protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); // Get a count of the number of SIQ entries for the StudyStorageLocation. If there's // any, we don't enable the Delete button. var siqController = new StudyIntegrityQueueController(); var criteria = new StudyIntegrityQueueSelectCriteria(); criteria.StudyStorageKey.EqualTo(Study.TheStudyStorage.Key); int siqCount = siqController.GetReconcileQueueItemsCount(criteria); string reason; bool seriesDelete = Study.CanScheduleSeriesDelete(out reason); foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int index = GridView1.PageIndex * GridView1.PageSize + row.RowIndex; Series series = _series[index]; row.Attributes["serverae"] = _serverPartition.AeTitle; row.Attributes["studyuid"] = _study.StudyInstanceUid; row.Attributes["seriesuid"] = series.SeriesInstanceUid; var controller = new StudyController(); if (controller.CanManipulateSeries(Study.TheStudyStorage.Key)) { if (siqCount == 0 && seriesDelete) { row.Attributes.Add("candelete", "true"); } row.Attributes.Add("canmove", "true"); } } } }