        public long EstimateRamUsage(System.Object obj)
            long size = Size(obj);

 internal virtual void  Clear()
     numTerms  = 0;
     bytesUsed = 0;
 public void Visit(object t, object parent, int childIndex, IDictionary <string, object> unusedlabels)
     // the unusedlabels arg is null as visit on token type doesn't set.
     if (_outer.ParseCore(t, _tpattern, _labels))
         _visitor.Visit(t, parent, childIndex, _labels);
 private static void  setGroupSuccessors(System.Collections.IDictionary theSuccessors, System.String theSegName)
     for (System.Collections.IEnumerator it = new SupportClass.HashSetSupport(theSuccessors.Keys).GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();)
         StructRef from = (StructRef)it.Current;
         StructRef to   = (StructRef)theSuccessors[from];
         from.setSuccessor(theSegName, to);
        protected void odsEquipTypes_OnInserting(object source, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e)
            System.Collections.IDictionary     paramsFromPage = e.InputParameters;
            TrackerDotNet.control.EquipTypeTbl _et            = new TrackerDotNet.control.EquipTypeTbl();

            _et.EquipTypeName = paramsFromPage["EquipTypeName"].ToString();
            _et.EquipTypeDesc = paramsFromPage["EquipTypeDesc"].ToString();

            paramsFromPage.Add("objEquipType", _et);
            public void Sync()
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; ++i)
                    current[keys[i]] = values[i];

        internal void ApplyPropertyValue(object target)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            // Do nothing for parameter-based values
            if (_property != null)
                    if (_isDictionary && _property != null && _property.GetSetMethod() == null)
                        System.Collections.IDictionary dictionary = (System.Collections.IDictionary)_property.GetValue(target, null);
                        if (HasValue)
                    else if (!_isDictionary && _isMultiValue && !ArgumentType.IsArray)
                        object collection             = _property.GetValue(target, null);
                        System.Collections.IList list = collection as System.Collections.IList;
                        if (list != null)
                            typeof(ICollection <>).MakeGenericType(ElementType).GetMethod("Clear").Invoke(collection, null);

                        if (HasValue)
                    else if (HasValue || Value != null)  // Don't set the value of an unspecified argument with a null default value.
                        _property.SetValue(target, Value, null);
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    throw new CommandLineArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.Resources.SetValueErrorFormat, ArgumentName, ex.InnerException.Message), ArgumentName, CommandLineArgumentErrorCategory.ApplyValueError, ex.InnerException);
        static int _m_Clear(RealStatePtr L)
            try {
                ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L);

                System.Collections.IDictionary gen_to_be_invoked = (System.Collections.IDictionary)translator.FastGetCSObj(L, 1);

                    gen_to_be_invoked.Clear(  );

            } catch (System.Exception gen_e) {
                return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e));
 /// <summary> Removes all statically stored {@link StringResourceRepository}s.</summary>
 /// <since> 1.6
 /// </since>
 public static void ClearRepositories()
        /// <summary> Read a <code>ChemFile</code> from a file in PDB format. The molecules
        /// in the file are stored as <code>BioPolymer</code>s in the
        /// <code>ChemFile</code>. The residues are the monomers of the
        /// <code>BioPolymer</code>, and their names are the concatenation of the
        /// residue, chain id, and the sequence number. Separate chains (denoted by
        /// TER records) are stored as separate <code>BioPolymer</code> molecules.
        /// <p>Connectivity information is not currently read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> The ChemFile that was read from the PDB file.
        /// </returns>
        private IChemFile readChemFile(IChemFile oFile)
            int bonds = 0;
            // initialize all containers
            IChemSequence oSeq = oFile.Builder.newChemSequence();
            IChemModel oModel = oFile.Builder.newChemModel();
            ISetOfMolecules oSet = oFile.Builder.newSetOfMolecules();

            // some variables needed
            string cCol;
            PDBAtom oAtom;
            PDBPolymer oBP = new PDBPolymer();
            System.Text.StringBuilder cResidue;
            string oObj;
            IMonomer oMonomer;
            string cRead = "";
            char chain = 'A'; // To ensure stringent name giving of monomers
            IStrand oStrand;
            int lineLength = 0;

            atomNumberMap = System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new System.Collections.Hashtable());

