        /// <summary>
        /// Run the code example.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run(AdManagerUser user)
            using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService <ForecastService>())
                using (NetworkService networkService = user.GetService <NetworkService>())
                    String rootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().effectiveRootAdUnitId;

                    // Set the date range to include
                    System.DateTime startDate = System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
                    System.DateTime endDate   = System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(7);

                    TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest()
                        requestedDateRange = new DateRange()
                            startDate =
                                DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(startDate, "America/New_York").date,
                            endDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(endDate, "America/New_York").date
                        targeting = new Targeting()
                            inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                                targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                                    new AdUnitTargeting()
                                        adUnitId           = rootAdUnitId,
                                        includeDescendants = true

                        TrafficDataResponse trafficData =

                        TimeSeries historicalTimeSeries = trafficData.historicalTimeSeries;
                        if (historicalTimeSeries != null)
                            Date historicalStartDate =
                            System.DateTime startDateTime = new System.DateTime(
                            for (int i = 0; i < historicalTimeSeries.values.Length; i++)
                                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} historical ad opportunities",

                        TimeSeries forecastedTimeSeries = trafficData.forecastedTimeSeries;
                        if (forecastedTimeSeries != null)
                            Date forecastedStartDate =
                            System.DateTime startDateTime = new System.DateTime(
                            for (int i = 0; i < forecastedTimeSeries.values.Length; i++)
                                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} forecasted ad opportunities",
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to get traffic data. Exception says \"{0}\"",
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the code example.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run(AdManagerUser user)
            using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService <ForecastService>())
                using (NetworkService networkService = user.GetService <NetworkService>())
                    // Set the ID of the advertiser (company) to forecast for. Setting an advertiser
                    // will cause the forecast to apply the appropriate unified blocking rules.
                    long advertiserId = long.Parse(_T("INSERT_ADVERTISER_ID_HERE"));

                    String rootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().effectiveRootAdUnitId;

                    System.DateTime tomorrow = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

                    // Create prospective line item.
                    LineItem lineItem = new LineItem()
                        targeting = new Targeting()
                            inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                                targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                                    new AdUnitTargeting()
                                        adUnitId           = rootAdUnitId,
                                        includeDescendants = true
                        creativePlaceholders = new CreativePlaceholder[] {
                            new CreativePlaceholder()
                                size = new Size()
                                    width  = 300,
                                    height = 250
                        lineItemType = LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP,
                        // Set the line item to run for 5 days.
                        startDateTime = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(
                            tomorrow, "America/New_York"),
                        endDateTime = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(
                            tomorrow.AddDays(5), "America/New_York"),
                        // Set the cost type to match the unit type.
                        costType    = CostType.CPM,
                        primaryGoal = new Goal()
                            goalType = GoalType.DAILY,
                            unitType = UnitType.IMPRESSIONS,
                            units    = 50L

                        // Get availability forecast.
                        AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions()
                            includeContendingLineItems = true,
                            // Targeting criteria breakdown can only be included if breakdowns
                            // are not speficied.
                            includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = false,
                            breakdown = new ForecastBreakdownOptions
                                timeWindows = new DateTime[] {
                                targets = new ForecastBreakdownTarget[] {
                                    new ForecastBreakdownTarget()
                                        // Optional name field to identify this breakdown
                                        // in the response.
                                        name      = "United States",
                                        targeting = new Targeting()
                                            inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                                                targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                                                    new AdUnitTargeting()
                                                        adUnitId           = rootAdUnitId,
                                                        includeDescendants = true
                                            geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting()
                                                targetedLocations = new Location[] {
                                                    new Location()
                                                        id = 2840L
                                    }, new ForecastBreakdownTarget()
                                        // Optional name field to identify this breakdown
                                        // in the response.
                                        name      = "Geneva",
                                        targeting = new Targeting()
                                            inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                                                targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                                                    new AdUnitTargeting()
                                                        adUnitId           = rootAdUnitId,
                                                        includeDescendants = true
                                            geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting()
                                                targetedLocations = new Location[] {
                                                    new Location()
                                                        id = 20133L
                        ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem()
                            advertiserId = advertiserId,
                            lineItem     = lineItem
                        AvailabilityForecast forecast =
                            forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);

