        protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * when the button login clicked run this code

            if (lg_username.Text == "" || lg_password.Text == "")
                 * if the username or password are empty then show error message
                errormsg.Text         = "Please Complete your account information";
                meassgaePanel.Visible = true;
            else if (!instructorAccount.Checked && !studentAccount.Checked)
                 * if non of the account type radio buttons checked then show error message
                errormsg.Text         = "Please Choose  your account type";
                meassgaePanel.Visible = true;
            else if (instructorAccount.Checked && lg_username.Text != "" && lg_password.Text != "")
                 * if the user checked the instructor and the username and password aren't empty then check for information and do the login

                meassgaePanel.Visible = false;                                         // hide the message panel
                instructors.Filter("InstructorID", lg_username.Text.ToString());       // filter the instructors list with the id the user filed
                if (instructors.List.Count == 1)                                       // if the id is correct the instructors list count should be 1
                    Instructor instructor = (Instructor)instructors.List.ElementAt(0); // get the instructor object from the list
                    instructors.Populate(instructor);                                  // populate the instructor
                    if (instructor.Password == lg_password.Text.ToString())            // if the password user filled is the same as the instructor object
                        Session["User"]    = instructor.getID();                       // create new session called User with the value of the id of the instructor
                        Session["Account"] = "Instructor";                             // create new Session called Account with  instructor as value this to make sure that the user dosen't visit pages not allwoed for him/her to visit
                        Response.Redirect("~/instructor/MainPage.aspx");               // redirect to main page of the instructor
                         * else show error message "password Wrong"
                        errormsg.Text         = "Wrong password, Please check your password and try again";
                        meassgaePanel.Visible = true;
                     * else show error message "User not found"
                    errormsg.Text         = "User Not Found, Please check your userId and account type and try again ";
                    meassgaePanel.Visible = true;
            else if (studentAccount.Checked && lg_username.Text != "" && lg_password.Text != "")
                 * if the user checked the student and the username and password aren't empty then check for information and do the login
                meassgaePanel.Visible = false;                             // hide the message panel
                students.Filter("StudentID", lg_username.Text);            // filter the students list with the id the user filed
                if (students.List.Count == 1)                              // if the id is correct the students list count should be 1
                    Student student = (Student)students.List.ElementAt(0); // get the student object from the list
                    students.Populate(student);                            // populate the student
                    if (student.Password == lg_password.Text)              // if the password user filled is the same as the student object
                        Session["User"]    = student.getID();              // create new session called User with the value of the id of the student
                        Session["Account"] = "Student";                    // create new Session called Account with student as value this to make sure that the user dosen't visit pages not allwoed for him/her to visit
                        Response.Redirect("~/student/MainPage.aspx");      // Redirect to student's main page
                         * else show error message "password Wrong"
                        errormsg.Text         = "Wrong password, Please check your password and try again";
                        meassgaePanel.Visible = true;
                     * else show error message "User not found"
                    errormsg.Text         = "User Not Found, Please check your userId and account type and try again ";
                    meassgaePanel.Visible = true;