private int FindNearestSourceVertex(int subMeshIndex, Vector3 vertex)
        DebugLog("FindNearestSourceVertex(" + subMeshIndex + ", " + V3ToStr(vertex));
        SubMeshInfo smi = m_sourceSubMeshes[subMeshIndex];

        int     bestIndex     = smi.startIndex;
        Vector3 bestVertex    = sourceMesh.vertices[bestIndex];
        float   bestMagnitude = (bestVertex - vertex).magnitude;

        for (int i = smi.startIndex; i < smi.endIndex; i++)
            //DebugLog("i=" + i);
            Vector3 nextVertex    = sourceMesh.vertices[i];
            float   nextMagnitude = (nextVertex - vertex).magnitude;
            if (nextMagnitude < bestMagnitude)
                //DebugLog("better! i=" + i + " v=" + V3ToStr(nextVertex));
                bestIndex     = i;
                bestVertex    = nextVertex;
                bestMagnitude = nextMagnitude;
        DebugLog("Returning " + bestIndex);

        /// <summary>
        /// サブメッシュのリストを取得する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SubMeshInfo> GetSubMeshList(Mesh mesh)
            List <SubMeshInfo> subMeshList = new List <SubMeshInfo>();

            for (int subMeshIndex = 0; subMeshIndex < mesh.subMeshCount; subMeshIndex++)
                var meshInfo = new SubMeshInfo(mesh, subMeshIndex);

        public MeshGeometry Clone(string id, GeometrySet geoSet)
            MeshGeometry clone = new MeshGeometry(id, geoSet);

            foreach (int ii in this.inputSources.Keys)
                clone.AddInputs(ii, this.inputSources[ii]);
            foreach (PointComponents pc in this.pointSets)
            foreach (int[] f in this.faces)
            foreach (string vs in this.vertexDict.Keys)
                clone.vertexDict[vs] = this.vertexDict[vs];
            foreach (int vi in this.vertexIds.Keys)
                clone.vertexIds[vi] = this.vertexIds[vi];
            foreach (VertexDataEntry vde in this.vertexDataEntries)

            clone.VertexData = this.VertexData.Clone();

            if (this.boneAssignmentList != null)
                foreach (int vba in this.boneAssignmentList.Keys)
                    clone.boneAssignmentList[vba] = this.boneAssignmentList[vba];

            int smi_count = 0;

            foreach (SubMeshInfo smi in this.subMeshes)
                SubMeshInfo new_smi = new SubMeshInfo();
           = this.subMeshes.Count > 1 ? id + "." + (smi_count++).ToString() : id;
                new_smi.material = smi.material;
    private void CopyBlendShapesOfFrame(string shapeName, int shapeIndex, int frameIndex)
        Vector3[] sourceDeltaVertices = new Vector3[sourceMesh.vertexCount];
        Vector3[] sourceDeltaNormals  = new Vector3[sourceMesh.vertexCount];
        Vector3[] sourceDeltaTangents = new Vector3[sourceMesh.vertexCount];

        Vector3[] targetDeltaVertices = new Vector3[targetMesh.vertexCount];
        Vector3[] targetDeltaNormals  = new Vector3[targetMesh.vertexCount];
        Vector3[] targetDeltaTangents = new Vector3[targetMesh.vertexCount];

        float frameWeight = sourceMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(shapeIndex, frameIndex);

        sourceMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(shapeIndex, frameIndex, sourceDeltaVertices, sourceDeltaNormals, sourceDeltaTangents);

        string debugOut = "";

        for (int sm = 0; sm < m_targetSubMeshes.Length; sm++)
            SubMeshInfo targetSm = m_targetSubMeshes[sm];
            SetStatusMessage("Copying sub mesh " +;

            // Convert Target vertex to an approximate location in the source mesh.
            for (int i = targetSm.startIndex; i < targetSm.endIndex; i++)
                SetStatusMessage("Copying mesh " + + ", vertext " + i);

                Vector3 targetVertex = targetMesh.vertices[i];
                Vector3 sourceVertex = m_targetToSourceWarps[sm](targetVertex);
                //Vector3 sourceVertex = targetVertex;
                debugOut += "WARP: " + V3ToStr(targetVertex) + " -> " + V3ToStr(sourceVertex) + "\n";

                // Find index of nearest vertex in source mesh.
                int nearest = FindNearestSourceVertex(sm, sourceVertex);

                // Copy details from that source to target blend shape.
                targetDeltaVertices[i] = sourceDeltaVertices[nearest];
                targetDeltaNormals[i]  = sourceDeltaNormals[nearest];
                targetDeltaTangents[i] = sourceDeltaTangents[nearest];
        SetStatusMessage("Finished copying " + shapeName);

        targetMesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(shapeName, frameWeight, targetDeltaVertices, targetDeltaNormals, targetDeltaTangents);
    private static SubMeshInfo[] LocateSubMeshes(Mesh mesh)
        var subMeshes = new SubMeshInfo[9];

        // For now this is a bit hacky - can improve over time if needed.
        // If VRoid character has 9 meshes, then the ears have been merged into the face already.
        // If 10 meshes, index 7 and 8 are face and ears - lets merge them together.
        // Some tools merge them, so let's work with those tools as well.
        int j = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.subMeshCount; i++)
            UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor smd = mesh.GetSubMesh(i);

            SubMeshInfo smi = new SubMeshInfo();
         = m_subMeshNames[j];
            smi.startIndex = smd.firstVertex; // Or is it indexStart?
            smi.endIndex   = smd.firstVertex + smd.vertexCount;
            smi.bounds     = smd.bounds;

            // HACK: If size 10, do some magic at index 7 (face) to include following submesh (ears)
            // They share the same material and some tools merge them.
            // (If VRoid changes the order of subMeshes this will stuff things up big time!)
            if (i == 7 && mesh.subMeshCount == 10)
                smd = mesh.GetSubMesh(i);
                smi.endIndex = smd.firstVertex + smd.vertexCount;

            subMeshes[j++] = smi;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the current instance with values from specified prefab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefab">The prefab.</param>
        protected override bool InitializeData(PrefabInfo prefab)
            bool success = base.InitializeData(prefab);

            BuildingInfo building = (BuildingInfo)prefab;

            if (building.m_class != null &&
                building.m_class.m_service != ItemClass.Service.None && building.m_class.m_service <= ItemClass.Service.Office &&
                building.m_placementStyle == ItemClass.Placement.Automatic &&
                building.m_cellWidth > 0 && building.m_cellWidth <= 4 && building.m_cellLength > 0 && building.m_cellLength <= 4 &&
                ItemClass.GetPrivateServiceIndex(building.m_class.m_service) != -1)
                this.type = AssetTypes.Growable;
                this.type = AssetTypes.Building;

            if (building.m_props != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < building.m_props.Length; i++)
                    if (building.m_props[i] != null)
                        if ((UnityEngine.Object)building.m_props[i].m_prop != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                            this.AddReferencedAsset <PropInfo>(Reference.ReferenceTypes.Prop, building.m_props[i].m_prop);

                        if ((UnityEngine.Object)building.m_props[i].m_tree != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                            this.AddReferencedAsset <TreeInfo>(Reference.ReferenceTypes.Tree, building.m_props[i].m_tree);

            if (building.m_subMeshes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < building.m_subMeshes.Length; i++)
                    if (building.m_subMeshes[i] != null &&
                        (UnityEngine.Object)building.m_subMeshes[i].m_subInfo != (UnityEngine.Object)null &&
                        building.m_subMeshes[i].m_subInfo is BuildingInfoSub)
                        AssetInfo subAsset = new SubMeshInfo((BuildingInfoSub)building.m_subMeshes[i].m_subInfo);
                        if (subAsset.Initialized)

            if (building.m_subBuildings != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < building.m_subBuildings.Length; i++)
                    if (building.m_subBuildings[i] != null &&
                        (UnityEngine.Object)building.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                        this.AddReferencedAsset <BuildingInfo>(Reference.ReferenceTypes.SubAssset, building.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo);

                        AssetInfo subAsset = new SubBuildingInfo(building.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo);
                        if (subAsset.Initialized)
                            // todo: Add references.

        /// <summary>
        ///   ReadPolygons basically corresponds to reading in a SubMesh.
        ///   The grandparent of this node is probably the geometry node
        ///   with the submesh name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node corresponding to the 'polygons' element</param>
        public void ReadPolygons( MeshGeometry geometry,
                                    Dictionary<string, VertexSet> vertexSets,
                                    XmlNode node, ColladaMeshInfo meshInfo )
            bool doubleSided = false;

            Dictionary<int, List<InputSourceCollection>> inputSources =
                new Dictionary<int, List<InputSourceCollection>>();
            // First pass to get params and inputs
            foreach( XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes )
                switch( childNode.Name )
                case "param":
                    if( childNode.Attributes[ "name" ].Value == "DOUBLE_SIDED" )
                        doubleSided = bool.Parse( childNode.InnerText );
                case "input":
                    ReadInput( inputSources, vertexSets, childNode, meshInfo );
                case "p":
                    // ignore on this pass
                    DebugMessage( childNode );
            foreach( int inputIndex in inputSources.Keys )
                geometry.AddInputs( inputIndex, inputSources[ inputIndex ] );

            // TODO: If we are double sided, we probably need to build a
            // negated version of the normals.

            // second pass to handle the 'p' entries
            foreach( XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes )
                switch( childNode.Name )
                case "param":
                case "input":
                    // ignore on this pass
                case "p":
                    ReadPolygon( geometry, doubleSided, childNode );
                    DebugMessage( childNode );
            string materialId = null;
            string submeshName = geometry.Id;
            if( node.Attributes[ "material" ] != null &&
                node.Attributes[ "material" ].Value != null )
                materialId = node.Attributes[ "material" ].Value;
                // strip off the leading '#'
                if( materialId.StartsWith( "#" ) )
                    log.InfoFormat( "Material {0} starts with '#'", materialId );
                    materialId = materialId.Substring( 1 );
                // I used to append the material name to the submesh name,
                // but now I want to leave it alone.
                //submeshName = submeshName + "/" + materialId;
            SubMeshInfo smInfo = new SubMeshInfo();
   = submeshName;
            if( materialId != null )
                if( MaterialScriptBuilder.MaterialNamespace != null )
                    smInfo.material = MaterialScriptBuilder.MaterialNamespace + "." + materialId;
                    smInfo.material = materialId;
                smInfo.material = "BaseWhite";
            geometry.AddSubMesh( smInfo );
        private void Render(NativeArray <UIVertexData> vertices, UIContextData *context, ref MeshData meshData, UIGraphData graph, NativeArray <NodeInfo> layout, GraphInfo graphInfo, NativeArray <UIPassState> stateLayout)
            var    indices      = meshData.GetIndexData <ushort>();
            var    subMeshes    = new NativeArray <SubMeshInfo>(graphInfo.subMeshCount, Allocator.Temp);
            int    submeshIndex = 0;
            int    renderIndex  = 0;
            float4 bounds       =;

            RenderMesh(0, -1, 0, vertices, context, indices, graph, graphInfo, layout, stateLayout, subMeshes, true, true, true, ref submeshIndex, ref renderIndex, ref bounds);
            float4 totalBounds = bounds;
            int    submesh0RenderIndexCount = renderIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < subMeshes.Length; i++)
                SubMeshInfo current            = subMeshes[i];
                var         initialRenderIndex = renderIndex;
                RenderMesh(current.nodeIndex, -1, current.nodeIndex, vertices, context, indices, graph, graphInfo, layout, stateLayout, subMeshes, true, false, false, ref submeshIndex, ref renderIndex, ref bounds);
                totalBounds            = new float4(math.min(totalBounds.x, bounds.x), math.min(totalBounds.y, bounds.y), math.max(totalBounds.z, bounds.z), math.max(totalBounds.w, bounds.w));
                current.meshIndexStart = initialRenderIndex * 6;
                current.meshIndexCount = (renderIndex - initialRenderIndex) * 6;
                current.bounds         = bounds;
                subMeshes[i]           = current;
                for (int j = 0; j < (renderIndex - initialRenderIndex); j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        UIVertexData vertex = vertices[(initialRenderIndex + j) * 4 + k];
                        vertex.position.z -= 0.001f * (i + 1);
                        vertices[(initialRenderIndex + j) * 4 + k] = vertex;
            //Center Mesh
            float3 totalSize = new float3(math.abs(totalBounds.z - totalBounds.x), math.abs(totalBounds.y - totalBounds.w), 0f);
            var    adjust    = new float3(totalSize.x / 2f, totalSize.y / 2f, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                UIVertexData vertex = vertices[i];
                vertex.position -= adjust;
                vertices[i]      = vertex;
            for (int i = 0; i < subMeshes.Length; i++)
                SubMeshInfo current = subMeshes[i];
                var         size    = new float3(math.abs(current.bounds.z - current.bounds.x), math.abs(current.bounds.y - current.bounds.w), 0.00001f);
                meshData.SetSubMesh(meshData.subMeshCount - (i + 1), new UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor(current.meshIndexStart, current.meshIndexCount)
                    //bounds = new Bounds(new float3(current.bounds.x + (size.x / 2f), bounds.y + (size.y / 2f), 0f) - adjust, size),
                    bounds      = new Bounds(, size),
                    firstVertex = (current.meshIndexStart / 6) * 4,
                    vertexCount = (current.meshIndexCount / 6) * 4
                                    //,MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices
            meshData.SetSubMesh(0, new UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor(0, submesh0RenderIndexCount * 6)
                bounds      = new Bounds(, new float3(totalSize.x, totalSize.y, 0.00001f)),
                firstVertex = 0,
                vertexCount = submesh0RenderIndexCount * 4
                                //,MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices
        private void RenderMesh(
            int startIndex,
            int parentIndex,
            int currentIndex,
            NativeArray <UIVertexData> vertexData,
            UIContextData *context,
            NativeArray <ushort> indices,
            UIGraphData graph,
            GraphInfo graphInfo,
            NativeArray <NodeInfo> nodeInfo,
            NativeArray <UIPassState> stateLayout,
            NativeArray <SubMeshInfo> subMeshes,
            bool renderNow,
            bool updateSubmeshCount,
            bool accumulate,
            ref int subMeshIndex,
            ref int renderIndex,
            ref float4 bounds

            var           info         = nodeInfo[currentIndex];
            HeaderConfig *headerConfig = (HeaderConfig *)(graph.value + info.nodeOffset).ToPointer();
            var           state        = stateLayout[currentIndex];

            if (accumulate)
                state.globalBox += state.localBox;
                if (parentIndex >= 0)
                    state.globalBox += stateLayout[parentIndex].inner;
                stateLayout[currentIndex] = state;
            if (headerConfig->IsDedicatedNode)
                if (updateSubmeshCount)
                    subMeshes[subMeshIndex] = new SubMeshInfo(++subMeshIndex, currentIndex);
                renderNow = currentIndex == startIndex;
            if (renderNow)
                bool display = true;
                bool visible = true;
                if (graph.TryGetConfigBlock(currentIndex, UIConfigLayoutTable.DisplayConfig, out IntPtr displayConfig))
                    var dc = ((DisplayConfig *)displayConfig.ToPointer());
                    display = dc->display == VisibilityStyle.Visible;
                    visible = dc->visible == VisibilityStyle.Visible;
                if (display)
                    FunctionPointer <UIRenderPass> render = headerConfig->schemaIndex >= 0 ? schema.Value.elements[headerConfig->schemaIndex].render : default;
                    if (render.IsCreated)
                            (NodeInfo *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref info),
                            (UIPassState *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref state),
                            (UIVertexData *)(((IntPtr)vertexData.GetUnsafePtr()) + (renderIndex * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <UIVertexData>() * 4)).ToPointer(),
                    for (int j = 0; j < info.renderBoxCount; j++)
                        indices[(renderIndex + j) * 6]       = (ushort)((renderIndex + j) * 4);
                        indices[((renderIndex + j) * 6) + 1] = (ushort)(((renderIndex + j) * 4) + 2);
                        indices[((renderIndex + j) * 6) + 2] = (ushort)(((renderIndex + j) * 4) + 1);
                        indices[((renderIndex + j) * 6) + 3] = (ushort)(((renderIndex + j) * 4) + 2);
                        indices[((renderIndex + j) * 6) + 4] = (ushort)(((renderIndex + j) * 4) + 3);
                        indices[((renderIndex + j) * 6) + 5] = (ushort)(((renderIndex + j) * 4) + 1);
                        UpdateBounds(vertexData, (renderIndex + j) * 4, ref bounds);
                if (!display || !visible)
                    UnsafeUtility.MemClear((((IntPtr)vertexData.GetUnsafePtr()) + (renderIndex * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <UIVertexData>() * 4)).ToPointer(), UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <UIVertexData>() * info.renderBoxCount * 4);
                    UnsafeUtility.MemClear((((IntPtr)indices.GetUnsafePtr()) + (renderIndex * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <ushort>() * 6)).ToPointer(), UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <ushort>() * info.renderBoxCount * 6);
                renderIndex += info.renderBoxCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < headerConfig->childCount; i++)
                RenderMesh(startIndex, currentIndex, UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement <int>((graph.value + info.childrenOffset).ToPointer(), i), vertexData, context, indices, graph, graphInfo, nodeInfo, stateLayout, subMeshes, renderNow, updateSubmeshCount, accumulate, ref subMeshIndex, ref renderIndex, ref bounds);
 /// <summary>
 /// Load the material and visibility information from SubMeshInfo into the actual subMesh
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subMeshInfo"></param>
 private void ValidateSubMesh(SubMeshInfo subMeshInfo)
     entity.GetSubEntity(subMeshInfo.Name).IsVisible = subMeshInfo.Show;
     entity.GetSubEntity(subMeshInfo.Name).MaterialName = subMeshInfo.MaterialName;
        /// <summary>
        ///   The geometry object has a list of polygon faces.  
        ///   Take those, and use them to populate the subMesh object.
        ///   TODO: Do I need to compact those first?
        ///         Do I need to build consolidated sets of points that the face indexes can refer to?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subMesh">the Axiom SubMesh object that we will populate</param>
        /// <param name="geometry">the geometry information that contains the polygons</param>
        /// <param name="indexType">the type of face index (16 bit or 32 bit)</param>
        protected void ProcessFaces( SubMeshInfo subMeshInfo, MeshGeometry geometry,
                                    IndexType indexType )
            SubMesh subMesh = m_AxiomMesh.CreateSubMesh( );
            subMesh.MaterialName = subMeshInfo.material;

            int[ , ] data = geometry.GetFaceData();
            subMesh.indexData.indexStart = 0;
            subMesh.indexData.indexCount = data.GetLength( 0 ) * data.GetLength( 1 );

            HardwareIndexBuffer idxBuffer = null;

            // create the index buffer
            idxBuffer =
                HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer( indexType,
                                                                m_AxiomMesh.UseIndexShadowBuffer );

            HWBuffer.FillBuffer( idxBuffer, subMesh.indexData.indexCount, indexType, data );

            // save the index buffer
            subMesh.indexData.indexBuffer = idxBuffer;
        private static void BuildSegmentIndices(
            Mesh mesh,
            out int[][] subMeshSegmentIndices,
            out HashSet <int>[] subMeshVertexIndices,
            out SubMeshInfo[] subMeshInfos)
            int subMeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;

            subMeshSegmentIndices = new int[subMeshCount][];
            subMeshVertexIndices  = new HashSet <int> [subMeshCount];
            subMeshInfos          = new SubMeshInfo[subMeshCount];

            var indexPairs = new HashSet <int> [mesh.vertexCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < subMeshCount; ++i)
                MeshTopology topology = mesh.GetTopology(i);
                int[]        indices  = mesh.GetIndices(i);
                subMeshInfos[i] = new SubMeshInfo(topology, (uint)indices.Length);

                if (topology != MeshTopology.Triangles)
                    subMeshSegmentIndices[i] = new int[0];
                    subMeshVertexIndices[i]  = new HashSet <int>();

                for (int ti = 0; ti < indices.Length; ti += 3)
                    int i0 = indices[ti];
                    int i1 = indices[ti + 1];
                    int i2 = indices[ti + 2];

                    if (i1 < i0)
                        Swap(ref i0, ref i1);

                    if (i2 < i1)
                        Swap(ref i1, ref i2);

                        if (i1 < i0)
                            Swap(ref i0, ref i1);

                    var pair0 = indexPairs[i0] ?? (indexPairs[i0] = new HashSet <int>());
                    var pair1 = indexPairs[i1] ?? (indexPairs[i1] = new HashSet <int>());
                    var pair2 = indexPairs[i2] ?? (indexPairs[i2] = new HashSet <int>());


                var segmentIndices = new List <int>();
                var vertexIndices  = new HashSet <int>();

                for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < indexPairs.Length; ++startIndex)
                    HashSet <int> pairs = indexPairs[startIndex];

                    if (pairs == null || pairs.Count == 0)


                    foreach (var endIndex in pairs)

                Array.Clear(indexPairs, 0, indexPairs.Length);

                subMeshSegmentIndices[i] = segmentIndices.ToArray();
                subMeshVertexIndices[i]  = vertexIndices;
 public void AddSubMesh(SubMeshInfo subMesh)