                        // Display results.
                        long   matched          = forecast.matchedUnits;
                        double availablePercent =
                            (double)(forecast.availableUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
                        String unitType = forecast.unitType.ToString().ToLower();
                        Console.WriteLine($"{matched} {unitType} matched.");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{availablePercent}% {unitType} available.");

                        if (forecast.possibleUnitsSpecified)
                            double possiblePercent =
                                (double)(forecast.possibleUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
                            Console.WriteLine($"{possiblePercent}% {unitType} possible.");
                        var contendingLineItems =
                            forecast.contendingLineItems ?? new ContendingLineItem[] { };
                        Console.WriteLine($"{contendingLineItems.Length} contending line items.");

                        if (forecast.breakdowns != null)
                            foreach (ForecastBreakdown breakdown in forecast.breakdowns)
                                Console.WriteLine("Forecast breakdown for {0} to {1}",
                                                  DateTimeUtilities.ToString(breakdown.startTime, "yyyy-MM-dd"),
                                                  DateTimeUtilities.ToString(breakdown.endTime, "yyyy-MM-dd"));
                                foreach (ForecastBreakdownEntry entry in breakdown.breakdownEntries)
                                    long breakdownMatched = entry.forecast.matched;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\t{breakdownMatched} {unitType} matched.");
                                    if (breakdownMatched > 0)
                                        long   breakdownAvailable        = entry.forecast.available;
                                        double breakdownAvailablePercent =
                                            (double)(breakdownAvailable / (breakdownMatched * 1.0)) * 100;
                                            $"\t\t{breakdownAvailablePercent}% {unitType} available");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to get forecast. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the code example.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run(AdManagerUser user)
            using (PublisherQueryLanguageService pqlService =
                       user.GetService <PublisherQueryLanguageService>())
                // Create statement to select recent changes. Change_History only supports ordering
                // by descending ChangeDateTime. Offset is not supported. To page, use the change ID
                // of the earliest change as a pagination token. A date time range is required when
                // querying this table.
                System.DateTime endDateTime   = System.DateTime.Now;
                System.DateTime startDateTime = endDateTime.AddDays(-1);

                StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder()
                                                    .Select("Id, ChangeDateTime, EntityId, EntityType, Operation, UserId")
                                                    .Where("ChangeDateTime < :endDateTime AND ChangeDateTime > :startDateTime")
                                                    .OrderBy("ChangeDateTime DESC")
                                                              DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(startDateTime, "America/New_York"))
                                                              DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(endDateTime, "America/New_York"))

                int        resultSetSize = 0;
                List <Row> allRows       = new List <Row>();
                ResultSet  resultSet;

                    resultSet = pqlService.select(statementBuilder.ToStatement());

                    if (resultSet.rows != null && resultSet.rows.Length > 0)
                        // Get the earliest change ID in the result set.
                        Row    lastRow = resultSet.rows[resultSet.rows.Length - 1];
                        string lastId  = (string)PqlUtilities.GetValue(lastRow.values[0]);

                        // Collect all changes from each page.

                        // Display results.

                        // Use the earliest change ID in the result set to page.
                        .Where("Id < :id AND ChangeDateTime < :endDateTime AND " +
                               "ChangeDateTime > :startDateTime").AddValue("id", lastId);

                    resultSetSize = resultSet.rows == null ? 0 : resultSet.rows.Length;
                } while (resultSetSize == StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT);

                Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: " + allRows.Count);

                // Optionally, save all rows to a CSV.
                // Get a string array representation of the data rows.
                resultSet.rows = allRows.ToArray();
                List <String[]> rows = PqlUtilities.ResultSetToStringArrayList(resultSet);

                // Write the contents to a csv file.
                CsvFile file = new CsvFile();
                file.Records.AddRange(rows.GetRange(1, rows.Count - 1).ToArray());
                file.Write("recent_changes_" + this.GetTimeStamp() + ".csv");