//获取表单的状态 public string GetFormStatus() { //request string formId = ""; ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); var OTDB = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName); var Status = OTDB.FirstOrDefault <string>("select Status from processinstance where Id=@0", formId); if (Status == null) { return(null); } switch (Status) { case "TERMINATED": break; case "COMPLETED": break; case "RUNNING": break; } return(""); }
private object GetAllFormByEventId(string eventinfoid) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventinfoid)) { return(null); } ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); var formall = QueryDb.Query <formwith_eventcase>("where EventInfoId=@0 order by CreateDate", eventinfoid); List <Dictionary <string, object> > formlist = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (var f in formall) { try { Dictionary <string, object> temp = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.CreateUserID)) { var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id='{f.CreateUserID}'"); temp.Add("CreateUser", user.Name); } else { temp.Add("CreateUser", ""); } temp.Add("CreateDate", f.CreateDate); if (f.FormType == "case_report") { temp.Add("state", f.FormState); if (f.FormState == "审核通过") { closeDate = f.CreateDate.ToString(); } } else { temp.Add("state", "已完成"); } temp.Add("FormType", f.FormName); formlist.Add(temp); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } return(formlist); }
/// <summary> /// 通过Account获取首个ORG的deptID /// </summary> /// <param name="AccountId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetUserDetail(string AccountId) { try { ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); var OTDB = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName); var deptId = OTDB.FirstOrDefault <long>(@"SELECT org.id FROM organization org inner join organizationuser ou on ou.OrganizationId = org.Id inner join user usr on usr.Id = ou.UserId where usr.AccountId = @0", AccountId); return(deptId.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
private void Case_InfoService_OnAfterListData(object query, object data) { var lst = (data as PagedData).Records; var db = this.QueryDb; IService svc = ServiceHelper.GetService("law_party"); ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var item = lst[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; FilterGroup filterGroup = new FilterGroup(); filterGroup.rules = new List <FilterRule>(); filterGroup.rules.Add(new FilterRule { field = "Associatedobjecttype", value = "case_info", op = "equal" }); filterGroup.op = "and"; filterGroup.rules.Add(new FilterRule { field = "CaseId", value = item["ID"].ToString(), op = "equal" }); if (item["CreateUserID"] != null) { string userid = item["CreateUserID"].ToString(); var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id={userid}"); item.Add("CreatUser", user.Name); item.Add("Jobnumber", user.Jobnumber); } var partys = svc.GetListData(filterGroup); item.Add("LawPartys", partys); } }
private object CheckStaffList(APIContext context) { try { ServiceConfig organzationConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("organization"); ServiceConfig organizationuserServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("organizationuser"); ServiceConfig userConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); List <organization> orgs = new List <organization>(); var org1 = SysContext.GetOtherDB(organzationConfig.model.dbName).FirstOrDefault <organization>($"select * from organization where Name='综合行政执法一大队'"); var org2 = SysContext.GetOtherDB(organzationConfig.model.dbName).FirstOrDefault <organization>($"select * from organization where Name='综合行政执法二大队'"); var org3 = SysContext.GetOtherDB(organzationConfig.model.dbName).FirstOrDefault <organization>($"select * from organization where Name='综合行政执法三大队'"); var org4 = SysContext.GetOtherDB(organzationConfig.model.dbName).FirstOrDefault <organization>($"select * from organization where Name='综合行政执法四大队'"); if (org1 != null) { orgs.Add(org1); } if (org2 != null) { orgs.Add(org2); } if (org3 != null) { orgs.Add(org3); } if (org4 != null) { orgs.Add(org4); } if (orgs == null || orgs.Count < 1) { return(null); } List <organizationuser> orgulist = new List <organizationuser>(); foreach (var o in orgs) { var orgus = SysContext.GetOtherDB(organizationuserServiceConfig.model.dbName).Query <organizationuser>($"select * from organizationuser where OrganizationId={o.Id}"); if (orgus != null) { orgulist.AddRange(orgus); } } if (orgulist == null || orgulist.Count < 1) { return(null); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > returncollection = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (var u in orgulist) { Dictionary <string, object> udic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var organzation = orgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == u.OrganizationId); var ur = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userConfig.model.dbName).FirstOrDefault <user>($"select * from user where Id={u.UserId}"); if (ur != null) { int taskunm = QueryDb.ExecuteScalar <int>("select count(*) from work_task where MainHandler=@0 and TaskStatus=1", ur.Id); udic.Add("Organization", organzation.Name); udic.Add("OrganizationId", organzation.Id); udic.Add("userId", ur.Id); udic.Add("userName", ur.Name); udic.Add("Tel", ur.Mobile); udic.Add("TaskNum", taskunm); //请求四方人员在线 udic.Add("Online", false); //范围 udic.Add("Range", null); returncollection.Add(udic); } } return(returncollection); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
private void Formwith_eventcaseService_OnAfterGetPagedData(object query, object data) { var filtercase = query as FilterGroup; string eventinfoid = null; try { if (filtercase != null) { if (filtercase.groups.Count > 0) { foreach (var f in filtercase.groups) { if (f.groups.Count > 0) { foreach (var f0 in f.groups) { if (f0.rules != null) { if (f0.rules[0].field == "CaseId") { var caseinfo = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <formwith_eventcase>("where FormID=@0", f0.rules[0].value); eventinfoid = caseinfo.EventInfoId; } } } } } } } } catch { eventinfoid = null; } var lst = (data as PagedData).Records; ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); var dicUserOrg = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).Query <FD.Model.Dto.UserOrganizationName>("SELECT a.Id AS UserId,a.`Name` as UserName,c.`Name` as OrgName FROM USER a LEFT JOIN organizationuser b ON a.Id = b.UserId LEFT JOIN organization c ON b.OrganizationId = c.Id WHERE c.Id !=1") .GroupBy(m => m.UserId).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList()); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var item = lst[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; string userid = item["CreateUserID"] == null ? string.Empty : item["CreateUserID"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userid) && dicUserOrg.ContainsKey(userid)) { item["handler"] = dicUserOrg[userid].FirstOrDefault()?.UserName; item["Department"] = dicUserOrg[userid].FirstOrDefault()?.OrgName; } var formType = item["FormType"].ToString().ToLower(); if (formType == "form_confiscated") // 没收清单表查询出对应的当事人姓名 { var formlawpary = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <string>("SELECT lawpartyid FROM form_confiscated where ID=@0", item["FormID"].ToString()); if (formlawpary != null) { var lawpartyName = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <string>("SELECT Name FROM law_party where ID=@0", formlawpary); item["FormName"] = "[" + lawpartyName + "]" + item["FormName"]; } } if (formType == "law_punishmentinfo") //当场处罚决定书 新增处罚决定书文号 { item.Add("PunishmentTitle", QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <string>("SELECT PunishmentTitle FROM law_punishmentinfo where ID=@0", item["FormID"].ToString())); } if (formType == "law_punishmentinfo" || formType == "form_inquiryrecord" || formType == "case_report") //处罚当场决定书、勘察、结案、没收、询问表单新增详情的pdf文件地址 { item.Add("PdfFilePath", QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <string>("SELECT FilePath FROM form_printpdf where FormID=@0", item["FormID"].ToString())); } if (formType == "form_inquiryrecord") { var lawpartyName = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <string>("SELECT InquiryType FROM law_party where AssociationobjectID=@0", item["FormID"].ToString()); item["FormName"] = "[" + lawpartyName + "]" + item["FormName"]; } } //添加事件巡查勘察 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventinfoid)) { var patrol = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <formwith_eventcase>("where EventInfoId=@0 and FormType='task_patrol'", eventinfoid); if (patrol != null) { var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(patrol)); var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id={obj["CreateUserID"]}"); obj["handler"] = user.Name; lst.Add(obj); } var survey = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <formwith_eventcase>("where EventInfoId=@0 and FormType='task_survey'", eventinfoid); if (survey != null) { var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(survey)); var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id={obj["CreateUserID"]}"); obj["handler"] = user.Name; lst.Add(obj); } } }
