public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.Reset(); var epl = "@Name('s0') " + INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select S1.Id as c0," + "(select * from SupportBean_S0#keepall as S0 " + " where S0.P00 in (S1.P10, SupportBean_S1.P11) and S0.P01 in (S1.P12, SupportBean_S1.P13))" + ".selectFrom(a->SupportBean_S0.Id) as c1 " + " from SupportBean_S1 as S1"; env.CompileDeploy(epl).AddListener("s0"); var subquery = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubordInKeywordSingleTableLookupStrategyFactoryForge).Name, subquery.TableLookupStrategy); // single row tests env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S0(100, "a", "c")); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(1, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 1, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(2, "a", "b", "x", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 2, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(3, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 3, new int?[] {100}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(4, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 4, new int?[] {100}); // 2-rows available tests env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S0(101, "a", "d")); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(10, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 10, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(11, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 11, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(12, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 12, new int?[] {100, 101}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(13, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 13, new int?[] {100}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(14, "x", "a", "d", "x")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 14, new int?[] {101}); // 3-rows available tests env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S0(102, "b", "c")); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(20, "a1", "b", "c1", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 20, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(21, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 21, null); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(22, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 22, new int?[] {100, 101, 102}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(23, "b", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 23, new int?[] {100, 102}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(24, "b", "a", "d", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 24, new int?[] {100, 101, 102}); env.SendEventBean(new SupportBean_S1(25, "b", "x", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(env, 25, new int?[] {102}); env.UndeployAll(); // test coercion absence - types the same var eplCoercion = INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select *," + "(select * from SupportBean#keepall as sb where sb.LongPrimitive in (S0.Id)) from SupportBean_S0 as S0"; env.CompileDeploy(eplCoercion); var subqueryCoercion = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubordFullTableScanLookupStrategyFactoryForge).Name, subqueryCoercion.TableLookupStrategy); env.UndeployAll(); }
private void RunAssertionEventIndexSubqNamedWindowIndexShare(EPServiceProvider epService) { var epl = "@Hint('enable_window_subquery_indexshare') create window MyWindow#length(5) as select * from SupportSpatialPoint;\n" + "create index MyIndex on MyWindow((px,py) pointregionquadtree(0,0,100,100));\n" + "insert into MyWindow select * from SupportSpatialPoint;\n" + IndexBackingTableInfo.INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "@Name('out') select (select id from MyWindow as mw where point(mw.px,,aabb.y,aabb.width,aabb.height))).aggregate('', \n" + " (result, item) => result || (case when result='' then '' else ',' end) || item) as c0 from SupportSpatialAABB aabb"; var deploymentResult = epService.EPAdministrator.DeploymentAdmin.ParseDeploy(epl); var listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); epService.EPAdministrator.GetStatement("out").Events += listener.Update; var subquery = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual("non-unique hash={} btree={} advanced={pointregionquadtree(px,py)}", subquery.Tables[0].IndexDesc); Assert.AreEqual("MyIndex", subquery.Tables[0].IndexName); SendPoint(epService, "P1", 10, 40); AssertRectanglesSingleValue(epService, listener, BOXES, "P1", "", "", "", ""); epService.EPAdministrator.DeploymentAdmin.Undeploy(deploymentResult.DeploymentId); }
public void TestSingleIdxSubquery() { SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.Reset(); var epl = INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select as c0," + "(select * from as s0 " + " where s0.p00 in (s1.p10, s1.p11) and s0.p01 in (s1.p12, s1.p13))" + ".selectFrom(a=> as c1 " + " from S1 as s1"; var stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(epl); stmt.AddListener(_listener); var subquery = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubordInKeywordSingleTableLookupStrategyFactory).Name, subquery.TableLookupStrategy); // single row tests _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(100, "a", "c")); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(1, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(1, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(2, "a", "b", "x", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(2, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(3, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(3, new int?[] { 100 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(4, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(4, new int?[] { 100 }); // 2-rows available tests _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(101, "a", "d")); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(10, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(10, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(11, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(11, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(12, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(12, new int?[] { 100, 101 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(13, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(13, new int?[] { 100 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(14, "x", "a", "d", "x")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(14, new int?[] { 101 }); // 3-rows available tests _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(102, "b", "c")); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(20, "a1", "b", "c1", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(20, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(21, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(21, null); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(22, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(22, new int?[] { 100, 101, 102 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(23, "b", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(23, new int?[] { 100, 102 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(24, "b", "a", "d", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(24, new int?[] { 100, 101, 102 }); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(25, "b", "x", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(25, new int?[] { 102 }); // test coercion absence - types the same var eplCoercion = INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select *," + "(select * from as sb where sb.LongPrimitive in ( from S0 as s0"; _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(eplCoercion); var subqueryCoercion = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubordFullTableScanLookupStrategyFactory).Name, subqueryCoercion.TableLookupStrategy); }
private void RunAssertionSingleIdxSubquery(EPServiceProvider epService) { SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.Reset(); var epl = INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select s1.Id as c0," + "(select * from S0#keepall as s0 " + " where s0.P00 in (s1.P10, s1.P11) and s0.P01 in (s1.P12, s1.P13))" + ".selectFrom(a=>S0.Id) as c1 " + " from S1 as s1"; var stmt = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(epl); var listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); stmt.Events += listener.Update; var subquery = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubordInKeywordSingleTableLookupStrategyFactory).Name, subquery.TableLookupStrategy); // single row tests epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(100, "a", "c")); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(1, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 1, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(2, "a", "b", "x", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 2, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(3, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 3, new int?[] {100}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(4, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 4, new int?[] {100}); // 2-rows available tests epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(101, "a", "d")); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(10, "a1", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 10, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(11, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 11, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(12, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 12, new int?[] {100, 101}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(13, "x", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 13, new int?[] {100}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(14, "x", "a", "d", "x")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 14, new int?[] {101}); // 3-rows available tests epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(102, "b", "c")); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(20, "a1", "b", "c1", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 20, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(21, "a", "b", "x", "c1")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 21, null); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(22, "a", "b", "c", "d")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 22, new int?[] {100, 101, 102}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(23, "b", "a", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 23, new int?[] {100, 102}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(24, "b", "a", "d", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 24, new int?[] {100, 101, 102}); epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean_S1(25, "b", "x", "x", "c")); AssertSubqueryC0C1(listener, 25, new int?[] {102}); stmt.Dispose(); // test coercion absence - types the same var eplCoercion = INDEX_CALLBACK_HOOK + "select *," + "(select * from SupportBean#keepall as sb where sb.LongPrimitive in (s0.Id)) from S0 as s0"; stmt = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(eplCoercion); var subqueryCoercion = SupportQueryPlanIndexHook.AssertSubqueryAndReset(); Assert.AreEqual( typeof(SubordFullTableScanLookupStrategyFactory).Name, subqueryCoercion.TableLookupStrategy); stmt.Dispose(); }