        void LateUpdate()
            //update random reference
            if (dropRand == null)
                dropRand = new Suimono.Core.Random(randSeed);

            //update timing
            _deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;

            //Handle Transition Settings
            if (cancelTransition)
                doTransition     = false;
                cancelTransition = false;
                trans1Time       = 1.1f;
                trans2Time       = 1.1f;

            if (doTransition)
                doTransition = false;
                trans1Time   = 0.0f;
                trans2Time   = 0.0f;
                dropOff      = new Vector2(dropRand.Next(0.0f, 1.0f), dropRand.Next(0.0f, 1.0f));

            trans1Time += (_deltaTime * 0.7f * wipeTime);
            trans2Time += (_deltaTime * 0.1f * dropsTime);
        void LateUpdate()
            _deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;

            if (cancelTransition)
                doTransition     = false;
                cancelTransition = false;
                trans1Time       = 1.1f;
                trans2Time       = 1.1f;

            if (doTransition)
                doTransition = false;
                trans1Time   = 0.0f;
                trans2Time   = 0.0f;
                dropOff      = new Vector2(dropRand.Next(0.0f, 1.0f), dropRand.Next(0.0f, 1.0f));

            trans1Time += (_deltaTime * 0.7f * wipeTime);
            trans2Time += (_deltaTime * 0.1f * dropsTime);
 void EmitSoundFX()
     if (actionPass)
         if (audioObj != null && moduleObject != null)
             if (moduleObject.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                 if (rulepass)
                     moduleObject.AddSoundFX(audioObj, emitPos, new Vector3(0f, fxRand.Next(audioPit.x, audioPit.y), fxRand.Next(audioVol.x, audioVol.y)));
        void SetUpdate()
            if (moduleObject != null)
                //set Random
                if (buyRand == null)
                    buyRand = new Suimono.Core.Random(randSeed);

                //check activations
                performHeight = true;
                if (physTarget != null && moduleObject.setCamera != null)
                    //check for range activation
                    if (activationRange > 0f)
                        currRange = Vector3.Distance(moduleObject.setCamera.transform.position, physTarget.transform.position);
                        if (currRange >= activationRange)
                            performHeight = false;

                    if (activationRange <= 0f)
                        performHeight = true;

                     * //check for frustrum activation
                     * camRange = 0.2f;
                     * if (moduleObject != null && performHeight){
                     * if (moduleObject.setCameraComponent != null){
                     *      currCamPos = moduleObject.setCameraComponent.WorldToViewportPoint(physTarget.transform.position);
                     *      if (currCamPos.x > (1f+camRange) || currCamPos.y > (1f+camRange)){
                     *              performHeight = false;
                     *      }
                     *      if (currCamPos.x < (0f-camRange) || currCamPos.y < (0f-camRange)){
                     *              performHeight = false;
                     *      }
                     * }
                     * }

                    //check for enable activation
                    if (!isEnabled)
                        performHeight = false;

                //perform height check
                if (performHeight)
                    // Get all height variables from Suimono Module object
                    heightValues = moduleObject.SuimonoGetHeightAll(this.transform.position);
                    isOver       = heightValues[4];
                    waveHt       = heightValues[8];
                    surfaceLevel = heightValues[0];
                    forceAngles  = moduleObject.SuimonoConvertAngleToVector(heightValues[6]);
                    forceSpeed   = heightValues[7] * 0.1f;

                //clamp variables
                forceHeightFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(forceHeightFactor);

                //Reset values
                isUnderwater    = false;
                underwaterLevel = 0f;

                //calculate scaling
                testObjectHeight = (transform.position.y + buoyancyOffset - 0.5f);

                waveHeight = surfaceLevel;
                if (testObjectHeight < waveHeight)
                    isUnderwater = true;
                underwaterLevel = waveHeight - testObjectHeight;

                //set buoyancy
                if (!keepAtSurface && rigidbodyComponent)
                    rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = saveRigidbodyState;

                if (!keepAtSurface && engageBuoyancy && isOver == 1f)
                    if (rigidbodyComponent && !rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic)
                        //reset rigidbody if turned off
                        if (rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic)
                            rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = saveRigidbodyState;

                        buoyancyFactor = 10.0f;

                        if (isUnderwater)
                            if (this.transform.position.y + buoyancyOffset - 0.5f < waveHeight - surfaceRange)
                                // add vertical force to buoyancy while underwater
                                forceMod = (buoyancyFactor * (buoyancy * rigidbodyComponent.mass) * (underwaterLevel) * splitFac * (isUnderwater ? 1f : 0f));
                                if (rigidbodyComponent.velocity.y < maxVerticalSpeed)
                                    rigidbodyComponent.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f) * forceMod, transform.position);

                                modTime = 0f;
                                // slow down vertical velocity as it reaches water surface or wave zenith
                                modTime = (this.transform.position.y + buoyancyOffset - 0.5f) / (waveHeight + buyRand.Next(0f, 0.25f) * (isUnderwater ? 1f : 0f));
                                if (rigidbodyComponent.velocity.y > 0f)
                                    rigidbodyComponent.velocity = new Vector3(
                                        Mathf.SmoothStep(rigidbodyComponent.velocity.y, 0f, modTime),

                            //Add Water Force / Direction to Buoyancy Object
                            if (inheritForce)
                                if (this.transform.position.y + buoyancyOffset - 0.5f <= waveHeight)
                                    waveFac = Mathf.Lerp(0f, forceHeightFactor, waveHt);
                                    if (forceHeightFactor == 0f)
                                        waveFac = 1f;
                                    rigidbodyComponent.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(forceAngles.x, 0f, forceAngles.y) * (buoyancyFactor * 2f) * forceSpeed * waveFac * splitFac * forceAmount, transform.position);

                //Keep At Surface Option
                if (keepAtSurface && isOver == 1f)
                    saveKeepAtSurface = keepAtSurface;
                    float testPos = (surfaceLevel - physTarget.position.y - buoyancyOffset);
                    if (testPos >= -0.25f)
                        //remove rigidbody
                        if (rigidbodyComponent != null)
                            //rigidbodyComponent.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                            if (!rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic)
                                saveRigidbodyState             = false;
                                rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = true;

                        //set Y position
                        physPosition        = physTarget.position;
                        physPosition.y      = Mathf.Lerp(startYPosition, targetYPosition, lerpSurfacePosTime);
                        physTarget.position = physPosition;
                        rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = saveRigidbodyState;

                    //set timer for smooth blend
                    lerpSurfacePosTime += Time.deltaTime * 4f;
                    if (lerpSurfacePosTime > 1f || keepAtSurface != saveKeepAtSurface)
                        lerpSurfacePosTime = 0f;
                        startYPosition     = physTarget.position.y;
                        targetYPosition    = surfaceLevel - buoyancyOffset;             //physTarget.position.y;