public void RemoveStudentFromTeam_StudentIsNull_ExpectArgumentException()
            // arrange
            var studentRepo = studentRepoMock.Object;
            var teamRepo    = teamRepoMock.Object;

            // team t exists
            var t = new Team()
                Id = 1, Students = new List <Student>()


            var studentsBeforeTest = new List <Student>(studentRepo.GetAll());
            var teamsBeforeTest    = new List <Team>(teamRepo.GetAll());

            var service = new StudentTeamService(studentRepo, teamRepo);

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.RemoveStudentFromTeam(t, null));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal("Student is missing", ex.Message);
            teamRepoMock.Verify(repo => repo.Update(It.Is <Team>(team => team == t)), Times.Never);

            // verify that repositories contains same objects as before act.
            Assert.Equal(studentsBeforeTest, studentRepoMock.Object.GetAll());
            Assert.Equal(teamsBeforeTest, teamRepoMock.Object.GetAll());
        public void RemoveStudentFromTeam_LegalRemove()
            // arrange
            var studentRepo = studentRepoMock.Object;
            var teamRepo    = teamRepoMock.Object;

            // student s exists
            var s = new Student()
                Id = 1


            // team t exists with student s as a member
            var t = new Team()
                Id = 1, Students = new List <Student>()


            var studentsBeforeTest = new List <Student>(studentRepo.GetAll());
            var teamsBeforeTest    = new List <Team>(teamRepo.GetAll());

            var service = new StudentTeamService(studentRepo, teamRepo);

            // act
            service.RemoveStudentFromTeam(t, s);

            // assert
            teamRepoMock.Verify(repo => repo.Update(It.Is <Team>(team => team == t)), Times.Once);

            // verify that repositories contains same objects as before act.
            Assert.Equal(studentsBeforeTest, studentRepoMock.Object.GetAll());
            Assert.Equal(teamsBeforeTest, teamRepoMock.Object.GetAll());
        public void RemoveStudentFromTeam_StudentNotMemberOfTeam_ExpectInvalidOperationException()
            // arrange
            var studentRepo = studentRepoMock.Object;
            var teamRepo    = teamRepoMock.Object;

            // student s exists
            var s = new Student()
                Id = 1


            // team t exists, but student s is not a member
            var t = new Team()
                Id = 1, Students = new List <Student>()


            var studentsBeforeTest = new List <Student>(studentRepo.GetAll());
            var teamsBeforeTest    = new List <Team>(teamRepo.GetAll());

            var service = new StudentTeamService(studentRepo, teamRepo);

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.RemoveStudentFromTeam(t, s));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal("Student is not a member of the team", ex.Message);
            teamRepoMock.Verify(repo => repo.Update(It.Is <Team>(team => team == t)), Times.Never);

            // verify that repositories contains same objects as before act.
            Assert.Equal(studentsBeforeTest, studentRepoMock.Object.GetAll());
            Assert.Equal(teamsBeforeTest, teamRepoMock.Object.GetAll());