, 4643852, 4640099, 4639237, 4638101, 4634619, 4634331, 4632800, 4628539, 4625824, 4625345, 4622632, 4616282, 4611379, 4610972, 4609606, 4580740, 4546466, 4534090, 4526464, 4525234, 4522394, 4516551, 4516334, 4513428, 4506931, 4505449, 4498411, 4495188, 4490158, 4482931, 4482310, 4480623, 4467937, 4466852, 4458253, 4422345, 4420974, 4413623, 4342791, 4342361, 4341547, 4329159, 4327990, 4327576, 4323762, 4322254, 4322018, 4316121, 4315886 }; // Get all puzzles that have 10 or less solvers DataTable tbl_puzzle = new DataTable(); System.Net.WebRequest req; System.IO.StreamReader rsp; tbl_puzzle.Columns.Add("nid"); tbl_puzzle.Columns.Add("solves"); tbl_puzzle.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tbl_puzzle.Columns["nid"] }; i2 = 0; i3 = 5000; stPuzzles = ""; // skip the first 5000 puzzles since they have 16 or more solvers while (stPuzzles == "" || stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"id\"") > 0) { while ((i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"id\"", i2)) > 0) { i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); nid = int.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 6, i2 - i1 - 7)); i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"created\"", i2); i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); dt = new DateTime(long.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 11, i2 - i1 - 12)) * 10000000 + DateTime.Parse("1-1-1970").Ticks); i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"num-cleared\"", i2); i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); st = stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 15, i2 - i1 - 16); if (int.TryParse(st, out i1)) { solves = int.Parse(st); } else { solves = 0; } if (solves <= 10 && dt.CompareTo(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7)) == -1) // only get puzzles with 10 or less solves that are older than 1 week { dr = tbl_puzzle.NewRow(); dr["nid"] = nid; dr["solves"] = solves; tbl_puzzle.Rows.Add(dr); } } req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("" + i3.ToString()); rsp = new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); stPuzzles = rsp.ReadToEnd(); i3 = i3 + 100; i2 = 0; } // Get all switch puzzles DataTable tbl_switches = new DataTable(); tbl_switches.Columns.Add("nid"); tbl_switches.Columns.Add("solves"); tbl_switches.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tbl_switches.Columns["nid"] }; i2 = 0; i3 = 0; stPuzzles = ""; while (stPuzzles == "" || stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"id\"") > 0) { while ((i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"id\"", i2)) > 0) { i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); nid = int.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 6, i2 - i1 - 7)); i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"created\"", i2); i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); dt = new DateTime(long.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 11, i2 - i1 - 12)) * 10000000 + DateTime.Parse("1-1-1970").Ticks); i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"num-cleared\"", i2); i2 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); st = stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 15, i2 - i1 - 16); if (int.TryParse(st, out i1)) { solves = int.Parse(st); } else { solves = 0; } dr = tbl_switches.NewRow(); dr["nid"] = nid; dr["solves"] = solves; tbl_switches.Rows.Add(dr); } req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("" + i3.ToString()); rsp = new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); stPuzzles = rsp.ReadToEnd(); i3 = i3 + 100; i2 = 0; } // Get the top 200 players DataTable tbl_current = new DataTable(); tbl_current.Columns.Add("uid"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("uname"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("points"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("started"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("solves"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("solves_switch"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("solves_10"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("solves_3"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzles_created"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzles_created_bns"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzles_created_10"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzles_created_3"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzles_created_0"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("smalleasy_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("specials_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("spores_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("bugs_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("spugs_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