private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { float mid = -1, final = -1, other = -1, score = -1; float.TryParse(Mid.Text, out mid); if (mid < 0 || mid > 10) { NotiLabel.Text = "Mid-term score must be between 0 and 10."; return; } float.TryParse(Final.Text, out final); if (final < 0 || final > 10) { NotiLabel.Text = "Final-term score must be between 0 and 10."; return; } float.TryParse(Other.Text, out other); if (other < 0 || other > 10) { NotiLabel.Text = "Other score must be between 0 and 10."; return; } float.TryParse(Score.Text, out score); if (score < 0 || score > 10) { NotiLabel.Text = "Final score must be between 0 and 10."; return; } var newInfo = new Information(); newInfo.Id = sID.Text; newInfo.Info = new string[4]; newInfo.Info[0] = mid.ToString(); newInfo.Info[1] = final.ToString(); newInfo.Info[2] = other.ToString(); newInfo.Info[3] = score.ToString(); try { var service = new StudentServices(); string temp = $"Update BangDiem Set DiemGK = {newInfo.Info[0]}, DiemCK = {newInfo.Info[1]}, " + $"DiemKhac = {newInfo.Info[2]}, DiemTong = {newInfo.Info[3]}" + $"Where MSSV = '{newInfo.Id}' and MaLop = '{Class.Text}' and MaMon = '{Subject.Text}'"; MessageBox.Show(temp); if (service.InsertScoreToDB(newInfo, Class.Text, Subject.Text)) { Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show($"Score of this student cannot be update!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Score of this student cannot be update!!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } }
private void ImportButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StudentServices service = new StudentServices(); int i = 0; if (listViewInfo == ListViewInfo.Students) { try { service.InsertClassToDB(currClass); Classes.Items.Add(currClass); foreach (Information data in FileData) { try { service.InsertStudentToDB(data, currClass); i++; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Student with ID '{data.Id}' cannot be imported!!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Class '{currClass}' cannot be imported!!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } NotiLabel.Text = $"{i} student(s) have been imported to class '{currClass}' successfully."; } else if (listViewInfo == ListViewInfo.Schedule) { try { service.InsertClassToDB(currClass); Classes.Items.Add(currClass); } catch { } foreach (Information data in FileData) { try { service.InsertScheduleToDB(data, currClass); i++; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Subject with ID '{data.Id}' cannot be imported!!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } NotiLabel.Text = $"{i} subject(s) from schedule have been imported for class '{currClass}' successfully."; } else if (listViewInfo == ListViewInfo.Scoreboard) { try { service.InsertClassToDB(currClass); Classes.Items.Add(currClass); } catch { } foreach (Information data in FileData) { try { if (service.InsertScoreToDB(data, currClass, currSubject)) { i++; } else { MessageBox.Show($"Score of student with ID '{data.Id}' cannot be imported!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Score of student with ID '{data.Id}' cannot be imported!!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } NotiLabel.Text = $"{i} student(s)' score have been imported for class '{currClass}' successfully."; } ImportButton.Enabled = false; }