    public static IEnumerator Zoom(TwitchModule module, SuperZoomData zoomData, object yield)
        var zoomCoroutine = TwitchGame.ModuleCameras?.ZoomCamera(module, zoomData, 1);

        if (zoomCoroutine != null)
            while (zoomCoroutine.MoveNext())
                yield return(zoomCoroutine.Current);

        yield return(yield is float delay ? new WaitForSecondsWithCancel(delay, false, module.Solver) : yield);

        if (CoroutineCanceller.ShouldCancel)
            module.StartCoroutine(TwitchGame.ModuleCameras?.UnzoomCamera(module, zoomData, 0));
            yield break;

        var unzoomCoroutine = TwitchGame.ModuleCameras?.UnzoomCamera(module, zoomData, 1);

        if (unzoomCoroutine != null)
            while (unzoomCoroutine.MoveNext())
                yield return(unzoomCoroutine.Current);
        public IEnumerator UnzoomCamera(float duration = 1.0f, SuperZoomData zoomData = default)
            yield return(null);

            foreach (float lerp in duration.TimedAnimation())
                CameraInstance.rect = new Rect(Mathf.Lerp(ZoomCameraLocation.x, OriginalCameraRect.x, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(ZoomCameraLocation.y, OriginalCameraRect.y, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(ZoomCameraLocation.width, OriginalCameraRect.width, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(ZoomCameraLocation.height, OriginalCameraRect.height, lerp));

                CameraInstance.fieldOfView             = Mathf.Lerp(5, 5 / zoomData.factor, 1 - lerp);
                CameraInstance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0.001f, 2.25f, 0), new Vector3(0.001f + (zoomData.x - 0.5f) * 0.2f, 2.25f, (zoomData.y - 0.5f) * 0.2f), 1 - lerp);

                yield return(null);
            CameraInstance.depth = 99;
            ZoomActive           = false;

            if (PreviousModule != null)
                // Return the camera back to the component that WAS there unless that module is now solved.
                ViewModule(PreviousModule.Solved ? Instance.PreferredToView : PreviousModule);
                PreviousModule = null;
    public IEnumerator UnzoomCamera(TwitchModule component, SuperZoomData zoomData, float delay)
        int existingCamera = CurrentModulesContains(component);

        if (existingCamera == -1)
            existingCamera = BorrowCameraForZoom(component);
        if (existingCamera > -1)
            ModuleCamera cam = _moduleCameras[existingCamera];
            return(cam.UnzoomCamera(delay, zoomData));
        public IEnumerator ZoomCamera(float duration = 1.0f, SuperZoomData zoomData = default)
            CameraInstance.depth = 100;
            ZoomActive           = true;
            yield return(null);

            foreach (float lerp in duration.TimedAnimation())
                CameraInstance.rect = new Rect(Mathf.Lerp(OriginalCameraRect.x, ZoomCameraLocation.x, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(OriginalCameraRect.y, ZoomCameraLocation.y, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(OriginalCameraRect.width, ZoomCameraLocation.width, lerp),
                                               Mathf.Lerp(OriginalCameraRect.height, ZoomCameraLocation.height, lerp));

                CameraInstance.fieldOfView             = Mathf.Lerp(5, 5 / zoomData.factor, lerp);
                CameraInstance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0.001f, 2.25f, 0), new Vector3(0.001f + (zoomData.x - 0.5f) * 0.2f, 2.25f, (zoomData.y - 0.5f) * 0.2f), lerp);

                yield return(null);
    public static IEnumerator DefaultCommand(TwitchModule module, string user, string cmd)
        if ((Votes.Active && Votes.CurrentVoteType == VoteTypes.Solve && Votes.voteModule == module) || module.Votesolving)
            IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Sorry @{user}, the module you are trying to interact with is being votesolved.");
            yield break;
        if (cmd.RegexMatch(out Match match, @"(?:(?<zoom>zoom *(?<time>\d*\.?\d+)?)|(?<superzoom>superzoom *(?<factor>\d*\.?\d+) *(?<x>\d*\.?\d+)? *(?<y>\d*\.?\d+)? *(?<stime>\d*\.?\d+)?))? *(?:(?<tilt>tilt *(?<direction>[uptobmdwnlefrigh]+|-?\d+)?)|(?<show>show)?)? *(?:send *to *module)? *(?<command>.+)?"))
            var groups  = match.Groups;
            var timed   = groups["time"].Success || groups["stime"].Success;
            var zooming = groups["zoom"].Success || groups["superzoom"].Success;
            var tilt    = groups["tilt"].Success;
            var show    = groups["show"].Success;
            var command = groups["command"].Success;

            if (!timed && !zooming && !command && show)
                yield return(Show(module, 0.5));

                yield break;
            // Both a time and a command can't be entered. And either a zoom, show or tilt needs to take place otherwise, we should let the command run normally.
            if ((!timed || !command) && (zooming || tilt || show))
                MusicPlayer musicPlayer = null;
                float       delay       = 2;
                if (timed)
                    delay = groups["time"].Value.TryParseInt() ?? groups["stime"].Value.TryParseInt() ?? 2;
                    delay = Math.Max(2, delay);

                object toYield = command ? (object)RunModuleCommand(module, user, groups["command"].Value) : delay;

                IEnumerator routine = null;
                if (show)
                    routine = Show(module, toYield);
                if (tilt)
                    routine = Tilt(module, toYield, groups["direction"].Value.ToLowerInvariant());

                if (zooming)
                    var zoomData = new SuperZoomData(
                        groups["factor"].Value.TryParseFloat() ?? 1,
                        groups["x"].Value.TryParseFloat() ?? 0.5f,
                        groups["y"].Value.TryParseFloat() ?? 0.5f
                    routine = Zoom(module, zoomData, routine ?? toYield);

                if (delay >= 15)
                    musicPlayer = MusicPlayer.StartRandomMusic();

                yield return(routine);

                if (CoroutineCanceller.ShouldCancel)
                    IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Sorry @{user}, your request to hold up the bomb for {delay} seconds has been cut short.");

                if (musicPlayer != null)

                yield break;

        yield return(RunModuleCommand(module, user, cmd));