        protected void GetSurveyItems(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                SurveyDa  sDa = new SurveyDa();
                DataTable sDt = sDa.GetSurveyItems((int)((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem)["SurveyId"]);

                if (sDt != null && sDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Literal Agent                 = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("Agent");
                    Literal Dose                  = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("Dose");
                    Literal PercErection          = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("PercErection");
                    Literal PrimaryDeformity      = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("PrimaryDeformity");
                    Literal SecondaryDeformity    = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("SecondaryDeformity");
                    Literal AssociatedDeformities = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("AssociatedDeformities");
                    foreach (DataRow sDr in sDt.Rows)
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "Agent" && Agent.Text.Length < 1)
                            Agent.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "Dose" && Dose.Text.Length < 1)
                            Dose.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "% Erection" && PercErection.Text.Length < 1)
                            PercErection.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "Primary Deformity" && PrimaryDeformity.Text.Length < 1)
                            PrimaryDeformity.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "Secondary Deformity" && SecondaryDeformity.Text.Length < 1)
                            SecondaryDeformity.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
                        if (sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItem_Field].ToString() == "Associated Deformities" && AssociatedDeformities.Text.Length < 1)
                            AssociatedDeformities.Text = sDr[BOL.SurveyItem.SurveyItemResult].ToString();
        DataTable GraphSurveys_QOL(int patientId, DateTime baseDate)
            MSKProstateQOLSurvey helper       = new MSKProstateQOLSurvey(); // we could make GetSurveyTable a property that returns a DataView
            DataTable            _surveyTable = helper.GetSurveys(patientId);
            //DataView surveyScores = helper.GetScores(_surveyTable);
            DataView surveyScores = helper.GetScores_Adjusted_ActiveSurvelliance(_surveyTable);

            DataTable efChartTable = InitChartTable();
            DataTable ufChartTable = InitChartTable();

            int count = surveyScores.Count;

            SurveyDa.BaselineScores baseline = SurveyDa.GetPhysicianBaselineScores(patientId, baseDate);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DataRowView row = surveyScores[i];

                DateTime surveyDate = (DateTime)row["SurveyDate"];

                double yearsSinceBaseDate = (surveyDate - baseDate).Days / DAYS_PER_YEAR;

                Func <string, int?> getScore = s => row[s] == DBNull.Value ? null : (int?)row[s];

                int?efScore = getScore("EF_Score");
                int?ufScore = getScore("UF_Score");

                if (efScore.HasValue)
                    AddDataPoint(efChartTable, yearsSinceBaseDate, efScore.Value);

                if (ufScore.HasValue)
                    AddDataPoint(ufChartTable, yearsSinceBaseDate, ufScore.Value);

                EFChart.Series["QOL_Scores"].Points.DataBind(efChartTable.DefaultView, "Years", "Score", "Tooltip=Score, Label=Score");
                UFChart.Series["QOL_Scores"].Points.DataBind(ufChartTable.DefaultView, "Years", "Score", "Tooltip=Score, Label=Score");
        protected virtual void BuildProstateSitesOfDisease()
            if (patientID != 0)
                SurveyDa sDa = new SurveyDa();
                DataSet  sDs = sDa.FormGetRecentSurveyByType(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic", "Prostate Sites of Disease");

