        public void Test()
            HomePage homePage = new HomePage(driver);

            //Login to the site
            LoginPage    loginPage    = homePage.ClickSignIn();
            ProductsPage productsPage = loginPage.SignIn("*****@*****.**", "Password");

            Console.WriteLine("Logged in to the site");

            //From the Main menu select Dresses > Summer Dresses
            Console.WriteLine("Selected Dresses > Summer Dresses");

            //Quick View a Dress
            //Selecting 2 random summer dress's index - one to quick view and add to cart and second one to add to the cart directly
            int    numberOfSummerDresses = productsPage.getNumberOfSummerDresses();
            Random rand         = new Random();
            int    randomIndex1 = rand.Next(0, numberOfSummerDresses);
            int    randomIndex2 = rand.Next(0, numberOfSummerDresses);

            while (randomIndex2 == randomIndex1)
                randomIndex2 = rand.Next(0, numberOfSummerDresses);

            //Quick viewing a summer dress
            QuickViewPage quickViewPage = productsPage.QuickViewRandomSummerDress(randomIndex1);

            Console.WriteLine("Opened dress in Quick view and noted down its details to check them in the summary page");

            //Noting down the dress details to assert them in the summary page
            String expectedModel = quickViewPage.GetDressModel();
            String expectedColor = quickViewPage.GetDressColor();
            String expectedSize  = quickViewPage.GetDressSize();
            String expectedPrice = quickViewPage.GetDressPrice();

            //Add the dress to cart from quick view
            productsPage = quickViewPage.ClickAddToCart();
            Console.WriteLine("Added first dress to the cart from quick view");

            // Continue shopping to add another dress to cart

            //Add Another Dress to the Cart
            Console.WriteLine("Added another dress to the cart without quick view");

            //Proceed to Checkout
            SummaryPage summaryPage = productsPage.ClickProceedToCheckout();

            //Verify on Summary page correct dress is selected
            AssertSelectedDressInSummaryPageTable(summaryPage.SummaryTable, expectedModel, expectedColor, expectedSize, expectedPrice);

            //Delete the second dress that was added to the cart

            //Sign out
            Console.WriteLine("Signed Out");