("smallswitches_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("switched_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("minibits_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("mirrors_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("rsod_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("basicshapes_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("tricksters_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("puzzlets_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("chainletters_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("smallshape_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("funandeasy_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("boostme_left"); tbl_current.Columns.Add("structuralrepresentation_left"); DataTable tbl_created = new DataTable(); tbl_created.Columns.Add("nid"); tbl_created.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tbl_created.Columns["nid"] }; req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(""); rsp = new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); stUsers = rsp.ReadToEnd(); i2 = 0; while ((i1 = stUsers.IndexOf("\"uid\"", i2)) > 0) { i2 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1); uid = int.Parse(stUsers.Substring(i1 + 7, i2 - i1 - 8)); // Get each players created puzzle list req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("" + uid.ToString()); rsp = new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); stPuzzles = rsp.ReadToEnd(); i3 = 0; tbl_created.Clear(); puzzles_created = 0; puzzles_created_10 = 0; puzzles_created_3 = 0; puzzles_created_0 = 0; while ((i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"id\"", i3 + 1)) > 0) { dr = tbl_created.NewRow(); i3 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); nid = int.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 6, i3 - i1 - 7)); dr["nid"] = nid; tbl_created.Rows.Add(dr); puzzles_created++; dr = tbl_puzzle.Rows.Find(nid); // find 10 or less puzzles solved if (dr != null) { puzzles_created_10++; if (int.Parse(dr["solves"].ToString()) <= 3) { puzzles_created_3++; if (int.Parse(dr["solves"].ToString()) == 0) { puzzles_created_0++; } } } } // Get each players solved puzzle list req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("" + uid.ToString()); rsp = new System.IO.StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); stPuzzles = rsp.ReadToEnd(); i3 = 0; solves = 0; solves_10 = 0; solves_3 = 0; solves_switch = 0; smalleasy_left = list_smalleasy.Length; specials_left = list_special.Length; spores_left = list_spore.Length; bugs_left = list_bug.Length; spugs_left = list_spug.Length; smallswitches_left = list_smallswitch.Length; switched_left = list_switched.Length; minibits_left = list_minibit.Length; mirrors_left = list_mirror.Length; rsod_left = list_rsod.Length; basicshapes_left = list_basicshapes.Length; tricksters_left = list_tricksters.Length; puzzlets_left = list_puzzlets.Length; chainletters_left = list_chainletters.Length; smallshape_left = list_smallshape.Length; funandeasy_left = list_funandeasy.Length; boostme_left = list_boostme.Length; structuralrepresentation_left = list_structuralrepresentation.Length; while ((i1 = stPuzzles.IndexOf("\"nid\"", i3 + 1)) > 0) { solves++; i3 = stPuzzles.IndexOf(",", i1); nid = int.Parse(stPuzzles.Substring(i1 + 7, i3 - i1 - 8)); dr = tbl_puzzle.Rows.Find(nid); // find 10 or less puzzles solved if (dr != null) { solves_10++; if (int.Parse(dr["solves"].ToString()) <= 3) { solves_3++; } } dr = tbl_created.Rows.Find(nid); // remove from puzzles created list if it has been solved if (dr != null) { tbl_created.Rows.Remove(dr); } dr = tbl_switches.Rows.Find(nid); // find switches solved if (dr != null) { solves_switch++; } if (Array.Find(list_smalleasy, id => id == nid) > 0) { smalleasy_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_special, id => id == nid) > 0) { specials_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_spore, id => id == nid) > 0) { spores_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_bug, id => id == nid) > 0) { bugs_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_spug, id => id == nid) > 0) { spugs_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_smallswitch, id => id == nid) > 0) { smallswitches_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_switched, id => id == nid) > 0) { switched_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_minibit, id => id == nid) > 0) { minibits_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_mirror, id => id == nid) > 0) { mirrors_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_rsod, id => id == nid) > 0) { rsod_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_basicshapes, id => id == nid) > 0) { basicshapes_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_tricksters, id => id == nid) > 