                if (sDs.Tables.Count > 1 && sDs.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                    // Bone
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Bone", Bone_Present, Bone_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Soft Tissue", SoftTissue_Present, SoftTissue_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Lymph Nodes", LymphNodes_Present, LymphNodes_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Lung", Lung_Present, Lung_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Liver", Liver_Present, Liver_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Local Disease", LocalDisease_Present, LocalDisease_Absent);
                    CheckSiteOfDisease(sDs.Tables[1], "Prostatic Mass", LocalDisease_Present, LocalDisease_Absent);
// Kevin todo: Jason please review this section and remove any fields that are no longer used
//		protected void BuildUrinaryStatusValues()
//		{
//			if (patientID != 0)
//			{
//				SurveyDa urinaryDa = new SurveyDa();
//				Hashtable ht = urinaryDa.FormGetUrinaryStatusValues(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic");
//				if (ht["LastCont"] != null && ht["LastCont"].ToString() != "")
//				{
//					LastCont.Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ht["LastCont"].ToString();
//				}
//				if (ht["ContLv2"] != null && ht["ContLv2"].ToString() != "")
//				{
//					ContLv2Textbox.Value = ht["ContLv2"].ToString();
//				}
//				if (ht["ContLv1"] != null && ht["ContLv1"].ToString() != "")
//				{
//					ContLv1Textbox.Value = ht["ContLv1"].ToString();
//				}
//				if (ht["LastIncontTx"] != null && ht["LastIncontTx"].ToString() != "")
//				{
//					LastIncontTx.Text = ht["LastIncontTx"].ToString();
//				}
//				else
//				{
//					LastIncontTxTableRow.Visible = false;
//				}
//				if (ht["UrinaryQOL"] != null && ht["UrinaryQOL"].ToString() != "")
//				{
//					UrinaryQOL.Text = "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ht["UrinaryQOL"].ToString();
//				}
//			}
//		}

        protected override void BuildPotencyStatusValues()
            if (patientID != 0)
                SurveyDa  potencyDa = new SurveyDa();
                Hashtable ht        = potencyDa.FormGetPotencyStatusValues(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic");

                if (ht["PreTxPot"] != null && ht["PreTxPot"].ToString() != "")
                    PreTxPot.Text = ht["PreTxPot"].ToString() + "<br>";
                if (ht["LastPot"] != null && ht["LastPot"].ToString() != "")
                    LastPot.Text = ht["LastPot"].ToString() + "<br>";
                if (ht["SexualQOL"] != null && ht["SexualQOL"].ToString() != "")
                    SexualQOL.Text = "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + ht["SexualQOL"].ToString();

 *                              if (ht["PotLv3"] != null && ht["PotLv3"].ToString() != "")
 *                              {
 *                                      potLv3Textbox.Value = ht["PotLv3"].ToString();
 *                              }
 *                              if (ht["PotLv2"] != null && ht["PotLv2"].ToString() != "")
 *                              {
 *                                      potLv2Textbox.Value = ht["PotLv2"].ToString();
 *                              }
 *                              if (ht["PotLv1"] != null && ht["PotLv1"].ToString() != "")
 *                              {
 *                                      potLv1Textbox.Value = ht["PotLv1"].ToString();
 *                              }
 public CaisisBreastQServices(string datasetSQL)
     this.da         = new SurveyDa();
     this.scoreUtil  = new CaisisBreastQEngine();
     this.datasetSQL = datasetSQL;
        // build a dynamic datasource for the survey response repeater
        void GetRecentSurveyReponses(DataTable surveys)
            IDictionary <KeyValuePair <string, string>, string> map = SurveyDa.GetSurveyItemResponseMap(MSKProstateQOLSurvey.ShortName);

            Func <string, string, string, string> getResponse =
                (text, num, result) =>
                KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp =
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>(text, result);

                KeyValuePair <string, string> numKVP =
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>(num, result);

                if (map.ContainsKey(kvp))
                else if (map.ContainsKey(numKVP))

            DataView sv = surveys.DefaultView;

            sv.Sort = "SurveyDate DESC, SurveyId DESC";
            int latestSurveyId = (int)sv[0]["SurveyId"];

            var ds =
                from row in surveys.AsEnumerable()
                let surveyId = (int)row["SurveyId"]
                               let itemNum                       = row["SurveyItemNum"].ToString()
                                                        let text = row["SurveyItem"].ToString()
                                                                   where surveyId == latestSurveyId &&
                                                                   !text.StartsWith("Total", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                                                   !text.StartsWith("Patient reported", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                                                                   select new
                QuestionNum    = itemNum,
                QuestionText   = text,
                QuestionResult = getResponse(text, itemNum, row["SurveyItemResult"].ToString())

            SurveyResponsesRepeater.DataSource = ds;

            // handle injection questions
            var injections =
                from row in surveys.AsEnumerable()
                let surveyId = (int)row["SurveyId"]
                               let itemNum                       = row["SurveyItemNum"].ToString()
                                                        let text = row["SurveyItem"].ToString()
                                                                   where surveyId == latestSurveyId &&
                                                                   (text.Contains("use injections") || text.Contains("used injection"))
                                                                   select new
                Num      = itemNum,
                Question = text,
                Response = row["SurveyItemResult"].ToString()

            bool   hadInjection    = false;
            string injectionStatus = null;

            foreach (var i in injections)
                if (i.Question.Contains("Do you use injections") && i.Response == "Yes")
                    hadInjection = true;
                else if (i.Question.Contains("used injection therapy"))
                    int injectionResponse;
                    if (int.TryParse(i.Response, out injectionResponse))
                        injectionStatus = GetInjectionMessage(injectionResponse);
                        injectionStatus = MapInjectionMessage(i.Response);

            if (hadInjection)
                CurrentInjectionStatus.Text = injectionStatus;
        // analyze post-rp survey data, return raw survey data
        DataTable AnalyzeSurveys(int patientId, DateTime rpDate)
            MSKProstateQOLSurvey helper       = new MSKProstateQOLSurvey();       // we could make GetSurveyTable a property that returns a DataView
            DataTable            _surveyTable = helper.GetSurveys(patientId);
            DataView             surveyScores = helper.GetScores(_surveyTable);

            DataTable efChartTable = InitChartTable();
            DataTable ufChartTable = InitChartTable();

            int count = surveyScores.Count;

            SurveyDa.BaselineScores baseline = SurveyDa.GetPhysicianBaselineScores(patientId, rpDate);

            BaselinePhysicianEFScore.Text = baseline.ErectileFunction.HasValue ? baseline.ErectileFunction.ToString() : "N/A";
            BaselinePhysicianUFScore.Text = baseline.UrinaryFunction.HasValue ? baseline.UrinaryFunction.ToString() : "N/A";

            bool foundPatientBaseline_EF = false;
            bool addedPatientBaseline_EF = false;
            bool foundPatientBaseline_UF = false;
            bool addedPatientBaseline_UF = false;

            int patientBaseline_efScore = 0;
            int patientBaseline_ufScore = 0;

            int?prevMinUrinaryScore = null;
            int?prevUrinaryScore    = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DataRowView row = surveyScores[i];

                DateTime surveyDate = (DateTime)row["SurveyDate"];

                double monthsSinceRP = (surveyDate - rpDate).Days / DAYS_PER_MONTH;
                //int roundedMonths = (int) Math.Round(monthsSinceRP, 0);
                double roundedMonths     = monthsSinceRP;
                bool   physicianReported = (bool)row["PhysicianReported"];

                // display scores as a fraction
                Func <int, string, string> frac     = (x, f) => x + " / " + row[f];
                Func <string, int?>        getScore = s => row[s] == DBNull.Value ? null : (int?)row[s];

                int?efScore    = getScore("EF_Score");
                int?ufScore    = getScore("UF_Score");
                int?qolScore   = getScore("GH_Score");
                int?bowelScore = getScore("BF_Score");

                // add only the most recent pre-rp survey to the chart datasources
                if (surveyDate <= rpDate)
                    if (efScore.HasValue)
                        patientBaseline_efScore = efScore.Value;
                        foundPatientBaseline_EF = true;

                        if (count == 1)
                            BaselinePatientEFScore.Text = frac(patientBaseline_efScore, "EF_Possible") + " " + GetErectileStatus(patientBaseline_efScore);
                            AddDataPoint(efChartTable, 0, patientBaseline_efScore);

                    if (ufScore.HasValue)
                        patientBaseline_ufScore = ufScore.Value;
                        foundPatientBaseline_UF = true;

