public HelloMessage(OmniSecureConnectionVersion[] versions) { if (versions is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("versions"); } if (versions.Length > 32) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("versions"); } this.Versions = new Omnix.Collections.ReadOnlyListSlim <OmniSecureConnectionVersion>(versions); { var __h = new System.HashCode(); foreach (var n in this.Versions) { if (n != default) { __h.Add(n.GetHashCode()); } } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public OmniSignature(string name, OmniHash hash) { if (name is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (name.Length > 32) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name"); } this.Name = name; this.Hash = hash; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Name != default) { __h.Add(this.Name.GetHashCode()); } if (this.Hash != default) { __h.Add(this.Hash.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public ThumbnailsCache(Thumbnail[] thumbnails) { if (thumbnails is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("thumbnails"); } if (thumbnails.Length > 1024) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("thumbnails"); } foreach (var n in thumbnails) { if (n is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("n"); } } this.Thumbnails = new Omnix.Collections.ReadOnlyListSlim <Thumbnail>(thumbnails); { var __h = new System.HashCode(); foreach (var n in this.Thumbnails) { if (n != default) { __h.Add(n.GetHashCode()); } } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public FileId(string path, ulong length, Omnix.Serialization.RocketPack.Timestamp lastWriteTime) { if (path is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (path.Length > 1024) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("path"); } this.Path = path; this.Length = length; this.LastWriteTime = lastWriteTime; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Path != default) { __h.Add(this.Path.GetHashCode()); } if (this.Length != default) { __h.Add(this.Length.GetHashCode()); } if (this.LastWriteTime != default) { __h.Add(this.LastWriteTime.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public ContentId(ContentType type, string path) { if (path is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (path.Length > 1024) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("path"); } this.Type = type; this.Path = path; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Type != default) { __h.Add(this.Type.GetHashCode()); } if (this.Path != default) { __h.Add(this.Path.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public VerificationMessage(ProfileMessage profileMessage, OmniAgreementPublicKey agreementPublicKey) { if (profileMessage is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("profileMessage"); } if (agreementPublicKey is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("agreementPublicKey"); } this.ProfileMessage = profileMessage; this.AgreementPublicKey = agreementPublicKey; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.ProfileMessage != default) { __h.Add(this.ProfileMessage.GetHashCode()); } if (this.AgreementPublicKey != default) { __h.Add(this.AgreementPublicKey.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public AuthenticationMessage(System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte>[] hashes) { if (hashes is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("hashes"); } if (hashes.Length > 32) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("hashes"); } foreach (var n in hashes) { if (n.Length > 32) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n"); } } this.Hashes = new Omnix.Collections.ReadOnlyListSlim <System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> >(hashes); { var __h = new System.HashCode(); foreach (var n in this.Hashes) { if (!n.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(n.Span)); } } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public SessionDataMessage(ulong sessionId, bool isCompleted, System.Buffers.IMemoryOwner <byte> data) { if (data is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("data"); } if (data.Memory.Length > 262144) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("data"); } this.SessionId = sessionId; this.IsCompleted = isCompleted; _data = data; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.SessionId != default) { __h.Add(this.SessionId.GetHashCode()); } if (this.IsCompleted != default) { __h.Add(this.IsCompleted.GetHashCode()); } if (!this.Data.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(this.Data.Span)); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public OmniAgreementPrivateKey(Omnix.Serialization.RocketPack.Timestamp creationTime, OmniAgreementAlgorithmType algorithmType, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> privateKey) { if (privateKey.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("privateKey"); } this.CreationTime = creationTime; this.AlgorithmType = algorithmType; this.PrivateKey = privateKey; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.CreationTime != default) { __h.Add(this.CreationTime.GetHashCode()); } if (this.AlgorithmType != default) { __h.Add(this.AlgorithmType.GetHashCode()); } if (!this.PrivateKey.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(this.PrivateKey.Span)); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