            // do the reading of the Input		
                    cRead = _oInput.ReadLine();
                    //logger.debug("Read line: ", cRead);
                    if (cRead != null)
                        lineLength = cRead.Length;

                        if (lineLength < 80)
                            //logger.warn("Line is not of the expected length 80!");

                        // make sure the record name is 6 characters long
                        if (lineLength < 6)
                            cRead = cRead + "      ";
                        // check the first column to decide what to do
                        cCol = cRead.Substring(0, (6) - (0));
                        if ("ATOM  ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // read an atom record
                            oAtom = readAtom(cRead, lineLength);

                            // construct a string describing the residue
                            cResidue = new System.Text.StringBuilder(8);
                            oObj = oAtom.ResName;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(oObj.Trim());
                            oObj = oAtom.ChainID;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                // cResidue = cResidue.append(((String)oObj).trim());
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            oObj = oAtom.ResSeq;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(oObj.Trim());

                            // search for an existing strand or create a new one.
                            oStrand = oBP.getStrand(System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            if (oStrand == null)
                                oStrand = new PDBStrand();
                                oStrand.StrandName = System.Convert.ToString(chain);

                            // search for an existing monomer or create a new one.
                            oMonomer = oBP.getMonomer(cResidue.ToString(), System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            if (oMonomer == null)
                                PDBMonomer monomer = new PDBMonomer();
                                monomer.MonomerName = cResidue.ToString();
                                monomer.MonomerType = oAtom.ResName;
                                monomer.ChainID = oAtom.ChainID;
                                monomer.ICode = oAtom.ICode;
                                oMonomer = monomer;

                            // add the atom
                            oBP.addAtom(oAtom, oMonomer, oStrand);
                            System.Object tempObject;
                            //UPGRADE_WARNING: At least one expression was used more than once in the target code. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1181'"
                            tempObject = atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial];
                            atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial] = oAtom;
                            if (readConnect.Set && tempObject != null)
                                //logger.warn("Duplicate serial ID found for atom: ", oAtom);
                            //						//logger.debug("Added ATOM: ", oAtom);

                            /** As HETATMs cannot be considered to either belong to a certain monomer or strand,
                            * they are dealt with seperately.*/
                        else if ("HETATM".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // read an atom record
                            oAtom = readAtom(cRead, lineLength);
                            oAtom.HetAtom = true;
                            System.Object tempObject2;
                            //UPGRADE_WARNING: At least one expression was used more than once in the target code. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1181'"
                            tempObject2 = atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial];
                            atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial] = oAtom;
                            if (tempObject2 != null)
                                //logger.warn("Duplicate serial ID found for atom: ", oAtom);
                            //logger.debug("Added HETATM: ", oAtom);
                        else if ("TER   ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // start new strand						
                            oStrand = new PDBStrand();
                            oStrand.StrandName = System.Convert.ToString(chain);
                            //logger.debug("Added new STRAND");
                        else if ("END   ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // create bonds and finish the molecule
                            if (deduceBonding.Set)
                                // OK, try to deduce the bonding patterns
                                if (oBP.AtomCount != 0)
                                    // Create bonds. If bonds could not be created, all bonds are deleted.
                                        if (useRebondTool.Set)
                                            if (!createBondsWithRebondTool(oBP))
                                                // Get rid of all potentially created bonds.
                                                //logger.info("Bonds could not be created using the RebondTool when PDB file was read.");
                                            if (!createBonds(oBP))
                                                // Get rid of all potentially created bonds.
                                                //logger.info("Bonds could not be created when PDB file was read.");
                                    catch (System.Exception exception)
                                        //logger.info("Bonds could not be created when PDB file was read.");
                            //						oBP = new BioPolymer();					
                            //				} else if (cCol.equals("USER  ")) {
                            //						System.out.println(cLine);
                            //					System.out.println(cLine);
                            //				} else if (cCol.equals("ENDMDL")) {
                            //					System.out.println(cLine);
                        else if (cCol.Equals("MODEL "))
                            // OK, start a new model and save the current one first *if* it contains atoms
                            if (oBP.AtomCount > 0)
                                // save the model
                                oModel.SetOfMolecules = oSet;
                                // setup a new one
                                oBP = new PDBPolymer();
                                oModel = oFile.Builder.newChemModel();
                                oSet = oFile.Builder.newSetOfMolecules();
                        else if ("REMARK".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            System.Object comment = oFile.getProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT);
                            if (comment == null)
                                comment = "";
                            if (lineLength > 12)
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                                comment = comment.ToString() + cRead.Substring(11).Trim() + "\n";
                                oFile.setProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT, comment);
                                //logger.warn("REMARK line found without any comment!");
                        else if ("COMPND".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            string title = cRead.Substring(10).Trim();
                            oFile.setProperty(CDKConstants.TITLE, title);
                        * Read connectivity information from CONECT records.
                        * Only covalent bonds are dealt with. Perhaps salt bridges
                        * should be dealt with in the same way..?
                        else if (readConnect.Set && "CONECT".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            if (cRead.Length < 16)
                                //logger.debug("Skipping unexpected empty CONECT line! : ", cRead);
                                string bondAtom = cRead.Substring(7, 5).Trim();
                                int bondAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondAtom);

