public ContainerAdapter BuildNewAdapter(Container container) { container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new LifetimeScopeLifestyle(); var currentAssembly = new[] {typeof(Helpers.CompositionRoot).Assembly}; var concreteTypes = currentAssembly .GetImplementations( ImplementationConvention.NameEndsWith, new[] {"Repository"} ).ToList(); var containerAdapter = new ContainerAdapter(container); containerAdapter.RegisterAbstractor( settings => { settings.ApplicationAssemblies = currentAssembly; settings.ApplicationTypes = concreteTypes; }); container.Register<ILogger, FakeLogger>(Lifestyle.Singleton); return containerAdapter; }
public static void UpdateTag(XElement image) { image.Name = "img"; var imgSrc = image.Attribute("base"); if (!imgSrc.Value.StartsWith(Settings.ImageBase)) { imgSrc.Value = Settings.ImageBase + "/" + imgSrc.Value; } var img = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imgSrc.Value).Split('-')[0]; if (image.Attribute("src") == null) image.Add(new XAttribute("src", Settings.ImageBase + "/" + img + "-1280.jpg")); if (image.Attribute("srcset") == null) { var widths = new[] { 240, 320, 480, 640, 800, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2400 }; var srcset = string.Join(", ", widths.Select(s => Settings.ImageBase + "/" + img + "-" + (s < 1000 ? "0" : "") + s + ".jpg " + s + "w")); image.Add(new XAttribute("srcset", srcset)); } if (image.Attribute("sizes") == null) { const string sizes = "(max-width: 767px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 720px, (max-width: 1199px) 940px, 1140px"; image.Add(new XAttribute("sizes", sizes)); } }
public void Max2D() { var array1 = new double[,] { { 4, 2 } }; Assert.AreEqual(4, array1.Max2D(), "Max2D()"); var array2 = new[,] { { 4, double.NaN } }; Assert.AreEqual(4, array2.Max2D(), "Max2D() with NaN"); var array3 = new[] { 4, double.NaN }; Assert.AreEqual(4, array3.Max(), "LINQ Max()"); }
public void Min2D() { var array1 = new double[,] { { 4, 2 } }; Assert.AreEqual(2, array1.Min2D(), "Min2D()"); var array2 = new[,] { { 4, double.NaN } }; Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, array2.Min2D(), "Min2D() with NaN"); Assert.AreEqual(4, array2.Min2D(true), "Min2D(true) with NaN"); var array3 = new[] { 4, double.NaN }; Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, array3.Min(), "LINQ Min()"); }
private static void SendPasteCombination() { var inputs = new[] { GenerateKeystoke(VirtualKeyShort.LCONTROL), GenerateKeystoke(VirtualKeyShort.KEY_V), GenerateKeystoke(VirtualKeyShort.KEY_V, KEYEVENTF.KEYUP), GenerateKeystoke(VirtualKeyShort.LCONTROL, KEYEVENTF.KEYUP) }; SendInput((uint) inputs.Length, inputs, INPUT.Size); }
public void should_format_non_collection_object_vertically() { var obj = new {Name = "The name", BirthYear = 2000}; var writer = new StringWriter(); obj.Format(writer); string formattedResult = writer.ToString(); Assert.Equal( "Name: The name\r\nBirthYear: 2000\r\n", formattedResult); }
public void WebSourceCallbackHandlerNavigateToWithInvalidSchemesExpectedDoesNotInvokeStartUriProcess() { var schemes = new[] { "gopher", "mailto", "file", "ldap", "mailto", "net.pipe", "net.tcp", "news", "nntp", "telnet", "ldap", "uuid" }; var env = new Mock<IEnvironmentRepository>(); var handler = new WebSourceCallbackHandlerMock(env.Object); #pragma warning disable 168 foreach(var scheme in schemes) #pragma warning restore 168 { Assert.AreEqual(0, handler.StartUriProcessHitCount); } }
public sealed override async Task DisposeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (!this.IsDisposed) { var invertedCrc = (ushort)(~this.crc & ushort.MaxValue); var crcBytes = new[] { (byte)(invertedCrc & byte.MaxValue), (byte)((invertedCrc >> 8) & byte.MaxValue) }; await this.WriteAsync(crcBytes, 0, crcBytes.Length, cancellationToken); var writeBuffer = this.WriteBuffer; await writeBuffer.ReserveAsync(1, cancellationToken); writeBuffer[writeBuffer.Count++] = Frame.EndOfFrame; await base.DisposeAsync(cancellationToken); } }
public void Get_Ignores_Unknown_Options() { const string name = "Testing"; var commandLine = new [] { "--Banana=Blah" }; var propertyMock = new Mock<PropertyInfo>(); propertyMock.Setup(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(true)).Returns(new object[] { }); var source = new DashedCommandLineSource(commandLine); string value; var result = source.Get(name, propertyMock.Object, out value); Assert.IsNull(value); Assert.IsFalse(result); }
public void Get_Is_Not_Case_Sensitive() { const string name = "Testing"; const string expected = "Blah"; var commandLine = new [] { "--tEstinG=Blah" }; var propertyMock = new Mock<PropertyInfo>(); propertyMock.Setup(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(true)).Returns(new object[] { }); var source = new DashedCommandLineSource(commandLine); string value; var result = source.Get(name, propertyMock.Object, out value); Assert.AreEqual(expected, value); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public void LogCostPerLine_CallsLogger_WhenCalled([NotNull, Frozen] ISelkieLogger logger, [NotNull] AcoProxyLogger sut) { // Arrange var costPerLine = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }; // Act sut.LogCostPerLine(costPerLine); // Assert logger.Received().Info(Arg.Is <string>(x => x == "CostPerLine: 1,2,3")); }
public void WriteCharacterArray() { var value = new[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' }; bool eventWasRaised = false; using (var pipe = new ScriptOutputPipe()) { pipe.OnScriptOutput += (s, e) => { eventWasRaised = true; Assert.AreEqual("abc", e.Text); }; pipe.Write(value); } Assert.IsTrue(eventWasRaised); }
public void Get_Assumes_True_For_Booean_With_No_Value() { const string name = "Testing"; const string expected = "True"; var commandLine = new [] { "--Testing" }; var propertyMock = new Mock<PropertyInfo>(); propertyMock.SetupGet(x => x.PropertyType).Returns(typeof(bool)); var source = new DashedCommandLineSource(commandLine); string value; var result = source.Get(name, propertyMock.Object, out value); propertyMock.VerifyGet(x => x.PropertyType); Assert.AreEqual(expected, value); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public void should_format_collection_object_horizontally() { var collection = new[] { new SampleModel("Short Name", 2000, "United Kindom"), new SampleModel("A Longer Name", 2001, "China") }; const string expected = @"Name BirthYear Country ========================================= Short Name 2000 United Kindom A Longer Name 2001 China "; var writer = new StringWriter(); collection.Format(writer); Assert.Equal(expected, writer.ToString()); }
public static Container GetContainer() { // Double-checked locking pattern // ReSharper disable once InvertIf if (_container == null) { lock (Lock) { if (_container != null) return _container; _container = new Container(); _container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new LifetimeScopeLifestyle(); var currentAssembly = new[] {typeof (CompositionRoot).Assembly}; var concreteTypes = currentAssembly .GetImplementations( ImplementationConvention.NameEndsWith, new[] {"Repository"} ).ToList(); var containerAdapter = new ContainerAdapter(_container); containerAdapter.RegisterAbstractor( cs => { cs.ApplicationAssemblies = currentAssembly; cs.ApplicationTypes = concreteTypes; }); containerAdapter.RegisterSingleton<IUnitOfWork, FakeUnitOfWork>(); containerAdapter.RegisterSingleton<IStopwatch, FakeStopwatch>(); containerAdapter.RegisterScoped<ILogger, FakeLogger>(); _container.Verify(); } } return _container; }