// TODO: why are we copying all these readonly fields of the endpoint? internal TcpConnector( TcpEndpoint endpoint, Communicator communicator, EndPoint addr, INetworkProxy?proxy, IPAddress?sourceAddr, int timeout, string connectionId) { _endpoint = endpoint; _communicator = communicator; _addr = addr; _proxy = proxy; _sourceAddr = sourceAddr; _timeout = timeout; _connectionId = connectionId; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_addr); if (_sourceAddr != null) { hash.Add(_sourceAddr); } hash.Add(_timeout); hash.Add(_connectionId); _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
// // Only for use by UdpEndpointI // internal UdpConnector( Communicator communicator, EndPoint addr, IPAddress?sourceAddr, string mcastInterface, int mcastTtl, string connectionId) { _communicator = communicator; _addr = addr; _sourceAddr = sourceAddr; _mcastInterface = mcastInterface; _mcastTtl = mcastTtl; _connectionId = connectionId; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_addr); if (sourceAddr != null) { hash.Add(_sourceAddr); } hash.Add(_mcastInterface); hash.Add(_mcastTtl); hash.Add(_connectionId); _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
public static int GetHashCode <TKey, TValue>(IReadOnlyDictionary <TKey, TValue> d) where TKey : notnull { var hash = new System.HashCode(); foreach (KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> e in d) { hash.Add(e.Key); hash.Add(e.Value); } return(hash.ToHashCode()); }
/// <summary>Computes the hash code for a dictionary.</summary> /// <param name="dict">The dictionary.</param> /// <returns>A hash code computed using the dictionary's entries.</returns> internal static int GetDictionaryHashCode <TKey, TValue>(this IReadOnlyDictionary <TKey, TValue> dict) where TKey : notnull { var hash = new System.HashCode(); foreach (KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> e in dict) { hash.Add(e.Key); hash.Add(e.Value); } return(hash.ToHashCode()); }
public static int GetHashCode <T>(this T[]?arr) { var hash = new System.HashCode(); if (arr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { hash.Add(arr[i]); } } return(hash.ToHashCode()); }
public SessionCloseMessage(ulong sessionId) { this.SessionId = sessionId; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.SessionId != default) { __h.Add(this.SessionId.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { System.HashCode hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(DisablePanoramaNavigation); hash.Add(LocationToLookAt); hash.Add(OverviewMapMode); hash.Add(PanoramaInfo); hash.Add(PanoramaLookupRadius); hash.Add(ShowCurrentAddress); hash.Add(ShowExitButton); hash.Add(ShowHeadingCompass); hash.Add(ShowProblemReporting); hash.Add(ShowZoomButtons); return(hash.ToHashCode()); }
public OmniRpcErrorMessage(string type, string message, string stackTrace) { if (type is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (type.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type"); } if (message is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("message"); } if (message.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("message"); } if (stackTrace is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("stackTrace"); } if (stackTrace.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stackTrace"); } this.Type = type; this.Message = message; this.StackTrace = stackTrace; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Type != default) { __h.Add(this.Type.GetHashCode()); } if (this.Message != default) { __h.Add(this.Message.GetHashCode()); } if (this.StackTrace != default) { __h.Add(this.StackTrace.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
// Only for use by UdpEndpointI internal UdpConnector(UdpEndpoint endpoint, EndPoint addr) { _endpoint = endpoint; _addr = addr; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_addr); if (_endpoint.SourceAddress != null) { hash.Add(_endpoint.SourceAddress); } hash.Add(_endpoint.MulticastInterface); hash.Add(_endpoint.MulticastTtl); _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
internal TcpConnector(TcpEndpoint endpoint, EndPoint addr, INetworkProxy?proxy) { _endpoint = endpoint; _addr = addr; _proxy = proxy; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_endpoint.Protocol); hash.Add(_endpoint.Transport); hash.Add(_addr); if (_endpoint.SourceAddress != null) { hash.Add(_endpoint.SourceAddress); } _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
