    private Vector2Int NumberOfCubesPerArea;                                   // Vector that describes the number of cubes per area in the sudoku board

    /// <summary>
    /// Method that instantiates the cube game objects for the sudoku board.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="boardDataAsset">Asset that contains sudoku board data.</param>
    /// <param name="offsetBetweenAreas">Offset distance between areas in the sudoku board.</param>
    public void CreateSudokuBoard(SudokuBoardDataAsset boardDataAsset, float offsetBetweenAreas)
        NumberOfAreasInBoard = boardDataAsset.NumberOfAreasInBoard;
        NumberOfCubesPerArea = boardDataAsset.NumberOfCubesPerArea;

        // Calculate board dimensions + initialise matrix for storing cubes of the sudoku board
        Vector3 boardDimensions = new Vector3(NumberOfAreasInBoard.x * NumberOfCubesPerArea.x, 0, NumberOfAreasInBoard.y * NumberOfCubesPerArea.y);

        CubeControllerMatrix = new CubeController[(int)boardDimensions.x, (int)boardDimensions.z];

        // Calculate initial position of cube + offset vector for correcting the position of instantiated cube game objects
        Vector3 cubePosition     = Vector3.zero + transform.position;
        Vector3 offsetCorrection = new Vector3(boardDimensions.x / 2 - (NumberOfAreasInBoard.x - 1) * (NumberOfAreasInBoard.y - 1) * offsetBetweenAreas,
                                               0f, boardDimensions.z / 2 - (NumberOfAreasInBoard.x - 1) * (NumberOfAreasInBoard.y - 1) * offsetBetweenAreas);

        for (int i = 0; i < CubeControllerMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
            // Add row offset between areas - if needed
            if ((i != 0) && (i % NumberOfCubesPerArea.x == 0))
                cubePosition += new Vector3(0f, 0f, offsetBetweenAreas);

            for (int j = 0; j < CubeControllerMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                // Add column offset between areas - if needed
                if ((j != 0) && (j % NumberOfCubesPerArea.y == 0))
                    cubePosition += new Vector3(offsetBetweenAreas, 0f, 0f);

                // Instantiate + set parenting for the cube game objects
                GameObject newCube = Instantiate(CubePrefab, cubePosition - offsetCorrection, Quaternion.identity);

                // Reference, initialise, and update cube with appropriate data
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j] = newCube.GetComponent <CubeController>();
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j].Initialise();
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j].SetCubeData(boardDataAsset.GetSudokuCubeData(i, j));

                // Add listeners to appropriate events
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j].AddOnCubeEventListener(OnCubeUpdateCallback);
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j].AddOnAvailableNumbersUpdateEventListener(UpdateAvailableNumberCountMapSelect, true, false);
                CubeControllerMatrix[i, j].AddOnAvailableNumbersUpdateEventListener(UpdateAvailableNumberCountMapPropagate, false, false);

                // Adjust column position for next cube
                cubePosition += new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);

            // Reset column position + adjust row position for next row of cubes
            cubePosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, cubePosition.z + 1f);
    void OnGUI()
        CurrentSudokuBoardDataAsset = (SudokuBoardDataAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Asset", CurrentSudokuBoardDataAsset, typeof(SudokuBoardDataAsset), true);

        DrawSudokuBoardGUI(NumberOfAreasInBoard.x * NumberOfCubesPerArea.x, NumberOfAreasInBoard.y * NumberOfCubesPerArea.y);