private void AddStrokes_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Stroke stroke = s.Clone(); Stroke[] strokeArray = { s }; AddStrokes(); }
protected void DrawLeapTouch(Leap.Frame frame) { InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox; if (frame.Pointables.Extended().Count != 1) { return; } Pointable pointable = frame.Pointables.Extended()[0]; // InteractionBox を利用した座標変換 Leap.Vector normalizedPosition = interactionBox.NormalizePoint(pointable.StabilizedTipPosition); double tx = normalizedPosition.x * windowWidth; double ty = windowHeight - normalizedPosition.y * windowHeight; StylusPoint touchPoint = new StylusPoint(tx, ty); StylusPointCollection tips = new StylusPointCollection(new StylusPoint[] { touchPoint }); // タッチ状態 if (normalizedPosition.z <= TouchBorder) { Stroke touchStroke = new Stroke(tips, touchIndicator); this.InkCanvas_LeapPaintLine.Strokes.Add(touchStroke.Clone()); } }
protected override void OnDraw(DrawingContext drawingContext, StylusPointCollection stylusPoints, Geometry geometry, Brush fillBrush) { var str = new Stroke(stylusPoints); var mat = new Matrix(); int teiler = (int)Math.Pow(2, InkCanvas.Multiplier); str.Draw(drawingContext, this.DrawingAttributes); if (!InkCanvas.LiveRender) { return; } var cx =; var cy =; for (int i = 0; i < teiler; i++) { mat.RotateAt(360.0 / teiler, cx, cy); str = str.Clone(); str.Transform(mat, false); str.Draw(drawingContext, this.DrawingAttributes); } str = str.Clone(); mat.ScaleAt(-1, 1, cx, cy); str.Transform(mat, false); str.Draw(drawingContext, this.DrawingAttributes); mat = new Matrix(); for (int i = 0; i < teiler; i++) { mat.RotateAt(360.0 / teiler, cx, cy); str = str.Clone(); str.Transform(mat, false); str.Draw(drawingContext, this.DrawingAttributes); } }
public void UpdateStrokeForFocused(Stroke stroke) { if (_selected.Count != 1) { return; } FileChanged = true; _selected[0].Stroke = (Stroke)stroke.Clone(); _container.Invalidate(); }
// 复制 object ICloneable.Clone() { Segment seg = new Segment(); seg.X1 = X1; seg.Y1 = Y1; seg.X2 = X2; seg.Y2 = Y2; seg.Stroke = Stroke.Clone(); return(seg); }
public override void MouseUp(Point point, CustomStrokeCollection strokes) { if (ActiveStroke != null) { strokes.Remove(ActiveStroke); var clone = ActiveStroke.Clone(); strokes.Add(clone); ((CustomStroke)clone).Select(); EditionSocket.AddStroke(((Savable)clone).toJson()); Editeur.instance.Do(new NewStroke(((CustomStroke)clone).Id.ToString(), ((Savable)clone).toJson())); } IsDrawing = false; this.FirstAnchorPointId = null; }
/// <summary> /// Clones shape style. /// </summary> /// <returns>The new instance of the <see cref="ShapeStyle"/> class.</returns> public ShapeStyle Clone() { return(new ShapeStyle() { Name = Name, Stroke = Stroke.Clone(), Fill = Fill.Clone(), Thickness = Thickness, LineCap = LineCap, Dashes = Dashes, DashOffset = 0.0, LineStyle = _lineStyle.Clone(), TextStyle = _textStyle.Clone(), StartArrowStyle = _startArrowStyle.Clone(), EndArrowStyle = _endArrowStyle.Clone() }); }
protected virtual void CloneTo(DDObject target) { target.X = X; target.Y = Y; target.Width = Width; target.Height = Height; if (Fill != null) { target.Fill = Fill.Clone(); } if (Stroke != null) { target.Stroke = Stroke.Clone(); } target.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness; //TODO: Add more when needed! }
protected virtual void CopyToCLR(Shape target) { Canvas.SetLeft(target, X); Canvas.SetTop(target, Y); target.Width = Width; target.Height = Height; if (Fill != null) { target.Fill = Fill.Clone(); } if (Stroke != null) { target.Stroke = Stroke.Clone(); } target.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness; //TODO: Add more when needed! }
/// <summary> /// Clones arrow style. /// </summary> /// <returns>The new instance of the <see cref="ArrowStyle"/> class.</returns> public ArrowStyle Clone() { return(new ArrowStyle() { Name = Name, Stroke = Stroke.Clone(), Fill = Fill.Clone(), Thickness = Thickness, LineCap = LineCap, Dashes = Dashes, DashOffset = DashOffset, ArrowType = _arrowType, IsStroked = _isStroked, IsFilled = _isFilled, RadiusX = _radiusX, RadiusY = _radiusY }); }
private void inkcanvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (drawCanvas.myCanvas.EditingMode == InkCanvasEditingMode.None) { if (st != null) { drawCanvas.myCanvas.Strokes.Remove(st); drawCanvas.myCanvas.Strokes.Add(st.Clone()); } IsDrawing = false; StreamResourceInfo sri = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources/PointerImage/unselected_pointer.cur", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); Cursor customCursor = new Cursor(sri.Stream); drawCanvas.myCanvas.Cursor = customCursor; } //笔触记录 drawCanvas.strokeList.Add(theNumberOfStrokIndex); }
// <Snippet5> // <Snippet22> Stroke GetLittleRedStroke(Stroke theStroke) { // Copy the incoming stroke Stroke sCopy = theStroke.Clone(); // Scale it by 50% Matrix xform = new Matrix(); xform.Scale(0.5, 0.5); sCopy.Transform(xform, false); // Color it red sCopy.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Red; // Return the new stroke return(sCopy); }
public override void MouseUp(Point point, CustomStrokeCollection strokes) { if (ActiveStroke != null) { strokes.Remove(ActiveStroke); var clone = ActiveStroke.Clone(); if (clone is TextStroke) { ((TextStroke)clone).showBorder = false; } strokes.Add(clone); ((CustomStroke)clone).Select(); EditionSocket.AddStroke(((Savable)clone).toJson()); Editeur.instance.Do(new NewStroke(((CustomStroke)clone).Id.ToString(), ((Savable)clone).toJson())); } IsDrawing = false; }
/// <summary> /// Clones the Stroq. This does as deep a clone as it can manage--properties are Cloned if they are ICloneable, but simply copied otherwise. /// Callbacks are *not* copied over. (For now. Is this the right decision?) However, if properties are IStroqCloneable, AfterClone will be /// called on the cloned property so it can fix callbacks, etc. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Stroq Clone() { Dictionary <Guid, object> sprops = new Dictionary <Guid, object>(_strokeProperties.Count); foreach (var sp in _strokeProperties) { ICloneable pval = sp.Value as ICloneable; sprops[sp.Key] = pval == null ? sp.Value : (object)pval.Clone(); } Dictionary <Guid, SortedDictionary <int, object> > ptprops = new Dictionary <Guid, SortedDictionary <int, object> >(_ptProperties.Count); foreach (var pp in _ptProperties) { ptprops[pp.Key] = new SortedDictionary <int, object>(); foreach (var prop in pp.Value) { ICloneable pval = prop.Value as ICloneable; ptprops[pp.Key][prop.Key] = pval == null ? prop.Value : (object)pval.Clone(); } } return(new Stroq(_backingStroke.Clone(), sprops, ptprops, this)); }
/// <summary> /// Analyze a new stroke. /// </summary> /// <param name="stroke"></param> /// <returns>true if the stroke was recognized as belonging to a graph (and so should be excluded from InkAnalyzer)</returns> public bool newStroke(Stroke stroke) { if (strokes.ContainsKey(stroke)) { // already have it! return(true); } foreach (Graph g in graphs) { if (g.containsStroke(stroke) && g.takeStroke(stroke)) { strokes.Add(stroke, g); return(true); } } Stroke copy = stroke.Clone(); analyzer.AddStroke(copy); analyzer.Analyze(); StrokeCollection sc = new StrokeCollection(new Stroke[] { copy }); ContextNodeCollection ctxNodes = analyzer.FindInkLeafNodes(sc); foreach (ContextNode ctxNode in ctxNodes) { if (ctxNode is InkDrawingNode && (ctxNode as InkDrawingNode).GetShapeName() == "Rectangle") { Graph g = new XYGraph(this, stroke); graphs.Add(g); strokes.Add(stroke, g); analyzer.RemoveStroke(copy); return(true); } } analyzer.RemoveStroke(copy); return(false); }
public ComplexStroke(Stroke stroke) { BaseStroke = stroke.Clone(); UpdateComplexPoints(); }
/// <summary> /// Отпускание кнопки мышки /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ContainerMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // если мышь была захвачена if (!_container.Capture) { return; } // освобождаем захват мышки _container.Capture = false; // если нажата левая кнопка if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { var rect = _ribbonRect; Figure figure; switch (EditorMode) { case EditorMode.Selection: // нормализация параметров для прямоугольника выбора // добавляем все фигуры, которые оказались охваченными прямоугольником выбора // в список выбранных фигур foreach (var fig in _figures.Where(fig => rect.Contains(Rectangle.Ceiling(fig.Bounds)))) { _selected.Add(fig); } if (_selected.Count > 0) { Focus(_selected[0]); } break; // перетаскивание выбранных фигур "мышкой" case EditorMode.Dragging: if (CurrentMarker == null) { FileChanged = true; // перебираем все выделенные фигуры и смещаем foreach (var fig in _selected) { fig.UpdateLocation(_mouseOffset); } _container.Invalidate(); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); } else if (CurrentMarker is ISizeMarker) // тянут за размерный маркер { FileChanged = true; // перебираем все выделенные фигуры и меняем размер foreach (var fig in _selected) { fig.UpdateSize(_mouseOffset, CurrentMarker); } _container.Invalidate(); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); } else if ((CurrentMarker is VertexLocationMarker) && _selected.Count == 1) // тянут за маркер узла { FileChanged = true; var fig = _selected[0]; fig.UpdateSize(_mouseOffset, CurrentMarker); _container.Invalidate(); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); } break; //TODO Сделать что-то с этой "лестницей" case EditorMode.AddLine: figure = new Polyline(MouseDownLocation, _mouseOffset) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; case EditorMode.AddPolygon: figure = new Polygon(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(), Fill = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; case EditorMode.AddRectangle: figure = new Rect(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(), Fill = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; case EditorMode.AddSquare: figure = new Square(rect.Location, new Point(Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height), Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height))) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(), Fill = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; case EditorMode.AddEllipse: figure = new Oval(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(), Fill = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; case EditorMode.AddCircle: figure = new Circle(rect.Location, new Point(Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height), Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height))) { Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(), Fill = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone() }; AddFigure(figure); OnEditorFarConnerUpdated(); break; } } // возвращаем режим EditorMode = EditorMode.Selection; // обнуление прямоугольника выбора _ribbonRect = Rectangle.Empty; _pt1 = _pt2 = Point.Empty; _container.Invalidate(); }