                        if (count == 1)
                            BaselinePatientUFScore.Text = frac(patientBaseline_ufScore, "UF_Possible") + " " + GetUrinaryStatus(patientBaseline_ufScore);
                            AddDataPoint(ufChartTable, 0, patientBaseline_ufScore);

                    if (foundPatientBaseline_EF && !addedPatientBaseline_EF)
                        BaselinePatientEFScore.Text = frac(patientBaseline_efScore, "EF_Possible") + " " + GetErectileStatus(patientBaseline_efScore);
                        AddDataPoint(efChartTable, 0, patientBaseline_efScore);

                        addedPatientBaseline_EF = true;

                    if (foundPatientBaseline_UF && !addedPatientBaseline_UF)
                        BaselinePatientUFScore.Text = frac(patientBaseline_ufScore, "UF_Possible") + " " + GetUrinaryStatus(patientBaseline_ufScore);
                        AddDataPoint(ufChartTable, 0, patientBaseline_ufScore);

                        addedPatientBaseline_UF = true;

                if (efScore.HasValue)
                    AddDataPoint(efChartTable, roundedMonths, efScore.Value);

                if (ufScore.HasValue)
                    AddDataPoint(ufChartTable, roundedMonths, ufScore.Value);

                // conditionally build status messages
                Action <Label, string, Func <int, string>, HtmlContainerControl> status =
                    (l, s, f, bullet) =>
                    object obj = row[s];
                    if (obj != DBNull.Value)
                        l.Text = "Current: " + f((int)obj);
                    else if (bullet != null)
                        bullet.Visible = false;

                if (i == count - 1)
                    // handle current
                    if (efScore.HasValue)
                        CurrentEFScore.Text = frac(efScore.Value, "EF_Possible") + " " + GetErectileStatus(efScore.Value);

                    if (ufScore.HasValue)
                        CurrentUFScore.Text = frac(ufScore.Value, "UF_Possible") + " " + GetUrinaryStatus(ufScore.Value);

                    if (bowelScore.HasValue)
                        CurrentBFScore.Text = GetBowelSymptoms(bowelScore.Value);

                    if (qolScore.HasValue)
                        CurrentGeneralScore.Text = frac(qolScore.Value, "GH_Possible");

                    status(CurrentPenetrationStatus, "PenetrationResponse", GetPenetrationMessage, CurrentPenetrationBullet);
                    status(CurrentPadStatus, "PadResponse", GetPadMessage, PadStatusBullet);

                // clear alerts if conditions improve

                // erectile alerts
                if (efScore.HasValue)
                    if (efScore < 22)

                // urinary alerts
                // handle max urinary score
                if (ufScore.HasValue)
                    if (i > 0 && prevMinUrinaryScore.HasValue)
                        if ((monthsSinceRP > 12 && ufScore <= prevMinUrinaryScore.Value - 3) ||
                            (monthsSinceRP <= 12 && ufScore < prevMinUrinaryScore.Value))
                        else if (prevUrinaryScore.HasValue && ufScore > prevUrinaryScore)

                    if (!prevMinUrinaryScore.HasValue || ufScore < prevMinUrinaryScore.Value)
                        prevMinUrinaryScore = ufScore;

                    prevUrinaryScore = ufScore;

                // qol alerts
                if (qolScore.HasValue)
                    if (qolScore < 6)

                // pad alerts
                object padObj = row["PadResponse"];
                if (padObj != DBNull.Value && surveyDate > rpDate.AddYears(1))
                    if (3 <= (int)padObj)

