public User Update(Guid id, string name, string email, string preferredCulture) { if (id == Guid.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("Id must have a value"); } var user = this.Get(id); if (user == null) { return(null); } this.CheckEmailAvailable(email, id); user.Name = name; user.Email = email; user.PreferredCulture = preferredCulture; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Id", user.Id); args.Add("UserName", user.Name); args.Add("UserEmail", user.Email); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <GeneralEvent>(new GeneralEvent("UserUpdateEvent", args)); return(user); }
public Group Create(string name, bool usePermissions) { if (this.Exists(name, null)) { var ex = new StrixMembershipException(string.Format("A group with name {0} already exists", name)); Logger.Log(ex.Message, ex, LogLevel.Fatal); throw ex; } var currentUserId = StrixPlatform.User.Id; if (currentUserId == null) { throw new StrixMembershipException("No active user"); } var group = new Group(Guid.NewGuid(), name); group.UsePermissions = usePermissions; group = this._dataSource.Save(group); if (group == null) { Logger.Log(string.Format("An error occurred while creating group {0}", group.Name), LogLevel.Error); } else { var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Id", group.Id); args.Add("GroupName", group.Name); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <GeneralEvent>(new GeneralEvent("GroupCreateEvent", args)); } return(group); }
public Group Update(Guid id, string name, bool usePermissions) { if (this.Exists(name, id)) { var ex = new StrixMembershipException(string.Format("A group with name {0} already exists", name)); Logger.Log(ex.Message, ex, LogLevel.Fatal); throw ex; } var currentUserId = StrixPlatform.User.Id; if (currentUserId == null) { throw new StrixMembershipException("No active user"); } var group = this.Get(id); if (group != null) { if (group.Name.ToLower() != name.ToLower()) { group.Name = name; } group.UsePermissions = usePermissions; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Id", group.Id); args.Add("GroupName", group.Name); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <GeneralEvent>(new GeneralEvent("GroupUpdateEvent", args)); } return(group); }
public virtual TModel GetCached(string url, string permissionKey = null) { TModel entity = null; var currentCulture = StrixPlatform.CurrentCultureCode; var cacheKey = string.Format(CmsConstants.CONTENTPERCULTURE, typeof(TModel).Name) + permissionKey; // First, try to get the content from the cache. If it is not there, retrieve it from // the database and add it to the cache. var tupleList = this._cache[cacheKey] as List <Tuple <string, string, dynamic> >; if (tupleList != null) { var tuple = tupleList.Where(tu => tu.Item1.ToLower() == url.ToLower() && tu.Item2 == currentCulture).FirstOrDefault(); entity = tuple != null ? tuple.Item3 : null; } if (entity == null) { entity = this.Get(url); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <CacheEntityModelEvent <TModel> >(new CacheEntityModelEvent <TModel>(entity)); if (tupleList == null) { tupleList = new List <Tuple <string, string, dynamic> >(); } tupleList.Add(new Tuple <string, string, dynamic>(url, currentCulture, entity)); this._cache[cacheKey] = tupleList; } return(entity); }
public void Initialize() { StrixPlatform.WriteStartupMessage("Check and create the application."); this.InitApplication(); StrixPlatform.WriteStartupMessage("Check and create the main group."); this.InitMainGroup(); StrixPlatform.WriteStartupMessage("Check and create the admin user."); this.InitAdminUser(); StrixPlatform.WriteStartupMessage("Check and create the application permissions."); this.InitPermissions(); }
public User Create(string name, string email, string preferredCulture, string password, bool isApproved, bool acceptedTerms, string registrationComment) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("email"); } this.CheckEmailAvailable(email); User user = this._dataSource.Query <User>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email.ToLower() == email.ToLower()); if (user == null) { CheckPassword(password); var encodedPassword = this._securityManager.EncodePassword(password); user = new User(Guid.NewGuid(), email, name); user.PreferredCulture = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(preferredCulture) ? StrixPlatform.CurrentCultureCode : preferredCulture; user.DateAcceptedTerms = acceptedTerms ? (DateTime?)DateTime.Now : null; var security = new UserSecurity(user.Id); security.Password = encodedPassword; security.Approved = isApproved || StrixMembership.Configuration.Registration.AutoApproveUsers; security.RegistrationComment = registrationComment; var session = new UserSessionStorage(user.Id); user = this._dataSource.Save(user); security = this._dataSource.Save(security); session = this._dataSource.Save(session); if (security == null || session == null) { user = null; } } if (user != null) { var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("Id", user.Id); args.Add("UserName", user.Name); args.Add("UserEmail", user.Email); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <GeneralEvent>(new GeneralEvent("UserCreateEvent", args)); } return(user); }