                                for (int b = 0; b < 9; b += (b == 5 ? 2 : 1))
                                    string bondedAtom = cRead.Substring((b * 5) + 11, 5).Trim();
                                    int bondedAtomNo;
                                    if (int.TryParse(bondedAtom, out bondedAtomNo))
                                        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);

                                //string bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(12, 5).Trim();
                                //int bondedAtomNo = -1;

                                //    bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    bondedAtomNo = -1;

                                //if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    bonds++;
                                //    addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //    //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);

                                //if (cRead.Length > 17)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(16, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }

                                //if (cRead.Length > 22)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(22, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }

                                //if (cRead.Length > 27)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(27, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }
                        else if ("HELIX ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            //						HELIX    1 H1A CYS A   11  LYS A   18  1 RESIDUE 18 HAS POSITIVE PHI    1D66  72
                            //						          1         2         3         4         5         6         7
                            //						01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType = PDBStructure.HELIX;
                            structure.StartChainID = cRead[19];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(21, (25) - (21)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode = cRead[25];
                            structure.EndChainID = cRead[31];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(33, (37) - (33)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode = cRead[37];
                        else if ("SHEET ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType = PDBStructure.SHEET;
                            structure.StartChainID = cRead[21];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(22, (26) - (22)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode = cRead[26];
                            structure.EndChainID = cRead[32];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(33, (37) - (33)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode = cRead[37];
                        else if ("TURN  ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType = PDBStructure.TURN;
                            structure.StartChainID = cRead[19];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(20, (24) - (20)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode = cRead[24];
                            structure.EndChainID = cRead[30];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(31, (35) - (31)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode = cRead[35];
                        } // ignore all other commands
                while (_oInput.Peek() != -1 && (cRead != null));
            catch (System.Exception e)
                //logger.error("Found a problem at line:\n");
                //logger.error("          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         ");
                //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                //logger.error("  error: " + e.Message);

            // try to close the Input
            catch (System.Exception e)

            // Set all the dependencies
            oModel.SetOfMolecules = oSet;

            return oFile;
 internal virtual void  removeAllLocals()
     m_locals.Clear(); m_activationObject = null;
 internal virtual void  removeAllArguments()
            /* doc location == msgID & curPath together.
             * If we've encountered an element called "elementNam", then this tries
             * to determine what it is, based on what we already know about the document.
             * returns true if we can make sense of this new element name given the
             * position we're at (represented by msgID / curPath),
             * false if we can't (which probably means this should be a useless element).
             * returning true doesn't mean that we actually changed msgID or curPath, it
             * might mean that we just passed through a segment group element OK.
            protected internal static bool tryToGrowDocLocationFromElementName(System.Text.StringBuilder msgID, NuGenDatumPath curPath, System.Collections.IDictionary segmentId2nextRepIdx, NuGenDatumPath lastDumpedPath, System.String elementName)
                bool ok = false;                 // ok == can we make sense of this new element?

