private void method_31() { int startIndex = this.int_1; while (true) { char ch2 = this.char_2[this.int_1]; if (ch2 != '\0') { char ch = this.char_2[this.int_1]; if (!this.method_30(ch)) { if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) && (ch != ':')) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Invalid JavaScript property identifier character: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ch)); } this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, this.int_1 - startIndex); return; } this.int_1++; } else { if (this.int_0 != this.int_1) { this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, this.int_1 - startIndex); return; } if (this.method_18(true) == 0) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected end while parsing unquoted property name."); } } } }
private void method_26() { if (this.class190_0 != null) { this.class190_0.Int32_0 = 0; } this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(); }
internal Struct29 method_11(Struct28 A_0, Class883 A_1) { if (A_0.method_0()) { return(new Struct29()); } Struct29 struct3 = new Struct29(); Struct28 struct4 = A_0.method_1(); bool flag = false; int num2 = -1; int num = 0; int count = A_1.list_0.Count; while (num < count) { Struct28 struct5 = A_1.list_0[num]; if ((!flag && (struct4.int_1 >= struct5.int_1)) && (struct4.int_1 < struct5.int_0)) { Struct30 struct6 = A_1.list_2[num]; struct6.method_3(struct4.int_1 - A_1.list_0[num].int_1); struct3.method_3(struct6); num2 = num; flag = true; } if ((flag && (struct4.int_0 > struct5.int_1)) && (struct4.int_0 <= struct5.int_0)) { if ((num < (count - 1)) && (struct4.int_0 < struct5.int_0)) { struct3.method_1(A_1.list_2[num]); } else if ((num < (count - 1)) && (struct4.int_0 == struct5.int_0)) { struct3.method_1(A_1.list_2[num + 1]); } else if (num2 == (count - 1)) { struct3.method_1(struct3.method_2()); } else { struct3.method_1(this.struct30_1); } } num++; } return(struct3); }
public static void smethod_1(IntPtr hWnd, Point location, Size size, Bitmap bitmap, byte opacity) { if (bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) { throw new ApplicationException("The bitmap must be 32ppp with alpha-channel."); } IntPtr dc = Class265.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr intPtr = Class265.CreateCompatibleDC(dc); IntPtr intPtr2 = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hObject = IntPtr.Zero; try { intPtr2 = bitmap.GetHbitmap(Color.FromArgb(0)); hObject = Class265.SelectObject(intPtr, intPtr2); Point empty = Point.Empty; Struct29 @struct = new Struct29 { byte_0 = Class410.byte_0, byte_1 = 0, byte_2 = opacity, byte_3 = Class410.byte_1 }; if (!Class265.UpdateLayeredWindow(hWnd, dc, ref location, ref size, intPtr, ref empty, 0, ref @struct, Class410.int_0)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } } finally { Class265.ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, dc); if (intPtr2 != IntPtr.Zero) { Class265.SelectObject(intPtr, hObject); Class265.DeleteObject(intPtr2); } Class265.DeleteDC(intPtr); } }
public static void smethod_2(IntPtr Handle, Bitmap bitmap, byte opacity, Point Location) { if (bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) { throw new ApplicationException("The bitmap must be 32bpp."); } IntPtr dc = Class265.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr intPtr = Class265.CreateCompatibleDC(dc); IntPtr intPtr2 = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hObject = IntPtr.Zero; try { intPtr2 = bitmap.GetHbitmap(Color.FromArgb(0)); hObject = Class265.SelectObject(intPtr, intPtr2); Size size = new Size(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); Point point = new Point(0, 0); Point point2 = Location; Struct29 @struct = default(Struct29); @struct.byte_0 = Class410.byte_0; @struct.byte_1 = 0; @struct.byte_2 = opacity; @struct.byte_3 = Class410.byte_1; Class265.UpdateLayeredWindow(Handle, dc, ref point2, ref size, intPtr, ref point, 0, ref @struct, Class410.int_0); } finally { Class265.ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, dc); if (intPtr2 != IntPtr.Zero) { Class265.SelectObject(intPtr, hObject); Class265.DeleteObject(intPtr2); } Class265.DeleteDC(intPtr); } }