0) { tricksters_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_puzzlets, id => id == nid) > 0) { puzzlets_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_chainletters, id => id == nid) > 0) { chainletters_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_smallshape, id => id == nid) > 0) { smallshape_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_funandeasy, id => id == nid) > 0) { funandeasy_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_boostme, id => id == nid) > 0) { boostme_left--; } else if (Array.Find(list_structuralrepresentation, id => id == nid) > 0) { structuralrepresentation_left--; } } // Check each players created but not solved puzzle list for 10 or less puzzles solved and switches solved for (i1 = 0; i1 < tbl_created.Rows.Count; i1++) { nid = int.Parse(tbl_created.Rows[i1]["nid"].ToString()); dr = tbl_puzzle.Rows.Find(nid); if (dr != null) { solves_10++; if (int.Parse(dr["solves"].ToString()) <= 3) { solves_3++; } } dr = tbl_switches.Rows.Find(nid); if (dr != null) { solves_switch++; } } // Save each players solved stats dr = tbl_current.NewRow(); dr["uid"] = uid; i1 = i2 + 9; i2 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1); dr["uname"] = stUsers.Substring(i1, i2 - i1 - 1); i1 = stUsers.IndexOf("\"points\"", i2); i2 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1); dr["points"] = stUsers.Substring(i1 + 10, i2 - i1 - 11); i1 = stUsers.IndexOf("\"created\"", i2); i2 = stUsers.IndexOf(",", i1); dr["started"] = stUsers.Substring(i1 + 11, i2 - i1 - 12); dr["solves"] = solves; dr["solves_switch"] = solves_switch; dr["solves_10"] = solves_10; dr["solves_3"] = solves_3; dr["puzzles_created"] = puzzles_created; dr["puzzles_created_bns"] = tbl_created.Rows.Count; dr["puzzles_created_10"] = puzzles_created_10; dr["puzzles_created_3"] = puzzles_created_3; dr["puzzles_created_0"] = puzzles_created_0; dr["smalleasy_left"] = smalleasy_left; dr["specials_left"] = specials_left; dr["spores_left"] = spores_left; dr["bugs_left"] = bugs_left; dr["spugs_left"] = spugs_left; dr["smallswitches_left"] = smallswitches_left; dr["switched_left"] = switched_left; dr["minibits_left"] = minibits_left; dr["mirrors_left"] = mirrors_left; dr["rsod_left"] = rsod_left; dr["basicshapes_left"] = basicshapes_left; dr["tricksters_left"] = tricksters_left; dr["puzzlets_left"] = puzzlets_left; dr["chainletters_left"] = chainletters_left; dr["smallshape_left"] = smallshape_left; dr["funandeasy_left"] = funandeasy_left; dr["boostme_left"] = boostme_left; dr["structuralrepresentation_left"] = structuralrepresentation_left; tbl_current.Rows.Add(dr); } // Write the stats to a new file filename = fileroot + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv"; System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename); sw.WriteLine("Rank,Player,Playing Since,Points as of,Points as of,Points / Day,Last Week,Puzzles Solved,Switches,Puzzles Solved 10 or less solvers,Puzzles Solved 3 or less solvers,Puzzles Created,Puzzles Created But Not Solved,Puzzles Created 10 or less solvers,Puzzles Created 3 or less solvers,Puzzles Created with 0 solvers,Small and Easy left,Special Knowledge left,Spores left,Bugs left,Spugs left,Basic Shapes left,Small Switches left,Switched left,Minibits left,Mirrors left,RSOD left,Tricksters left,Puzzlets left,Chain Letters left,Small Shape left,Fun and Easy left,Boost Me left,Structural Representation left"); for (i1 = 0; i1 < tbl_current.Rows.Count; i1++) { stUsers = (i1 + 1).ToString() + ",\"=hyperlink(\"\""; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["uid"] + "\"\";\"\"" + tbl_current.Rows[i1]["uname"] + "\"\")\","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["started"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["points"] + ","; dr = tbl_previous.Rows.Find(tbl_current.Rows[i1]["uid"]); if (dr == null) { i2 = 0; } else { i2 = int.Parse(dr["points"].ToString()); } stUsers += i2.ToString() + ","; dt = DateTime.Parse(tbl_current.Rows[i1]["started"].ToString()); stUsers += (int.Parse(tbl_current.Rows[i1]["points"].ToString()) / DateTime.Today.Subtract(dt).Days).ToString() + ","; stUsers += (int.Parse(tbl_current.Rows[i1]["points"].ToString()) - i2).ToString() + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["solves"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["solves_switch"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["solves_10"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["solves_3"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzles_created"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzles_created_bns"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzles_created_10"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzles_created_3"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzles_created_0"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["smalleasy_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["specials_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["spores_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["bugs_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["spugs_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["basicshapes_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["smallswitches_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["switched_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["minibits_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["mirrors_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["rsod_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["tricksters_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["puzzlets_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["chainletters_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["smallshape_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["funandeasy_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["boostme_left"] + ","; stUsers += tbl_current.Rows[i1]["structuralrepresentation_left"]; sw.WriteLine(stUsers); } sw.Close(); }
internal static void WriteRecordingsToFile(TranscriptCmdletBase cmdlet, string fileName) { // System.IO.StreamWriter writer0001 = // new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\1\__writer0001__.txt"); // for (int i = 0; i < Recorder.recordingCollection.Count; i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < Recorder.recordingCollection[i].Items.Count; j++) { // // RecordedWebElement webE = Recorder.recordingCollection[i].Items[j] as RecordedWebElement; // RecordedAction actE = Recorder.recordingCollection[i].Items[j] as RecordedAction; // RecordedData dataE = Recorder.recordingCollection[i].Items[j] as RecordedData; // // if (null != webE) { // foreach (string webKey in webE.UserData.Keys) { // writer0001.WriteLine("\r\n" + webKey + "\t" + webE.UserData[webKey]); // } // writer0001.Flush(); // } else if (null != actE) { // foreach (string actKey in actE.UserData.Keys) { // writer0001.WriteLine("\r\n" + actKey + "\t" + actE.UserData[actKey]); // } // writer0001.Flush(); // } else if (null != dataE) { // foreach (string dataKey in dataE.UserData.Keys) { // writer0001.WriteLine("\r\n" + dataKey + "\t" + dataE.UserData[dataKey]); // } // writer0001.Flush(); // } else { // writer0001.WriteLine("\r\nother"); // writer0001.Flush(); // } // } // } // writer0001.Flush(); // writer0001.Close(); cmdlet.WriteVerbose(cmdlet, "WriteRecordingsToFile"); var commonData = string.Empty; //foreach (IRecordedCodeSequence codeSequence in recordingCollection) { foreach (var codeSequence in RecordingCollection) { commonData = ConvertCodeSequenceToCode(codeSequence, (new PsLanguage()), commonData); Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< written >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } if (string.Empty != commonData) { Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< string.Empty != commonData >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); try { using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName)) { Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< writing to the file >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); writer.WriteLine(commonData); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< written to the file >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } } catch (Exception eOutputFileProblem) { Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< error >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); cmdlet.WriteError( cmdlet, "Couldn't save data to the file '" + fileName + "'. " + eOutputFileProblem.Message, "FailedToSaveData", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, true); } } else { Console.WriteLine("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< error2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); cmdlet.WriteError( cmdlet, "Nothing was recorded", "NoRecords", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, false); } Console.WriteLine("FINISHED!!!!!!!!"); }
private void closeFile() { sw.Close(); fileStream.Close(); }
