public static LoggingConfiguration UsePaperTrail(this LoggingConfiguration configuration, LogConfig config) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Papertrail?.Server)) { var syslogTarget = new SyslogTarget { Name = "PaperTrail", MessageCreation = new MessageBuilderConfig { Facility = Facility.Local7, Rfc5424 = new Rfc5424Config { AppName = config.ApplicationName, Hostname = config.HostName ?? Environment.MachineName, }, }, MessageSend = new MessageTransmitterConfig { Protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, Tcp = new TcpConfig { Server = config.Papertrail.Server, Port = config.Papertrail.Port, Tls = new TlsConfig { Enabled = true, }, }, }, }; configuration.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.FromString(config.Papertrail.LogLevel ?? "Trace"), syslogTarget)); } return(configuration); }
private static void SetupPapertrailLogging() { try { LoggingConfiguration config = LogManager.Configuration; SyslogTarget papertrail = new SyslogTarget { MessageCreation = { Facility = Facility.Local7 }, MessageSend = { Protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, Tcp = { Server = "", Port = 13236, Tls = { Enabled = true } } } }; config.AddTarget("papertrail", papertrail); papertrail.Layout = "| " + Helpers.DisplayVersion + " |${level:uppercase=true}| ${message} ${exception:format=toString,Data}"; LoggingRule rule = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Error, papertrail); config.LoggingRules.Add(rule); LogManager.Configuration = config; } catch { Logger.Error("Failed to setup logging with papertrail"); } }
private static void SetupLogging(string commandLine) { ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.RegisterItemsFromAssembly(Assembly.Load("NLog.Targets.Syslog")); LoggingConfiguration config = LogManager.Configuration; SyslogTarget syslog = new SyslogTarget { MessageCreation = { Facility = Facility.Local7 }, MessageSend = { Protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, Tcp = { Server = "", Port = 13236, Tls = { Enabled = true } } } }; config.AddTarget("syslog", syslog); syslog.Layout = "| " + Helpers.DisplayVersion + " |${level:uppercase=true}| ${message} ${exception:format=toString,Data}"; LoggingRule rule = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Error, syslog); config.LoggingRules.Add(rule); LogManager.Configuration = config; Logger.Fatal($"TV Rename {Helpers.DisplayVersion} logging started on {Environment.OSVersion}, {(Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "64 Bit OS" : "")}, {(Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 Bit Process" : "")} {Environment.Version} {(Environment.UserInteractive ? "Interactive" : "")} with args: {commandLine}"); Logger.Info($"Copyright (C) {DateTime.Now.Year} TV Rename"); Logger.Info("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions"); }
private static void SetupSemaTextLogging() { try { LoggingConfiguration config = LogManager.Configuration; SyslogTarget sematext = new SyslogTarget { MessageCreation = { Rfc5424 = { AppName = "0dcb3012-fa85-47c5-b6ca-cfd33609ac33" } }, MessageSend = { Protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, Tcp = { Server = "", Port = 514 } } }; config.AddTarget("sema", sematext); JsonLayout jsonLayout = new JsonLayout { Attributes = { new JsonAttribute("exceptionType", "${exception:format=Type}"), new JsonAttribute("exceptionDetails", "${exception:format=toString,Data}"), new JsonAttribute("details", "${message}"), new JsonAttribute("exceptionMessage", "${exception:format=Message}"), new JsonAttribute("level", "${level:uppercase=true}"), new JsonAttribute("appVersion", Helpers.DisplayVersion), new JsonAttribute("innerException", new JsonLayout { Attributes = { new JsonAttribute("type", "${exception:format=:innerFormat=Type:MaxInnerExceptionLevel=1:InnerExceptionSeparator=}"), new JsonAttribute("innerMessage", "${exception:format=:innerFormat=Message:MaxInnerExceptionLevel=1:InnerExceptionSeparator=}") } }, //don't escape layout false) } }; sematext.Layout = jsonLayout; LoggingRule semaRule = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Warn, sematext); config.LoggingRules.Add(semaRule); LogManager.Configuration = config; } catch { Logger.Error("Failed to setup logging with sema"); } }
public static void SetSettings() { if (false) { // Enable internal logging to a file InternalLogger.LogFile = "internallog.log"; // Set internal log level InternalLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Trace; } // Configuration object var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); var syslogTarget = new SyslogTarget() { Name = "sysLog", MessageCreation = new MessageBuilderConfig() { Facility = NLog.Targets.Syslog.Settings.Facility.Daemons }, MessageSend = new MessageTransmitterConfig() { Protocol = ProtocolType.Tcp, Tcp = new TcpConfig() { Server = "", Port = 49554, Tls = new TlsConfig() { Enabled = true } } } }; config.AddTarget(syslogTarget); config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, syslogTarget); // FileTarget object var fileTarget = new FileTarget("fileLogger") { FileName = "${basedir}/log.log", ArchiveAboveSize = 104857600, MaxArchiveFiles = 1, }; config.AddTarget(fileTarget); // Define rules for target config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, fileTarget); // Activate configuration object LogManager.Configuration = config; }
private void SetSyslogParameters(string syslogServer, int syslogPort, LogLevel minimumLogLevel) { var syslogTarget = new SyslogTarget(); syslogTarget.Name = "syslogTarget"; syslogTarget.MessageSend.Protocol = ProtocolType.Udp; syslogTarget.MessageSend.Udp.Port = syslogPort; syslogTarget.MessageSend.Udp.Server = syslogServer; syslogTarget.MessageSend.Udp.ReconnectInterval = 500; syslogTarget.MessageCreation.Rfc = RfcNumber.Rfc5424; syslogTarget.MessageCreation.Rfc5424.AppName = "Prowlarr"; var loggingRule = new LoggingRule("*", minimumLogLevel, syslogTarget); LogManager.Configuration.AddTarget("syslogTarget", syslogTarget); LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Add(loggingRule); }
public static void InitializeSyslogLogger(int port, bool console) { LoggingConfiguration config = new LoggingConfiguration(); SyslogTarget st = new SyslogTarget(); st.Port = port; config.AddTarget("Syslog", st); config.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, st)); if (console) { ColoredConsoleTarget ct = new ColoredConsoleTarget(); ct.Layout = "${message}"; config.AddTarget("Console", ct); config.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, ct)); } LogManager.Configuration = config; }