        // GET= UmlActivity
        public ActionResult UmlActivity()
            List <DiagramNode>           nodes = new List <DiagramNode>();
            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node1 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node1.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Receive Customer Call"

            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node3 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node3.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Determine Type of Call"

            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node4 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node4.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Customer Logging a Call"

            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node6 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node6.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Transfer the Call to Sales"

            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node7 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node7.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Transfer the Call to Help Desk"

            List <DiagramNodeAnnotation> Node10 = new List <DiagramNodeAnnotation>();

            Node10.Add(new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
                Content = "Close Call", Margin = new DiagramMargin()
                    Left = 25, Right = 25

            List <DiagramConnectorAnnotation> Connector1 = new List <DiagramConnectorAnnotation>();

            Connector1.Add(new DiagramConnectorAnnotation()
                Content = "Type=New Customer", Style = new DiagramTextStyle()
                    Fill = "White"

            List <DiagramConnectorAnnotation> Connector2 = new List <DiagramConnectorAnnotation>();

            Connector2.Add(new DiagramConnectorAnnotation()
                Content = "Type=Existing Customer", Style = new DiagramTextStyle()
                    Fill = "White"
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "Start",
                OffsetX = 288,
                OffsetY = 25.5,
                Height  = 40,
                Width   = 40,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "InitialNode" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "ReceiveCall",
                OffsetX     = 288,
                OffsetY     = 85.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node1,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "node2",
                OffsetX = 288,
                OffsetY = 130.5,
                Height  = 10,
                Width   = 70,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "ForkNode" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "Determine",
                OffsetX     = 168,
                OffsetY     = 210.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node3,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "Log",
                OffsetX     = 408,
                OffsetY     = 210.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node4,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "node5",
                OffsetX = 168,
                OffsetY = 290.5,
                Height  = 50,
                Width   = 50,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Decision" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "transfer_sales",
                OffsetX     = 88,
                OffsetY     = 360.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node6,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "transfer_desk",
                OffsetX     = 263,
                OffsetY     = 360.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node7,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "node8",
                OffsetX = 168,
                OffsetY = 430.5,
                Height  = 50,
                Width   = 50,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "MergeNode" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "node9",
                OffsetX = 288,
                OffsetY = 500.5,
                Height  = 10,
                Width   = 70,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "JoinNode" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id          = "CloseCall",
                OffsetX     = 288,
                OffsetY     = 550.5,
                Height      = 40,
                Width       = 105,
                Annotations = Node10,
                Shape       = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            nodes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "node11",
                OffsetX = 288,
                OffsetY = 615.5,
                Height  = 40,
                Width   = 40,
                Shape   = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "FinalNode" }
            List <DiagramSegment> segments = new List <DiagramSegment>();

            segments.Add(new DiagramSegment()
                Type = "Orthogonal", Length = 213, Direction = "Bottom"
            segments.Add(new DiagramSegment()
                Type = "Orthogonal", Length = 50, Direction = "Left"
            List <DiagramConnector> Connectors = new List <DiagramConnector>();

            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector1", SourceID = "Start", TargetID = "ReceiveCall",
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector2", SourceID = "ReceiveCall", TargetID = "node2"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector3", SourceID = "node2", TargetID = "Determine", SourcePortID = "port1", TargetPortID = "portTop"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector4", SourceID = "node2", TargetID = "Log", SourcePortID = "port2", TargetPortID = "portTop"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector5", SourceID = "Determine", TargetID = "node5",
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector6", SourceID = "node5", TargetID = "transfer_sales", Annotations = Connector1, SourcePortID = "portLeft", TargetPortID = "portTop",
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector7", SourceID = "node5", TargetID = "transfer_desk", Annotations = Connector2, SourcePortID = "portRight", TargetPortID = "portTop",
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector8", SourceID = "transfer_sales", TargetID = "node8", SourcePortID = "portBottom", TargetPortID = "portLeft"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector9", SourceID = "transfer_desk", TargetID = "node8", SourcePortID = "portBottom", TargetPortID = "portRight"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector10", SourceID = "node8", TargetID = "node9", SourcePortID = "portBottom", TargetPortID = "port3"
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector11", SourceID = "Log", TargetID = "node9", SourcePortID = "portBottom", TargetPortID = "port4", Segments = segments
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector12", SourceID = "node9", TargetID = "CloseCall",
            Connectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id = "connector13", SourceID = "CloseCall", TargetID = "node11",
            ViewBag.nodes      = nodes;
            ViewBag.connectors = Connectors;

            List <Syncfusion.EJ2.Diagrams.DiagramNode> umlShapes = new List <Syncfusion.EJ2.Diagrams.DiagramNode>();

