private void BT_write_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //constraints according the student class structure if (TB_StudID.Text.ToString().Length > 4 || TB_StudID.Text.ToString().Length < 1) { throw new Exception("ID length must be 1-4 letters/digits"); } if (TB_RegNR.Text.ToString().Length > 2 || TB_RegNR.Text.ToString().Length < 1) { throw new Exception("Registration Number length must be one or two letters/digits"); } //chooses the right struct- int key or string key if (isint(TB_StudID.Text) == true) { StudCourseI SC = new StudCourseI(); SC.StudID = int.Parse(TB_StudID.Text); SC.RegNr = int.Parse(TB_RegNR.Text); SC.Key = SC.StudID * (int)(Math.Pow(10.0, SC.DigitCount(SC.RegNr))) + SC.RegNr; SC.FirstName = TB_FN.Text; SC.FamilyName = TB_LN.Text; SC.CourseName = TB_C.Text; SC.Grade = (TB_G.Text); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Write(SC.Key, SC); MessageBox.Show("Record was written succefully!", "Message"); Close(); } else { StudCourseC SC = new StudCourseC(); SC.StudID = int.Parse(TB_StudID.Text); SC.RegNr = int.Parse(TB_RegNR.Text); SC.Key = TB_StudID.Text + TB_RegNR.Text; SC.FirstName = TB_FN.Text; SC.FamilyName = TB_LN.Text; SC.CourseName = TB_C.Text; SC.Grade = (TB_G.Text); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Write(SC.Key, SC); MessageBox.Show("Record was written succefully!", "Message"); Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void BT_key_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ReedToUpdate.Checked == true) { if (did == false) { this.Height += 200; did = true; } try { TB_c.Enabled = false; TB_gr.Enabled = false; TB_rnr.Enabled = false; TB_sid.Enabled = false; TB_stun.Enabled = false; //chooses the right struct- int key or string key if (isint(TB_key.Text) == true) { if (isint(TB_key.Text)) { StudupdateI SC = new StudupdateI(); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Read(int.Parse(TB_key.Text), SC, 0); SC.StudID = int.Parse(TB_sid.Text); SC.RegNr = int.Parse(TB_rnr.Text); SC.Key = SC.StudID * (int)(Math.Pow(10.0, SC.DigitCount(SC.RegNr))) + SC.RegNr; SC.Name = TB_stun.Text; SC.CourseName = TB_c.Text; SC.Grade = TB_gr.Text; HashFileStat.HFStatic.Update(SC); MessageBox.Show("The record updated successfully! ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Close(); } else { StudupdateC SC = new StudupdateC(); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Read(int.Parse(TB_key.Text), SC, 0); SC.StudID = int.Parse(TB_sid.Text); SC.RegNr = int.Parse(TB_rnr.Text); SC.Key = TB_sid.Text + TB_rnr.Text; SC.Name = TB_stun.Text; SC.CourseName = TB_c.Text; SC.Grade = TB_gr.Text; HashFileStat.HFStatic.Update(SC); MessageBox.Show("The record updated successfully! ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Close(); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { if (did == false) { this.Height += 200; did = true; } try { if (TB_key.Text == "") { throw new Exception("הכנס מפתח!"); } TB_c.Enabled = false; TB_gr.Enabled = false; TB_rnr.Enabled = false; TB_sid.Enabled = false; TB_stun.Enabled = false; //chooses the right struct- int key or string key if (isint(TB_key.Text)) { StudCourseI SC = new StudCourseI(); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Read(int.Parse(TB_key.Text), SC, 0); TB_sid.Text = SC.StudID.ToString(); TB_rnr.Text = SC.RegNr.ToString(); TB_stun.Text = SC.FirstName + " " + SC.FamilyName; TB_c.Text = SC.CourseName; TB_gr.Text = SC.Grade.ToString(); } else { StudCourseC SC = new StudCourseC(); HashFileStat.HFStatic.Read(int.Parse(TB_key.Text), SC, 0); TB_sid.Text = SC.StudID.ToString(); TB_rnr.Text = SC.RegNr.ToString(); TB_stun.Text = SC.FirstName + " " + SC.FamilyName; TB_c.Text = SC.CourseName; TB_gr.Text = SC.Grade.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }