 public YtSync(SnowflakeConnectionProvider snowflake, SqlServerCfg sqlServerCfg, SyncDbCfg cfg, YtStores stores, WarehouseCfg whCfg, SemVersion version)
     Snowflake    = snowflake;
     SqlServerCfg = sqlServerCfg;
     Cfg          = cfg;
     WhCfg        = whCfg;
     Version      = version;
     Store        = stores.Store(DataStoreType.Root);
        public async Task SyncDb(SyncDbCfg cfg, ILogger log, IReadOnlyCollection <string> tables = null, bool fullLoad = false, int optionLimit = 0)
            var toRun = cfg.Tables.Where(t => tables == null || !tables.Any() || tables.Contains(t.Name)).ToArray();
            var dur   = await toRun.BlockAction(async t => {
                var tableLog = log.ForContext("Table", t.Name);

                tableLog.Information("Table Sync {Table} - started", t.Name);
                using var sourceConn = await Snowflake.OpenConnection(log);
                using var destConn   = await SqlServerCfg.OpenConnection(tableLog);
                var sync             = new DbSync(
                    new SnowflakeSourceDb((SnowflakeDbConnection)sourceConn.Conn, Snowflake.Cfg.Schema, tableLog),
                    new MsSqlDestDb(destConn, SqlServerCfg.DefaultSchema, t.FullTextCatalog, tableLog));

                var res = await sync.UpdateTable(t, tableLog, fullLoad, optionLimit)
                          .WithWrappedException($"sync table '{t.Name}'", tableLog) // log the error and rethrow. Won't interrupt untill other sync have completed

                tableLog.Information("Talbe sync {Table} - completed in {Duration}", t.Name, res.HumanizeShort());
            }, cfg.Parallel).WithDuration();

            log.Information("Completed loading {Tables} in {Duration}", toRun.Select(t => t.Name), dur.Duration.HumanizeShort());
 public SyncDbCmd(YtSync sync, SyncDbCfg cfg, ILogger log)
     Sync = sync;
     Cfg  = cfg;
     Log  = log;