        public void WidgetPerformUpdate(Action <NCUpdateResult> completionHandler)
            // Perform any setup necessary in order to update the view.

            // If an error is encoutered, use NCUpdateResultFailed
            // If there's no update required, use NCUpdateResultNoData
            // If there's an update, use NCUpdateResultNewData

            var result = NCUpdateResult.NewData;

            MainLabel.Text = "Hey Beauty";

            Log("result is NewData");

            var cs = new AesCryptoService();

            Log("Got crypto");

            var pas = new PersistentAuthService(cs);

            Log("Got auth");

            var sfs = new SundaysFunctionService(pas);

            Log("Got sundays");

            var a = pas.GetAuth();

            Log($"Got auth. Is valid: {(a?.IsValid ?? false)}");

            //var s = sfs.Get(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            //Log($"Got {(s?.Count().ToString() ?? "(null)")} sundays");

            //var sundayService = new SundaysFunctionService(
            //    new PersistentAuthService(
            //        new AesCryptoService()
            //    )

            //var from = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
            //var to = DateTime.Today;

            //    var sundays = sundayService.Get(from, to).GetAwaiter().GetResult().ToList();
            //    result = sundays?.Count > 0 ? NCUpdateResult.NewData : NCUpdateResult.NoData;
            //    result = NCUpdateResult.Failed;

            Log($"completing with {result}");

        private async Task PerformLogin()
            LastAttemptFailed = false;

            var service = new SundaysFunctionService(new DirectAuthService(Auth));

            if (service.IsConfigured)
                var testResult = await service.Get(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today);

                var couldLogin = testResult.Any();
                LastAttemptFailed = !couldLogin;
                if (couldLogin)
                    await CoreMethods.PopPageModel(modal : true, animate : true);