                // hmm ... where are we in the document:
                if ((msgID.Length == 0) && (curPath.size() == 0))
                    // we're entering a message
                    msgID.Replace(msgID.ToString(0, msgID.Length - 0), elementName, 0, msgID.Length - 0);
                    ok = true;
                else if ((msgID.Length > 0) && (curPath.size() == 0))
                    // we're entering either a segment-group element (eg. <ADT_A01.PROCEDURE>)
                    // or an actual segment element.
                    if (!(elementName.StartsWith("" + msgID + '.')))
                        // must be an actual segment.

                        if (segmentId2nextRepIdx.Contains(elementName))
                            curPath.add((System.Object) 0);

                        segmentId2nextRepIdx[elementName] = (System.Int32)(((System.Int32)curPath.get_Renamed(curPath.size() - 1)) + 1);
                    ok = true;
                else if ((msgID.Length > 0) && (curPath.size() > 0))
                    // we're entering a field or a component or a subcomponent.
                    if (curPath.size() == 2)
                        // we're entering a field element
                        // all fields should start with segment-ID + '.'
                        if (elementName.StartsWith("" + curPath.get_Renamed(0) + '.'))
                                int fieldIdxFromElementName = System.Int32.Parse(elementName.Substring(elementName.IndexOf('.') + 1));


                                // now add the repetition idx to curPath:
                                if ((lastDumpedPath.size() >= 4) && (((System.Int32)lastDumpedPath.get_Renamed(2)) == fieldIdxFromElementName))
                                    // lastDumpedPath has a fieldIdx and a fieldRepIdx.
                                    curPath.add((System.Object)(((System.Int32)lastDumpedPath.get_Renamed(3)) + 1));
                                    curPath.add((System.Object) 0);

                                ok = true;
                            catch (System.FormatException)
                        }                         // else => this isn't a field -- must be useless.
                    else if ((curPath.size() == 4) || (curPath.size() == 5))
                        // we're entering a component or subcomponent element
                            int idxFromElementName = System.Int32.Parse(elementName.Substring(elementName.IndexOf('.') + 1));
                            ok = true;
                        catch (System.FormatException)
        /// <summary> Read a <code>ChemFile</code> from a file in PDB format. The molecules
        /// in the file are stored as <code>BioPolymer</code>s in the
        /// <code>ChemFile</code>. The residues are the monomers of the
        /// <code>BioPolymer</code>, and their names are the concatenation of the
        /// residue, chain id, and the sequence number. Separate chains (denoted by
        /// TER records) are stored as separate <code>BioPolymer</code> molecules.
        /// <p>Connectivity information is not currently read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> The ChemFile that was read from the PDB file.
        /// </returns>
        private IChemFile readChemFile(IChemFile oFile)
            int bonds = 0;
            // initialize all containers
            IChemSequence   oSeq   = oFile.Builder.newChemSequence();
            IChemModel      oModel = oFile.Builder.newChemModel();
            ISetOfMolecules oSet   = oFile.Builder.newSetOfMolecules();

            // some variables needed
            string     cCol;
            PDBAtom    oAtom;
            PDBPolymer oBP = new PDBPolymer();

            System.Text.StringBuilder cResidue;
            string   oObj;
            IMonomer oMonomer;
            string   cRead = "";
            char     chain = 'A'; // To ensure stringent name giving of monomers
            IStrand  oStrand;
            int      lineLength = 0;

            atomNumberMap = System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new System.Collections.Hashtable());

            // do the reading of the Input
                    cRead = _oInput.ReadLine();
                    //logger.debug("Read line: ", cRead);
                    if (cRead != null)
                        lineLength = cRead.Length;

                        if (lineLength < 80)
                            //logger.warn("Line is not of the expected length 80!");

