public Frame <string, string> GetSymbology(IEnumerable <string> symbols, SymbologyType fromSymbolType = SymbologyType.RIC, IEnumerable <SymbologyType> toSymbolType = null, // uint? limit = null, bool bestMatch = true) { var response = GetSymbologyRaw(symbols, fromSymbolType, toSymbolType, bestMatch); var responseObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SymbologySearchResponse>(response, new JsonSerializerSettings { Error = HandleDeserializationError, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); if (bestMatch == true) { return(CreateBestMatchFrame(responseObj)); } else { return(CreateFrame(responseObj)); } // Frame.FromRecords() }
public Frame <string, string> GetSymbology(string symbol, SymbologyType fromSymbolType = SymbologyType.RIC, IEnumerable <SymbologyType> toSymbolType = null, // uint? limit = null, bool bestMatch = true) { return(SymbologySearch.GetSymbology(symbol, fromSymbolType, toSymbolType, bestMatch)); }
public string GetSymbologyRaw(IEnumerable <string> symbols, SymbologyType fromSymbolType = SymbologyType.RIC, IEnumerable <SymbologyType> toSymbolType = null, // uint? limit = null, bool bestMatch = true) { return(SymbologySearch.GetSymbologyRaw(symbols, fromSymbolType, toSymbolType, bestMatch)); }
public string GetSymbologyRaw(string symbol, SymbologyType fromSymbolType = SymbologyType.RIC, IEnumerable <SymbologyType> toSymbolType = null, // uint? limit = null, bool bestMatch = true) { return(GetSymbologyRaw(new List <string> { symbol }, fromSymbolType, toSymbolType, bestMatch)); }
public static IHtmlString GetBarcode(this HtmlHelper helper, string value, SymbologyType symbology, bool addChecksum = false) { var base64ImageBytes = GetBase64Barcode(value, symbology, addChecksum); var str = string.Format("<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,{0}\">", base64ImageBytes); return(MvcHtmlString.Create(str)); }
/// <summary> /// Display selected options in the preview window /// </summary> private void dgv_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)) { return; } int row = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index; int handle = axMap1.Layers[0].Handle; string name = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; SymbologyType type = (SymbologyType)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; var layer = axMap1.Layers.ItemByHandle(handle); if (type == SymbologyType.Random) { lblDescription.Text = SymbologyType.Random.EnumToString(); lblDescription.Refresh(); var sf = layer.FeatureSet; if (!layer.Deserialize(_initState)) { MessageService.Current.Warn("Error while loading options"); } else { axMap1.Redraw(); } return; } if (type == SymbologyType.Default) { name = ""; lblDescription.Text = SymbologyType.Default.EnumToString(); lblDescription.Refresh(); } // previously saved options (.mwsymb or .mwsr file) string description = ""; if (!layer.LoadOptions(name, ref description)) { MessageService.Current.Warn("Error while loading options"); } else { if (name != "") { lblDescription.Text = description == "Enter description" ? "" :description; lblDescription.Refresh(); } axMap1.Redraw(); } }
/// <summary> /// Display selected options in the preview window /// </summary> private void dgv_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)) { return; } int row = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index; int handle = axMap1.get_LayerHandle(0); string name = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; SymbologyType type = (SymbologyType)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; if (type == SymbologyType.Random) { lblDescription.Text = Globals.GetSymbologyDescription(SymbologyType.Random); lblDescription.Refresh(); var sf = axMap1.get_Shapefile(handle); if (!axMap1.DeserializeLayer(handle, m_initState)) { Globals.MessageBoxError("Error while loading options"); } else { axMap1.Redraw(); } return; } else if (type == SymbologyType.Default) { name = ""; lblDescription.Text = Globals.GetSymbologyDescription(SymbologyType.Default); lblDescription.Refresh(); } // previously saved options (.mwsymb or .mwsr file) string description = ""; if (!axMap1.LoadLayerOptions(handle, name, ref description)) { Globals.MessageBoxError("Error while loading options"); } else { if (name != "") { this.lblDescription.Text = description == "Enter description" ? "" :description; lblDescription.Refresh(); } axMap1.Redraw(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns name and type of the currently selected row /// </summary> private bool get_CurrentNameAndType(out string name, out SymbologyType type) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { name = ""; type = SymbologyType.Custom; return(false); } name = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; type = (SymbologyType)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; return(true); }
public static string GetBase64Barcode(string value, SymbologyType symbology, bool addChecksum = false) { using (var barcode = new Barcode()) { barcode.Symbology = symbology; barcode.Value = value; barcode.AddChecksum = addChecksum; var imageBytes = barcode.GetImageBytesPNG(); return(Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes)); } }
private void UpdateBarcode() { SymbologyType symbology = (SymbologyType)Enum.GetValues(typeof(SymbologyType)).GetValue(this.cboSymbologyType.SelectedIndex); txtSymbologyDescription.Text = ctrlBarcodeControl.GetValueRestrictions(symbology); try { if (symbology == SymbologyType.EAN13 || symbology == SymbologyType.ISBN || symbology == SymbologyType.UPCA) { txtSupplementalValue.IsEnabled = true; lblSupplementalValue.IsEnabled = true; txtSymbologyDescription.Text += " " + ctrlBarcodeControl.GetSupplementaryValueRestrictions(); } else { txtSupplementalValue.IsEnabled = false; lblSupplementalValue.IsEnabled = false; } lblErrorMessage.Content = ""; ctrlBarcodeControl.RegistrationKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx"; ctrlBarcodeControl.RegistrationName = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"; ctrlBarcodeControl.Symbology = symbology; ctrlBarcodeControl.SupplementValue = txtSupplementalValue.Text; ctrlBarcodeControl.Value = txtValueToEncode.Text; ctrlBarcodeControl.DrawCaptionFor2DBarcodes = chkDrawCaptionFor2D.IsChecked.Value; ctrlBarcodeControl.AutoFitToControlSize = chkAutoFitToContainer.IsChecked.Value; ctrlBarcodeControl.Caption = ""; if (symbology == SymbologyType.PDF417 || symbology == SymbologyType.PDF417Truncated || symbology == SymbologyType.MacroPDF417 || symbology == SymbologyType.DataMatrix || symbology == SymbologyType.GS1_DataMatrix) { ctrlBarcodeControl.BarHeight = PdfBarHeight; } else if (symbology == SymbologyType.MicroPDF417) { ctrlBarcodeControl.BarHeight = PdfBarHeight / 2; } else { ctrlBarcodeControl.BarHeight = BarHeight; } } catch (Exception) { lblErrorMessage.Content = "Value is invalid for current symbology. Please review value restrictions above."; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns descriptions of the standard types of symbology (random and default) /// </summary> internal static string GetSymbologyDescription(SymbologyType symbologyType) { string s = ""; if (symbologyType == SymbologyType.Default) { s = "Default options stored in the .mwsymb or .mwsr files"; } else if (symbologyType == SymbologyType.Random) { s = "Options set randomly by MapWinGIS ActiveX control"; } return(s); }
public static IHtmlString EmbeddedBarcodeImage(this HtmlHelper helper, string value, SymbologyType symbology, bool addChecksum = false) { using (var barcode = new Barcode()) { barcode.Symbology = symbology; barcode.Value = value; barcode.AddChecksum = addChecksum; var imageBytes = barcode.GetImageBytesPNG(); var str = string.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes)); return(MvcHtmlString.Create(str)); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes all the available options for the layer /// </summary> private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.Items.Count == 0) { return; } var map = _legend.Map; if (map != null) { if (MessageService.Current.Ask("Do you want to remove all option sets for the layer?")) { int errorCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < listView1.Items.Count; row++) { string name = listView1.Items[row].ToString(); SymbologyType type = (SymbologyType)listView1.Items[row].Tag; if (type == SymbologyType.Default) { name = ""; } if (!map.GetLayer(_layer.Handle).RemoveOptions(name)) { errorCount++; } } // redrawing listView1.FillSymbologyList(_layer.Filename, true, ref _noEvents); dgv_CurrentCellChanged(null, null); if (errorCount > 0) { MessageService.Current.Warn("Failed to remove options: " + errorCount + Environment.NewLine + "Reason: " + map.LastError); } } } RefreshControlsState(); }
public string GetSymbologyRaw(IEnumerable <string> symbols, SymbologyType fromSymbolType = SymbologyType.RIC, IEnumerable <SymbologyType> toSymbolType = null, // uint? limit = null, bool bestMatch = true) { SymbologySearchRequest request = new SymbologySearchRequest { symbols = symbols.ToList(), from = fromSymbolType, to = toSymbolType?.ToList(), limit = null, bestMatchOnly = bestMatch }; var response = SerializeAndSendRequest <SymbologySearchRequest>(request); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Removes all the available options for the layer /// </summary> private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.Items.Count == 0) { return; } MapWinGIS.Map map = m_legend.Map; if (map != null) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to remove all option sets for the layer?", LegendControl.Legend.AppName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { int errorCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < listView1.Items.Count; row++) { string name = listView1.Items[row].ToString(); SymbologyType type = (SymbologyType)listView1.Items[row].Tag; if (type == SymbologyType.Default) { name = ""; } if (!map.RemoveLayerOptions(m_layer.Handle, name)) { errorCount++; } } // redrawing Globals.FillSymbologyList(listView1, m_layer.FileName, true, ref m_noEvents); dgv_CurrentCellChanged(null, null); if (errorCount > 0) { Globals.MessageBoxError("Failed to remove options: " + errorCount + Environment.NewLine + "Reason: " + map.get_ErrorMsg(map.LastErrorCode)); } } } RefreshControlsState(); }
public void Print(SymbologyType type, string value, string caption, float widthInches, float heightInches) { m_barcode.Symbology = type; m_barcode.Value = value; m_barcode.Caption = caption; m_widthInches = widthInches; m_heightInches = heightInches; PrintDocument printDoc = new PrintDocument(); printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printDoc_PrintPage); PrintDialog dlgSettings = new PrintDialog(); dlgSettings.Document = printDoc; if (dlgSettings.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { printDoc.Print(); } }
/// <summary> /// Applies a given set of options to the layer /// </summary> private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MapWinGIS.Map map = m_legend.Map; if (map != null) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { if (listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index > 0) // otherwise that's random options { int row = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index; string name = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; SymbologyType type = (SymbologyType)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; if (type == SymbologyType.Default) { name = ""; } string description = ""; bool res = map.LoadLayerOptions(m_handle, name, ref description); } } } }
public Image DrawBarcode(SymbologyType symbologyType, string data) { this.SymbologyType = symbologyType; return(DrawBarcode()); }
public Image DrawBarcode(SymbologyType symbologyType, string data, Color foreColor, Color backColor) { this.ForeColor = foreColor; this.BackColor = backColor; return(DrawBarcode(symbologyType, data)); }
public Image DrawBarcode(SymbologyType symbologyType, string data, Color foreColor, Color backColor, float width, float height) { this.Width = width; this.Height = height; return(DrawBarcode(symbologyType, data, foreColor, backColor)); }
public Barcode(string data, SymbologyType iType) { = data; this.SymbologyType = iType; }
public BarcodeViewModel() { Value = "12345"; Symbology = SymbologyType.Code128; }
public Image DrawBarcode(SymbologyType symbologyType, string data, float width, float height) { this.Width = width; this.Height = height; return(DrawBarcode(SymbologyType, data)); }