public static string GetRefInv(string invcode, string mname) { string r = ""; string rcode = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); Sys_InventoryDetailBll sidb = new Sys_InventoryDetailBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { rcode = srb.GetAssort(invcode.Substring(0, invcode.Length - 3)); if (rcode != "") { string[] rv = rcode.Split(';'); Sys_InventoryDetail si = new Sys_InventoryDetail(); Sys_InventoryDetail sid = sidb.Query(" and icode like '" + rv[0] + "%' and mname='" + mname + "'"); if (sid == null) { si.icname = ""; si.iccode = ""; } else { si = sid; } r = js.Serialize(si); } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static ArrayList QueryListMsInventoryCategory(string mscode, string ipcode) { ArrayList r = new ArrayList(); Sys_InventoryCategoryBll sub = new Sys_InventoryCategoryBll(); Sys_AssortBll sab = new Sys_AssortBll(); List <Sys_InventoryCategory> lsr = new List <Sys_InventoryCategory>(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { r.Add(iv.badstr); if (sab.ExistMsBl(mscode, ipcode + "___")) { lsr = sub.QueryList(" and icpcode='" + ipcode + "' and iccode in ( select blcode from Sys_RMsBl where mcode='" + mscode.Substring(0, mscode.Length - 3) + "' and blcode like '" + ipcode + "___') order by isort"); if (lsr != null) { foreach (Sys_InventoryCategory s in lsr) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(s.iccode); al.Add(s.icname); al.Add(s.icstate); r.Add(al); } } } else { lsr = sub.QueryList(" and icpcode='" + ipcode + "' order by isort"); if (lsr != null) { foreach (Sys_InventoryCategory s in lsr) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(s.iccode); al.Add(s.icname); al.Add(s.icstate); r.Add(al); } } } } else { r.Add(iv.badstr); } return(r); }
public static ArrayList QueryMsRefBlCate(string mscode, string blcode) { ArrayList r = new ArrayList(); Sys_InventoryDetailBll sib = new Sys_InventoryDetailBll(); Sys_InventoryCategoryBll sub = new Sys_InventoryCategoryBll(); List <Sys_InventoryCategory> plsr = new List <Sys_InventoryCategory>(); List <Sys_InventoryCategory> lsr = new List <Sys_InventoryCategory>(); List <Sys_InventoryCategory> lr = new List <Sys_InventoryCategory>(); Sys_AssortBll sab = new Sys_AssortBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { r.Add(iv.badstr); lsr = sub.QueryList(" and iccode='" + blcode + "' order by isort"); plsr = sub.QueryList(" and icpcode='" + blcode + "' order by isort"); if (plsr != null) { lr = plsr; } else { lr = lsr; } if (lr != null) { foreach (Sys_InventoryCategory s in lr) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(s.iccode); al.Add(s.icname); al.Add(s.icstate); if (sib.Exists(" and icode like '" + s.iccode + "%'")) { if (sab.ExistMsBl(" and bcode like '" + s.iccode + "%' and mcode='" + mscode.Substring(0, mscode.Length - 3) + "'")) { r.Add(al); } } } } } else { r.Add(iv.badstr); } return(r); }
public static string GetMsBl(string mcode, string blcode) { string r = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { r = srb.GetMsBl(mcode, blcode); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string GetAssort(string pcode) { string r = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); Sys_InventoryCategoryBll sicb = new Sys_InventoryCategoryBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { r = srb.GetAssort(pcode); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string SetAssort(string pcode, string ptpcode) { string r = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); Sys_InventoryCategoryBll sicb = new Sys_InventoryCategoryBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { srb.DelAssort(pcode); string[] arr = ptpcode.Split(';'); try { foreach (string pv in arr) { ArrayList ls = new ArrayList(); List <Sys_InventoryCategory> lsic = sicb.QueryList(" and iccode like '" + pv + "%' order by id asc"); if (lsic != null) { foreach (Sys_InventoryCategory sic in lsic) { ls.Add(sic.iccode); } } srb.SetAssort(pcode, pv, ls); } r = "S"; } catch { r = "F"; srb.DelAssort(pcode); } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string ReSetAssort(string pcode) { string r = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { if (srb.ReSetAssort(pcode) > 0) { r = "S"; } else { r = "F"; } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string SetMsBl(string mcode, string blcode, string bcode) { string r = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { string[] barr = bcode.Split(';'); if (srb.SetMsBl(mcode, blcode, barr) > 0) { r = "S"; } else { r = "F"; } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }