public void SendChatMessage(string name, string message, string subverseName) { if (message == null) { return; } message = message.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && message != String.Empty && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(subverseName)) { // check if user is banned if (User.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(Context.User.Identity.Name, subverseName)) { // message won't be processed // this is necessary because banning a user from a subverse doesn't kick them from chat return; } // discard message if it contains unicode if (Submissions.ContainsUnicode(message)) { return; } // trim message to 200 characters if (message.Length > 200) { message = message.Substring(0, 200); } // check if previous message from this user is in cache //if (messageCache.ContainsKey(name)) //{ // // discard duplicate message and update timestamp // if (message == messageCache[name].Item1) // { // messageCache.Remove(name); // messageCache.Add(name, new Tuple<string, DateTime>(message, DateTime.UtcNow)); // return; // } // // check timestamp and discard if diff less than 5 seconds // var timestamp = messageCache[name].Item2; // if (timestamp.AddSeconds(5) < DateTime.UtcNow) // { // return; // } //} messageCache.Add(name, new Tuple <string, DateTime>(message, DateTime.UtcNow)); var htmlEncodedMessage = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(message); Clients.Group(subverseName).appendChatMessage(Context.User.Identity.Name, htmlEncodedMessage); } }
public void TestUnicodeDetection() { const string testString = "🆆🅰🆂 🅶🅴🆃🆃🅸🅽🅶 🅲🅰🆄🅶🅷🆃 🅿🅰🆁🆃 🅾🅵 🆈🅾🆄🆁 🅿🅻🅰🅽🅴"; const string testStringWithoutUnicode = "was getting caught part of your plane"; bool result = Submissions.ContainsUnicode(testString); Assert.IsTrue(result, "Unicode was not detected."); bool resultWithoutUnicode = Submissions.ContainsUnicode(testStringWithoutUnicode); Assert.IsFalse(resultWithoutUnicode, "Unicode was not detected."); }
public ActionResult Submit([Bind(Include = "Id,Votes,Name,Date,Type,Linkdescription,Title,Rank,MessageContent,Subverse")] Message message) { // abort if model state is invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } // save temp values for the view in case submission fails ViewBag.selectedSubverse = message.Subverse; ViewBag.message = message.MessageContent; ViewBag.title = message.Title; ViewBag.linkDescription = message.Linkdescription; // check if user is banned if (Utils.User.IsUserGloballyBanned(message.Name) || Utils.User.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse)) { ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = message.Subverse; return(View("~/Views/Home/Comments.cshtml", message)); } // check if user has reached hourly posting quota for target subverse if (Utils.User.UserHourlyPostingQuotaForSubUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your hourly submission quota for this subverse."); return(View()); } // check if user has reached daily posting quota for target subverse if (Utils.User.UserDailyPostingQuotaForSubUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.Subverse)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily submission quota for this subverse."); return(View()); } // verify recaptcha if user has less than 25 CCP var userCcp = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name); if (userCcp < 25) { string encodedResponse = Request.Form["g-Recaptcha-Response"]; bool isCaptchaCodeValid = (ReCaptchaUtility.Validate(encodedResponse) == "True" ? true : false); if (!isCaptchaCodeValid) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incorrect recaptcha answer."); // TODO // SET PREVENT SPAM DELAY TO 0 return(View()); } } // if user CCP or SCP is less than -50, allow only X submissions per 24 hours var userScp = Karma.LinkKarma(User.Identity.Name); if (userCcp <= -50 || userScp <= -50) { var quotaUsed = Utils.User.UserDailyPostingQuotaForNegativeScoreUsed(User.Identity.Name); if (quotaUsed) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily submission quota. Your current quota is " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dailyPostingQuotaForNegativeScore"]) + " submission(s) per 24 hours."); return(View()); } } // abort if model state is invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Submit")); } // check if subverse exists var targetSubverse = _db.Subverses.Find(message.Subverse.Trim()); if (targetSubverse == null || message.Subverse.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist."); return(View("Submit")); } // check if subverse has "authorized_submitters_only" set and dissalow submission if user is not allowed submitter if (targetSubverse.authorized_submitters_only) { if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseModerator(User.Identity.Name, { // user is not a moderator, check if user is an administrator if (!Utils.User.IsUserSubverseAdmin(User.Identity.Name, { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are not authorized to submit links or start discussions in this subverse. Please contact subverse moderators for authorization."); return(View("Submit")); } } } // everything was okay, process incoming submission // submission is a link post // generate a thumbnail if submission is a direct link to image or video if (message.Type == 2 && message.MessageContent != null && message.Linkdescription != null) { // strip unicode if title contains unicode if (Submissions.ContainsUnicode(message.Linkdescription)) { message.Linkdescription = Submissions.StripUnicode(message.Linkdescription); } // abort if title less than 10 characters if (message.Linkdescription.Length < 10) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the title may not be less than 10 characters."); return(View("Submit")); } var domain = UrlUtility.GetDomainFromUri(message.MessageContent); // check if target subvere allows submissions from globally banned hostnames if (!targetSubverse.exclude_sitewide_bans) { // check if hostname is banned before accepting submission if (BanningUtility.IsHostnameBanned(domain)) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the hostname you are trying to submit is banned."); return(View("Submit")); } } // check if same link was submitted before and deny submission var existingSubmission = _db.Messages.FirstOrDefault(s => s.MessageContent.Equals(message.MessageContent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.Subverse.Equals(message.Subverse, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // submission is a repost, discard it and inform the user if (existingSubmission != null) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, this link has already been submitted by someone else."); // todo: offer the option to repost after informing the user about it return(RedirectToRoute( "SubverseComments", new { controller = "Comment", action = "Comments", id = existingSubmission.Id, subversetoshow = existingSubmission.Subverse } )); } // check if user has reached daily crossposting quota if (Utils.User.DailyCrossPostingQuotaUsed(User.Identity.Name, message.MessageContent)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily crossposting quota for this URL."); return(View()); } // check if target subverse has thumbnails setting enabled before generating a thumbnail if (targetSubverse.enable_thumbnails) { // try to generate and assign a thumbnail to submission model message.Thumbnail = ThumbGenerator.ThumbnailFromSubmissionModel(message); } // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode) { message.Anonymized = true; } else { message.Name = User.Identity.Name; } // accept submission and save it to the database message.Subverse =; // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time message.Date = DateTime.Now; message.Likes = 1; _db.Messages.Add(message); // update last submission received date for target subverse targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now; _db.SaveChanges(); } else if (message.Type == 1 && message.Title != null) { // submission is a self post // strip unicode if message contains unicode if (Submissions.ContainsUnicode(message.Title)) { message.Title = Submissions.StripUnicode(message.Title); } // abort if title less than 10 characters if (message.Title.Length < 10) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sorry, the the message title may not be less than 10 characters."); return(View("Submit")); } // accept submission and save it to the database // trim trailing blanks from subverse name if a user mistakenly types them message.Subverse =; // flag the submission as anonymized if it was submitted to a subverse with active anonymized_mode if (targetSubverse.anonymized_mode) { message.Anonymized = true; } else { message.Name = User.Identity.Name; } // grab server timestamp and modify submission timestamp to have posting time instead of "started writing submission" time message.Date = DateTime.Now; message.Likes = 1; _db.Messages.Add(message); // update last submission received date for target subverse targetSubverse.last_submission_received = DateTime.Now; if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave)) { message.MessageContent = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, message); } _db.SaveChanges(); if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave)) { ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(message.MessageContent, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, message); } } return(RedirectToRoute( "SubverseComments", new { controller = "Comment", action = "Comments", id = message.Id, subversetoshow = message.Subverse } )); }