                // bowel alerts
                object bowelHabitObj     = row["HabitResponse"];
                object bowelEnjoymentObj = row["EnjoymentResponse"];

                if ((bowelHabitObj != DBNull.Value && 3 <= (int)bowelHabitObj) ||
                    (bowelEnjoymentObj != DBNull.Value && 3 <= (int)bowelEnjoymentObj))
                else if (bowelHabitObj != DBNull.Value && bowelEnjoymentObj != DBNull.Value &&
                         2 >= (int)bowelHabitObj && 2 >= (int)bowelEnjoymentObj)

            UFChart.DataSource = ufChartTable;
            EFChart.DataSource = efChartTable;

             * List<int> months = new List<int>() { 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 36, 48 };
             * var ranges = GenerateRanges(months);
             * DataTable ufTableFiltered = FilterChartDataPoints(ufChartTable, ranges);
             * DataTable efTableFiltered = FilterChartDataPoints(efChartTable, ranges);
             * UFChart.DataSource = ufTableFiltered;
             * EFChart.DataSource = efTableFiltered;
             *          showUrinaryChart = ufTableFiltered.Rows.Count > 1;
             * showErectileChart = efTableFiltered.Rows.Count > 1;

            showUrinaryChart  = ufChartTable.Rows.Count > 1;
            showErectileChart = efChartTable.Rows.Count > 1;

        private DataView GetBreastQReport(string surveyGroup, string subType)
            // validate type map
            if (!typesToSurveys.ContainsKey(surveyGroup))
                return(new DataTable().DefaultView);
            IEnumerable <string> surveyTypes = typesToSurveys[surveyGroup];

            Caisis.Controller.PatientController pc = new Controller.PatientController();
            string datasetSQL            = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]);
            CaisisBreastQEngine engine   = new CaisisBreastQEngine();
            SurveyDa            surveyDA = new SurveyDa();
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > allScores = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            var aliasMap = GetAliasToSurveys();

            foreach (string surveyType in surveyTypes)
                var      survey    = engine.GetSurveyDefinition(surveyType);
                var      scales    = survey.Definitions;
                string[] questions = scales.SelectMany(s => s.Questions).Distinct().ToArray();

                string[] _surveyTypes = new string[] { surveyType };
                // special case
                if (aliasMap.ContainsKey(surveyType))
                    _surveyTypes = aliasMap[surveyType].ToArray();
                foreach (string _surveyType in _surveyTypes)
                    // optional filter by exact survey
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subType) || subType.Equals(_surveyType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string engineSurveyType = surveyType;
                        // TODO: refactor into generic class to read and fill scores data table
                        // read pivotted row (patient+survey+questions), and score
                        surveyDA.ConsumeBreastQSurveyData(datasetSQL, _surveyType, questions, (record) =>
                            // get responses, 1a=>2, 1b=>2, ...
                            Dictionary <string, string> responses = questions.ToDictionary(q => q, q => record[q].ToString());
                            // get scores by scale, Satisfaction With Breasts => 56, ...
                            Dictionary <string, BreastQ.BreastQScaleScore> scores = engine.GetSurveyScoreByScale(engineSurveyType, responses);
                            // create column values
                            Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            // add required columns
                            values.Add("MRN", pc.GetPatientMRN(record["PtMRN"].ToString()));
                            values.Add("Survey", _surveyType);
                            values.Add("Date", string.Format("{0:d}", record["SurveyDate"]));
                            // fill in scale scores
                            foreach (var score in scores)
                                string scaleName  = score.Key;
                                string scaleValue = "";
                                // valida score
                                if (score.Value.Error == QScoreLibrary.Estimation.eErrors.eNoError)
                                    scaleValue = score.Value.Score.ToString();
                                // error in scoring
                                    scaleValue = "FAIL: " + engine.GetQScoreErrorString(score.Value.Error);

                                //values.Add(score.Key, score.Value.Score.ToString());
                                values.Add(scaleName, scaleValue);