public void XmlCoercer_Coerce_Works_With_Array_Of_Int() { const string input = @" <ArrayOfint xmlns="""" xmlns:i=""""> <int>1</int> <int>4</int> <int>78</int> <int>222</int> </ArrayOfint> "; var expected = new [] { 1, 4, 78, 222 }; var coercer = new XmlCoercerAttribute(); int[] result; var coerced = coercer.Coerce(input, null, null, out result); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result); Assert.IsTrue(coerced); }
public void ReleaseConvertersClearsNodesTest() { var path = new[] { 0, 2 }; m_Converter.Path = path; m_Converter.Convert(); m_Converter.ReleaseConverters(); Assert.AreEqual(0, m_Converter.Nodes.Count()); }
public void ReleaseConvertersCallsReleaseTest() { var path = new[] { 0, 2 }; m_Converter.Path = path; m_Converter.Convert(); m_Converter.ReleaseConverters(); m_Factory.Received(1).Release(Arg.Any <ILineToLineNodeConverter>()); }
public void PathRoundtripTest() { var path = new[] { 0, 2 }; m_Converter.Path = path; NUnitHelper.AssertSequenceEqual(path, m_Converter.Path, "Path"); }
/// <summary> /// Provides and indication if any values have been set in <see cref="MerchantDescriptor"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="descriptor"> /// The descriptor. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> public static bool HasValues(this MerchantDescriptor descriptor) { var values = new[] { descriptor.Name, descriptor.Url, descriptor.Phone }; var all = string.Join(" ", values).Trim(); return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(all); }
private static int[][] CreateMatrix() { var matrix = new[] { new[] { 1, 2 }, new[] { 1, 2 } }; return matrix; }
public void Get_Uses_Name_Override_From_CommandLineNameAttribute() { const string name = "Testing"; const string nameOverride = "test"; const string expected = "1234"; var commandLine = new[] { "--test=1234" }; var attribute = new CommandLineNameAttribute(nameOverride); var propertyMock = new Mock<PropertyInfo>(); propertyMock.Setup(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(true)).Returns(new object[] { attribute }); var source = new DashedCommandLineSource(commandLine); string value; var result = source.Get(name, propertyMock.Object, out value); propertyMock.VerifyAll(); Assert.IsTrue(result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, value); }
public void IsLastInterval() { var testTrueTime = new DateTime(2019, 12, DateTime.DaysInMonth(1999, 12), 23, 59, 59, 999) + new TimeSpan(9); var testFalseTime = new DateTime(2015, 11, DateTime.DaysInMonth(1999, 11) - 1, 22, 58, 58, 998) + new TimeSpan(8); var units = new[] { TimeUnit.Millisecond, TimeUnit.Second, TimeUnit.Minute, TimeUnit.Hour, TimeUnit.Day }; foreach (var unit in units) { Assert.IsTrue(testTrueTime.IsLast(unit)); Assert.IsFalse(testFalseTime.IsLast(unit)); } }
public void Get_Returns_Null_For_Non_Booean_With_No_Value() { const string name = "Testing"; var commandLine = new [] { "--Testing" }; var propertyMock = new Mock<PropertyInfo>(); propertyMock.SetupGet(x => x.PropertyType).Returns(typeof(string)); var source = new DashedCommandLineSource(commandLine); string value; var result = source.Get(name, propertyMock.Object, out value); propertyMock.VerifyGet(x => x.PropertyType); Assert.IsNull(value); Assert.IsFalse(result); }
public async Task SwitchLoadedInstalledAvailableAsync() { var t1 = InUI(() => _packageManagerViewModel.SwitchToLoadedPackagesAsync()); var t2 = InUI(() => _packageManagerViewModel.SwitchToInstalledPackagesAsync()); var t3 = InUI(() => _packageManagerViewModel.SwitchToAvailablePackagesAsync()); await ParallelTools.WhenAll(t1, t2, t3); var expected = new [] { "NotAvailable1", "NotAvailable2", "rtvslib1" }; _packageManagerViewModel.IsLoading.Should().BeFalse(); _packageManagerViewModel.SelectedPackage.Should().NotBeNull(); _packageManagerViewModel.Items.Should().Equal(expected, (o, n) => ((IRPackageViewModel)o).Name.EqualsOrdinal(n)) .And.Contain(_packageManagerViewModel.SelectedPackage); }