public OmniCertificate(string name, OmniDigitalSignatureAlgorithmType algorithmType, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> publicKey, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> value) { if (name is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (name.Length > 32) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name"); } if (publicKey.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("publicKey"); } if (value.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } this.Name = name; this.AlgorithmType = algorithmType; this.PublicKey = publicKey; this.Value = value; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Name != default) { __h.Add(this.Name.GetHashCode()); } if (this.AlgorithmType != default) { __h.Add(this.AlgorithmType.GetHashCode()); } if (!this.PublicKey.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(this.PublicKey.Span)); } if (!this.Value.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(this.Value.Span)); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public SessionUpdateWindowSizeMessage(ulong sessionId, ulong size) { this.SessionId = sessionId; this.Size = size; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.SessionId != default) { __h.Add(this.SessionId.GetHashCode()); } if (this.Size != default) { __h.Add(this.Size.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public SessionErrorMessage(ulong sessionId, SessionErrorType errorType) { this.SessionId = sessionId; this.ErrorType = errorType; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.SessionId != default) { __h.Add(this.SessionId.GetHashCode()); } if (this.ErrorType != default) { __h.Add(this.ErrorType.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { System.HashCode hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(Actions); hash.Add(CloseDelayTime); hash.Add(Description); hash.Add(HtmlContent); hash.Add(Location); hash.Add(MaxHeight); hash.Add(MaxWidth); hash.Add(Offset); hash.Add(ShowCloseButton); hash.Add(ShowPointer); hash.Add(Title); hash.Add(Visible); hash.Add(ZIndex); return(hash.ToHashCode()); }
public ProfileMessage(ulong initialWindowSize, uint maxSessionAcceptQueueSize) { this.InitialWindowSize = initialWindowSize; this.MaxSessionAcceptQueueSize = maxSessionAcceptQueueSize; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.InitialWindowSize != default) { __h.Add(this.InitialWindowSize.GetHashCode()); } if (this.MaxSessionAcceptQueueSize != default) { __h.Add(this.MaxSessionAcceptQueueSize.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
// // Only for use by TcpEndpoint // internal TcpConnector(TransportInstance instance, EndPoint addr, INetworkProxy?proxy, IPAddress?sourceAddr, int timeout, string connectionId) { _instance = instance; _addr = addr; _proxy = proxy; _sourceAddr = sourceAddr; _timeout = timeout; _connectionId = connectionId; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_addr); if (_sourceAddr != null) { hash.Add(_sourceAddr); } hash.Add(_timeout); hash.Add(_connectionId); _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
public OmniAddress(string value) { if (value is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (value.Length > 8192) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } this.Value = value; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.Value != default) { __h.Add(this.Value.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
// // Only for use by UdpEndpointI // internal UdpConnector(TransportInstance instance, EndPoint addr, EndPoint?sourceAddr, string mcastInterface, int mcastTtl, string connectionId) { _instance = instance; _addr = addr; _sourceAddr = sourceAddr; _mcastInterface = mcastInterface; _mcastTtl = mcastTtl; _connectionId = connectionId; var hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(_addr); if (sourceAddr != null) { hash.Add(_sourceAddr); } hash.Add(_mcastInterface); hash.Add(_mcastTtl); hash.Add(_connectionId); _hashCode = hash.ToHashCode(); }
public Thumbnail(System.Buffers.IMemoryOwner <byte> value) { if (value is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (value.Memory.Length > 33554432) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _value = value; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (!this.Value.IsEmpty) { __h.Add(Omnix.Base.Helpers.ObjectHelper.GetHashCode(this.Value.Span)); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public LxnaOptions(string configDirectoryPath) { if (configDirectoryPath is null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("configDirectoryPath"); } if (configDirectoryPath.Length > 1024) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("configDirectoryPath"); } this.ConfigDirectoryPath = configDirectoryPath; { var __h = new System.HashCode(); if (this.ConfigDirectoryPath != default) { __h.Add(this.ConfigDirectoryPath.GetHashCode()); } __hashCode = __h.ToHashCode(); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { System.HashCode hash = new System.HashCode(); hash.Add(base.GetHashCode()); hash.Add(AllowHidingLabelsOfRoad); hash.Add(AllowInfoboxOverflow); hash.Add(BackgroundColor); hash.Add(Credentials); hash.Add(DisableBirdseye); hash.Add(DisableKeyboardInput); hash.Add(DisableMapTypeSelectorMouseOver); hash.Add(DisablePanning); hash.Add(DisableScrollWheelZoom); hash.Add(DisableStreetside); hash.Add(DisableStreetsideAutoCoverage); hash.Add(DisableZooming); hash.Add(EnableClickableLogo); hash.Add(EnableCORS); hash.Add(EnableHighDpi); hash.Add(EnableInertia); hash.Add(LiteMode); hash.Add(MaxBounds); hash.Add(MaxZoom); hash.Add(MinZoom); hash.Add(NavigationBarMode); hash.Add(NavigationBarOrientation); hash.Add(ShowBreadcrumb); hash.Add(ShowDashboard); hash.Add(ShowLocateMeButton); hash.Add(ShowMapTypeSelector); hash.Add(ShowScalebar); hash.Add(ShowTermsLink); hash.Add(ShowTrafficButton); hash.Add(ShowZoomButtons); hash.Add(StreetsideOptions); hash.Add(SupportedMapTypes); return(hash.ToHashCode()); }