            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Action", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Action" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Decision", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Decision" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "MergeNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "MergeNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "InitialNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "InitialNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "FinalNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "FinalNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "ForkNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "ForkNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "JoinNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "JoinNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "TimeEvent", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "TimeEvent" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "AcceptingEvent", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "AcceptingEvent" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "SendSignal", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "SendSignal" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "ReceiveSignal", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "ReceiveSignal" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "StructuredNode", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "StructuredNode" }
            umlShapes.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Note", Shape = new { type = "UmlActivity", shape = "Note" }

            DiagramPoint sourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                X = 0, Y = 0
            DiagramPoint targetPoint = new DiagramPoint()
                X = 40, Y = 40
            ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors targetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors()
                Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow, Style = new DiagramShapeStyle()
                    Fill = "#757575", StrokeColor = "#757575"
            DiagramStrokeStyle style1 = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#757575", StrokeDashArray = "4 4"
            DiagramStrokeStyle style2 = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#757575"
            List <DiagramConnector> SymbolPaletteConnectors = new List <DiagramConnector>();

            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id              = "Link1",
                Type            = Segments.Orthogonal,
                SourcePoint     = sourcePoint,
                TargetPoint     = targetPoint,
                TargetDecorator = targetDecorator,
                Style           = style1
            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id              = "Link2",
                Type            = Segments.Orthogonal,
                SourcePoint     = sourcePoint,
                TargetPoint     = targetPoint,
                TargetDecorator = targetDecorator,
                Style           = style2
            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id              = "Link3",
                Type            = Segments.Straight,
                SourcePoint     = sourcePoint,
                TargetPoint     = targetPoint,
                TargetDecorator = targetDecorator,
                Style           = style2

            List <SymbolPalettePalette> Palette = new List <SymbolPalettePalette>();

            Palette.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette()
                Id = "UMLActivity", Expanded = true, Symbols = umlShapes, Title = "UML Shapes"
            Palette.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette()
                Id = "connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = SymbolPaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors"

            ViewBag.Palette = Palette;

            SymbolPaletteMargin margin = new SymbolPaletteMargin()
                Left = 15, Right = 15, Bottom = 15, Top = 15

            ViewBag.margin = margin;

        // GET: Swimlane
        public ActionResult Swimlane()
            List <DiagramNode> Nodes = new List <DiagramNode>();


            List <DiagramConnector> Connectors = new List <DiagramConnector>();


            ViewBag.nodes                = Nodes;
            ViewBag.connectors           = Connectors;
            ViewBag.getNodeDefaults      = "getNodeDefaults";
            ViewBag.getConnectorDefaults = "getConnectorDefaults";
            List <DiagramPort> ports = new List <DiagramPort>();

            ports.Add(new DiagramPort()
                Id = "Port1", Offset = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0, Y = 0.5
                }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Connect | PortVisibility.Hover, Constraints = PortConstraints.Default | PortConstraints.Draw
            ports.Add(new DiagramPort()
                Id = "Port2", Offset = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0.5, Y = 0
                }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Connect | PortVisibility.Hover, Constraints = PortConstraints.Default | PortConstraints.Draw
            ports.Add(new DiagramPort()
                Id = "Port3", Offset = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 1, Y = 0.5
                }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Connect | PortVisibility.Hover, Constraints = PortConstraints.Default | PortConstraints.Draw
            ports.Add(new DiagramPort()
                Id = "Port4", Offset = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0.5, Y = 1
                }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Connect | PortVisibility.Hover, Constraints = PortConstraints.Default | PortConstraints.Draw

            List <DiagramNode>          SymbolPaletee = new List <DiagramNode>();
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo       = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo.Add("tooltip", "Terminator");
            SymbolPaletee.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Terminator", AddInfo = addInfo, Ports = ports, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new { type = "Flow", shape = "Terminator" }
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo1 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo1.Add("tooltip", "Process");
            SymbolPaletee.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Process", AddInfo = addInfo1, Ports = ports, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new { type = "Flow", shape = "Process" }
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo2 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo2.Add("tooltip", "Document");
            SymbolPaletee.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "Document", AddInfo = addInfo2, Ports = ports, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new { type = "Flow", shape = "Document" }
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo3 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo3.Add("tooltip", "Predefined process");
            SymbolPaletee.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "PreDefinedProcess", AddInfo = addInfo3, Ports = ports, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new { type = "Flow", shape = "PreDefinedProcess" }
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo4 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo4.Add("tooltip", "Data");
            SymbolPaletee.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id = "data", AddInfo = addInfo4, Ports = ports, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new { type = "Flow", shape = "Data" }
            List <Lane> lanes = new List <Lane>();
            Lane        lane1 = new Lane();

            lane1.Id     = "lane1";
            lane1.Height = 60;
            lane1.Width  = 150;
            lane1.Header = new Header()
                Width = 50, Height = 50, Style = new DiagramTextStyle()
                    FontSize = 11, StrokeColor = "#757575"

