private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ui_id.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("无收费记录"); return; } try { String sql = "update t_apply set f_actualfee=f_actualfee-(select f_fee from t_paydetail where id=" + ui_id.Text + ") where f_code='" + ui_code.Text + "'"; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.Type = "sql"; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "abc"; action.Invoke(); String sql1 = "update t_paydetail set f_state='无效' where id=" + ui_id.Text; HQLAction action1 = new HQLAction(); action1.HQL = sql1; action1.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action1.Name = "abc1"; action1.Invoke(); //GeneralObject go1=(from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("reversalmx") select p).First() as GeneralObject; //go1.SetValue("id",null); SyncActionFactory save = (from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("SaveAction") select p).First() as SyncActionFactory; save.Invoke(); ((from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("paydetails") select p).First() as GeneralObject).IsInit = true; //go1.IsInit = true; (reversalmxgrid.DataContext as GeneralObject).IsInit = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("请记录用户情况,联系管理员"); } }
private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String sql = "update t_handplan set f_username='******'" + ",lastinputdate='" + ui_lastinputdatechange.Text + "'" + ",lastinputgasnum='" + ui_lastinputgasnumchange.Text + "'" + ",f_inputtor='" + ui_inputtorchange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_phone='" + ui_phonechange.Text + "'" + ",f_address='" + ui_addresschange.Text + "'" + ",f_usertype='" + ui_usertypechange.Text + "'" + ",f_weizhi='" + ui_weizhichange.Text + "'" + ",f_gasproperties='" + CoboxGasPro.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_gaspricetype='" + CoboxGas.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_gasprice='" + ui_gaspricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_metertype='" + ui_metertypechange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_gasmetermanufacturers='" + ui_gasmetermanufacturerschange.Text + "'" + ",f_gasmeterstyle='" + ui_gasmeterstylechange.Text + "'" + ",f_meternumber='" + ui_meternumberchange.Text + "'" + ",f_aliasname='" + ui_aliasnamechange.Text + "' where f_state='未抄表' and f_userid='" + ui_userid.Text + "'"; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "abc"; action.Invoke(); //如果数据有误,页面提示 //回调页面保存按钮功能 SyncActionFactory save = (from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("SaveAction") select p).First() as SyncActionFactory; save.Invoke(); //updatehandplan.New(); }
private void TextBox_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (null == f_userid.Text || "".Equals(f_userid.Text)) { SyncActionFactory save2 = (from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("getbianh") select p).First() as SyncActionFactory; save2.Invoke(); } }
private void save1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ui_apply.IsBusy = true; GeneralObject obj = apply.DataContext as GeneralObject; userid = obj.GetPropertyValue("f_userid") + ""; SyncActionFactory save = (from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("t_SaveAction") select p).First() as SyncActionFactory; save.Invoke(); }
private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String sql = "update t_handplan set f_username='******'" + ",f_inputtor='" + ui_inputtorchange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_phone='" + ui_phonechange.Text + "'" + ",f_address='" + ui_addresschange.Text + "'" + ",f_usertype='" + ui_usertypechange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_handarea='" + ui_handareachange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_gasproperties='" + CoboxGasPro.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_extrawaterprice='" + ui_extrawaterpricechange.Text + "' where f_state='未抄表' and f_userinfoid='" + ui_userid.Text + "'"; HQLAction action = new HQLAction(); action.HQL = sql; action.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action.Name = "abc"; action.Invoke(); String sql1 = "update t_userfiles set f_username='******'" + ",f_inputtor='" + ui_inputtorchange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_phone='" + ui_phonechange.Text + "'" + ",f_address='" + ui_addresschange.Text + "'" + ",f_usertype='" + ui_usertypechange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_handarea='" + ui_handareachange.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_gasproperties='" + CoboxGasPro.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_stairtype='" + CoboxStair.SelectedValue + "'" + ",f_stair1amount='" + f_stair1amountchange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair1price='" + f_stair1pricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair2amount='" + f_stair2amountchange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair2price='" + f_stair2pricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair3amount='" + f_stair3amountchange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair3price='" + f_stair3pricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_stair4price='" + f_stair4pricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_stairmonths='" + f_stairmonthschange.Text + "'" + ",f_zongjiprice='" + f_zongjipricechange.Text + "'" + ",f_extrawaterprice='" + ui_extrawaterpricechange.Text + "' where f_userinfoid='" + ui_userid.Text + "'"; HQLAction action1 = new HQLAction(); action1.HQL = sql1; action1.WebClientInfo = Application.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo; action1.Name = "aaa"; action1.Invoke(); //如果数据有误,页面提示 //回调页面保存按钮功能 SyncActionFactory save = (from p in loader.Res where p.Name.Equals("SaveAction") select p).First() as SyncActionFactory; save.Invoke(); //updatehandplan.New(); }
public void should_return_right_create_sharepoint_item_action() { // Arrange var syncActionFactory = new SyncActionFactory(); var args = new SynchronizeTreeArgs(); var integrationItem = TestHelper.CreateSitecoreItemsList(new TestHelper.Items { { "1", string.Empty } }).First(); // Act var action = syncActionFactory.GetCreateSharepointItemAction(args, integrationItem); // Assert action.Should().Match <CreateSharepointItemAction>(x => x.Item == integrationItem); }
public void should_return_right_delete_integration_item_action() { // Arrange var syncActionFactory = new SyncActionFactory(); var args = new SynchronizeTreeArgs(); var integrationItem = TestHelper.CreateSitecoreItemsList(new TestHelper.Items { "1" }).First(); // Act var action = syncActionFactory.GetDeleteIntegrationItemAction(args, integrationItem); // Assert action.Should().Match <DeleteIntegrationItemAction>(x => x.Item == integrationItem); }
void save_Completed(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { SyncActionFactory save = sender as SyncActionFactory; save.Completed -= save_Completed; if (userid != null) { //将产生的json串送后台服务进行处理 WebClientInfo wci = Application.Current.Resources["server"] as WebClientInfo; string uri = wci.BaseAddress + "/iesgas/user/comand"; WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadStringCompleted += client_UploadStringCompleted; client.UploadStringAsync(new Uri(uri), "[{customer_code:\"" + userid + "\"}]"); } else { ui_userfile.IsBusy = false; } }