                            // add row

                            // continue

            // get a list of columns across patients (i.e., PtMRN, Date, Scale 1, Scale 3, Scale 7)
            string[] columns        = allScores.SelectMany(s => s.Keys).Distinct().ToArray();
            string[] patientColumns = new string[] { "MRN", "Survey", "Date" };
            string[] scaleColumns   = columns.Except(patientColumns).ToArray();
            // normalize datasource
            DataTable dataSource = new DataTable();

            dataSource.Columns.AddRange(columns.Select(c => new DataColumn(c, typeof(String))).ToArray());
            // for each row, normalize values
            foreach (var row in allScores)
                object[] values = new object[columns.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                    string column = columns[i];
                    // add patient columns
                    if (patientColumns.Contains(column))
                        values[i] = row[column];
                    else if (scaleColumns.Contains(column))
                        // applicable scale
                        if (row.ContainsKey(column))
                            values[i] = row[column];
                        // non-applicable scale
                            values[i] = "N/A";

        protected void BuildErectileFunction(int minNumRowsToShow, int minNumBlankRows)
            if (patientID != 0)
                SurveyDa sDa = new SurveyDa();

                DataSet sDs = sDa.FormGetSurveyErectileFunction(this.patientID);
                if (sDs != null && sDs.Tables.Count > 0 && sDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    // fill in blank rows for medications when they are not populated only because the prescription hasn't changed
                    for (int j = 1; j < sDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                            // oral meds
                            if (sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Agent"] != null &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Agent"].ToString().Length < 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Dose"].ToString().Length < 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Date"].ToString().Length > 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Date"].ToString().Length > 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent"].ToString().Length > 0 &&
                                (sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent Stop Date"].ToString().Length <1 ||
                                                                                                      Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent Stop Date"].ToString())> DateTime.Now ||
                                 Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent Stop Date"].ToString()) > Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Date"].ToString()))

                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Agent"]           = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent"];
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Dose"]            = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Dose"];
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Oral Agent Stop Date"] = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Oral Agent Stop Date"];
                        catch { }

                            // ICI meds
                            if (sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Agent"] != null &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Agent"].ToString().Length < 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Dose"].ToString().Length < 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Date"].ToString().Length > 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["Date"].ToString().Length > 1 &&
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Agent"].ToString().Length > 0 &&
                                (sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Stop Date"].ToString().Length <1 ||
                                                                                               Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Stop Date"].ToString())> DateTime.Now ||
                                 Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Stop Date"].ToString()) > Convert.ToDateTime(sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Date"].ToString()))

                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Agent"]     = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Agent"];
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Dose"]      = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Dose"];
                                sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ICI Stop Date"] = sDs.Tables[0].Rows[j - 1]["ICI Stop Date"];
                        catch { }

                    // original way
                    int numBlankRows = minNumRowsToShow - sDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                    if (numBlankRows < minNumBlankRows)
                        numBlankRows = minNumBlankRows;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numBlankRows; i++)
                        DataRow blankRow = sDs.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    erectileFunction.DataSource = sDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;

                    /* with filter
                     * DataView sDv = sDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                     * string filterExpression = "(Len([Duration Post TX]) > 0) OR (Len([Spontaneous Erectile Function %]) > 0)";
                     * sDv.RowFilter = filterExpression;
                     * DataTable newDt = sDv.ToTable();
                     * int numBlankRows = minNumRowsToShow - newDt.Rows.Count;
                     * if (numBlankRows < minNumBlankRows)
                     * {
                     *  numBlankRows = minNumBlankRows;
                     * }
                     * for (int i = 0; i < numBlankRows; i++)
                     * {
                     *  DataRow blankRow = newDt.NewRow();
                     *  newDt.Rows.Add(blankRow);
                     * }
                     * erectileFunction.DataSource = newDt.DefaultView;
                    erectileFunction.DataSource = BlankErectileFunction(minNumRowsToShow).DefaultView;
                erectileFunction.DataSource = BlankErectileFunction(minNumRowsToShow).DefaultView;

                erectileFunction.DataSource = BlankErectileFunction(minNumRowsToShow).DefaultView;