public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window*/) { PlanSetup plan = context.PlanSetup; StructureSet ss = context.StructureSet; if (plan == null) { MessageBox.Show("Load a plan!"); return; } if (plan.IsDoseValid == false) { MessageBox.Show("plan has no dose calculated!"); return; } //User places point called "TopLeft" in top left corner where scan will start before running script Structure refMarker = (from s in ss.Structures where s.Id == "TopLeft" select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (refMarker == null) { MessageBox.Show("No marker point called TopLeft found."); return; } VVector topLeft = refMarker.CenterPoint; //User places point called "BottomRight" in bottom right corner where scan will stop before running script Structure refMarker2 = (from s in ss.Structures where s.Id == "BottomRight" select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (refMarker == null) { MessageBox.Show("No marker point called BottomRight found."); return; } VVector bottomRight = refMarker2.CenterPoint; VVector topRight = new VVector(bottomRight.x, topLeft.y, topLeft.z); VVector bottomLeft = new VVector(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomRight.z); int column = 255; // arbitrarily make 255x255 (since that's what Excel can handle) int row = 255; double[] buffer = new double[column]; double xDist = (VVector.Distance(topLeft, topRight)) / (double)column; string filename = string.Format(@"c:\temp\doseplane.csv"); using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.ASCII)) { sw.Write("Y[cm]...X[cm],"); for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) { sw.Write("{0},", MMtoCM(Math.Round(topLeft.x + (xDist * i), 3))); } sw.WriteLine(""); double zDist = (VVector.Distance(topLeft, bottomLeft)) / (double)row; for (int j = 0; j < row; j++) { // figure out new start and stop points for the row we are scanning, then get the dose profile (scan it) double newZ = topLeft.z - (zDist * j); VVector newRowStart = topLeft; VVector newRowEnd = topRight; newRowStart.z = newZ; newRowEnd.z = newZ; // scan the row DoseProfile dp = plan.Dose.GetDoseProfile(newRowStart, newRowEnd, buffer); sw.Write("{0},", MMtoCM(Math.Round(newZ, 3))); foreach (var profilePt in dp) { sw.Write("{0},", Math.Round(profilePt.Value, 6)); } sw.WriteLine(""); } sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format(@"File written to '{0}'", filename), "Varian Developer"); } // 'Start' generated CSV file to launch Excel window System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename); // Sleep for a few seconds to let Excel to start System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); }
private void saveFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { System.IO.StreamWriter objWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName); objWriter.WriteLine(textBox1.Text); objWriter.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Refresh preview (if needed). Dependends on current environment and changed ETag. /// The preview is valid for remote and local view. /// First call will always lead to preview. /// /// /Files/LocalPreview/Server/Path-To-File/file.preview.ext /// /Files/LocalPreview/Server/Path-To-File/file.etag /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> public void RefreshPreview(File file) { _file = file; bool createEtag = false; string path = "Files/LocalPreview/" + _info.Hostname + "/" + _file.FilePath + ".etag"; var isf = App.DataContext.Storage; { if (isf.FileExists(path)) { var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(isf.OpenFile(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open)); if (reader.ReadToEnd() == _file.ETag) { reader.Close(); return; } reader.Close(); } else { createEtag = true; } } // create main type if (_enabled) { switch (_file.FileType.Split('/').First()) { case "text": TextPreview(); break; case "image": ImagePreview(); break; case "application": // try PDF content fetch TextContentPreview(); break; default: PreviewIcon(file.IsDirectory); break; } } else { PreviewIcon(); createEtag = false; } if (createEtag) { var storagePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!isf.DirectoryExists(storagePath)) { isf.CreateDirectory(storagePath); } var stream = isf.CreateFile(path); System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(stream); writer.Write(_file.ETag); writer.Close(); } }
public void myReader() { TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); // client.ExclusiveAdmyReaderdressUse = true; var result = client.BeginConnect(ip, port, null, null); var sucess = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); while (true) { if (!sucess) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { try { byte[] bytesFrom = new byte[1000]; if (client.Connected) { var stream = client.GetStream(); stream.Read(bytesFrom, 0, 1000); string readData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesFrom); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"D:\\Barcode\BarcodeReader.txt", false); // Console.WriteLine("barcode" + barcode); file.WriteLine(readData); file.Close(); } else { client = null; client = new TcpClient(); client.ExclusiveAddressUse = true; result = client.BeginConnect(ip, port, null, null); sucess = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); client = null; client = new TcpClient(); client.ExclusiveAddressUse = true; result = client.BeginConnect(ip, port, null, null); sucess = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } sucess = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