                        // make sure the record name is 6 characters long
                        if (lineLength < 6)
                            cRead = cRead + "      ";
                        // check the first column to decide what to do
                        cCol = cRead.Substring(0, (6) - (0));
                        if ("ATOM  ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // read an atom record
                            oAtom = readAtom(cRead, lineLength);

                            // construct a string describing the residue
                            cResidue = new System.Text.StringBuilder(8);
                            oObj     = oAtom.ResName;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(oObj.Trim());
                            oObj = oAtom.ChainID;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                // cResidue = cResidue.append(((String)oObj).trim());
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            oObj = oAtom.ResSeq;
                            if (oObj != null)
                                cResidue = cResidue.Append(oObj.Trim());

                            // search for an existing strand or create a new one.
                            oStrand = oBP.getStrand(System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            if (oStrand == null)
                                oStrand            = new PDBStrand();
                                oStrand.StrandName = System.Convert.ToString(chain);

                            // search for an existing monomer or create a new one.
                            oMonomer = oBP.getMonomer(cResidue.ToString(), System.Convert.ToString(chain));
                            if (oMonomer == null)
                                PDBMonomer monomer = new PDBMonomer();
                                monomer.MonomerName = cResidue.ToString();
                                monomer.MonomerType = oAtom.ResName;
                                monomer.ChainID     = oAtom.ChainID;
                                monomer.ICode       = oAtom.ICode;
                                oMonomer            = monomer;

                            // add the atom
                            oBP.addAtom(oAtom, oMonomer, oStrand);
                            System.Object tempObject;
                            //UPGRADE_WARNING: At least one expression was used more than once in the target code. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1181'"
                            tempObject = atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial];
                            atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial] = oAtom;
                            if (readConnect.Set && tempObject != null)
                                //logger.warn("Duplicate serial ID found for atom: ", oAtom);
                            //						//logger.debug("Added ATOM: ", oAtom);

                            /** As HETATMs cannot be considered to either belong to a certain monomer or strand,
                             * they are dealt with seperately.*/
                        else if ("HETATM".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // read an atom record
                            oAtom         = readAtom(cRead, lineLength);
                            oAtom.HetAtom = true;
                            System.Object tempObject2;
                            //UPGRADE_WARNING: At least one expression was used more than once in the target code. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1181'"
                            tempObject2 = atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial];
                            atomNumberMap[(System.Int32)oAtom.Serial] = oAtom;
                            if (tempObject2 != null)
                                //logger.warn("Duplicate serial ID found for atom: ", oAtom);
                            //logger.debug("Added HETATM: ", oAtom);
                        else if ("TER   ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // start new strand
                            oStrand            = new PDBStrand();
                            oStrand.StrandName = System.Convert.ToString(chain);
                            //logger.debug("Added new STRAND");
                        else if ("END   ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            // create bonds and finish the molecule
                            if (deduceBonding.Set)
                                // OK, try to deduce the bonding patterns
                                if (oBP.AtomCount != 0)
                                    // Create bonds. If bonds could not be created, all bonds are deleted.
                                        if (useRebondTool.Set)
                                            if (!createBondsWithRebondTool(oBP))
                                                // Get rid of all potentially created bonds.
                                                //logger.info("Bonds could not be created using the RebondTool when PDB file was read.");
                                            if (!createBonds(oBP))
                                                // Get rid of all potentially created bonds.
                                                //logger.info("Bonds could not be created when PDB file was read.");
                                    catch (System.Exception exception)
                                        //logger.info("Bonds could not be created when PDB file was read.");
                            //						oBP = new BioPolymer();
                            //				} else if (cCol.equals("USER  ")) {
                            //						System.out.println(cLine);
                            //					System.out.println(cLine);
                            //				} else if (cCol.equals("ENDMDL")) {
                            //					System.out.println(cLine);
                        else if (cCol.Equals("MODEL "))
                            // OK, start a new model and save the current one first *if* it contains atoms
                            if (oBP.AtomCount > 0)
                                // save the model
                                oModel.SetOfMolecules = oSet;
                                // setup a new one
                                oBP    = new PDBPolymer();
                                oModel = oFile.Builder.newChemModel();
                                oSet   = oFile.Builder.newSetOfMolecules();
                        else if ("REMARK".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            System.Object comment = oFile.getProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT);
                            if (comment == null)
                                comment = "";
                            if (lineLength > 12)
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                                comment = comment.ToString() + cRead.Substring(11).Trim() + "\n";
                                oFile.setProperty(CDKConstants.COMMENT, comment);
                                //logger.warn("REMARK line found without any comment!");
                        else if ("COMPND".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            string title = cRead.Substring(10).Trim();
                            oFile.setProperty(CDKConstants.TITLE, title);

