//获取经供应商转换所得生产厂商信息 public Manufacturer GetSupplierToManufacturer(string materialCode, string orderNumber, Supplier s) { Manufacturer mf = null; if (s != null) { using (SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient clients = new SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient()) { PagingConfig cfg0 = new PagingConfig() { Where = string.Format(@"Key.MaterialCode='{0}' AND Key.SupplierCode='{1}'" , materialCode , s.Key) }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > result = clients.Gets(ref cfg0); if (result.Code <= 0 && result.Data.Count > 0) { if (result.Data[0].Key.OrderNumber == "*") { using (ManufacturerServiceClient clientss = new ManufacturerServiceClient()) { MethodReturnResult <Manufacturer> rsts = clientss.Get(result.Data[0].ManufacturerCode); if (rsts.Data != null) { mf = rsts.Data; } } } else { PagingConfig cfg1 = new PagingConfig() { Where = string.Format(@"Key.MaterialCode='{0}' AND Key.OrderNumber='{1}' AND Key.SupplierCode='{2}'" , materialCode , orderNumber , s.Key) }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > results = clients.Gets(ref cfg1); if (results.Code <= 0 && results.Data.Count > 0) { using (ManufacturerServiceClient clientss = new ManufacturerServiceClient()) { MethodReturnResult <Manufacturer> rsts = clientss.Get(results.Data[0].ManufacturerCode); if (rsts.Data != null) { mf = rsts.Data; } } } } } } } return(mf); }
// // GET: /ZPVM/SupplierToManufacturer/ public async Task <ActionResult> Index() { using (SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient client = new SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient()) { await Task.Run(() => { PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig() { OrderBy = "Key" }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > result = client.Gets(ref cfg); if (result.Code == 0) { ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg; ViewBag.List = result.Data; } }); } return(View(new SupplierToManufacturerQueryViewModel())); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Query(SupplierToManufacturerQueryViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient client = new SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient()) { await Task.Run(() => { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); if (model != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MaterialCode)) { where.AppendFormat(" {0} Key.MaterialCode LIKE '{1}%'" , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty , model.MaterialCode.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OrderNumber)) { where.AppendFormat(" {0} Key.OrderNumber LIKE '{1}%'" , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty , model.OrderNumber.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SupplierCode)) { where.AppendFormat(" {0} Key.SupplierCode LIKE '{1}%'" , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty , model.SupplierCode.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ManufacturerCode)) { where.AppendFormat(" {0} ManufacturerCode LIKE '{1}%'" , where.Length > 0 ? "AND" : string.Empty , model.ManufacturerCode.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); } } PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig() { OrderBy = "Key", Where = where.ToString() }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > result = client.Gets(ref cfg); if (result.Code == 0) { ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg; ViewBag.List = result.Data; } }); } } return(PartialView("_ListPartial")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> PagingQuery(string where, string orderBy, int?currentPageNo, int?currentPageSize) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int pageNo = currentPageNo ?? 0; int pageSize = currentPageSize ?? 20; if (Request["PageNo"] != null) { pageNo = Convert.ToInt32(Request["PageNo"]); } if (Request["PageSize"] != null) { pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Request["PageSize"]); } using (SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient client = new SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient()) { await Task.Run(() => { PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig() { PageNo = pageNo, PageSize = pageSize, Where = where ?? string.Empty, OrderBy = orderBy ?? string.Empty }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > result = client.Gets(ref cfg); if (result.Code == 0) { ViewBag.PagingConfig = cfg; ViewBag.List = result.Data; } }); } } return(PartialView("_ListPartial")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ExportToExcelWl(LotMaterialListViewModel model) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); MethodReturnResult <DataSet> result = new MethodReturnResult <DataSet>(); using (LotQueryServiceClient client = new LotQueryServiceClient()) { RPTLotMateriallistParameter param = new RPTLotMateriallistParameter(); param.LotNumber = model.LotNumber; param.PageSize = model.PageSize; param.PageNo = -1; await Task.Run(() => { PagingConfig cfg = new PagingConfig() { OrderBy = "Key.LotNumber,ItemNo", Where = GetQueryCondition(model) }; MethodReturnResult <DataSet> ds = client.GetRPTLotMaterialList(ref param); dt = ds.Data.Tables[0]; }); } //创建工作薄。 IWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //设置EXCEL格式 ICellStyle style = wb.CreateCellStyle(); style.FillForegroundColor = 10; //有边框 style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; IFont font = wb.CreateFont(); font.Boldweight = 10; style.SetFont(font); ISheet ws = null; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { if (j % 65535 == 0) { ws = wb.CreateSheet(); IRow row = ws.CreateRow(0); ICell cell = null; #region //列名 foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { cell = row.CreateCell(row.Cells.Count); cell.CellStyle = style; cell.SetCellValue(dc.Caption); } #endregion font.Boldweight = 5; } IRow rowData = ws.CreateRow(j + 1); #region //数据 ICell cellData = null; foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { System.Data.DataRow obj = dt.Rows[j]; Manufacturer mf = null; using (SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient clients = new SupplierToManufacturerServiceClient()) { PagingConfig cfg0 = new PagingConfig() { Where = string.Format(@"Key.MaterialCode='{0}' AND Key.SupplierCode='{1}'" , obj["MATERIAL_CODE"] , obj["SUPPLIER_CODE"]) }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > results = clients.Gets(ref cfg0); if (results.Code <= 0 && results.Data.Count > 0) { if (results.Data[0].Key.OrderNumber == "*") { using (ManufacturerServiceClient clientss = new ManufacturerServiceClient()) { MethodReturnResult <Manufacturer> rsts = clientss.Get(results.Data[0].ManufacturerCode); if (rsts.Data != null) { mf = rsts.Data; } } } else { PagingConfig cfg1 = new PagingConfig() { Where = string.Format(@"Key.MaterialCode='{0}' AND Key.OrderNumber='{1}' AND Key.SupplierCode='{2}'" , obj["MATERIAL_CODE"] , obj["ORDER_NUMBER"] , obj["SUPPLIER_CODE"]) }; MethodReturnResult <IList <SupplierToManufacturer> > resultss = clients.Gets(ref cfg1); if (resultss.Code <= 0 && resultss.Data.Count > 0) { using (ManufacturerServiceClient clientss = new ManufacturerServiceClient()) { MethodReturnResult <Manufacturer> rsts = clientss.Get(resultss.Data[0].ManufacturerCode); if (rsts.Data != null) { mf = rsts.Data; } } } } } } cellData = rowData.CreateCell(rowData.Cells.Count); cellData.CellStyle = style; if (dc.DataType == typeof(double) || dc.DataType == typeof(float)) { if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_CODE") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Key); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_NAME") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Name); } else { cellData.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[j][dc])); } } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(int)) { if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_CODE") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Key); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_NAME") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Name); } else { cellData.SetCellValue(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[j][dc])); } } else { if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_CODE") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Key); } else if (dc.ColumnName == "SUPPLIER_NAME") { cellData.SetCellValue(mf == null ? Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc]) : mf.Name); } else { cellData.SetCellValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[j][dc])); } } } #endregion } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); wb.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; return(File(ms, "application/vnd.ms-excel", "LotMaterialData.xls")); }