            List <Lane> lanes1 = new List <Lane>();
            Lane        lane2  = new Lane();

            lane2.Id     = "lane2";
            lane2.Height = 150;
            lane2.Width  = 60;
            lane2.Header = new Header()
                Width = 50, Height = 50, Style = new DiagramTextStyle()
                    FontSize = 11, StrokeColor = "#757575"

            List <DiagramNode>          swimlanePalette = new List <DiagramNode>();
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo5        = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo5.Add("tooltip", "Horizontal swimlane");
            swimlanePalette.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "stackCanvas1",
                Height  = 60,
                Width   = 140,
                AddInfo = addInfo5,
                Shape   = new SwimLaneModel()
                    Type        = "SwimLane",
                    Lanes       = lanes,
                    Orientation = "Horizontal",
                    IsLane      = true
                OffsetX = 70,
                OffsetY = 30
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo6 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo6.Add("tooltip", "Vertical swimlane");
            swimlanePalette.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "stackCanvas2",
                Height  = 140,
                Width   = 60,
                AddInfo = addInfo6,
                Shape   = new SwimLaneModel()
                    Type        = "SwimLane",
                    Lanes       = lanes1,
                    Orientation = "Vertical",
                    IsLane      = true
                OffsetX = 70,
                OffsetY = 30
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo7 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo7.Add("tooltip", "Vertical phase");
            swimlanePalette.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "verticalPhase",
                Height  = 60,
                Width   = 140,
                AddInfo = addInfo7,
                Shape   = new SwimLaneModel()
                    Type        = "SwimLane",
                    Orientation = "Horizontal",
                    IsPhase     = true
            Dictionary <string, object> addInfo8 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            addInfo8.Add("tooltip", "Horizontal phase");
            swimlanePalette.Add(new DiagramNode()
                Id      = "horizontalPhase",
                Height  = 60,
                Width   = 140,
                AddInfo = addInfo8,
                Shape   = new SwimLaneModel()
                    Type        = "SwimLane",
                    Orientation = "Vertical",
                    IsPhase     = true

            List <DiagramConnector> SymbolPaletteConnectors = new List <DiagramConnector>();

            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id          = "Link1",
                Type        = Segments.Orthogonal,
                SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0, Y = 0
                TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 27, Y = 27
                TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors()
                    Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow, Style = new DiagramShapeStyle()
                        StrokeColor = "#757575", Fill = "#757575"
                Style = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                    StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#757575"
            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id          = "Link2",
                Type        = Segments.Orthogonal,
                SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0, Y = 0
                TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 27, Y = 27
                TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors()
                    Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow, Style = new DiagramShapeStyle()
                        StrokeColor = "#757575", Fill = "#757575"
                Style = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                    StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeDashArray = "4,4", StrokeColor = "#757575"

            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id          = "Link4",
                Type        = Segments.Straight,
                SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0, Y = 0
                TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 40, Y = 40
                TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors()
                    Shape = DecoratorShapes.None
                Style = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                    StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#757575"

            SymbolPaletteConnectors.Add(new DiagramConnector()
                Id          = "Link5",
                Type        = Segments.Straight,
                SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 0, Y = 0
                TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint()
                    X = 40, Y = 40
                TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecoratorConnectors()
                    Shape = DecoratorShapes.None
                Style = new DiagramStrokeStyle()
                    StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeDashArray = "4,4", StrokeColor = "#757575"

            List <SymbolPalettePalette> Palette = new List <SymbolPalettePalette>
                new SymbolPalettePalette()
                    Id = "basic", Expanded = true, Symbols = SymbolPaletee, IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-flow", Title = "Basic Shapes"
                new SymbolPalettePalette()
                    Id = "swimlane", Expanded = true, Symbols = swimlanePalette, IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-basic", Title = "Swimlane"
                new SymbolPalettePalette()
                    Id = "connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = SymbolPaletteConnectors, IconCss = "e-ddb-icons e-connector", Title = "Connectors"

            List <MenuItems> items = new List <MenuItems>();

            items.Add(new MenuItems()
                Id = "Clone", Text = "Clone", Target = ".e-diagramcontent"
            items.Add(new MenuItems()
                Id = "Cut", Text = "Cut", Target = ".e-diagramcontent"
            items.Add(new MenuItems()
                Id = "InsertLaneBefore", Text = "InsertLaneBefore", Target = ".e-diagramcontent"
            items.Add(new MenuItems()
                Id = "InsertLaneAfter", Text = "InsertLaneAfter", Target = ".e-diagramcontent"
            ViewBag.items = items;

            SymbolPaletteMargin margin = new SymbolPaletteMargin()
                Left = 8, Right = 8, Top = 8, Bottom = 8

            ViewBag.margin  = margin;
            ViewBag.Palette = Palette;