private void Case_InfoService_OnAfterGetPagedData(object query, object data) { var lst = (data as PagedData).Records; var db = this.QueryDb; IService svc = ServiceHelper.GetService("law_party"); var res_dictionary = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <res_dictionary>("where DicCode=@0", "CaseType"); var dicItems = QueryDb.Query <res_dictionaryItems>("SELECT * FROM res_dictionaryitems where DicID=@0", res_dictionary.ID).ToDictionary(k => k.ItemCode, v => v.Title); IService psm = ServiceHelper.GetService("law_punishmentInfo"); ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var item = lst[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; FilterGroup filterGroup = new FilterGroup(); filterGroup.rules = new List <FilterRule>(); filterGroup.rules.Add(new FilterRule { field = "Associatedobjecttype", value = "case_info", op = "equal" }); filterGroup.op = "and"; filterGroup.rules.Add(new FilterRule { field = "CaseId", value = item["ID"].ToString(), op = "equal" }); if (item["CreateUserID"] != null) { string userid = item["CreateUserID"].ToString(); var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id={userid}"); item.Add("CreatUser", user.Name); item.Add("Jobnumber", user.Jobnumber); } //var partys = svc.GetListData(filterGroup) ; var partys = QueryDb.Query <law_party>("where ASSOCIATIONOBJECTID=@0", item["ID"].ToString()); //添加附件 var pulishment = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <law_punishmentInfo>("where caseid=@0", item["ID"].ToString()); if (pulishment != null) { var atts = QueryDb.Query <attachment>("where ASSOCIATIONOBJECTID=@0", pulishment.ID); if (atts != null) { item.Add("attachments", atts); } } else { item.Add("attachments", null); } //事件图片返回 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)item["EventInfoId"])) { var eventinfo = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <event_info>("where objId=@0", item["EventInfoId"].ToString()); if (eventinfo != null) { item.Add("evtFileUrl", eventinfo.evtFileUrl); item.Add("posFileUrl", eventinfo.posFileUrl); } } else { item.Add("evtFileUrl", null); item.Add("posFileUrl", null); } item.Add("LawPartys", partys); var caseType = item["CaseType"].ToString(); if (dicItems.ContainsKey(caseType)) // CaseType 显示中文title { item["CaseType"] = dicItems[caseType]; } } }
public object FormData(FormDataReq data) { var res_dictionarycase = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <res_dictionary>("where DicCode=@0", "CaseType"); var dicItemscase = QueryDb.Query <res_dictionaryItems>("SELECT * FROM res_dictionaryitems where DicID=@0", res_dictionarycase.ID).ToDictionary(k => k.ItemCode, v => v.Title); if (data.Model.ToUpper() == "case_Info".ToUpper()) { data.Model = "case_Info"; } IService service = ServiceHelper.GetService(data.Model); //根据事件id或者id查询数据 var filter = new FilterGroup(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.FormId)) { filter.rules.Add(new FilterRule("ID", data.FormId, "equal")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.EventInfoId)) { filter.rules.Add(new FilterRule("EventInfoId", data.EventInfoId, "equal")); } object atlist = null; //案件特殊判断 if (data.Model.ToUpper() == "case_Info".ToUpper()) { filter.rules.Add(new FilterRule("PreviousformID", "", "notequal")); atlist = Getpunishattchment(data.FormId); } ServiceConfig userServiceConfig = ServiceHelper.GetServiceConfig("user"); //查询主表数据 var obj = service.GetListData(filter).OrderByDescending(s => s.Keys.Contains("createTime") ? s["createTime"] : s["CreateDate"]).FirstOrDefault(); //查询主表单 if (obj == null) { return(null); //throw new Exception("未取得关联数据"); } obj.Add("publishtype", publishtypet); if (obj.ContainsKey("PunishmentTitle")) { obj["PunishmentTitle"] = publishTitle; } else { obj.Add("PunishmentTitle", publishTitle); } if (obj["CreateUserID"] != null) { var user = SysContext.GetOtherDB(userServiceConfig.model.dbName).First <user>($"select * from user where Id='{obj["CreateUserID"]}'"); if (user != null) { obj["CreateUserID"] = user.Name; } } if (data.Model.ToUpper() == "case_Info".ToUpper()) { if (obj.ContainsKey("CaseType")) { if (obj["CaseType"] != null) { if (dicItemscase.ContainsKey(obj["CaseType"].ToString())) // CaseType 显示中文title { obj["CaseType"] = dicItemscase[obj["CaseType"].ToString()]; } } } } string formId = obj["ID"].ToString(); //得到id string eventinfoid = null; if (obj.ContainsKey("EventInfoId")) { eventinfoid = obj["EventInfoId"] != null ? obj["EventInfoId"].ToString() : string.Empty; } if (data.Model.ToLower() == "task_survey") // 现场勘查 EventType 显示中文title { var res_dictionary = QueryDb.FirstOrDefault <res_dictionary>("where DicCode=@0", "EventType"); var dicItems = QueryDb.Query <res_dictionaryItems>("SELECT * FROM res_dictionaryitems where DicID=@0", res_dictionary.ID).ToDictionary(k => k.ItemCode, v => v.Title); var eventType = obj["EventType"].ToString(); if (dicItems.ContainsKey(eventType)) { obj["EventType"] = dicItems[eventType]; } } //构建其他需要查询的数据 var dicData = BuildData(data, formId, eventinfoid); obj.Add("closeDate", closeDate); dicData.Add("MainForm", obj); //添加处罚决定书证据附件 if (atlist != null) { if (dicData.ContainsKey("attachment")) { var als = dicData["attachment"] as List <attachment>; if (als != null) { als.AddRange(atlist as List <attachment>); dicData["attachment"] = als; } else { dicData["attachment"] = atlist; } } else { dicData.Add("attachment", atlist); } } return(dicData); }