    // Deserialize object
    public void OnAfterDeserialize()
        // If nothing was serialized into the byte array, exit out
        if (byteArray.Length == 0)

        // Deserialize
        var serializer = new BinaryFormatter();

        using (var stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
            unserializedObject = serializer.Deserialize(stream);

        // Check if surrogate and replace
        if (unserializedObject.GetType().GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ISerializationSurrogate)))
            SurrogateHandler.GetOriginal(ref unserializedObject);

        //Debug.Log("Deserialized Type: " + unserializedObject.GetType() + " | Value: " + unserializedObject.ToString());
    // Serialize object
    public void OnBeforeSerialize()
        // No need to serialize if the object is null
        // or declared nonserializable
        if (unserializable || unserializedObject == null)

        // Possible to loop over fields for serialization of (unity) non serializables
        // This will prevent this method from blowing up when the serializer hits non serializable fields
        // Possibly store all the fields in a dictionary of some kind? (increased memory usage, but more stable)
        // For now just check one type
        Type objType = unserializedObject.GetType();

        // Check surrogates for non serializable types
        if (!objType.IsSerializable)
            if (!SurrogateHandler.GetSurrogate(ref unserializedObject))
                Debug.Log("SerializableObject.Serialization: " + objType.ToString() + " is not a serializable type and has no surrogate");
                unserializable = true;

        // Serialize
        using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            var serializer = new BinaryFormatter();

            serializer.Serialize(stream, unserializedObject);
            byteArray = stream.ToArray();

        //Debug.Log("Serialized Type: " + unserializedObject.GetType() + " | Value: " + unserializedObject.ToString());