/* Note about encoding.
         * The RFC-5424 states that most of the syslog message should be encoded as plain ASCII string
         * - except values of parameters in StructuredData section; these are allowed to be in Unicode/UTF-8.
         * Since
         * any valid ASCII text is valid UTF-8 text
         * ... we use UTF-8 for reading the payload, so we can read correctly the entire mix.
         * So in this case the recommendation in the RFC doc is primarily for writers (log producers)
         * to stay with ASCII most of the time, with occasional values in UTF-8.
         * We on the other hand, as reader, are 'forgiving', reading the entire text as UTF-8 message.
         * About BOM: the RFC doc states that [Message] portion of the payload (the tail part) can start with
         * the BOM - byte order mark - to indicate Unicode content.
         * We strip the BOM off when we parse the payload, as it brings troubles if left in the string
         * - just from past experience, it is invisible, debugger does not show it, but it can break some string
         * operations.

        // log file version of RunParserLoop
        private void RunParserLoop(object data)
            while (_running)
                if (_logFileBuffer.Count == 0)
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _activeParserLoopCount);
                    var logfileEntries = _logFileBuffer.DequeueMany(MessageBatchSize);
                    foreach (var entry in logfileEntries)
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref _logFileEntryCount);
                        var text = TransformToRFC(entry);
                        var ctx  = new ParserContext(text);

                        // If tryParse returns false, it means it is not syslog at all
                        if (!(entry == "") && _parser.TryParse(ctx))
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref _syslogMessageCount);
                            var serverEntry = new ServerSyslogEntry()
                                Payload            = entry,
                                Entry              = ctx.Entry,
                                ParseErrorMessages = ctx.ErrorMessages
                            // run filter
                            if (Filter != null && !Filter(serverEntry))
                                Interlocked.Increment(ref _skippedMessageCount);
                                serverEntry.Ignore = true;
                        if (_syslogMessageCount % 10 == 0)
                            Thread.Yield(); // play nice - yield CPU regularly; note - this is very CPU-heavy loop, no IO
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!_running)
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _activeParserLoopCount);
        } //method
        private void Parse(string entry)
            // giving CPU a break every so often
            if (_syslogEntryCount % 10 == 0)
                _syslogEntryCount = 0;

            // Transform to RFC
            var text = $"<{_defaultPriority}> {entry}";

            // Begin parsing using Microsoft.Syslog
            var ctx = new ParserContext(text);

            if (_syslogParser.TryParse(ctx))
                var serverEntry = new ServerSyslogEntry()
                    Payload            = entry,
                    Entry              = ctx.Entry,
                    ParseErrorMessages = ctx.ErrorMessages

                var dict = SyslogEntryToDictionaryConverter.Convert(serverEntry);
        /* Note about encoding.
         * The RFC-5424 states that most of the syslog message should be encoded as plain ASCII string
         * - except values of parameters in StructuredData section; these are allowed to be in Unicode/UTF-8.
         * Since
         * any valid ASCII text is valid UTF-8 text
         * ... we use UTF-8 for reading the payload, so we can read correctly the entire mix.
         * So in this case the recommendation in the RFC doc is primarily for writers (log producers)
         * to stay with ASCII most of the time, with occasional values in UTF-8.
         * We on the other hand, as reader, are 'forgiving', reading the entire text as UTF-8 message.
         * About BOM: the RFC doc states that [Message] portion of the payload (the tail part) can start with
         * the BOM - byte order mark - to indicate Unicode content.
         * We strip the BOM off when we parse the payload, as it brings troubles if left in the string
         * - just from past experience, it is invisible, debugger does not show it, but it can break some string
         * operations.

        private void RunParserLoop(object data)
            while (_running)
                if (_udpBuffer.Count == 0)
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _activeParserLoopCount);
                    var udpPackets = _udpBuffer.DequeueMany(MessageBatchSize);
                    foreach (var packet in udpPackets)
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref _udpPacketCount);
                        // See note above about encoding
                        var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.Data);
                        var ctx  = new ParserContext(text);
                        // If tryParse returns false, it means it is not syslog at all
                        if (_parser.TryParse(ctx))
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref _syslogMessageCount);
                            var serverEntry = new ServerSyslogEntry()
                                UdpPacket = packet, Payload = text,
                                Entry     = ctx.Entry, ParseErrorMessages = ctx.ErrorMessages
                            // run filter
                            if (Filter != null && !Filter(serverEntry))
                                Interlocked.Increment(ref _skippedMessageCount);
                                serverEntry.Ignore = true;
                        if (_syslogMessageCount % 10 == 0)
                            Thread.Yield(); // play nice - yield CPU regularly; note - this is very CPU-heavy loop, no IO
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!_running)
                } finally
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _activeParserLoopCount);
        } //method