                         * Read connectivity information from CONECT records.
                         * Only covalent bonds are dealt with. Perhaps salt bridges
                         * should be dealt with in the same way..?
                        else if (readConnect.Set && "CONECT".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            if (cRead.Length < 16)
                                //logger.debug("Skipping unexpected empty CONECT line! : ", cRead);
                                string bondAtom   = cRead.Substring(7, 5).Trim();
                                int    bondAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondAtom);

                                for (int b = 0; b < 9; b += (b == 5 ? 2 : 1))
                                    string bondedAtom = cRead.Substring((b * 5) + 11, 5).Trim();
                                    int    bondedAtomNo;
                                    if (int.TryParse(bondedAtom, out bondedAtomNo))
                                        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);

                                //string bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(12, 5).Trim();
                                //int bondedAtomNo = -1;

                                //    bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    bondedAtomNo = -1;

                                //if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    bonds++;
                                //    addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //    //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);

                                //if (cRead.Length > 17)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(16, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }

                                //if (cRead.Length > 22)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(22, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }

                                //if (cRead.Length > 27)
                                //    bondedAtom = cRead.Substring(27, 5);
                                //    bondedAtom = bondedAtom.Trim();
                                //    try
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = System.Int32.Parse(bondedAtom);
                                //    }
                                //    catch (System.Exception e)
                                //    {
                                //        bondedAtomNo = -1;
                                //    }

                                //    if (bondedAtomNo != -1)
                                //    {
                                //        bonds++;
                                //        addBond(oBP, bondAtomNo, bondedAtomNo);
                                //        //logger.warn("Bonded " + bondAtomNo + " with " + bondedAtomNo);
                                //    }
                        else if ("HELIX ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            //						HELIX    1 H1A CYS A   11  LYS A   18  1 RESIDUE 18 HAS POSITIVE PHI    1D66  72
                            //						          1         2         3         4         5         6         7
                            //						01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType       = PDBStructure.HELIX;
                            structure.StartChainID        = cRead[19];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(21, (25) - (21)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode  = cRead[25];
                            structure.EndChainID          = cRead[31];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber   = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(33, (37) - (33)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode    = cRead[37];
                        else if ("SHEET ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType       = PDBStructure.SHEET;
                            structure.StartChainID        = cRead[21];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(22, (26) - (22)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode  = cRead[26];
                            structure.EndChainID          = cRead[32];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber   = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(33, (37) - (33)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode    = cRead[37];
                        else if ("TURN  ".ToUpper().Equals(cCol.ToUpper()))
                            PDBStructure structure = new PDBStructure();
                            structure.StructureType       = PDBStructure.TURN;
                            structure.StartChainID        = cRead[19];
                            structure.StartSequenceNumber = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(20, (24) - (20)).Trim());
                            structure.StartInsertionCode  = cRead[24];
                            structure.EndChainID          = cRead[30];
                            structure.EndSequenceNumber   = System.Int32.Parse(cRead.Substring(31, (35) - (31)).Trim());
                            structure.EndInsertionCode    = cRead[35];
                        } // ignore all other commands
                }while (_oInput.Peek() != -1 && (cRead != null));
            catch (System.Exception e)
                //logger.error("Found a problem at line:\n");
                //logger.error("          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         ");
                //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Throwable.getMessage' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                //logger.error("  error: " + e.Message);

            // try to close the Input
            catch (System.Exception e)

            // Set all the dependencies
            oModel.SetOfMolecules = oSet;

 public void Clear()