public static extern bool UpdateLayeredWindow(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hdcDst, ref Point pptDst, ref Size psize, IntPtr hdcSrc, ref Point pprSrc, int crKey, ref Struct29 pblend, int dwFlags);
private void method_36() { int num2; char ch; if (!this.method_40("new")) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected content while parsing JSON."); } this.method_35(false); int startIndex = this.int_1; Label_0050: ch = this.char_2[this.int_1]; if (ch != '\0') { if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch)) { switch (ch) { case '\r': num2 = this.int_1; this.method_34(true); goto Label_00DA; case '\n': num2 = this.int_1; this.method_33(); goto Label_00DA; } if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) { num2 = this.int_1; this.int_1++; } else { if (ch != '(') { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected character while parsing constructor: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ch)); } num2 = this.int_1; } goto Label_00DA; } this.int_1++; goto Label_0050; } if (this.int_0 != this.int_1) { num2 = this.int_1; this.int_1++; } else { if (this.method_18(true) == 0) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected end while parsing constructor."); } goto Label_0050; } Label_00DA: this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, num2 - startIndex); string str = this.struct29_0.ToString(); this.method_35(false); if (this.char_2[this.int_1] != '(') { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected character while parsing constructor: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.char_2[this.int_1])); } this.int_1++; this.method_26(); base.SetToken(JsonToken.StartConstructor, str); }
private void method_22(char char_3) { int num4; char ch; char ch2; char ch4; int index = this.int_1; int startIndex = this.int_1; int num3 = this.int_1; Class190 class2 = null; goto Label_0299; Label_009B: ch2 = ch; index++; Label_0211: if (class2 == null) { class2 = this.method_14(); } this.method_23(class2, ch2, num3, num4); num3 = index; Label_0299: ch4 = this.char_2[index++]; if (ch4 > '\r') { switch (ch4) { case '"': case '\'': if (this.char_2[index - 1] != char_3) { goto Label_0299; } index--; if (startIndex == num3) { this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, index - startIndex); } else { if (class2 == null) { class2 = this.method_14(); } if (index > num3) { class2.method_1(this.char_2, num3, index - num3); } this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(class2.method_5(), 0, class2.Int32_0); } index++; this.int_1 = index; return; } if (ch4 != '\\') { goto Label_0299; } this.int_1 = index; if (!this.method_20(0, true)) { this.int_1 = index; throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unterminated string. Expected delimiter: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, char_3)); } num4 = index - 1; ch = this.char_2[index]; char ch5 = ch; if (ch5 > '\\') { if (ch5 <= 'f') { if (ch5 != 'b') { if (ch5 != 'f') { goto Label_02F8; } index++; ch2 = '\f'; } else { index++; ch2 = '\b'; } goto Label_0211; } switch (ch5) { case 'r': index++; ch2 = '\r'; goto Label_0211; case 't': index++; ch2 = '\t'; goto Label_0211; case 'u': index++; this.int_1 = index; ch2 = this.method_24(); if (!Class198.smethod_12(ch2)) { if (Class198.smethod_11(ch2)) { bool flag; do { flag = false; if (!this.method_20(2, true) || ((this.char_2[this.int_1] != '\\') || (this.char_2[this.int_1 + 1] != 'u'))) { ch2 = 0xfffd; } else { char ch3 = ch2; this.int_1 += 2; ch2 = this.method_24(); if (!Class198.smethod_12(ch2)) { if (Class198.smethod_11(ch2)) { ch3 = 0xfffd; flag = true; } else { ch3 = 0xfffd; } } if (class2 == null) { class2 = this.method_14(); } this.method_23(class2, ch3, num3, num4); num3 = this.int_1; } }while (flag); } } else { ch2 = 0xfffd; } index = this.int_1; goto Label_0211; case 'n': index++; ch2 = '\n'; goto Label_0211; } goto Label_02F8; } if (ch5 <= '\'') { switch (ch5) { case '"': case '\'': goto Label_009B; } goto Label_02F8; } if (ch5 != '/') { if (ch5 != '\\') { goto Label_02F8; } index++; ch2 = '\\'; goto Label_0211; } goto Label_009B; } switch (ch4) { case '\0': if (this.int_0 == (index - 1)) { index--; if (this.method_18(true) == 0) { this.int_1 = index; throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unterminated string. Expected delimiter: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, char_3)); } } break; case '\n': this.int_1 = index - 1; this.method_33(); index = this.int_1; break; case '\r': this.int_1 = index - 1; this.method_34(true); index = this.int_1; break; } goto Label_0299; Label_02F8: index++; this.int_1 = index; throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Bad JSON escape sequence: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"\" + ch)); }
