        /// <summary>
        /// Check cache dependencies. (Note: wrapped, so we can write tests guaranteeing we have the same implementation)
        /// </summary>
        internal static void IdentifyCacheDependencies(StructuredQuery query, QuerySqlBuilderSettings settings)
            // Note: if we are suppressing the root type check, then it means that the caller will be joining the query into a larger query.
            // (I.e. this is a security subquery in a secured report).
            // If that is the case, then the parent query will already be registering invalidation watches for the type of that node.
            // So we don't need to further add them for the security query as well.
            // This is an important optimisation because there are security reports that apply to all resources, and get joined into nodes that
            // are only for specific resource types. So without ignoring the root, we would basically invalidate every report as part of every entity change.

            StructuredQueryHelper.IdentifyResultCacheDependencies(query, false, settings.SuppressRootTypeCheck || settings.SupportRootIdFilter);