private bool CreateEntity(string nameSpace, string tableName) { bool retval = false; try { string className = tableName.Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "Entity"; System.Collections.ArrayList columns = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(this.path + @"\Common\Entities")) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(this.path + @"\Common\Entities"); } System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(this.path + @"\Common\Entities\" + className + ".cs"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("using System;"); sb.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;"); sb.AppendLine("using System.Text;"); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.Append("namespace "); sb.Append(nameSpace); sb.Append(".Common.Entities"); sb.AppendLine(" {"); sb.Append("public class "); sb.Append(className); sb.AppendLine(" {"); //get columns using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString)) { cnn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME=@tableName", cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tableName", tableName)); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); while (reader.Read()) { string columnName = reader["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); string dataType = reader["DATA_TYPE"].ToString(); string type = string.Empty; Column col = new Column(); col.Name = columnName; col.DataType = dataType; columns.Add(col); switch (dataType) { case "uniqueidentifier": type = "Guid"; break; case "nvarchar": type = "string"; break; case "varchar": type = "string"; break; case "text": type = "string"; break; case "float": type = "double"; break; case "int": type = "int"; break; case "bigint": type = "long"; break; case "bit": type = "bool"; break; case "datetime": type = "DateTime"; break; } //public properties sb.Append("public "); sb.Append(type); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(columnName); sb.AppendLine(" {"); sb.Append("get;"); sb.Append("set;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); } } //new entity method //public static ClassEntity NewClassEntity() { // ClassEntity entity = new ClassEntity(); // entity.ClassKey = Guid.NewGuid(); // entity.Title = string.Empty; // entity.Description = string.Empty; // entity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; // entity.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; // return entity; //} sb.Append("public static "); sb.Append(className); sb.Append(" New"); sb.Append(className); sb.AppendLine("() {"); sb.Append(className); sb.Append(" entity = new "); sb.Append(className); sb.AppendLine("();"); foreach (object ocol in columns) { Column col = (Column)ocol; switch (col.DataType) { case "uniqueidentifier": sb.Append("entity."); sb.Append(col.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.AppendLine("Guid.NewGuid();"); break; case "nvarchar": sb.Append("entity."); sb.Append(col.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.AppendLine("string.Empty;"); break; case "varchar": sb.Append("entity."); sb.Append(col.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.AppendLine("string.Empty;"); break; case "text": sb.Append("entity."); sb.Append(col.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.AppendLine("string.Empty;"); break; case "datetime": sb.Append("entity."); sb.Append(col.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.AppendLine("DateTime.Now;"); break; } } sb.AppendLine("return entity;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // merge method sb.Append("public void Merge("); sb.Append(className); sb.AppendLine(" obj) {"); foreach (object ocol in columns) { Column col = (Column)ocol; switch (col.DataType) { case "uniqueidentifier": sb.AppendLine("if (obj." + col.Name + " != Guid.Empty) { this." + col.Name + " = obj." + col.Name + "; }"); break; case "nvarchar": case "varchar": case "text": sb.AppendLine("if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj." + col.Name + ")) { this." + col.Name + " = obj." + col.Name + "; }"); break; case "datetime": sb.AppendLine("if (obj." + col.Name + " > DateTime.MinValue) { this." + col.Name + " = obj." + col.Name + "; }"); break; case "int": case "bigint": case "decimal": sb.AppendLine("if (obj." + col.Name + " > 0) { this." + col.Name + " = obj." + col.Name + "; }"); break; } } /* * public void Merge(InvoicesEntity obj) { * if (obj.InvoiceKey != Guid.Empty) { this.InvoiceKey = obj.InvoiceKey; } * } */ sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("}"); writer.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); writer.Close(); retval = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(retval); }
public static void WriteToFile(string path, string Text) { System.IO.StreamWriter oStreamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path); oStreamWriter.Write(Text); oStreamWriter.Close(); }