public override IEnumerable List(FilterOptions filter) { if (!typeof(EntityViewModel).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TModel))) { return(base.List(filter)); } var map = EntityHelper.GetObjectMap(typeof(TModel)); var culture = StrixPlatform.CurrentCultureCode.ToLower(); IQueryable query = this.Manager.Query(map.ContentType).Where("Culture.ToLower().Equals(@0) AND IsCurrentVersion", culture); var queryEvent = new PrepareQueryEvent(query, filter); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent(queryEvent); query = queryEvent.Query; return(query.Map(map.ListModelType)); }
private bool SendMail(string culture, string message, string email, Dictionary <string, string> tokens) { tokens.Add("[[SITENAME]]", StrixPlatform.Configuration.ApplicationName); tokens.Add("[[BASEURL]]", this.GetBaseUrl(culture)); var templateDir = StrixMembership.Configuration.MailTemplateFolder; var directory = StrixPlatform.Environment.MapPath(templateDir); var template = this._fileSystemWrapper.GetHtmlTemplate(directory, "MailTemplate", culture).FirstOrDefault(); var mail = this._fileSystemWrapper.GetHtmlTemplate(directory, message, culture).FirstOrDefault(); if (template == null) { Logger.Log(string.Format("No template {0} found for culture {1}", message, culture)); } // Raise an event to allow the mail information to be replaced. var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("TemplateName", message); args.Add("Culture", culture); args.Add("Template", template.Body); args.Add("Body", mail.Body); args.Add("Subject", mail.Subject); args.Add("Tokens", tokens); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent <GeneralEvent>(new GeneralEvent("SendMembershipMailEvent", args)); template.Body = (string)args["Template"]; mail.Body = (string)args["Body"]; mail.Subject = (string)args["Subject"]; mail.Body = Tokenizer.ReplaceTokens(mail.Body, tokens); template.Body = template.Body.Replace("[[CONTENT]]", mail.Body); mail.Subject = Tokenizer.ReplaceTokens(mail.Subject, tokens); var mailSettings = Helpers.GetConfigSectionGroup <MailSettingsSectionGroup>(""); string from = mailSettings.Smtp.From; return(this._mailer.SendMail(from, email, mail.Subject, template.Body)); }
public SearchResult Search(FilterOptions options) { if (options == null) { options = new FilterOptions(); } var culture = StrixPlatform.CurrentCultureCode; var result = new SearchResult(); result.Locators = PageRegistration.ContentLocators; var typesTosearch = EntityHelper.EntityTypes.Where(e => e.Name != typeof(MailContentTemplate).FullName && e.Name != typeof(MailContent).FullName).ToList(); var itemsToSkip = options.PageSize == 1 ? 0 : options.PageSize * (options.Page - 1); // Todo: make configurable. var itemsToGet = options.PageSize == 0 ? 100 : options.PageSize; foreach (var entityType in typesTosearch) { var entryType = EntityHelper.GetEntityType(entityType.Id); var query = this._source.Query(entryType).Where("Culture.Equals(@0) AND IsCurrentVersion", culture); var queryEvent = new PrepareQueryEvent(query, options, false); StrixPlatform.RaiseEvent(queryEvent); query = queryEvent.Query; if (itemsToGet > 0) { if (entryType.Equals(typeof(Html))) { var htmlTypeName = typeof(Html).FullName; var htmlLocators = PageRegistration.ContentLocators.Where(l => l.ContentTypeName == htmlTypeName); var htmlQuery = query.Cast <Html>().Select(h => new { Name = h.Name, Url = h.Entity.Url }).ToList().Select(h => new { Name = h.Name, Url = htmlLocators.Where(l => l.ContentUrl.ToLower() == h.Url.ToLower()).Select(l => l.PageUrl).FirstOrDefault() }); query = htmlQuery.GroupBy(h => h.Url).Select(h => new Html { Name = h.Select(i => i.Url.ToTitleCase()).First(), Entity = new PlatformEntity { Id = Guid.Empty, Url = h.Select(i => i.Url).First() } }).AsQueryable(); } int addedItems = 0; var entries = query.Skip(itemsToSkip).Take(itemsToGet).Select <SearchItem>("new (Entity.Id, Name, Entity.Url)").ToList(); foreach (var entry in entries) { entry.TypeName = entryType.FullName; result.Data.Add(entry); addedItems++; } options.Total = 0; itemsToGet -= addedItems; } var queryCount = query.Count(); itemsToSkip -= queryCount; if (itemsToSkip < 0) { itemsToSkip = 0; } result.Total += queryCount; } return(result); }