private void method_38() { this.int_1++; if (!this.method_20(1, false) || (this.char_2[this.int_1] != '*')) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error parsing comment. Expected: *, got {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.char_2[this.int_1])); } this.int_1++; int startIndex = this.int_1; bool flag = false; while (!flag) { char ch = this.char_2[this.int_1]; if (ch <= '\n') { if (ch != '\0') { if (ch != '\n') { goto Label_00AF; } this.method_33(); } else if (this.int_0 == this.int_1) { if (this.method_18(true) == 0) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected end while parsing comment."); } } else { this.int_1++; } continue; } switch (ch) { case '\r': goto Label_0116; case '*': { this.int_1++; if (this.method_20(0, true) && (this.char_2[this.int_1] == '/')) { this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, (this.int_1 - startIndex) - 1); this.int_1++; flag = true; } continue; } } Label_00AF: this.int_1++; continue; Label_0116: this.method_34(true); } base.SetToken(JsonToken.Comment, this.struct29_0.ToString()); this.method_26(); }
private void method_37() { object obj2; JsonToken integer; this.method_17(); char c = this.char_2[this.int_1]; int startIndex = this.int_1; this.method_25(); this.struct29_0 = new Struct29(this.char_2, startIndex, this.int_1 - startIndex); bool flag = char.IsDigit(c) && (this.struct29_0.Int32_1 == 1); bool flag2 = (((c == '0') && (this.struct29_0.Int32_1 > 1)) && ((this.struct29_0.Char_0[this.struct29_0.Int32_0 + 1] != '.') && (this.struct29_0.Char_0[this.struct29_0.Int32_0 + 1] != 'e'))) && (this.struct29_0.Char_0[this.struct29_0.Int32_0 + 1] != 'E'); if (base.enum14_0 == Enum14.ReadAsInt32) { if (flag) { obj2 = c - '0'; } else if (flag2) { string str = this.struct29_0.ToString(); int num2 = str.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Convert.ToInt32(str, 0x10) : Convert.ToInt32(str, 8); obj2 = num2; } else { obj2 = Class181.smethod_15(this.struct29_0.Char_0, this.struct29_0.Int32_0, this.struct29_0.Int32_1); } integer = JsonToken.Integer; } else if (base.enum14_0 == Enum14.ReadAsDecimal) { if (flag) { obj2 = c - 48M; } else if (flag2) { string str2 = this.struct29_0.ToString(); long num3 = str2.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Convert.ToInt64(str2, 0x10) : Convert.ToInt64(str2, 8); obj2 = Convert.ToDecimal(num3); } else { obj2 = decimal.Parse(this.struct29_0.ToString(), NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } integer = JsonToken.Float; } else if (flag) { obj2 = ((long)c) - 0x30L; integer = JsonToken.Integer; } else if (flag2) { string str4 = this.struct29_0.ToString(); obj2 = str4.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Convert.ToInt64(str4, 0x10) : Convert.ToInt64(str4, 8); integer = JsonToken.Integer; } else { long num4; Enum18 enum2 = Class181.smethod_16(this.struct29_0.Char_0, this.struct29_0.Int32_0, this.struct29_0.Int32_1, out num4); switch (enum2) { case Enum18.Success: obj2 = num4; integer = JsonToken.Integer; goto Label_032C; case Enum18.Invalid: { string s = this.struct29_0.ToString(); if (base.floatParseHandling_0 == FloatParseHandling.Decimal) { obj2 = decimal.Parse(s, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { obj2 = Convert.ToDouble(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } integer = JsonToken.Float; goto Label_032C; } case Enum18.Overflow: obj2 = BigInteger.Parse(this.struct29_0.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); integer = JsonToken.Integer; goto Label_032C; } if (enum2 != Enum18.Overflow) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unknown error parsing integer."); } obj2 = BigInteger.Parse(this.struct29_0.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); integer = JsonToken.Integer; } Label_032C: this.method_26(); base.SetToken(integer, obj2); }