// { // Fields - usually set as private. Guard against invalid user input values. // Properties - Public asscess modifier, so users can manipulate the data. Properites answer to the Fields. For each field you create // properites. // Methods - info that you expose to your client. Can be static or non- static. Basic part of a program, take parameters and return values. // Constructors - // Syntax of Fields - Camell case (lower case), Ex: Private, datatype, fieldname(lowercase) // Syntax of Properties - have a get : set , Pasquall case Ex: Public, datatype, PropertyName(Uppercase) // get { return this.fieldname;} set { this.fieldname = value;} // get- takes the field and returns it to the property,is an accessor. Set- sets the value of te field to the property, is accessor. this - refers to the object // that is enstanciated, also is already implied. value - user input, based off the field varible. // Syntax of Methods - Pasqual Case, Can be static or Non static, Can return values, can have parameters. // Ex: Public, static/void/&or datatype, MethodName(pasquelCase) () {} // Can have parameters and arguments. // Syntax of Constructors - static void Main(string[] args) { Students StudentInfo = new Students(); StudentInfo.DisplayCompleteInfo(); }